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Chapter 1425 The tragedy of Tang peoples house

As for the tangmono shops opened in Nagasaki, even if they were opened by Japanese, these ronin would rush in, smash and loot them wildly, and if anyone came out to stop them, they would be directly chopped or even hacked to death on the spot.

A large amount of blood flowed out along the cracks in the stones next to it, and even spread to the street.

But such a chaotic Port of Nagasaki is relatively orderly compared to other places.

Because if Fang Linyan and the others get closer, they will find that the place where the flames are blazing is not Nagasaki Port, but the Tang Dynasty House a few miles away. The raging fire is raging there, and the Chinese businessmen are crying and kneeling in despair.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, but it was of no use.

Those originally humble rickshaw pullers moved in groups. They were holding what was usually called a "drawing bar" in their hands, which was a wooden stick used to drag the rickshaw. Their dull and honest faces revealed

He smiled cruelly and happily, shouted slogans loudly, and was as excited and irritable as if he were celebrating a festival.

Whenever these guys see Chinese people, they pounce on them and beat them up shamelessly. When they see the intact shops, they rush in and loot, rape, and set fires.

This place that was once prosperous, rich, and even seemed to have been restored to the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and was as beautiful as a dream, is turning into a terrifying hell of blood and fire. Those docile rickshaw pullers who were originally like slaves turned into evil ghosts in an instant, trampling and destroying this place.

A place where they once made a humble living.

There is a saying that the wind rises at the end of Qingping and the waves form between gentle waves. In fact, there are many signs of this turmoil. As early as ten days ago, the Japanese sailed the Akagi and Feilong and directly blocked it.

After staying at the port, thousands of soldiers were dispatched on land to forcefully demand a "contraband search" on the Tang people's houses.

Such behavior was undoubtedly outrageous. At that time, most Chinese businessmen advocated tough negotiations. However, the Zheng family, which was the most powerful and vocal among the Tang people's houses, was not willing to take the lead and actually persuaded everyone to obey the authorities.

They all said something discouraging like the other party just wanted money, so everyone just tolerated it and let it pass, and that Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi and I are very familiar.

In this case, what can everyone do? They can only watch the Japanese troops march in, and first conduct a frantic search, removing all the firearms, knives and other items in the hands of the Chinese businessmen.

A raid was carried out and a dozen young men who dared to resist were also captured.

As for the patrol teams created by the Chinese businessmen before, haha, they must have all been declared illegal organizations and forcibly disbanded, and the leader was also arrested.

Of course, when I left at the end, I scraped a lot of oil and water!

Three days ago, such a large-scale search happened again. At this time, the Chinese businessmen also felt that something was wrong, but even if they wanted to resist, they were powerless. They could only watch the Japanese army show off their power in silence, and even

Even kitchen knives and wooden sticks were confiscated as contraband.

Of course, there is also the old man Zheng Xianren who is still chattering, saying that Prime Minister Ito specially sent me a letter, saying that the current situation is difficult and that we should be mentally prepared for co-prosperity and mutual benefit with the Empire of Japan.

Make it easier to integrate into Japanese society more smoothly.

Although the road was tortuous and everyone suffered economic losses, the Japanese government regarded us as its own people instead of second-class citizens. All these sacrifices were worth it.

But this time after the Japanese plundered them again, not many people were willing to listen to Zheng Xianren. Many Chinese businessmen even began to look at them with contempt. The Zheng family's status among the Chinese houses plummeted instantly.

Even word of mouth and reputation have reached rock bottom.

The turmoil started this morning. When a Chinese businessman went out, he planned to call a rickshaw to go out, but found that the rickshaws that were usually seen everywhere had disappeared!

After he spent a lot of effort to find one, he sat directly on it and scolded the driver, asking him to set off quickly. However, he did not notice that the driver's eyes no longer became humble and flattering, but became fierce and fierce.


After running for about two or three hundred meters, he probably changed the direction of his running, so the Chinese businessman sniffed, then frowned, and then he said:

"You drank alcohol early in the morning? Why does it smell like alcohol?"

