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Chapter 830 Anger and Remorse

 Yamamotoji Sadichang thought for a while and said carefully.

"Before the imperial office sends out troops, it first lays out the plans for Noto country.

He appointed Lord Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna to take charge of the Noto families, and returned to China to mobilize the army to counterattack the Kaga Ichibuki clan in order to cope with the war situation in Vietnam and China.

After Odaishou recaptured Hinomiya Castle and led the cavalry to break into Zuisenji territory, the Ichigo clan army on the southern front never organized a large-scale offensive to seize Hinomiya Castle.

Your Highness, two days before you led the team here, almost all the Yixiang Sect on the east bank of Zhuangchuan River evacuated, leaving only Zengshan City with people left behind.

Judging from Yi Xiangzong's reaction, the strategy of the imperial court has been successful.

It has been twelve days since the Noto samurai family returned home, and it has been ten days since the Odaisho entered Zuisenji Temple. Kaga Ichikazu should be returning to Kaga Country to rescue his territory.

It is impossible for Shiina Yasuyin to go to Kaga Country with Kaga Ichikazu. Her activities in the Mitani area will definitely block the escape route of the Odaisho.

From this point of view, the Godaisuo must have been blocked by the various tribes of the Ichikoku sect who had reacted and blocked the Hida Highlands and the upper reaches of the Shogawa River.

The Shiina family blocked the east bank of the Shogawa River, forcing the cavalry of the Odaisho to break out to the west and move towards the Nantoha area."

Teruhora Uesugi groaned.

Yamamotoji Sadaga's words were cautious and well-founded, so that she could not find any reason to get angry, so she should let it go for the time being.

At this time, Terutora Uesugi's heart was filled with anger and regret. It was her contempt for Ichimune that put Yoshigan Shiba in danger.

Of course she understands Yoshigan Shiba's thoughts. In order to complete the two people's Kanto strategy, Ezhong's deployment cannot be delayed until the summer, which will affect the Kanto strategy in the autumn.

Therefore, Shiba Yiyin took the risk to counterattack, and he must drag the Xiangzong army to the forefront to prevent the old leader of Shenbao from rotting away and making the situation difficult to deal with.

Teruhora Uesugi hated himself for not sending more troops to support him, so Yoshigashi Shiba was left to fight alone and had to risk his way into the territory of Zuisen Temple.

More than ten days ago, Terutora Uesugi was reprimanding the elites of his headquarters in Toyama Castle. Katsunaga, the second daughter of Yamamotoji Sadōchō, came to report urgently and almost scared her to death.

Notifying the news to Jinbo Choji, leaving Naoe Keizuna in charge of the follow-up troops, Uesugi Teruhora led the elite cavalry and rushed directly to Hinomiya Castle.

The Uesugi Jimbo family's troops were still suppressing the situation in Shinkawa County, and twelve days was not enough for them to reach the Shokawa line as a whole.

Terutora Uesugi looked around, looking at the samurai under her command who were waiting for orders. Time waited for no one, so she was determined to cross the river directly to relieve Yoshihiro Shiba without waiting for the follow-up army.

Terutora Uesugi said with a cold face, pointing at Yamamotoji Sadaga and the two girls behind him, Katsunaga.

"Yamamotoji Seicho, take your troops to Mitani and kill Shiina Yasuin."

Yamamotoji Sadichang was stunned.

Uesugi Terutora knew that her family's elite warrior warriors followed their eldest daughter, Takanoga, to join Shiba Yoshigan's cavalry in battle.

Although Shiina Yasuyin is at the end of her rope, the Yixiang clan will not be reluctant to block Shiba Yiyin's return, and his remaining followers may not be able to capture her.

Seeing Yamamotoji Sadichang's hesitation, Uesugi Terutora said leisurely.

"Take Shiina Yasunin's head and come back to see me, or offer your head to me."

Yamamotoji Sadashi felt helpless, bowed slightly and said happily.

Terutora Uesugi said again.

"As long as this is done well, all the old debts will be wiped off."

Yamamotoji Sadang raised his head and stared at his lord, and asked tentatively.

"Your Highness?"

Teru Uesugi said solemnly.

