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Chapter 59 Everyone is trying their best

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"Then you have to tell me who your leader is first."

The smile on Parker's face remained unchanged, but there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes:

"That's not okay, Mr. Demon Sword, please go die!"

Fang Linyan smiled slightly and said:

"This is actually what I want to say."

"Hahaha!" Parker finally showed his fangs and smiled up at the sky: "Just because you are an ant? This is really the funniest sentence I have heard this year!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand fiercely, and you could see that a little electric light began to appear in the palm of his upper right hand. Then the light quickly became thicker and larger, and after a few seconds, an electric light was formed.

The light bullet was aimed directly at Fang Linyan and hurled towards him!

However, just when he moved his hand to throw the thunder bomb, Fang Linyan ate the blood-blasting pill without saying a word!

According to the description, this thing is made by mixing the blood of the great demon pig Gang Hyena!

Its effect is similar to the Seven Injury Fist. At the cost of instantly deducting 20% ​​of your current health (at least 150 health), you will instantly gain a dominant state and increase your movement speed by 50% for one minute.

At this moment, Fang Linyan felt an indescribable bloodlust rising from the bottom of his heart, and even felt that the steaming fresh flesh and blood was so delicious! Not only that, his eyes turned red involuntarily.

Although blood flowed involuntarily from his nostrils and ears, his body was obviously injured, and there was tearing pain in his limbs, but there was still a sweet and strange feeling in his heart.

This is actually the masochistic desire that is one of the bad qualities of human beings! After suffering appropriate pain, one can actually obtain perverted pleasure from it!

This pain can come from the redness and swelling of the buttocks, from hot wax oil dripping on the skin, from being trampled by the heels of high heels... Of course, it can also come from the violent blood pill.

Cong Fang Linyan let out a strange roar like a pig's hyena, then spurted two long streams of blood gas from his nostrils, and pounced to the side!

At this time in the swamp, Fang Linyan's movement was greatly affected, but he temporarily modified his shoes, which doubled the area of ​​​​the soles contacting the ground. In addition, at this time, the additional area increased sharply.

moving speed, so it directly avoided this lightning bomb.

However, Fang Linyan looked back and found that a large area where the light bomb hit was suddenly boiling, with white gas coming out, many dead insects floating on the paper, and the air was also filled with

The odor caused by sewage evaporation covers at least ten square meters, which can be said to be quite large.

When Parker saw that Fang Linyan could actually dodge his first blow, he was slightly surprised.

Because although Parker is arrogant, he is definitely not short-sighted. He knows that a lion will fight a rabbit and he will try his best. When setting up the extra-dimensional killing array, he arranged various plans for different enemies.

Fang Linyan is good at sneaking and has a very low sense of presence, so it is obvious that Parker regards him as an enemy like an assassin.

For this kind of enemy, Parker asked a very professional data scientist to analyze it, and also had a think tank study it. Finally, after some discussions, the current play method was formulated.

This group of people provided a total of three options:

One plan is that the terrain of the battlefield is a cave, and Parker goes directly into it with a night vision device that can be driven by spiritual power.

One solution is battlefield terrain = swamp + flying skateboard.

The last plan is that the battlefield terrain = sea area + scattered small islands (an island with an area of ​​no more than ten square meters cannot be set up as a pure sea area), and then Parker must be proficient in water warfare + bring scuba in.

Parker rejected the first proposal because he had mild claustrophobia and had night vision, which is standard equipment for many space warriors.

In his heart, he also felt that riding a flying skateboard and punishing opponents from above was more domineering and more in line with his own preferences, so he chose the swamp + skateboard.

Seeing Fang Linyan dodge the first blow, Parker sneered:

"Can you dodge the first blow? Can you dodge the second one?"

"Why should I dodge?"

While speaking, Fang Linyan had climbed up from the swamp covered in mud and water, half-kneeling on the ground, and raised his head. What shone in his eyes was a dangerous light that made people feel palpitating.

At the same time, another ray of light was rapidly taking shape in the palm of Parker's raised right hand, and was about to be thrown out by him. You could feel that Parker's arm was already like a long bow that was fully stretched, and then suddenly

Explode, throw it out!

But at this moment, Fang Linyan also made a move. He actually aimed directly at Parker and rushed out! This time, he used the interception skill and rushed out at Parker with swift and unparalleled speed.

But Magician Parker's strength was beyond Fang Linyan's imagination, and the lightning bombs he threw had already been taken first.

