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Chapter 14 The Mysterious Tribe

The pressure on the Legendary Team is actually extremely heavy. In the next world, they will face the full-scale attack of the Abyss Lord. Seeing that one hour of the five-hour time limit has passed, they are still stuck at the exit of the Plane Bridge. How can this make people uncomfortable?


Of course, both Goat and Crespo also proposed the plan of not fighting here and evacuating directly first, but if they want to leave, they will have to face two serious problems:

First, now that everyone has not even found the entrance to the ruins of Unicron, where should we evacuate? If we leave rashly without a clue, who can guarantee that we are not going in the wrong direction and are heading in the right direction?

Second, people can evacuate, but the dormant plane bridge device has not yet completed synchronization, so it cannot move and can only stay in place!

Fang Linyan and the others could only use yellow sand to cover it up, but these mutated sandworms were burrowing through the sand like a fish in water, so they would easily find the plane bridge device. Do we have to pin our hopes on them not being sensitive to this thing?


Under these two factors, a group of people were extremely depressed and could only sit there and take stock of the corresponding loot while recovering between battles.

Among these harvests, the most abundant are the crystals of corruption. Every mutated sandworm will definitely drop it, and some may even drop more than one, or up to three. There are already twenty-six in total.

Secondly, there are many rare materials, and these materials have one thing in common, which is dual use. They can be used for alchemy, forging, leatherworking, etc.

If we were to use something in reality as an example, the most appropriate one would be child urine, which is both fertilizer and a well-known traditional Chinese medicine.

However, the equipment explosion rate of these sandworms is quite low. The legendary team killed a total of fourteen mutant sandworms. Even if they eliminated the four that were "contaminated" by Dante and the others, only ten mutant sandworms would be dropped in the end.

Two pieces of equipment were dropped, and they were all wrist guards.

Their names are also somewhat similar, one is called the Eagle's Sandworm Bracers, and the other is called the Wild Bear's Sandworm Bracers.

Both share common properties:

Defense +3 points

Physical damage reduced by 15%

Damage caused by lightning will be increased by an additional 20%

Then the difference between the two is,

The main attribute of the eagle is agility +5 points,

The main attribute of the wild bear is Strength +5 points

The Eagle Bracers were taken away by the Vulture, and the Wild Bear Bracers were taken away by Max. After all, the attribute of strength is very important to Max.

At this time, the synchronization of the plane bridge device also ended. Fang Linyan picked it up, but found that it could not be stored in his personal space and could only be carried in his backpack.

With this worry relieved, Fang Linyan discussed with Omi and prepared to leave here first.

Just when a group of people were about to leave, Crespo suddenly frowned and said:


There seems to be something going on in the distance!"

After hearing this, everyone was shocked. They immediately looked up and immediately discovered that there was a large black cloud sweeping over the sand dunes in the distance. It came quickly close to the lines of the sand dunes.

Just because the distance was too far and the sand dunes were still rolling, the black clouds only appeared when they reached the top of the distant sand dunes.

Soon, when the distance between the two was close, it was discovered that the "black cloud" was actually a group of cavalry!

The camels they were riding on were actually jet-black camels. These camels were obviously mutated, some had two extra eyes, some had sharp horns on their foreheads, and the most exaggerated thing was their hooves, which were covered with

After long-term friction, it shines with a metallic luster.

These cavalrymen were wearing brown leather armor, black turbans on their heads, a black veil on their faces, black scimitars on their waists, and a black circle on their backs.

of strange ropes.

The only eye-catching sign is a white towel tied to his arm, but there is also a skull drawn on the towel with charcoal.

When these cavalrymen galloped to a distance of more than a hundred meters from Fang Linyan and others, they stopped directly. They neither expressed hostility nor goodwill, but just looked over silently. This also made Fang Linyan and others very nervous, and they were worried at any time.

Prepare to go into battle.

After they got closer, Fang Linyan realized that the five cavalrymen running in front all had sand falcons on their shoulders. They all wore eye patches and stood obediently on their master's shoulders. They looked very tame at first glance.

But at this moment, Omi suddenly said:

"The leather armor material on these people looks familiar! It seems like it was peeled off from sandworms?"

After Omi said this, everyone looked carefully and immediately realized that this was indeed the case.

Although the leather armor must have gone through many processes such as tanning and kneading, the sandworm's skin actually has special lines similar to the character "well" due to the presence of scales, which is very easy to identify.

After discovering this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this group of desert cavalry numbered about fifty or sixty people. There is a saying that eating its flesh and sleeping on its skin, they all peeled off the skin of the mutated sandworm to make it.

Even if you have armor, you can't be full of affection for the mutant sandworm, so you will turn against it and attack it, right?

After about a few seconds, I saw a desert cavalry running out first, talking non-stop, but the language he spoke was completely incomprehensible.

Fortunately, Noah Space comes with its own translator--of course it is a paid one, so Fang Linyan planned to use the money to buy a skill.

Fortunately, his execution ability was not too strong at this time, because the goat had already ridden a centaur and walked out first. At this time, Fang Linyan remembered that this guy's chosen ability was related to written language, and this guy's

With a high charm value, he is a prime candidate to serve as a diplomat.

Sure enough, Goat's Chosen One ability quickly came into play. As soon as he started talking, a subtitle-like prompt appeared on the retinas of all members of the team:

"Hello, we are travelers from afar. We came here to explore for minerals but were besieged by these monsters. Can you tell me what happened?"

After hearing this, the man opposite put his right hand on his heart, and then bowed slightly:

"Salute to you! Guests from far away, you are actually able to kill so many Monks. It is really awesome. We are the people of the tribe of Hanar, the descendants of the great Xerxes, and the loyal followers of the god Talbot.

, have been living in this desert for generations.”

