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Chapter 351 The Big Picture

 Everyone living in the Wu family society is in pain.

In this barren island country, with a shortage of supplies and extreme involution, everyone is struggling to survive.

I once heard someone say that the population of Japan's Warring States Period has been growing, while the population growth rate of the motherland has been declining, so Japan's Warring States Period was happier than the motherland.

I can't agree.

Indiscriminate killing of the population and destruction of production tools during wars will lead to the destruction of productivity, famine and population decline.

Japan's frequent, low-intensity wars during the Warring States Period did not destroy productivity.

On the contrary, due to the needs of struggle, more emphasis was placed on productivity and the introduction of foreign high-yielding crops, resulting in an increase in population.

But does population growth necessarily mean happiness? Then why is the population growth rate low in some high-welfare countries?

As productivity increases, people will definitely be happy? Wouldn’t 996,007 die of happiness?

During Japan's Warring States Period, it was true that productivity was developed and the population increased, but cruel and troubled times would not make people happy.

I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times. If anyone goes back to that era, he will be in the same pain as Yiyin.

I am sorry to be born as a human being. There are wolves, tigers and leopards all around, all of them will lead the beasts to eat people.

It is too difficult to want to be a human being instead of an animal.

The high-level warriors are deceitful, the lower-level warriors have no bottom line, and the common people are reduced to pigs and dogs.

Everyone has torn their conscience as human beings, and all they want is to survive. Let others die and let themselves live.

Even if he wants to save Yukino, who is loyal to him, Yoshihiro must come up with a set of logic acceptable to the selfish samurai in order to pass the test.

The reason for convincing Mitsuhide Akechi was to use her words to persuade the Shiba retainers.

Otherwise, even if Yukino is saved, Shiba's retainers will be dissatisfied afterwards and will be a threat to themselves and Yukino.

This world makes people feel tired and desperate.

As for the Wu family outside, they probably have to laugh at his husband's benevolence and miss a good opportunity. There is no good person in the Wu family.

If Yiyin wants to compromise, he cannot have the final say alone.

In the current situation, compromising with the Ashikaga family means sacrificing the interests of the Shiba family. How can the Hime Samurai group at home agree to this?

For a little Yukino Takada, there must be a reasonable explanation for giving up the great opportunity to suppress the Ashikaga family and expand the interests of the Shiba family.

Yoshihiro is just the leader and interest representative of the Shiba family and the Shiba Ji Knights that he revived.

Although he single-handedly created this Wu family interest group and has certain decision-making power, he cannot violate the fundamental interests of this group.

Whether you are helping Uesugi Teruator conquer Kanto or rescuing Takada Yukino from the Ashikaga family, you must get the support of the retainers.

In fact, the situation within the Spo family is already very good.

Because Yiyin had great military exploits and the leaders of various factions coveted him, he had considerable autonomy as the governor of the family.

But even so, in order to bow to the Ashikaga family, in addition to making concessions to Ashikaga Yoshiteru, we also need to seek understanding from internal forces.

In other words, his authority will be weakened both internally and externally, and he will pay a huge price.

Akechi Mitsuhide lowered his head and thought.

The Lord's negotiation with the Ashikaga family this time does not necessarily require being humble. There is room for maneuver both internally and externally.

The Wu family is cunning and lacks integrity. They always put interests first in everything they do and do, and they break agreements and discard promises at every turn.

Yoshigan stated that he would not abandon a retainer, and fulfilled his promise twice with Yamanaka Yukimori and Takada Yukino.

This can actually be packaged as a promise to the various factions of the Spo family, which will actually help strengthen the unity of the family.

This move indeed harmed the interests of the Si Bo family, but in the long run, it gave Si Bo's Wu family a reassurance, and could even unite the hearts of the family with this promise.

Akechi Mitsuhide was confident in this, because the Shiba family had just been integrated, and the loyalty to the Lord was at its strongest at this time.

Unlike Yiyin's worries, this incident cannot shake the master's prestige.

Since she misled various factions in the family on the grounds of marrying into a new wife, Shiba's retainers have become much more attached to their master than the general retainers of the samurai family.

After all, with the carrot of marrying into the family dangled in front of them, each faction in the family can tolerate the temporary losses.

The six major factions within the Shiba family.

Sakai Port Takada Haruno has a deep relationship with her sister. Yoshigan compromised in order to save Yukino, and the Takada family must support it.

Nizi Yamanaka's party, Yamanaka Yukimori's experience is similar to Takada Yukino, Nizi Katsuhisa has deep feelings for her, and the effect is the same.