"Whether it's Sun Palace City or other things in the past, I will forget them."

Yamamotoji Shouchi shivered all over. The Yamamotoji family was a branch of the old guardian family, and they were guilty of original sin.

Even if Kenmasa Uesugi of the Yamauchi Uesugi family gave the family property to Terutora Uesugi and the Fuchu Nagao family has been transformed into the Yamauchi Uesugi family, it cannot change the fact.

That is, Uesugi Teru's mother killed all the old guardians and took away the Echigo Kingdom. Some things are not about whether the Yamamotoji family cares about it, but whether Uesugi Teru wants to forget.

With Terutora Uesugi's position in Echigo becoming more stable, the old guardian line had no room for improvement, and the Yamamotoji family, the remnant of the old dynasty, was even more embarrassed.

If her family is willing to kneel down and be like dogs, Teruhora Uesugi must sincerely accept it. Behind the seemingly important position, it is just to appease the samurai family of the old guard line.

When the day comes when the old guardian line disappears, Uesugi Teruhora should think about the family business and cut off the last trace of this legacy.

This worry has always been hidden deep in Yamamotoji Sadada's heart, making her always cautious.

Now, Teru Uesugi answered her worries head-on, in full view of the samurai family present. With Teru Uesugi's temper, he would never regret his words once he said them.

Yamamoto Temple took a deep breath, kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, either Shiina Yasuyin will die, or I, Yamamotoji Shocho, will die. We will fulfill our mission!"

Teruhora Uesugi closed his eyes and nodded.

Her strength was insufficient. Apart from the cavalry brought by Kuaishou, only the remaining troops left in Hinomiya Castle by Kawada Nagauchi and the Yamamotoji family were available.

If she wants to cross the river to rescue Sibo Yiyin, she must clear out the enemy forces on the east bank and prepare a retreat route.

The nearby Jinbo family forces have been dealt with by the Ichigo clan, and only Yamamotoji Shouchang's army is available, and it has to be used.

Terutora Uesugi said.

"After you kill Shiina Yasuyin, return to Masuyama Castle to coordinate our army's retreat."


After Uesugi Teruhora finished speaking, he looked at Kakizaki Keie and Saito Asanobu.

When the two of them saw their master arranging Yamamotoji Nobunaga in this way, they also understood her thoughts, and they must have crossed the river to rescue Shiba Yoshigan.

The two of them were just about to show their loyalty, but Terutora Uesugi spoke first.

"Jing family."


Terutora Uesugi looked at Kakizaki Keie carefully and spoke word by word.

"My mother passed away, and I was isolated and helpless at home. It was you who stood firmly by my side, sharing my worries and fighting for me.

I never thought that one day, I would hate you. I never thought that one day, I would kill you.

I once said that no one in the seven counties of Echigo can be your opponent, you are my number one general, and you are the Kakizaki Keie that I am proud of!"

"Your Highness!"

Terutora Uesugi's words were so emotional that Kakizaki Keike's eyes filled with tears and he kowtowed to the ground.

"Please stop talking!

This time I went out to Yuechu because I was out of my wits due to my power. I didn't listen to orders and robbed the Matsukura Jinshan Mountain, which violated the agreement between you and the Jimbo family.

If it hadn't been for my insane behavior, you wouldn't have organized your army at Toyama Castle, and the Imperial Palace wouldn't have been besieged in Tonami County by nuns from the Ichigo clan.

If you want me to die, I am willing to commit suicide in order to uphold the righteousness of Your Highness and my rulers and ministers."

Terutora Uesugi looked deeply at Kakizaki Kei'e and said.

"Yes, you and I are kings and ministers, so how can I bear to kill you.

But! If the imperial palace unfortunately falls into the hands of thieves, the thieves and nuns will be so arrogant that the glory of the shogunate will be tarnished.

Then you must commit seppuku, and I will personally make the mistake for you and send you on your way, so please don’t blame me."

After saying this, Uesugi Terutora bowed deeply. Kakizaki Keie accepted it calmly this time and returned the greeting.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, my command's three hundred cavalry are here to rescue the Imperial Palace.

If I can't do it, let me die on the battlefield!"

This chapter has been completed!
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