Now that the two sides have struck up a conversation, there is no need to fight next. The goat talks easily. Only then do we know that the Hanar tribe people routinely patrol and hunt in the desert every day, and the special sand falcons they raise are like

Like a hound, it has a strong ability to sense mutant sandworms.

As a result, an hour ago, the sand falcons of several hunting teams all flew in the same direction, so they met halfway and came together.

Obviously, these sand falcons smelled the body fluids of the killed mutated sandworms, so they rushed here in unison.

Next, the goat took the initiative to give them a sandworm carcass, and the Hanar tribe people suddenly became more friendly, telling them all their difficulties like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

After close contact at this time, Fang Linyan and others discovered that almost all the people of the Hanar tribe had large black patches on their bodies. At first glance, they looked like tattoos, but after a few more glances, they could tell that something was wrong. It was obvious

Something like skin cancer, monkeys, maybe that's why they insist on wearing black clothes.

It turns out that the reason why the Hanar tribe has been able to survive in a life restricted area like the Sahara Desert has a lot to do with their long-term and tireless hunting of mutated sandworms.

For them, the leather of mutant sandworms can be used to make high-quality armor. After the corpses of mutant sandworms are left in the desert for half a month, they will become dry and hard and can be easily ground into powder.

These powders are called "Kak" by the Hanar tribe and have many uses.

On the one hand, it is high-quality fertilizer, which is mixed with water and used to irrigate the date palm trees in the oasis, allowing the date palm trees to obtain extremely high yields.

On the other hand, the mutated black camels they ride on also need to eat "Kak" every once in a while (about three months). Although they will be poisoned and die if they eat a large amount, this kind of

A certain degree of "supplementation" is also essential.

What is even more amazing is that when the Hanar tribe members are sick, they will also take "Kak" as medicine, and it is really effective, with an effective rate of up to 80%. The more seriously ill the people,

The more times you take "Kak", the greater the dosage.

According to Fang Linyan's inference, the Emperor of the Universe is the incarnation of chaos, so any creature that has been near his ruins for a long time will be more or less contaminated by the power of chaos and undergo some mutations.

Although the people of the Hanar tribe look little different from normal people, they can actually survive for a week without water, and during this week they can also engage in normal physical activities such as horseback riding and hunting.

Even after a week, the people of the Hanar tribe fell into a weak state, but they could still persist for another seven days before dying of thirst.

Correspondingly, the people of the Hanar tribe drank an astonishing amount of water every time, weighing more than ten kilograms at a time. For normal people, this would definitely lead to water intoxication.

(Note: The limits of the human body are actually quite exaggerated as long as they are exercised. For example, someone diving without assistance can hold their breath underwater for 22 minutes and 22 seconds. A normal person would probably suffocate in five minutes, so drinking ten pounds of water seems exaggerated.

In fact, it’s far from a limit)

Therefore, the principle why the Hanar tribe takes "Kak" to treat diseases is actually very simple, that is, they can absorb the power of chaos in it, which is equivalent to ordinary people who decisively take resistance-enhancing drugs after getting sick.

Let the body get better.

In addition, more than a hundred teeth can be peeled off from the mouthparts of the mutated sandworm's head. These teeth, together with the compound eyes of the mutated sandworm, and the thick tendons extracted from the body, can be used by the Hanar tribe to make

Excellent war tools and crafts.

And these handicrafts were very popular when they were trading with the outside world.

Therefore, for the Hanar tribe, the activity of hunting mutant sandworms is really indispensable and involves the survival and decline of the entire tribe.

The entire Hanar tribe needs to hunt at least five mutant sandworms every year in order for the entire tribe to thrive smoothly. Of course, this also results in many Hanar tribe warriors dying in hunting operations every year.


Of course, after hearing this information, Fang Linyan also noticed that the two actually complemented each other.

The Hanar tribe uses mutant sandworms to survive in this world. However, their success rate in hunting mutant sandworms is not high. They also need a large amount of flesh and blood bait. Even if they fail, the mounts and even riders on their crotches will also be destroyed.

There is no escape from death.

Therefore, in a sense, while the Hanar tribe is trying to hunt mutant sandworms, mutant sandworms are actually preying on them! After all, this is the harsh Sahara, a restricted area of ​​life!

After figuring out these things, Goat immediately raised the most pressing issue among the team, which was to find the entrance to the ruins. The result was undoubtedly surprising.

It turns out that the people of the Hanar tribe gave a very clear answer. In the desert, there is something called the Devil's Horn, which is hundreds of meters high. Its material is very unique, and its surface has extremely complex patterns.

, it actually looks similar to text.

It's just that the location of this thing is not fixed, and the surroundings are quite dangerous, with mutated sandworms appearing very frequently!

However, there are three elders in their tribe who have been passed down from generation to generation. They have very unique abilities and can accurately find the location of the Devil's Horn.

Whenever the entire tribe's "Kake" is about to be used up, the Hanar tribe, led by the elders, will come out in full force and come to the vicinity of Devil's Horn to hunt mutant sandworms. This way, they will definitely gain something.

But because there are so many mutant creatures nearby, if the entire tribe launches such an expedition, it will pay an extremely heavy price.

After hearing such a statement, Fang Linyan and others also looked at each other a little bit, and could only follow this group of Hanar tribe people back to their camp.

The Hanar tribe probably has nearly ten thousand people. They are usually divided into three large tribes and do not live in one fixed place.

As local snakes, they have mastered the locations of seventeen large and small oases in the Sahara Desert. Every once in a while, they will move with their camel caravans and herds of sheep from one oasis to another.

In this way, just like the nomads on the grassland who move regularly, the damage to the oasis can be minimized. The Hanar tribe has mastered the essence of sustainable development a long time ago.

This chapter has been completed!
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