To put it simply, when Fang Linyan rushed in front of Parker, the final special effects of the interception had not yet appeared, and he was already hit by the lightning bomb!

The lightning bomb hit the body of Fang Linyan who was rushing towards him, and the unstable and terrifying power contained in it immediately exploded, sweeping across the surrounding area, directly covering an area of ​​more than ten square meters, but also swept Parker in.

This was Fang Linyan’s deliberate plan after discovering the range damage of lightning bombs!

In his prejudgment, he first took advantage of his complete magic shield and the advantage of entering the hegemonic body effect to resist the opponent's lightning bullet and touch the opponent's base.

At the same time, the range damage of this thunder bullet is used to disrupt the enemy's fighting rhythm! This is already quite a bit like the Murong family's "repay the enemy with the enemy's own body".

According to Fang Linyan's prediction, if he is lucky, he can even successfully reflect the thunder bullets back using the special effects of Aegis Aegis. If he is average, he can dodge. If he is unlucky at best, he will be able to dodge.

Eat a thunder bomb.

Obviously, Fang Linyan encountered the worst luck this time.

The PVP battle at this time will definitely attract the attention of the opponent's space and the S space, so the possibility of the Mobius Mark's intervention is very small.

Sure enough, as long as Fang Linyan didn't cheat, his luck would be really bad.

After taking a thunder bullet, Fang Linyan found that he had only suffered more than a hundred points of damage. However, he was given a paralysis effect, which would instantly reduce his movement speed/attack speed by 80%. This effect would be completed within five seconds.


To put it simply, it means that when you hit the move, it will slow down by 80%, after one second it will only slow down by 60%, after another second it will slow down by 40%, and so on.

However, Fang Linyan now had the Overlord effect on his body, so he simply ignored this negative effect. He immediately punched Parker in front of him, and at the same time, he grabbed the Green Devil skateboard at Parker's feet with his left hand.

At this time, Parker's expression suddenly changed when faced with the range damage from the lightning bombs that spread over him, not to mention that after the opponent was hit by the paralysis effect, he launched an attack as if nothing had happened.

Shouldn't he be electrocuted until his scalp is numb and stay there? Then the 80% reduction in shot effect will be eaten by a dog?

"What the hell..."

Parker's pupils suddenly shrank! He never thought that his perfect script would have such huge flaws found at the beginning.

But since Fang Linyan can reveal his trump card (Violent Blood Pill) and gain an instant advantage, people like Parker who play at home can only have better equipment, so you can immediately see one of his bracelets shining, forming a protective shield.

The energy that surged after the explosion of the light ball was isolated from the outside.

Fang Linyan's punch also hit the ball of light, and was bounced back by a soft force. Although he also caught the Green Devil skateboard with his left hand, he found that it was so smooth that it was not slippery, and his fingers couldn't hold it at all.

No way to exert force.

It seemed that the trump card that Parker pulled out was very powerful, and it directly eliminated Fang Linyan's series of attacks.

Not only that, there was also a louder buzzing sound coming from the Green Goblin's skateboard, and in an instant, it flew high into the sky at a speed without warning.

But at this time, the corners of Fang Linyan's muddy mouth turned up slightly:

"What a bullshit magician... He still hasn't realized what his most important thing is!"

Then Fang Linyan consumed the soul bead in an instant and started teleportation, and the direction of his teleportation was in the air. Although the Green Devil's skateboard was fast, it was not as fast as Fang Linyan's teleportation activated by burning the soul bead!

At this time, Fang Linyan predicted Parker's rising direction and arrived in the air more than 20 meters ahead of time, which was equivalent to waiting for him there. Parker was caught off guard, and the Green Devil skateboard had no time to change direction. There was a moment of intersection between the two.

the process of.

At the moment of the collision, Fang Linyan punched Parker in the eye again. Parker ducked his head and a playing card flew out.

This card rotated at high speed in the air, and part of the damage actually had the property of breaking shields, leaving a wound directly on Fang Linyan's right shoulder, with blood flowing out.

It's just that Fang Linyan's attack was a complete feint, a cover-up to attract Parker, and his real attack was a throw with his left hand!

He raised his hand! He threw the thing in his hand directly. What was Fang Linyan throwing? It was actually a ball of stinky swamp mud that he caught in his hand when he activated teleportation!

The two of them were very close when they passed each other. With the support of Fang Linyan's Basic Shooting LV3, this big ball of mud hit the Green Goblin pedal under Parker's feet with great accuracy!

