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Chapter 350 Do not give up

 At the Shiba Residence, Akechi Mitsuhide was overjoyed. The news from Sakai Minato and the Asai family came at just the right time.

Maeda Yoshida and the other four had gone back for a few days, and Todo Toradaka must have rushed to the Asai family to report the news, asking her family to ask for help from the shogunate.

Takada Harano also responded quickly and immediately informed the shogunate of the latest military situation.

The Ashikaga family was at a loss for skills, so they had to set up a trap with Yukino Takada to once again gain the initiative in the secret fight between the two families.

But due to the changes in the Miyoshi family and the Rokkaku family, Ashikaga Yoshiteru became more passive than before.

The ministers and local powerful factions were able to remain neutral and sit on the sidelines during the tit-for-tat in Lisboa, because the matter had nothing to do with them.

But after learning these two pieces of news, all parties in the shogunate could no longer tolerate the general's willful behavior.

The Sanhao family invaded Jinji twice, causing heavy losses to each family.

The Rokkaku family is close at hand, and any expansion ambitions will threaten the survival of the shogunate.

When these two external threats were about to take action, the shogun within the shogunate was still coercing the Shiba family, intending to force Shiba Yoshino to marry.

The internal fighting within the shogunate continues. Is this creating opportunities for foreign enemies?

Ashikaga Yoshiteru's insistent actions have affected the fundamental interests of all samurai families in the shogunate.

At this time, the Shiba family only needs to keep silent, and Ashikaga Yoshiteru cannot hold on for a few days.

Even if the girl Da Ootai loves is very passionate, she can no longer let her do whatever she wants.

Because the Ashikaga family themselves could no longer tolerate it, the interests of the family were higher than the personal will of the shogun.

In the meeting hall of Shiba's mansion, Mitsuhide Akechi was so excited that he analyzed the situation in a low voice to Yoshihiro Shiba who was sitting in the chair.

In the room, there is Yamanaka Yukimori sitting at the bottom, and Tsuru Chiyo is serving behind the lord.

After Akechi Mitsuhide finished speaking, he looked up at Shiba Yiyin, only to see his brows furrowed and his heart pounding.

He spoke.

"Lord, please don't be impulsive.

Mr. Gongfang will definitely give in if he cannot support the spring plowing.

During the days after entering Beijing, my family and the Ashikaga family had several confrontations, and finally it was the critical moment of harvest.

As long as the Ashikaga family is suppressed this time, the Shiba family will have a lot to do in the near future."

According to Mitsuhide Akechi, the Shiba family has made a lot of money this time.

Hosokawa Fujitaka kicked away his mother who was unwilling to ally with the Shiba family, and led the Hosokawa Mibuchi family to form a community of interests with the Shiba family.

The actions of Miyoshi and Rokkaku made the ministers frightened and very disappointed with the general's willfulness.

Some shogunate officials began to secretly contact the Shiba family, seeking protection from the Shiba family, the most powerful force in the shogunate.

The Shiba family has already gained advantages among local powerful factions and shogunate ministers, and can completely suppress the Ashikaga family in the shogunate and go one step further.

Wouldn't it be nice to go to Kanto to avoid marriage, directly block the Ashikaga family's idea of ​​marriage, and then suppress the shogun to expand the family business in recent times?

She didn't understand at all, what was the Lord worried about?

How can Takada Yukino be compared to the Shiba family's family fortune?

Ignore the general's orders and just order her to commit suicide.

Shiba Yiyin's heart was in a mess, and his thoughts were confused.

When the general reached this point, he still refused to give in and resorted to tricks to torture Yukino, which made him feel very angry.

Everyone thought he had the upper hand, but in fact he ran out of time.

Terutora Uesugi couldn't wait for the spring plowing, and he couldn't even wait a few days before leaving Kyoto and returning to Echigo via the Hokuriku Road.

The duties of the governor of Kantō must be settled in these days. Without his status as an envoy, he had no valid reason to follow Terutora Uesugi to Kantō.

Even if they go by force, there is no reason to convince Shiba's retainers to support the Kanto strategy.

To open up the new territory of Guandong, we need his imperial flag, and even more, the name of the leader of Guandong.

Only in this way can we naturally get a new leader recognized within the guardian system.

Only then can there be enough benefits to arouse the greed of Sibo's retainers and gain support from several aspects.

Without the title of leader of Guandong, the future of Guandong is hopeless. The consequences in recent years are unpredictable and it is a dilemma.

Both the Takeda and Hojo families were powerful daimyo, but Uesugi Teruhora could not reach the territory of Echigo, so it was very difficult to conquer Kanto.

Without the aura blessing of the Kanto leader, the probability of success is very low.

The Nagao family conquered Echigo from below, and its foundation was unstable. It was difficult to win over the samurai family in Echigo alone, let alone the ten kingdoms of Kanto.

