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Chapter 831 Rescue and Breakthrough

 Uesugi Teruhora nodded and said to Saito Asanobu on the side.

"Saito-hime, if Kakizaki Kageie dies on the battlefield, you will be the first to be approached by Naoomi."

Kakizaki Kage then bowed to Saito Nobu and said.

"If something goes wrong, Naoomi will ask Saito-hime."

Saito Asanobu's hair stood on end, he said, "Who the hell am I provoking?" She could tell that His Highness was going crazy and wanted to force Kakizaki Kei's family to fight with her.

The glory of the shogunate is all nonsense, who cares about that stuff?

There is only one real reason, and that is the Imperial Palace! His Highness's sweetheart is trapped and is no longer prepared to reason.

Among Uesugi Teruatora's direct subordinates, Honjo Minoru was both a teacher and a friend, with the highest status. Almost every time Uesugi Teruator went into battle, Honjo Minoru was assigned to guard Kasugayama Castle and stabilize the rear.

Next, there is Kakizaki Kageie. She is brave, resourceful, and loyal. She is directly under the reserve general and the number one person in the army.

Saito Asanobu's status is not low, but he also knows that his weight is not as good as these two. If Kakizaki Keie died because of Matsukura Kaneyama, and he took her place, he would be sitting on the crater of a volcano.

Was the incident involving Matsukura Kaneyama caused by the Kakizaki Kei family’s own greed? Nonsense, that was a scapegoat for the sisters below!

If she died for this, and Saito Asanobu stepped on her body to become the leader, what would Naoomi think of her if he approached Hatamoto and others?

The four great irons in life have passed through windows together, carried guns together, and shared stolen goods together.

What would the people below think if the elder sister who took the lead in sharing the stolen goods died in an unknown manner, and His Highness awarded the position to another person who was rewarded for nothing? Saito Asanobu sweatdropped.

She knew clearly that her Highness was trying to trick someone, but she still had to take advantage of it. Either fight to get the imperial palace back, or wait for the Kakizaki Kei family to die and then fight against this.

Saito Asanobu took a deep breath and said.

"Your Highness, Kakizaki Hime, the two hundred and twenty cavalry I have brought with me are all the elite of our headquarters. There is no way to retreat in this battle. If we don't take back the imperial palace, I will not live.

For the glory of the shogunate!"

Saito Asanobu jumped into the pit on his own initiative, and Uesugi Teruhu nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, there was a fierce noise outside, and it seemed that the massacre of the prisoners of the Yixiang Sect had begun.

Terutora Uesugi was neither happy nor angry, looking calmly into the distance outside the window, which was the direction upstream of Shochuan River.

Mr. Yiyin, please hold on a little longer and I will come to rescue you right away.


Upstream of the Shogawa River, tensions were already rising outside the mountains. However, Shiba Yiyin had just joined Ema Huisheng, who had just arrived, and was repairing in Toga Village.

Just when Shiba Yoshiyin was hesitating whether to lead his team into the mountains to escape, the Mononomiban sent out encountered the Jiangma family's troops.

As Shochuan enters the mountains, the local mountain villagers depend on Hida Country for their survival.

Although Hida Country is low in stone, it is rich in mountain forest resources and has many local carpenters. The finished products are transported out through the rivers at the north and south ends in exchange for daily necessities.

Take the Hida River to the south to Mino, and the northern section is Shogawa and Miyagawa, leading to Tonami County and Shinkawa County in Ezhong respectively.

The castle villages along the mountains in the upper reaches of the Shogawa River cannot support themselves by hunting and farming alone. They rely on the Hida supplies flowing through this river to ensure their livelihood.

Therefore, the Jiangma family's military force crossed the border and did not resist the city passes along the way. The temple leaders in Tobo County were not as strict as the military leaders. In fact, even the military leaders could not control the poor and unruly mountain people.

Toga Village, where Shiba Yoshigan and Ema Huisei meet, is the largest village in the vicinity before going down the mountain, and it also depends on the supplies from the Hida Province line.

Sibo Yiyin was placed in the best house in the village. Although it was shabby, it was at least clean.

