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Chapter 60: Suppression, absolute suppression

Parker still had strong confidence at this time, thinking that once he found Fang Linyan, he could kill him by crushing him! Parker's thinking logic was also very clear, that is, if Fang Linyan didn't feel that he had no chance of winning, then why would he hide directly?

Getting up?

At this time, Parker looked quite embarrassed. The white suit he was wearing was really handsome at ordinary times, but after walking in the swamp for half an hour, his trousers were completely covered with mud and water, and there were still a few pieces of semi-rotted clothes hanging on his shoelaces.


Not only that, there were large, obvious red swellings on Parker's face and the back of his hands, which were painful and itchy. This was obviously the work of poisonous mosquitoes in the swamp.

Only then did Parker understand why Fang Linyan covered himself with mud. Although it was a bit dirty, the mud applied to his body could block strong ultraviolet rays and avoid these damn blood-sucking insects.

However, the bottom of Parker's leather shoes has been extended directly, showing a planar structure similar to a "duckboard" or a "ski board", which allows him to walk on the swamp ground very easily, unlike

Fang Linyan stepped on the mud and even dug into his calves, but when he walked, he made a "click, click, click" sound.

This pair of shoes was specially made by him for the possibility of ground combat in the swamp.

Not only that, as the owner of legendary equipment, Parker actually has twenty privilege points every time he enters a battle. Before, he would consume one privilege point every time he switched the battlefield terrain again.

Therefore, Parker can actually do many things with privilege points at this time, such as spending five privilege points to find him in an instant, or spending ten privilege points to make all creatures in the swamp attack him.

This is a typical home field advantage. Not only that, if the enemy is defeated here, he is truly defeated or even dead. As the owner of the interdimensional killing array, even if he dies, he will only be defeated.


However, a piece of equipment/props will be randomly dropped from the body, and it will be evaluated when it drops, and the five most valuable pieces of equipment/props on the body will be put into the drop list, and then one of them will be drawn.

"Activate search mode!"

Parker silently said these six words in his heart.

Immediately, he got a response.

"Search mode is about to be activated, and you will be deducted three privilege points."

"You damn mouse, I will make you regret being born in this world."

Parker gritted his teeth in his heart and said that his anger was close to the threshold and could explode at any time!

Then, he adjusted the black-framed glasses in front of his eyes. After activating the search mode, these glasses were no longer pure glasses, but out-and-out black technology. To outsiders, they were ordinary glasses.

Glasses, but the lenses have mapping, infrared penetration and other functions!

At this time, Parker's left eye looked completely black or gray, with only a few red dots dancing in it. This is a typical method of using color temperature to find enemies, so it can be said to be clear at a glance within a radius of tens of meters.

He can see through it at a glance!

Soon Parker had searched most of the swamp, which was only about the size of two or three football fields.

He continued to stagger forward step by step, and suddenly his eyes lit up because a particularly large red spot suddenly appeared in front of him. It looked like it was hiding among the reeds in the swamp next to it!

"finally found you!"

Parker's eyes suddenly lit up, he pointed directly towards that side and trotted over, and then began to gather energy from a distance in his hands! You can feel that a terrifying energy vortex effect immediately appeared in the air.

Then! A diamond-shaped crystal phantom formed in his palm.

This is Parker's most powerful attack method at present: the piercing light crystal cannon!

This thing is incredibly powerful and has the characteristics of ignoring defense, double attack, destroying protective gear, flying at an amazing speed, etc.

During the team competition, even the MT was unwilling to face this blow. According to the guy's original words: I don't want to spend tens of thousands of general points repairing the shield after the competition.

Parker has been trudging in this swamp for so long. He is tired and thirsty, his body is hot and dirty, and the mosquito bites are itchy and painful. It is estimated that if a person has a quantifiable anger value, it will already be full of anger.

In this state, the real owner was finally caught at this time, and he went all out without saying a word!