The Kanto generals and Kanto administrators were all defeated by the Hojo family, and the ten kingdoms of Kanto were already in disarray.

At this time, whoever is authorized by the Ashikaga Shogunate will have enough status to unite the confused Kanto samurai family and fight against the Hojo family.

As the Hojo family expands its territory, the interests of samurai families in various countries will inevitably be harmed, and they are unwilling to do so.

If Teruhora Uesugi can unite the Kanto samurai families with great justice, we will have a greater chance of conquering Kanto.

Therefore, he must help Uesugi Teruotora obtain the Kanto leader so that he can have a reason to follow her to Kanto and complete the mission.

Lest one day, inexplicably because of Teruhora Uesugi's death in Kanto, he would be punished by the system and his appearance would be reduced to zero.

Somehow, he felt that the world had extremely high demands on his appearance.

It's like there are countless pairs of eyes observing him from hidden corners that cannot be seen. Once his appearance declines, he will end up in a terrible state, and even the creator cannot save him.

The general can grit his teeth and hold on until the spring plowing, but he has no time.

He didn't have the money to bet on how long the general could hold out before surrendering, and he actually couldn't afford to lose.

He considers everything in Kanto from a utilitarian point of view. But regardless of Uesugi Teruhu, he will still rescue Yukino.

From the Wu family's perspective, his choice was unbelievable and incomprehensible.

Before coming to this world, he lived until middle age in his previous life, and his entire worldview had been finalized.

People in this world live in the feudal era and cannot understand the thoughts of people in modern society, which makes him often feel lonely.

Da Ootai thinks that he has the nature of a man and the benevolence of a husband.

Only Yiyin himself knows that the values ​​​​from his previous life are deeply rooted in his bones, and he treats people too seriously.

In the feudal era, materials were scarce and survival was difficult. The ancients made good use of the jungle law of survival of the fittest.

Japan was barren, and the samurai society was extremely inhumane.

I would like to ask the Wu family, which ancestor is not an ungrateful person and has not betrayed several relatives and friends?

Morality? Human nature? Can it be used as food? Can the family continue to reproduce?

Being despicable and shameless, doing anything to survive, this is the normal state of Wu family society.

As long as the family business can be continued, let alone sacrifice Takada Yukino. If the benefits are sufficient, parents, sisters, children, relatives and friends, who cannot be sacrificed?

Selfishness is something that warriors consider to be a natural thing, but Yiyin finds it difficult to accept it.

He will never become a true samurai because his values ​​are different from those of the samurai warriors in this world.

Yiyin is proud of himself. He comes from a civilized modern society and looks down on these barbaric ancient people from the bottom of his heart.

Rule the earth with violence and murder, deceive each other with lies and cunning.

In order to survive, I, Sibo Yiyin, have no choice but to join in with you, killing innocent people for our own selfish interests and turning a blind eye to the cruelty.

But I still look down on you, and I don’t want to become like you.

Although I can't change the world, I strive to move up and increase my power.

Just to protect the people around me that I value when I can, so that no matter where I look, I can't see the Wu family's evildoings.

It was his single-handed planning to transform Harano Yukino from a servant into a Samurai Hime. He was the original team he created when Owari was in the most difficult situation.

They were loyal to him, obedient, and served him wholeheartedly, just like they treated their father and brother.

Although as the Shiba family grows, the value of the Takada sisters decreases, and they are almost insignificant to the Shiba family.

However, they are loyal to themselves, love themselves, and devote their body and mind to themselves.

How could Yi Gin bear to watch Yukino die!

Yiyin said solemnly.

"I want to save Yukino."

Akechi Mitsuhide sighed, the master was indeed soft-hearted, and he lowered himself to the ground to dissuade him.

"My lord, think twice. The rise and fall of Sibo depends on this one move. Don't lose the big because of the small."

Yoshigami shook his head, looked at Yamanaka Yukimori and said.

"Do you still remember when we were ambushed in Hanoi and you cut off the rear without authorization?"

Yamazaka Yukimori fell to the ground and replied.

“I will never forget the Lord’s saving grace.”

Yoshihiro turned to Mitsuhide Akechi and said.

"Abandonment will slowly become a habit.

Today I can abandon Yukino for the Shiba family, and tomorrow I can abandon you, abandon Yamanaka Yukimori, and abandon everyone.

I am very afraid that I will become that kind of person and abandon you who follow me to revive the Shiba family.

Therefore, as long as you serve me faithfully, I will not abandon you, not even one of you."

Yoshigami's categorical words made Yamanaka Yukimori burst into tears while lying on the ground, and Tsurachiyo clenched her fists behind him.

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Yoshiun's serious face, as if there was a holy light shining, illuminating her dark heart and hurting her sinister thoughts.

She sat upright and kowtowed to the ground. This was the white moonlight in her heart.

I will never regret worshiping Yiyin in this life.

This chapter has been completed!
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