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Chapter 1426 Direct attack on the military port

A thick car bumper hit him hard on the head, Zheng Xianren fell to the ground softly, and then several smelly feet aimed at him and kicked him hard, Zheng Xianren still

He persisted and spit out the following words:

".I know Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi-kun very well!!"

Then the stubborn old man fell into severe pain and completely lost consciousness.

After a while, blazing fire burst out from the Zheng Mansion.

At the same time, a small number of people from the Zheng family stood on the mountain in the distance, looking at the fireworks sweeping across the entire Tang Dynasty Yashiki. Everyone was silent, some burst into tears, and some even burst into tears.

The sound comes.

Since Zheng Zhilong, the 281 years of foundation established by the Zheng family here have been wiped out. How can we not make these descendants heartbroken!

Zheng Jiaguang gritted his teeth and said with tears in his eyes:

"This bunch of bastards!! These bastards, our Zheng family's century-old foundation has just been wiped out in ashes!"

Next to him was Zheng Jiaguang’s father, Zheng Xianli. He gently pressed his hand on his son’s shoulder and said meaningfully:

"Actually, all this is a good thing."

Zheng Jiaguang turned around suddenly, his eyes red and said:

"Dad, what did you say?"

Zheng Xianli said:

"Actually, we predicted all this a month ago, so why does this tragedy happen again?"

Zheng Jiaguang was stunned for a moment, but Zheng Xianli said with deep eyes:

"Because our voice is too small, there are always people who won't shed tears until they see the coffin! Although the Zheng family's foundation in Tangren Yashiki has been destroyed, it cannot be established until it is destroyed."

"Since our team is still here and we have made preparations in advance! Then given time, we will definitely be able to recreate the glory of the Zheng family!"

Hearing what Zheng Xianli said, the rest of the people also cheered up. Zheng Jiaguang took a deep breath, thinking of the injustice, supercilious looks, and humiliation he had suffered in his family before!

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but look at the raging fire below, and he couldn't help but feel a strange joy in his heart. Those arrogant and ignorant short-sighted people must have been wiped out with the fire.

In the future, the Zheng family will surely be reborn from the ashes.

At this time, behind Zheng Xianli and Zheng Jiaguang, in addition to seven or eight armed guards, there were also more than a dozen people. These people were huddled together, with haggard faces, and they were crying. They were not from the Zheng family.

, but a fish that slipped through the net and escaped by chance.

Zheng Jiaguang warned some of his friends and the families behind them very early on. Some believed him while others scorned him.

In order to leave a last chance for those stubborn friends, Zheng Jiaguang pointed out a way out to these friends and partners, which was the top of the hill where he was staying at this time. If anything happened, he could just escape here.

Someone responded.

This place was called "Yunding" by the locals - ahem, the Japanese are so exaggerated in their names - and after the chaos broke out, some people did escape, and the Zheng family's guards even hacked to death several of the chasing mobs.

As for the people within the Zheng family, those who were able to leave had already evacuated for the last time last night. The main reason was that the Japanese's brutal behavior of searching the Tang Dynasty's house twice in succession was too worrying, so most of the Zheng family's people escaped this time.

He came out and was placed in Navel Hair Village.

Not only that, with Zheng Xianli's acquiescence, most of the Zheng family's inventory began to be cleared half a month ago, and then deliberately left on the cabinet through accounting, and was not collected back to the headquarters. Therefore, the Zheng family has accumulated hundreds of years of

Although part of the wealth that had been built up was destroyed this time, its vitality remained, and with so many manpower retained, there should still be hope for revival.

At this time, there was a noise in the grass nearby, and then a man dressed as a ninja came out. It was the indifferent Hattori Kazuki. He looked around at these people, and then said:

"Let's go, no one will escape anymore, and I smell the scent of those wild dogs. We must be careful when we return."

The wild dogs that Hattori Kazumasu spoke of were the ronin and wild samurai who were working for the government at this time. They had been chasing him and his lord for the bounty, and now they were playing a huge role in the great turmoil.


