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Chapter 15 Tribal Journey

The tribe that Fang Linyan and the others encountered now was stationed in the nearest oasis fifty kilometers away, and they had moved here specifically because of the sandworm hunting season.

At the same time, Fang Linyan and the others learned from the Hanar tribe that the mutant sandworms were also very smart creatures. As long as they walked together with them, the huge movement on the ground would make the sandworms retreat.

The people of the Hanar tribe also warmly invited them to go with them.

After a brief discussion, Fang Linyan and others chose to follow the Hanar tribe to see if there were any clues about the Devil's Horn. After all, these people shook their heads after hearing their inquiry.

If the Legendary Team continues to stay, the most they can do is run around like headless flies with their plane bridge device.

Even the people of the Hanar tribe, who have lived in this desert for thousands of years, shook their heads and said that they had never heard of the whereabouts of the Devil's Horn. It is easy to imagine what happened to Fang Linyan and the others. They were probably driven away when the time came.

After going out, the only gain was killing hundreds of mutated sandworms.

Youdao is a master who chops wood before he sharpens his sword, so obviously the wisest choice is to find a local snake.

Of course, everyone knows very well that the Hanar tribe is so enthusiastic about the remaining sandworm corpses, but this is also normal. The world is bustling with events, but in the final analysis, it is for a benefit.


In order to reduce some unnecessary troubles, under Omi's instruction, Max showed off his natural power and packed the remaining dozen mutant sandworms into a bag by himself, then carried them to the car.

in the rear cargo box.

What car? Of course it’s the Umonik RV that Fang Linyan bought at Capsule Technology.

This auxiliary prop, Fang Linyan only spent five units of Biskar data flow to restore it, and now it is still useful in extreme environments like the desert.

This RV is full of power. The warning system includes the "Bat" sonar radar and the "Conqueror" all-terrain warning system. It is also equipped with a Desai Western European night vision system/low-light night vision self-aiming device/laser rangefinder.

So it’s OK in terms of safety and passability.

At this time, under the control of Fang Linyan, a trailer was attached to the RV, and Max threw all the dozen mutant sandworms into the trailer.

You should know that although mutant sandworms vary in size, they also come in large and small sizes. The long ones can reach more than five meters, and the short ones can be more than three meters long! Their diameters also range from half a meter to one meter.

But no matter how thin or short the mutant sandworm is, its weight is upwards of 300 kilograms! The largest and heaviest one can even exceed 800 kilograms!

Max, single-handedly, could grab five mutated sandworms at the same time and walk twenty or thirty meters effortlessly, and then smash them directly into the bed of the trailer as if throwing a sack. This man's strength is

How terrifying?

Therefore, after seeing this scene, the Hanar tribe's riders had fear in their eyes, and they all looked much more respectful when talking to Fang Linyan and others.

This is what Omi wants to see. Otherwise, if some people in the Hanar tribe attack him and others because of their greed, then everyone's desire to live in harmony will be shattered.

The rest of the trip was quite comfortable. Even though it was a harsh desert terrain, the Umonique RV could still travel at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, living up to its reputation as an "all-terrain RV" and riding in it.

People's comfort level is pretty good, at least there is air conditioning and beer to drink.

It took another hour and twenty minutes to finally arrive at one of the current campsites of the Hanar tribe: the Shuoku Oasis.

The core area of ​​this oasis is a long and narrow lake in the shape of a crescent. There is a gurgling spring in the center of the lake. Although the total area of ​​the small lake is only the size of three or four basketball courts, it has abundant water, so it is in this restricted area of ​​life.

It created a vibrant vitality.

Surrounding this long and narrow lake, there is rich and lush vegetation, the most abundant of which are date palm groves and palm groves. This is obviously artificially planted by the Hanar tribe. The former can provide them with food and sugar, while the latter can provide them with food and sugar.

Palm fruit can provide rich vegetable oils.

In addition, among the dense woods, there are shrubs such as apocynum, licorice, sophora, chamomile, cattail grass, reed, wheat grass, white clover, radish, sesame and so on.

