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Chapter 958 Super White Fumei

Of course Daxiong Chaohide has to speak for Takada Haruno.

This was to open the eyes of the Shiba family's power in the Hokurikudo trade route, and let the Uesugi followers of Naoe Keizuna's family see clearly that the strength of the Shiba family was huge.

Food is limited. No matter how much money you have, it is difficult to buy more food. It will only drive up the price of food in the market. But ordnance is different.

When Daxiong Chaohide received this batch of European-style plate armor just now, she was also shocked by the deep financial resources of Sakai Minato Takada Yono. Her first feeling was not that it was a waste of resources, but that she was pleasantly surprised.

She is a traditional martial artist. Although she is good at practicing one discipline, she still values ​​land and family property and despises money merchants.

Money is just a number, what really matters is the military supplies that money can exchange for.

Although Takada Haruno's batch of military supplies is not suitable for battlefields, it is perfect for shocking people's hearts. Military supplies are not just food, salt, iron, cloth, horses, bows and arrows are all military equipment.

Don’t the families in Hokuriku think that the Shiba family has some bad money? Doesn’t Naoe Keizuna think that he can compete with him in Naoetsu?

Daxiong Chaohide threw out these plate armors of Takada Harano to tell everyone that you were wrong.

The Spo family is not rich, they are extremely rich, super rich, richer than you think! They can exchange money for countless supplies, and kill you two-skinned people who are superficial and superficial!

From the eyes of Terutora Uesugi and the eyes of Ohuma Asahide, they saw shock. The eyes of Naoe Keizuna were also full of fear and self-doubt. This was the effect.

Sometimes, that's how momentum builds.

Ohuma Chaohide has no doubt that he will gain more initiative in Naoetsu in the future, while Naoe Keizuna will be more passive. This is the general trend, and it is all due to these plate armors.

But at this time, the first thing she had to do was to extinguish Shiba Yiyin's anger and prevent her master from strangulating his powerful town to death in a fit of rage.

Takada Yono's move did mean to show off his financial resources. But most of it was out of goodwill and wanted to flatter his master in exchange for greater attention.

If it's just for selfishness, why show off your sudden wealth? If the master is eyeing the money bag, it will only be more troublesome in the future.

Just because Takada Harano had no ill intentions, Daxiong Chaohide borrowed these plate armors to shock both inside and outside, and then he was willing to come out and put in a good word for her, looking forward to more cooperation between the two in the future.

Shiba Yiyin was persuaded by Da Xiong Chao Xiu for a few words, and his feverish head calmed down a little. Da Xiong Chao Xiu said what he said makes sense. Food is limited and cannot be bought with money.

But when he looked at the plate armor in the box and remembered that there were two to three hundred such boxes, he couldn't help but feel his heart bleed.

How much does this cost? Takada Yono, you bastard girl, go back and see how I deal with you.

No wonder Daxiong Chaoxiu wanted to move it here for him to see. These plate armors were just a bunch of hot potatoes. They were not easy to use in battle, and they cost money to maintain. They were useless to keep and throw away. It made me feel uncomfortable looking at them.

Uesugi Terutora on the side, actually recovered from the atmosphere of the Shiba family.

She glanced at Siba Yiyin, and she never expected that her sweetheart turned out to be a rich and beautiful woman. It was promised that the Siba family would be wiped out and then rebuilt. How could such a rich family background come from?

She couldn't help but ask Xiang Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"How much did this batch of plate armor cost? Did Takada Yono mention it?"

Da Xiong Chao Xiu shook his head and sighed.

"Sakai Port did have a letter of communication, but they only mentioned that these plate armors were a gift to the lord, and they did not talk about the cost.

However, I heard that in order to manufacture this batch of plate armor, Sakai Port purchased a large amount of Celestial Steel from Nanman merchants. They also recruited a large number of skilled craftsmen in recent years and temporarily added a water conservancy workshop."

There was a lot of pride in Daxiong Chaoxiu's tone. She had never expected that the Sibo family was so rich.

The Nanman merchants were greedy, and the price of purchasing steel from China overseas was sky-high. Ordinary warriors would not be willing to make a cassock, and at most they would cover the edge of the sword with steel.

In recent times, skilled craftsmen and water conservancy workshops are the private property of various forces. Borrowing them is not only a transaction of money, but also the deep connections of the samurai family.

Takada Yono's move can be regarded as revealing the secrets of the Shiba family. It allows the Echigo samurai group to truly understand the strength of the Shiba family.

Thinking of this, Daxiong Chaoxiu couldn't help but complain a little about Shiba Yiyin. His master was too low-key and didn't show off at all.

Other martial arts families would like to show off their strength by pretending to be very strong, shouting and yelling to make others fearful. But as the master, he thinks twice before acting, and makes more compromises with others.

Even Daxiong Chaoxiu himself thought that the Sibo family had just been revived and that the family's financial resources were weak, so Siba Yiyin had to walk on thin ice and be cautious.

Unexpectedly, the wealth of the family turned out to be horrifyingly rich. As expected of the Shiba family, one of the three leaders of the shogunate, the master is extremely wealthy and beautiful.

Others may be confused, but Yiyin Shiba knows it in his heart. When he left, the situation in Shiba was barely settled in recent years, so he had no confidence to make any big spending.

He himself was confused. What on earth did Takada Yono do in Sakai Port to make more money than he could spend?

The four people looked at the two boxes of human vests with different thoughts. Takada Haruno's goal was finally achieved, and it was even more effective than she imagined.

She borrowed money everywhere and pulled out the accumulated copper coins from the earthen warehouses in Sakai Port and Kyoto to do things. How could she not have strong financial resources?

Although I owe a lot of debt, I am also connected to countless important people. How can I not have a broad network of contacts in my work?

Recently, all parties are counting on the Hokuriku Road trade route to make money, so they are naturally willing to provide various conveniences.

All the conditions came together to help Takada Yono pretend to be an extremely huge b in front of the Echigo samurai family.

Yiyin shook his head and said helplessly.

"Big Bear Ji, don't beat around the bush.

Can you help me estimate how much she spent on this batch of plate armor?"

Big Bear bowed to Xiu.

"I have roughly calculated that the minimum cost will not be less than 30,000 guan. However, the preparation time for Sakai Port is not long, and various raw materials and craftsmen's workshops will increase the cost.

So, it should be at least 40,000 to 50,000 yuan."

The whole place was silent for a moment. Shiba Yoshiyin had lost all the energy to curse, and all he could think of was 50,000 guan.

That’s 50,000 copper coins!

Despite the prosperity of the Hokuriku Road trade route, millions of guan of goods can be shipped from nearby countries every year, with a market value of 2.5 million guan.

But these benefits must be shared with the samurai families of various countries along the Hokuriku Road. There are also greedy samurai families in Echigo who are waiting for support, and various overt and covert costs of maintaining the trade route market.

The actual net income that can go to the private treasury of Yishina Shiba and Teru Uesugi will not exceed one-twentieth. It also includes the cargo caravans under their names, checkpoint and town taxes, and tributes from merchants.

The two lords only received up to a hundred thousand guan a year from the Hokurikudo trade route, divided it into two parts, and provided benefits to the people below.

This wave of congratulatory gifts from Takada Haruno is worth the business profits of Shiba Yiyin for one year.

This chapter has been completed!
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