Jiang Ma Huisheng hurriedly came to see the imperial court. Yiyin was disgraced, but he still couldn't hide his beauty.

There was an iron pot boiling on the stove in the middle of the room, and the water in the pot was already boiling. Naomasa Ii carefully took out a bowl and offered it to Shiba Yoshigan with both hands.

Yiyin blew a wave and carefully took a sip. Although it burned his mouth a little, he was very satisfied with having cold meals and a sip of hot water after so many days.

Sibo Yiyin smiled and said to Jiang Ma Huisheng.

"I don't know what kind of tea stems the villagers drank. I looked at it and really didn't dare to drink it. I can still drink boiled plain water comfortably."

Jiang Ma Huisheng answered with a smile.

"The jade body of the royal palace is precious, the mountain people are poor and humble, and the offerings are scarce, so you have been wronged."

Yoshiyin shook his head, took the hot water cotton cloth handed by Naomasa Ii next to him, rubbed it hard on his face a few times, then threw it to her and exhaled deeply.

A lot of dust was wiped off his face, revealing his handsome face and fair skin, which even reflected an inexplicable holy brilliance.

Jiang Ma Huisheng was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but swallowed, and lowered his head carefully.

What a goblin, how could the general of Kyoto stand it? She secretly muttered in her heart, but did not have the courage to look up again.

Shiba Kenshin's fame spread far and wide, and it was said that he was the most beautiful woman in the world, but Jiang Ma Huisheng didn't think so at first.

But this time the cavalry came to support him, and they knew that he had led the army to charge for ten days, with seven battles and seven victories. Now that he saw the true appearance of the real person, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It's better to meet him than to be famous. He is really a magnificent beauty. He can go into battle with military prowess, but his appearance can stop his lack of appearance. Ashikaga Shogun is very lucky.

Sibo Yiyin didn't know that Jiang Ma Huisheng was distracted, thinking wildly, and still thinking about the situation of the war.

After a while, he raised his head and said.

"Lord Jiangma is able to come here this time because of your family's loyalty to the shogunate and to me. I am very touched and will keep it in mind."

The Jiangma family's stone height is less than ten thousand stones, so it cannot be considered a famous name. It is just a local status that can be called a master, not a highness.

Jiang Ma Huisheng was flattered that Sibo Yiyin was so polite to a local family worth several thousand dan, and he bowed and thanked him.

"You're welcome, Odai. This is my duty. Your cavalry is tired and has no horses, so why don't you follow me back to Hida's country for repairs?

After that, you can go back to Xinchuan County via Gongchuan without fear of being surrounded by the Yixiang Sect again."

Shiba Yiyin frowned. This was what he hesitated about just now. Logically speaking, he should withdraw with Jiang Ma Huisheng.

The cavalry fought for ten days, and were exhausted and unable to fight anymore. The Jiangma family was not strong enough, with only a few hundred people coming, so it was not of much use. It would be safer to take the road back to Xinchuan County.

But he can't leave for two reasons.

First, he has not yet determined whether the Kaga Ichiko clan has withdrawn and whether the Etsuchu Ichiko clan still has the power to invade the old territory of Jinbo.

He has been busy for so long, just to confirm the death of Xiang Zong in the spring and summer, so as not to affect the Kanto strategy in the autumn. After exercising for a long time, he was just short of the last shudder, how could he be willing to leave?

If the situation of the war changes, he is taking advantage of the Hida country and is unable to react for a while. Wouldn't it be a big mistake?

Second, he leads the cavalry deep into the territory of Zuisen Temple. What will Uesugi Terutora do?

Based on Sibo Yiyin's understanding of her, this reckless guy would definitely rush in to save himself. He would not give up until he found himself.

If you run away by yourself, it will be just as troublesome if a Uesugi Teruhora falls into it. It has been more than ten days since the Ichigo clan launched the offensive, and the Uesugi Jinho coalition forces should start to turn around.

As long as Sibo Yiyin persists for a few more days, he will be able to achieve the strategic goal. He is not willing to leave in fear at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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