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Chapter 959 may be useful

 What makes Yiyin even more uncomfortable is that these carefully crafted plate armors will become scrapped after a short period of time.

He was really distressed!

Takada Harano doesn't understand military affairs. In her opinion, these plate armors are just more difficult to use, but they are still useful to some extent. But Yoshigami knows that these plate armors can only be scrap metal.

Ordnance is nothing more than maintenance and use. European-style plate armor is not suitable for these two aspects in Japan.

Speaking of maintenance.

Steel will rust. In order to prevent rust, it needs to be wiped with oil regularly to prevent oxidation. This is a huge expense.

Japanese cuisine is clean and sparse in oil, because in ancient times Japan did not raise livestock and had no animal fats. It also lacked oil crops, so a small amount of soybean oil and sesame oil were used for lighting, so naturally there was no need for oil.

It wasn't until the Nanman people opened the country's overseas trade that they brought a large amount of oil, as well as tempura and other fried foods.

At this time, Kanto was still a small-scale peasant economy that was short of oil. Where could Yiyin find a large amount of oil to maintain two to three hundred sets of pure steel plate armor?

Moreover, going into battle to kill the enemy will inevitably damage the plate armor. Generally, blacksmiths do not know how to handle the steel. Not only do they have to buy steel at a high price to repair it, but they also have to hire special craftsmen to repair it.

Compared with the bottomless pit of maintenance costs, it is more cost-effective to discard them directly. At most, a few sets of Enshou Ji Samurai can be left, and the economic strength of Ji Samurai must also be considered, whether he can afford a set of steel plates.

Speaking of use.

The focus of the dispute between the Echigo family and the Hojo family lies in the core area of ​​the Kanto Plain, which is the alluvial plain intersection of major rivers and tributaries such as the Tone River, Arakawa, and Watarase River.

Although this is a plain, it is very inappropriate to throw a group of steel can men here to fight. The land here is muddy and the water network is dense. It is impossible for heavy armored elites to use their strength and it is difficult to put them on the battlefield.

Whether it is maintenance or use, this batch of plate armor will do more harm than good. Why should Shiba Yiyin keep them? Why not throw them to the craftsmen as scrap metal, melt them into steel ingots, and make a few more good knives.

But in this case, these plate armors were made in vain, and the value of the steel could only be recovered. At least 20,000 to 30,000 guan of manufacturing costs were wasted, how can you not feel sad? All 20,000 to 30,000 guan of copper coins were lost.

Yoshihiro was in a bad mood, but Terutora Uesugi really liked these plate armors. These things were not good for fighting, but they were really good for showing off their status and showing off their financial resources.

she said.

"Mr. Qianxin, take these plate armors to the Guandong Plain. It's a waste if you don't use them."

Yiyin said angrily.

"Is it useful to take it with me? There's no use at all."

Uesugi Teruhu shook his head and said.

"The Kanto warriors are just useless. Bring these plate armors with you and show them if you have the chance to wear them. Maybe you can see miraculous effects."

Yiyin was stunned and couldn't help but nodded.

In Yoshigan's eyes, these plate armors were Takada Harano showing off his financial resources. But in the eyes of the Uesugi family, these plate armors were showing off their financial resources to themselves.

By analogy, the Echigo side can of course take it to the Kanto Plain to show off its financial resources to the Kanto samurai and frighten them. Anyway, it has been built, so if you don't scare them, it will be in vain.

The Echigo family is competing with the Hojo family for influence among the Kanto samurai family, showing off their strength. If the Kanto samurai family is frightened by the reflection of their plate armor and pees their pants, it would be a good idea to become more honest.

Yiyin frowned and said.

"That's good, but where did the oil for maintenance in the past few months come from?

There is a severe drought in Echigo, and there is already a shortage of soybeans to supply the war horses. Do we have to squeeze a batch of soybean oil specifically for these plate armors?"

Teruhora Uesugi patted the box and smiled.