At this time, Fang Linyan also took Li San and others on a small boat and quietly arrived near Nagasaki Port under the cover of night and successfully landed.

Youdao is planning before taking action. The situation in Nagasaki Port at this time is really not normal, so they first let the large force take advantage of the bad weather and the approaching night, and the low visibility to stay within five or six nautical miles of the surrounding area.

place, first dispatch a small team to understand the situation.

After landing, Fang Linyan was overjoyed by the chaos in Nagasaki Port. He directly arrested a few port workers and asked them to tell them all the details of the situation without spending too much effort.

After figuring out the situation, Fang Linyan immediately returned to the ship. After discussing with the commander of the Russian side, Shoigu, he made a decision. Since the Nagasaki Port was in this situation, the direction of the first wave of raids was

It should be focused on military objectives, not civilian objectives.

There is no doubt that the largest and most valuable military target in Nagasaki Port is the military port dock next to it!

At this time, the Nagasaki military port had not yet been relocated. It was only a few dozen meters away from the civilian port. It was only separated by a wall, and there were still troops stationed inside.

According to the information that has just been revealed, the flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet, the Yoshino, is undergoing overhaul and maintenance of the steam engine inside, and the main ship, the Toshima, is undergoing routine maintenance.

However, the military port is not undefended! The entire military port presents a typical C-shape. The center of the C is sea water. On the two arms of the C that extends to the ocean, a large number of permanent structures have been built.


According to the prior intelligence investigation, there are a total of eight large forts, twelve stone forts, and thirteen stone forts in the military port. Each fort has a large number of artillery, which can be said to have very powerful firepower.

At this time, the Nagasaki port fell into chaos, which was deliberately condoned by the authorities. However, a place like the military port would never get out of control. At the same time, according to the rigidity and obedience of the Japanese nation, it is absolutely impossible to expect the soldiers stationed at the fort to slack off.


Therefore, once the raiding fleet attempts to rush directly into the harbor, it will face the covering fire of these permanent forts, which is an outright disaster.

If we follow the regular plan and land directly at the civilian dock, the Russians will be violent and out-of-control after going to the battlefield, as well as the unpredictability of fighting in the dark. More importantly, there are a large number of troops stationed in the military port, so

It would take at least several hours to rush into the Nagasaki naval port, and by then the Yoshino and Matsushima would have already set sail and fled.

Therefore, if you want to achieve the strategic goal of eating both Japanese warships, there is only one way, and that is to first dispatch a small-scale elite force to quickly raid the forts on both sides of the naval port, and destroy most of the forts first.

The next three ships in the open sea can rush into the Nagasaki naval port and directly attack the parked Yoshino and Matsushima!

The two sides deliberated for a while, and then called people who were familiar with the terrain to discuss together. They agreed that the number of elite troops sent out could not be less than 200, but it would be difficult to exceed 500.

The reason is very simple, that is, if we want to raid the Nagasaki military port nearby, we must allow the ships transporting personnel to land nearby.

The only place suitable for large ships to dock nearby is Nagasaki Port. The three large ships cannot shoulder the delivery capacity. They can only rely on small boats that usually transport water and supplies, and they have to do so in the dark. This is extremely dangerous.

Big risk.

At this time, there are only four small boats available. Each small boat carries fully armed soldiers, no more than fifteen people, and it also takes a huge risk of poor visibility at night - you know,

The front area of ​​Nagasaki Military Port is nothing more than that, but there are many rocks in the shore area. Needless to say, if you encounter them!

More importantly, the tide is about to go out. People nearby have been asked. Once the tide goes out, the silt shoals on the shore will be exposed. Once people walk on it, the silt will sink into their calves.

, or even the position of the waist, it is really a dilemma.

Therefore, a group of people immediately made emergency arrangements to land and deploy troops. As a result, something went wrong with the first batch of launches. Two of the four small boats ran aground on the rocks, and only two successfully reached the shore.

Although two safe waterways were barely discovered, there were only two small boats for transportation, and only thirty people could be launched at one time. Finally, when the tide began to recede, there were less than four hundred people on the shore.