The driver was still running silently. The Chinese businessman could only see his low and stocky body and the sweat flowing from his neck, but he could not see his expression.

For some reason, the Chinese businessman suddenly felt a little flustered. Although it was broad daylight, he had a fearful feeling of walking naked in the dark, so he immediately shouted:

"Stop! Stop, I want to get off!"

But instead of stopping, the driver started running faster, and then quickly turned into a nearby alley.

As you can see, this alley is full of topless rickshaw pullers. One of them is talking loudly among them, while others are handing out chewing tobacco and Japanese sake to them.

Therefore, many coachmen have become drunk by now, their eyes are red, and they will occasionally raise their arms and shout!

When the rickshaw puller pulled the Chinese businessman into this alley, all the rickshaw pullers turned their heads and looked over at the same time. What was it like to be looked at by dozens of pairs of red, bloodshot eyes?

In short, the Chinese businessman was so frightened that he almost wet his pants. Without saying a word, he jumped out of the car and wanted to escape. However, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the top of his head. His whole body was spinning and he fell directly to the ground. It was the person who pulled him to

The rickshaw driver here pulled out a stick and hit him directly on the back of the head.

The last feeling of this Chinese businessman was that he was rapidly losing consciousness and being quickly dragged into an endless hell. These rickshaw pullers, who usually seemed to endure humiliation, work hard, and be honest, had torn off their disguises.

Become a devil!!

Throughout the morning, similar robberies and thefts began to occur in Tang Ren Yashiki. By the afternoon, the drunken rickshaw pullers were no longer willing to just commit crimes in the dark, and directly took to the streets to start a parade and rally, shouting loudly and wantonly.


Even if a Chinese businessman was beaten to a bloody head and beaten like a rabbit, the police just stood by and watched all this indifferently, even with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Under this situation, everyone inside Tang Ren Yashiki panicked, and many people planned to escape outside. However, it was already raining continuously and the road was slippery and difficult to travel. Some people who left Tang Ren Yashiki two or three miles away

Bandits and rogues have long been ambushed on the road. In this deserted place, they are even more unscrupulous in killing people and robbing wealth.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the policemen in the Tangren Yashiki looked at each other, and then left without hesitation. As soon as they left, the Japanese rickshaw pullers became even more unscrupulous. After being suppressed here for a long time, they finally started their own


It can be clearly felt that there are many people with ulterior motives among these rickshaw pullers. These people look like they dress up, but in fact they are all eloquent, constantly using inflammatory language to seduce them, and add the previous

The suffering and torture they suffered were blamed on the Chinese.

Under such circumstances, when someone rushed into a Chinese shop with his head and threw valuables everywhere, the devil in the hearts of these rickshaw pullers was finally released and they began to yell and rush.

He got in and started lighting the fire.

Looking at this scene, a man showed a cruel smile on his face. Now is the time to close the net on these damn Chinese people!

To be honest, he has long been disgusted with these dirty Chinese people. They are just a group of parasites, constantly sucking blood on the body of the Japanese Empire and getting fat! If it weren't for the clear instructions from above that the time has not come yet, he, the police chief, would have long ago

This place must be wiped out.

Fortunately, the government's deficit is getting bigger and bigger, and it urgently needs a sum of money to replenish the national treasury. He finally got the good news, and it's time to close the net!

In the opinion of the general manager, there are three benefits to getting rid of the cancer of Tang Yashiki.

First, of course, it is to make up for national use.

Second, it can divert the conflicts of the untouchables in the country, allowing them to revel in the corpses of these despicable Qing people and vent their grievances, which is conducive to social stability.

Third, Japan and Qing are still at war, so it can also help clean up the domestic environment and prevent Qing spies from doing damage.

This day is the day when the houses of the Tang Dynasty were destroyed, and it was also the day when those ronin and cart drivers who were as humble as weeds and local dogs reveled. They turned into monsters to their heart's content, trampling on the anointed blood of those former masters, sucking it with big mouths, and feeling in their hearts

The resentment also dissipated accordingly.