"Qianxin is confused, look carefully, these plate armors don't need maintenance for several months.

They are not simply wiped, but soaked in oil and then carefully stored. As long as they are not taken out for use, they will not be a problem for a few months.

Autumn and winter are dry, not as humid as spring and summer, and steel is not so easy to rust. It will not be too late to do other disposals after the war is over after the autumn harvest."

Yiyin took a closer look and found that the plate armor had indeed been soaked in oil, and the wooden box it was wrapped in was also made of cypress wood. This tree likes moisture and can absorb moisture after drying to keep the box dry.

Yiyin felt angry when he saw it.

How much did this oil and this wooden box cost? Takada Yono, you prodigal daughter, wait until I get back to deal with you!

Yiyin sighed and said to Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"Just do what Your Highness Uesugi wants."

Big Bear bowed to Chao Xiu and accepted the order, then asked again.

"Otaisuo, what should I do with the fifty sets of vests?"

Yoshigan was stunned, and Terutora Uesugi smiled.

"Didn't the Nanfang family send a batch of Nanbu horses to the Ou Daimyo this time? Choose strong war horses from among them, they should be able to withstand heavy armor."

Naoe Keetsuna seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Uesugi Terutora's eyes.

Ohuma Asahide specially exposed his plate armor to the Uesugi family this time to show off the Shiba family's financial strength. These samurai from the Kanto Palace had bad intentions and were clearly trying to embarrass Terutora Uesugi.

Teruhora Uesugi wants to pursue Yoshiyoshi Shiba, so he can't be stingy, right? The Shiba family is so rich, if you don't have any ability, don't embarrass you.

This matter could not have been ordered by Shiba Yoshigan, who has always kept a low profile. Then it was Ohuma Asohide who took the opportunity to cause trouble, and Uesugi Terutora certainly could not give in.

Although the fifty southern war horses are precious, they are not enough to cause Uesugi Teruhora physical pain. If she wants to give them to her, no one can stop her from pursuing her sweetheart.

Japanese horses are Mongolian horses that were brought back from the mainland by envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty. Because many of the ships sent to the Tang Dynasty capsized, not many horses were brought back.

The number was too small, and they had to be inbred. As a result, the horses were short and of poor quality, and it was indeed a bit shabby to fight on horseback.

The average height of Japanese horses does not exceed 110 centimeters. Even good horse breeds such as Mikawa and Kiso horses are only 130 centimeters tall.

The best horses in Japan are in the bitter cold land of northern Ou controlled by the southern family.

Northern Ou is too cold. Before the industrialization era, agricultural societies lacking heat sources could not develop the frozen soil here and could only use it as pasture for livestock and horse raising.

The Nanbu horses here are the best breed of horses in Japan, and can reach a height of 140 centimeters. They are also a popular commodity in the foreign trade of the Nanbu family.

This batch of plate armor weighs 15 kilograms and the vest weighs 23 kilograms. Generally speaking, Japanese horses can be crushed by people, let alone running on their backs. They are strong war horses among southern horses and can barely be used.

Uesugi Teruhora's gesture was grand, and Shiba Yoshigan felt a little embarrassed and said.

"Your Majesty Uesugi is so kind, how about you pick some of these plate armors and take them?"

Terutora Uesugi shook his head firmly and said.

"Forget it, they are all flashy things. Let's wait until this war is used up and melt them into steel ingots. Then we can discuss the steel with Lord Kenshin."

She originally intended to take one set back to show off, but when Daxiong Chaoxiu mentioned that there were 250 sets of this style, she suddenly lost interest.

Terutora Uesugi is the Lord of Echigo, and if she is asked to wear the same style as an ordinary Hime Samurai, she will not be happy, as she has no interest in anything no matter how good it is.

On the contrary, it was the stimulus from Big Bear Chaoxiu that made her spit out fifty southern war horses. She suffered a big loss today.

This chapter has been completed!
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