To be precise, it is on the air intake directly above the Green Devil pedal!

Needless to say, this is the crux of the Green Devil pedal.

As for why Fang Linyan knew this, don't forget that his finger had been pressed on the pedal of the Green Goblin for a second just now.

At that moment, his talent for metal touch had quickly extended in, and with Fang Linyan's accumulation of various mechanical knowledge, he could clearly understand its general structure in this second.

To put it intuitively, an experienced technician can tell the difference between a steam engine, a diesel engine, and an electric motor at a glance.

Naturally and logically, Fang Linyan judged the weakness of the Green Devil's pedal!

It's hard to accomplish something, but it's easy to ruin something.

Before Parker even had time to recover, the engine of the Green Goblin pedal had sucked in muddy water and made a series of hoarse and unpleasant sounds, like a centenarian coughing hoarsely.

This Green Devil pedal is still in the experimental stage, which means it is not a mature product. It does not have functions such as waterproof and mud resistance, so in just a few seconds, Parker felt the sensation under his feet.

The flight pedal shook violently, and then billowing smoke came out of the tail.

At this time, Fang Linyan had fallen directly into the muddy water of the swamp, relying on the soft ground of the swamp to remain unscathed.

Watching Parker hurriedly controlling the Green Goblin pedal, Fang Linyan thought for a while and gave up the plan to raid at this time, because he knew that people like Parker might have countless trump cards, and his first plan was to destroy his

This pedal defeats his greatest advantage.

Youdao is hastening before speed. It is enough to achieve the set goal. Now the raid may not be successful, but his own methods will be exposed, so Fang Linyan smiled calmly and went directly towards the reeds next to him.

Ten seconds later, the Green Goblin pedal fell directly into the swamp with thick smoke, and Parker stepped into the muddy water in a panic, with veins on his forehead popping out.

To be honest, he had only experienced two worlds before he got this legendary piece of equipment: the Different Dimension Killing Formation.

In the previous duels, the enemy seemed extremely uncomfortable in the terrain arranged by himself, and his performance was obviously much poorer.

The ensuing battle can basically be predicted. The two sides just stood face to face as if they were in a boxing ring.

There is no one like Fang Linyan, who is as slippery as a loach when defending. The sudden counterattack is even more unexpected. It is like the sudden attack of a poisonous scorpion. It is a flash of light and it is hard to guard against.


Looking at the bubbling mud under his feet, smelling the rancid smell rising from the turbid water, and looking at the stained high-end leather shoes under his feet, although Parker's face was expressionless, the flesh on his cheeks was twitching unknown to anyone.

For a moment.

Fighting in such a dirty and cesspit-like place was really something Parker had never imagined! And he never expected that the opponent would target his aircraft in the first place.

More importantly, although the Green Goblin skateboard often breaks down, it is always a mechanical failure. For this reason, Parker has to pay Space 20,000 utility points + two potential points every time for repairs.

cost, and you have to wait 24 hours.

Parker has taken it into several fierce battles. Once, it was even directly hit by a Sidewinder anti-aircraft missile, but it was unscathed because of its bulletproof structure.

Parker never expected that the damn demon knife in front of him could do something that even the Sidewinder anti-aircraft missile could not do by just throwing mud on it.

In fact, Parker's think tank is by no means a waste of money. They have made relevant plans in advance, including an emergency response plan for enemies to attack Green Goblin's skateboard.

But no matter how good the plan is, it still needs people to complete it. Just like the basketball coach makes all kinds of noises, in the end it is still up to the players to play.

At this time, Parker wanted to look for Fang Linyan again, but found that the fog had dispersed. When he stood on the ground again, his sight was completely blocked by reeds, calamus leaves and other plants, and he could not find the whereabouts of that person at all.


Next, Parker had been searching for Fang Linyan in the swamp for ten minutes.

In fact, strictly speaking, Fang Linyan wanted to end the battle quickly at this time, but since his battle with the Abyss Lord, he had completely eliminated the impetuous energy in his body.

This battle was initiated by the enemy. The opponent already had a geographical advantage, and he was drawn into it with the help of powerful legendary equipment, so he should be cautious no matter how cautious he was.

It must be mentioned that if it had been anyone else, Parker would have been able to find it easily.

But Fang Linyan has rich experience in swamp fighting on Purple Mercury. The most important thing is that he also has the blessing of "Qui Luo's Turban" and "Ring of the Masonic Brotherhood". It is really difficult for Parker to find him.


This chapter has been completed!
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