After the luminous crystal cannon was fired, a "swipe" sound even drew a white trajectory in mid-air, which could not dissipate for a long time. Then, the extremely powerful light cannon shot into the dense vegetation in front, and even evaporated.

A hole as big as the mouth of a bowl was created, directly piercing the huge red stain!

You can see immediately that the huge red spot trembled for a moment, and then the red began to slowly fade, indicating that the temperature difference with the outside world began to shrink, which meant that it had lost its life!

Parker looked at the blood flowing out of the reeds opposite and couldn't help but reveal a cruel smile, finally letting out the bad breath in his heart.

At this time, he also knew that the enemy had very powerful suppression equipment. It was meaningless to check the battle records. He could only see the data related to himself, so he simply did not distract himself from it and rushed forward quickly, stepping forward with his feet.

The muddy water makes a "pattering" sound!

At this time, for Parker, it was time to take advantage of his illness to kill him and establish victory in one fell swoop!!

But just after Parker rushed out twenty or thirty meters, the mud in the swamp suddenly surged! Then with a crash, a huge black thing emerged, along with a large amount of smelly water and sludge, aiming at

He hit him straight away.

Suddenly, something happened in front of him. Although Parker was caught off guard, he did not rush. After taking a deep breath, he suddenly punched himself in the chest.

You can immediately see that a seemingly ordinary pendant on his chest flashes with light, and the energy inside is violently released, forming a dense and terrifying electric grid around his body.

A giant blue electric current as thick as a child's arm swept around him. A swamp reed nearby was violently torn and rolled, the leaves flew, and then turned into coke. The muddy water also boiled rapidly, making a gurgling sound.

The area within a dozen square meters around Parker was plowed over by this terrible power grid. It could be said that not a single blade of grass grew! And the huge thing flying towards him was hit by the electric current in the air, and there was a splash of blood.

Body fluids were splashed everywhere, the bodies were cut into pieces, and there was a strong and pungent burnt smell in the air!

"What...what is this?" Parker looked at the bloody corpse in front of him in confusion.

He only knew that the black figure that he had just dismembered was a large animal with well-developed, black fur and a huge body, similar to a seal. However, the two fangs protruded from the lip and looked very sharp.


Fortunately, after activating the search mode, the black-framed eyes contained detailed information about all the creatures in the swamp, which was quickly displayed under Parker's review.

This is a giant rat otter. It is a mammalian creature of the mustelidae family. It has a long body, a short snout, and is viviparous.

This kind of otter has a ferocious temperament and can reach up to three meters in length. It likes to live in swamps and feeds on elephant frogs, insects, bird eggs, and young plant leaves in the swamp. Adult giant rat otters also have a special habit.

, is used to stealing crocodile eggs, and can even fight with crocodiles.

The giant red spot hidden under the water that Parker saw before was actually the giant rat otter that was caught and beaten half to death! It was this guy who pierced through the light cannon he fired!

In fact, from the moment they met, Fang Linyan had formulated a careful plan against Parker!

In the first step, Fang Linyan targeted Parker's mobility, successfully destroying his skateboard and turning him into a "cripple"!

In the second step, Fang Linyan began to delay time, making Parker impetuous. Once a person becomes impetuous, it will inevitably be difficult to calm down, and he will do some things that are above him, making it easier for him to be lured into an ambush.

After testing out Parker's backhand, Fang Linyan jumped out of the quagmire with a crash and pounced on him with extraordinary agility! In that way, he was like a wolf at the end of its rope.

In the wind and snow, he bared his sharp teeth and bit into the opponent's vitals!

This time, facing Fang Linyan's surprise attack, Parker did not panic. He behaved calmly and calmly. He first waved his hand and threw out a handful of playing cards that spun and shot at high speed, and then teleported directly behind him with a burning soul orb.


Why are both Fang Linyan and Parker the first choice to use this move? It’s because the space warriors who have survived to this day must have this ability. The trump card known by the enemy is not called the trump card, so it must be the first choice to use it.


But at this time, Fang Linyan's trump card that he had left behind came in handy, and he directly threw a flying blade, activated the wind blade and shot at him.