However, among this series of bad news, there is still good news, that is, the Russians hired this time are still very strong at least in terms of fighting will. Everyone is quarreling over the first place to go ashore.

There was almost a fight.

After landing at this time, everyone was gearing up and wanting to fight. They didn't have the slightest fear of going deep into the enemy's country to take risks with a small number of enemies. Everyone was swearing, or just in front of them.

He complained that he didn't have any wine to drink, or he complained about why the fight didn't start.

At this time, Fang Linyan, Wang Wu and others gathered together. The sea breeze mixed with raindrops fell down, and the cold rain soaked the body. Coupled with the cold wind, ordinary people would tremble directly.

However, at this time, each of these men in the arena was breathing very heavily. More than twenty people formed a circle. Regardless of their superiority or inferiority, there was an indescribable excitement in their hearts.


On the stone in the center of the circle, there was a jar of wine and dozens of bowls. Wang Wu stepped forward, filled the wine one by one and distributed it to everyone. Then he raised the bowl and said in a low voice:

"I, Wang Wu, have been wallowing in the arena since I was sixteen years old. I have gone through hundreds of battles, sometimes for the sake of brotherly loyalty, and sometimes because I can't help myself in the arena. But after every battle, I feel helpless and terrified.

They all wonder when the days of bloodshed will come to an end."

"But, today, when I came thousands of miles away and stood on the land of this little devil, the martial arts I have practiced all my life have finally been used in the most correct place. I feel that this is the best thing in my life, Wang Wu."

Peak!! For the sake of righteousness and for us not to be bullied by the little devils, I only feel extremely honored!!!"

"Finally, I want to say something from the bottom of my heart. It is my greatest honor to die here fighting with all of you!! I'll do it!!"

After listening to Wang Wu's words, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Everyone present felt their blood surge. No matter how cold the weather was, it couldn't be compared to the countless pride in their chests! He went to this foreign country to work hard for the self-reliance of the nation.

If you sacrifice your life and forget about death, you will have no regrets even if you die a hundred times!

Under this situation, even Li San and Li Ju felt the blood in their chests burning, and deeply understood the meaning of Wang Wu's words - in this battle, killing the Japanese slaves,

To turn the sky upside down, to die a hundred times without regrets, that is the supreme glory in this life!!

At this time, Fang Linyan also felt excited:

The Chinese nation has a long history. During the five thousand years of civilization, it is unknown how many Chinese people have landed on the Japanese mainland.

However, as conquerors and conquerors, representing the Chinese nation in full force, I and the people around me were truly the first to set foot on this land!

Not counting World War II, which has not yet occurred in this plane, how much damage did the Japanese pirates in the modern era cause to the people of our Chinese nation?

At this time, Fang Linyan's heart was surging and he wanted to yell: Anyone who offends our Han people will be punished no matter how far away they are!


Ten minutes later, outside the guard post at the gate of Nagasaki Military Port, four soldiers on night watch were scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

The security of the important military port cannot be ignored, and there are still the aftermath of the riot in Nagasaki Port, so these four sentries have no intention of relaxing, even if there are four colleagues on the watchtower behind them, they are also

Do it meticulously.

However, this was 1895 after all, a time when Japan's Meiji Restoration had just begun. Even in such a heavily defended place, it still seemed full of loopholes in Fang Linyan's eyes. He relied on the power of stealth + Kino's turban

The ability slipped directly from the shadow behind the sentry at the door.

Fang Linyan's target was the two sentries on the watchtower ten meters behind, which was also the task assigned to him previously.

Not only that, the two sentries on the other watchtower agreed that Li San and Xu Wen would deal with it.

According to the plan, Li San could knock down one person with the swallow dart, while Xu Wen was the top performer in the martial arts exam eight years ago and could shoot a three-stone bow. He was responsible for taking down the other person.

In the eyes of others, the biggest difficulty in this watchtower is not killing people, but how to approach it silently. The staircase of the watchtower is a bamboo ladder seven or eight meters high. Once you climb up, there will be a creaking sound.

, but this is something that cannot be avoided by any effort at lightness.

This chapter has been completed!
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