In this horrific riot that seems to be sweeping the world, the Zheng family, as the largest family in the Tang Dynasty, is of course the first to bear the brunt!

A large number of mobs gathered outside Zheng's house. Countless hands were waving, holding stones and sticks in their hands. At the same time, there were overwhelming shouts like rolling waves:

"The slaves of the Qing Dynasty will die and suffer."

"The slaves of the Qing Dynasty went out to Japan."

"Kill these damn maggots"


Since ancient times, Japan's buildings have taken one very important thing into consideration, which is to resist earthquakes and reduce the damage caused by earthquakes. Therefore, most of their building materials use grass, paper, bamboo strips, etc.

The advantage of this thing is that almost no one will die if the house collapses, but the disadvantage is also obvious, it is not very strong.

The same is true for the Zheng family's mansion. Although it was built in Chinese style, the construction was done by Japanese craftsmen. After being slightly impacted by these mobs, the entire wall was crumbling.

At this time, the Zheng family was of course in a state of panic. Zheng Xianren was like a trapped animal, pacing back and forth over and over again, extremely anxious, and even murmured:

"It's impossible, it's impossible! Our ancestors of the Zheng family married a Japanese woman. We are fully Japanese, we are not lowly Chinese!"

"There must be something wrong. There must be some villain who is causing trouble! These bastards are just bluffing. They have the police and the army to deter them. How dare they rush in?"

When he thought of this, he suddenly raised his head and shouted:

"Where is Zheng Zhong? Where is Zheng Zhong?"

After shouting several times, no one answered. Zheng Xianren's eyes were already bloodshot. After a while, someone came out and timidly said:

"The butler seemed to have left with the uncle last night."

A family like the Zheng family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, also has certain rules within the family. For example, the stewards of this generation use the four words "loyalty, bravery, and diligence" to describe their emptiness. For example, Zheng Zhong is the chief steward, and the second steward is Zheng Yong.


And the uncle the servant mentioned was Zheng Jiaguang, who had been on good terms with Fang Linyan before.

Zheng Xianren roared:

"Well done, I will settle accounts with this evildoer when I turn around, expel him from my house, and cancel all inheritance rights. Where is Zheng Yong?"

Then there was a deathly silence, like the silence of a tomb.

Zheng Xianren was so angry that veins appeared on his forehead, and he roared:

"Are the rest of them dead? Is there anyone alive?"

An old man who looked a little greasy rubbed his hands, stood up uneasily, and then said:

"What orders does the master of the house have?"

Zheng Xianren said without any doubt:

"Du Li, you will be the housekeeper from now on. Go out and talk to the group of people outside. I want to see their leader!"

The old man Du Li looked happy at first, and then he was shocked and said:

"Master of the house, master of the house, those people are crazy and don't listen to us at all!!"

A sharp light suddenly flashed in Zheng Xianren's eyes, but Du Li was good at judging the situation. Seeing the old man's expression, he immediately kowtowed and said:

"Little one, go right away, go right away!"

But in his heart, Du Li directly blamed the eighteenth generation of Zheng Xianren's ancestors. At the same time, he said in his heart that if a good man doesn't suffer the consequences, I won't serve him anymore. Then he turned around and ran away.

Zheng Xianren continued to walk around the living room like an ant on a hot pot, lost in thought. However, when he looked up, he realized something was wrong. Why was there no one in the living room? He was furious and felt that these

The servants are becoming more and more unruly.

Just the next second, there was a sudden burst of cheers and shouts outside, and then the sound of chaotic footsteps was heard heading towards this direction.

Zheng Xianren forced himself to calm down, coughed and sat on the grand master's chair in the main hall. He was about to scold the mob who rushed in, but the door of the living room was also rushed open immediately, and a large group of eyes broke in.

Red, untouchable shouting excitedly!!

They smelled of alcohol and pungent sweat, and carried sticks and stones in their hands. When they saw Zheng Xianren, they rushed up directly. Zheng Xianren stood up as soon as he slapped the table:

"You stupid red deer, I'm a real Japanese, I"

This chapter has been completed!
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