Of course Mitsuhide Akechi supports his lord. Nizi Katsuhisa and she have a monopoly on the Shiba family's internal affairs and diplomacy, and will support the lord's actions on a strategic level.

Dao Shengmeng is in Peking University and is in charge of the selection of new Tongxinzhong. This is an promotion from the Lord and a great kindness.

She will not ignore the importance and cause trouble for the Lord.

Maeda is the loyal dog of her master and the most trusted general of the family. Even if everyone opposes her, she will firmly support the kind of dog-licking.

Maeda Toshiie is far away from Owari, so there is almost no profit in the near future, let alone entanglement.

All high-level martial arts have been clearly arranged, so it won't be a problem.

As long as their lord remains single and they still covet him, the high-ranking factions of the Shiba family will unite tightly around their lord.

The main noise at home comes from the middle and lower class Wu family.

After the Iga clan and the Peking University clan were converted into territorial states, they were dismantled and diluted.

The territory was restructured, and foreign forces such as the Saikuni samurai family, the Mino samurai family, and the Owari samurai family infiltrated the area, and their influence gradually weakened.

As for the foreign martial arts family, they had just arrived and had not yet formed an intricate collusion of interests. For the time being, they kept to themselves and did not dare to plot anything more.

The entire Sibo family's grassroots level is fragmented and flat, and has not yet formed a joint force to dare to challenge the master.

Therefore, in Akechi Mitsuhide's view, the Shiba family is controlled by the master, but the master is too cautious.

As long as he doesn't marry, breaking the dreams of various factions in the family. At this point in time, the Sibo family can sacrifice their own interests and support the will of the master.

He could definitely be tougher and not have to compromise with the Ashikaga family.

A united Shiba family is more powerful than the Ashikaga family. And because of the chaos within the shogunate, they won't suffer any loss if they fight.

No, I accidentally gained the upper hand.

If it weren't for Yoshihiro Shiba's soft-heartedness and willingness to compromise for the sake of justice in his heart, the Ashikaga family would have suffered greatly this time.

Akechi Mitsuhide will not understand Yoshigan's true thoughts. She just thinks that Yoshigan's actions are to implement her own principles and are the white moonlight in her heart.

As for Yukino Takada, he is just a lucky guy who got the chance.

Therefore, with the power that the Lord currently controls, there is no need to bow down to the Ashikaga family and be petty, and he can completely confront them with a tough attitude.

The overall situation must be taken into consideration, but the concession is not for a small retainer, but for the protection system that everyone jointly maintains.

Could it be that the Ashikaga family still dared to gibberish and make the Shiba family angry?

With such courage, why bother to set a trap for Takada Yukino in order to leverage Shiba Yiyin's attitude in an attempt to regain the initiative?

If news about the Miyoshi family and the Rokkaku family hadn't come to Beijing, the Ashikaga family almost succeeded in taking the initiative.

Now that Shiba Yiyin is willing to give in, her family still dares to get in trouble?

If you really piss off Shiba Yiyin and break up, no one will benefit.

After careful consideration, I felt that there was no problem. I kowtowed to the ground wisely and offered advice to Yiyin.

"The Lord is very righteous and never abandons his retainers. All Spo's retainers should be grateful.

The Sibo family was revived by you, and everyone in Sibo relied on your leadership.

Lord, no matter what you do, no one dares to disobey."

Yamazaka Yukimori followed and kowtowed.

“We are united and willing to serve the Lord, and we will not back down until death!

If there is anyone who is ungrateful and does not distinguish between superior and inferior, I will kill him for Your Highness."

Yoshigan praised Yamanaka Yukimori and asked Akechi Mitsuhide.

"You mean, I can be tougher?"

Akechi Mitsuhide replied.

"Your Majesty is the master of the revival of the Sibo family. He has great military exploits and is unparalleled in the world.

All the warrior families under Sibo have been rewarded by you and are willing to serve as hawks and dogs. Everyone in the family is grateful and grateful.

The Lord made concessions to the Ashikaga family in order to stabilize the shogunate and maintain the guardianship system. This was an act that took the overall situation into consideration and was the righteousness of the samurai family.

If the Ashikaga family takes advantage of it, we and the Shiba clan will not be able to tell the story of the Miyoshi family? Does Mr. Kokata really dare to force my family to rebel?"

Yiyin nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

That's right! I didn't give in for the sake of Uesugi Teruatora and Yukino. I gave the Ashikaga family a little favor for the sake of the overall interests of the shogunate.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru, don’t be so shameless!

This chapter has been completed!
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