That handful of playing cards spinning at high speed seemed to cut Fang Linyan's body perfectly, but in fact it only attacked his illusion in vain.

The next second, Parker was kneeled on the waist by Fang Linyan who appeared behind him, and then the predatory fangs were stabbed deeply into his vest.

Activate the hungry ghost fun ability!!

Feeling the sweet taste of flesh and blood, waves of greedy and thirsty "Jie Jie" screams sounded in the air, and Hei Zhu appeared in the world again.

As soon as Hei Zhu appeared, he took the form of a spider the size of a washbasin and clung to Parker's back! His health value also appeared in the upper right corner of Fang Linyan's field of vision: 3120 points/3120 points.

This second of dizziness was really so long for Parker. When he finally woke up, Parker gritted his teeth and wanted to fight back, but how could Fang Linyan's basic melee combat skills of up to LV12 be a vegetarian?

Just as he was about to fight back, Fang Linyan had already punched him on the bridge of his nose. Parker groaned suddenly, tears and snot flowing out together, mixed with blood. After Fang Linyan punched him several times in a row, he hit him again.

Dip your head hard into the mud next to you!

Pain, confusion, humiliation and other complex emotions were mixed in his heart. Parker screamed loudly and wanted to fight back. However, although his basic melee skills were not weak, they were definitely not up to the level of LV12, so he could only be suppressed.


They were pushed to the ground and beaten by Fang Linyan, the contractor! And at this time, the two of them still had no dignity and no identity, and fell into the dirty muddy water, roaring and biting like two injured hyenas.

It is worth mentioning that basic melee LV12 can only suppress the enemy's ordinary melee fist and kick attacks, but it is powerless against skill attacks. Parker's desperate resistance also mixed many skill attacks with normal attacks.

There are many things inside that are impossible to dodge and avoid.

Fang Linyan's face and body were also in pain, and he even estimated that one of his ribs was broken, but he just pursed his lips tightly and showed no expression.

After Parker came back to his senses, he was still resisting and struggling crazily. In this most primitive fight like a beast, no one can survive alone, but the one who survives in the end must be the one who can endure the pain the most.

The one.

So Fang Linyan endured it without saying a word! But as he felt Parker's crazy and powerful attack, he was counting down silently in his heart, because he was pressing Parker's head into the mud pit, allowing him to inhale the liquid into his nostrils.

, only rancid, thick black water!

The more Parker resists at this time, the more oxygen he consumes in his body. As long as he cannot bear to take a breath, the foreign body reaction in the trachea will immediately completely lose his combat effectiveness!

Sure enough, after Parker gave Fang Linyan a hard knee-kick, his whole body suddenly twitched violently, and his hands and feet began to unconsciously dig into the mud! Fang Linyan also breathed a sigh of relief, because in this case, at most he could

In ten seconds, Parker will fall into coma due to lack of oxygen in his brain! He will definitely win.

However, at this moment, Fang Linyan suddenly realized that he could not move his hands and feet!

Not only that, but the two people began to separate quickly, and he suddenly felt nervous in his heart! Because after all, he was forcibly dragged into the opponent's home field: fighting in the interdimensional killing array.

There are too many areas that have not been covered. I don’t know if the reason why I can’t move is caused by Parker! If so, then something really bad is going on.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan soon discovered that Parker could not move either, and Parker's willingness to resist and struggle was much stronger because he was in a state of survival instinct!

Therefore, Fang Linyan immediately concluded that this was the intervention of external forces, and he let out a gentle sigh:

"Is it finally over?"

At this time, Fang Linyan also felt sore and exhausted all over his body. It would be best if the winner could be decided right now.

But soon, what appeared in front of Fang Linyan was a white shadow falling from the sky. He was covered in a silver-white armor, only his face was exposed. There was "Arbiter" on the armor.

Three words, the white shadow said in a cold and ruthless tone:

"The duel is suspended, and the battle will continue in the next ten minutes."

This chapter has been completed!
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