, grass plants, the tenacity of life is fully reflected here.

These fast-growing plants are very nutritious and provide sufficient food for the Hanar tribe's sheep and camels.

In addition, water sources are also a fatal temptation for animals in the desert!

During the journey of more than an hour, the goat had already become very friendly with several riders from the Hanar tribe. Only then did we learn that one-third of their tribe's usual source of meat comes from hunting.

And you only need to set up a trap by the water and pick it up the next morning. Those animals that are tempted by the water will fall into the trap. The hunted animals can be said to be of all kinds:

Wild camels, gerbils, lizards, scorpions, rattlesnakes, ants, sesame snakes, ostriches, wolves, etc. are all part of the Hanar tribe's food.

When Fang Linyan jumped out of the car, the clan leader who stayed here was already standing outside to greet him. It was obvious that he had been notified in advance. He was also followed by fifty or sixty fully armed tribal knights. You can see these tribal knights.

His weapons and armor are obviously much more sophisticated than those of the others, and there is also a sharp scimitar hanging on his waist.

The chief of the tribe named Luluku wears clothes that are almost the same as those of ordinary tribesmen. He just has a red and black feather stuck on the back of his head. This is the tail feather of a mutated silk-threaded chicken. Among the Hanar tribe,

It has extraordinary significance.

As usual, the goat stepped forward and started negotiating with Luluku, and the two seemed to have a very good conversation.

Soon Luluku smiled, then picked up the bison horn around his neck and blew it hard. The long horn sound echoed in the oasis. Women and children were happy and started sharpening their knives to prepare for the slaughter of sheep.

Preparations are being made for the evening bonfire dinner.

At this time, the goat also said excitedly in the team channel:

"We have made progress. Our efforts should not have been in vain. The clan leader is very interested in the mutated sandworm corpses we brought and is willing to use the clan's many years of savings to trade with us."

"When I asked the elders to learn about some of the strange terrain in the desert, the clan leader did not refuse and directly said that he would discuss the matter with the elders."

After hearing what the goat said, the vulture said:

"How do you know they have what we need here?"

Goat said:

"Does this need to be said? Think about it, as soon as we entered the world we did nothing and were immediately besieged by a large number of mutated sandworms. Most of the other people would have been treated the same way."

"If we are strong enough and can persist for a certain period of time under the siege of sandworms, then the body fluids emitted by the mutant sandworms when they are killed or injured will be sensed by the special sand falcon, which will attract the Hanar tribe.

People, this is almost 100% what will happen.”

"This Emperor's Key was obtained at a huge cost, but it was only given five hours to stay. If there is nothing we need in the Hanar tribe, then what is this thing called the Emperor's Key?

, just change the name to Sandworm Journey.”

Hearing what Goat said, Fang Linyan suddenly felt that there seemed to be some truth to it?

Next, the clan leader asked someone to take Fang Linyan and the others to the warehouse to see if there were any goods they liked. He had no time to accompany them because he had to discuss matters with the elders.

As a nomadic people, the Hanar tribe of course does not have a fixed warehouse. Instead, they directly pack things into boxes and stack them in a large tent.

After arriving at this tent, Fang Linyan felt that the plane bridge device he was carrying made a slight buzzing sound. His heart suddenly moved, and he walked out, and stopped immediately when he noticed the buzzing sound.


Obviously, there is something in this large tent that resonates with the plane bridge device! Lin Yan of the East and West cannot yet determine what it is, but he can feel that it should be very important!

Without spending much effort, Fang Linyan quietly locked onto what he was looking for, which were six unique-looking spheres.

The big ball is about the size of a volleyball, and the smaller one is only about the size of a table tennis ball. Its material looks a bit like light yellow resin. It may have been left in the desert for a long time, and the surface has been etched quite smooth by the wind and sand.

Of course, Fang Lin Yan only talked about his demand for this thing in the team channel. He remained calm on the surface and did not let the Hanar tribesmen next to him see it at all. After locking the target, he let the goat talk.

The old fried dough stick of the goat simply showed his love for the pile of gold next to it.

Yes, during their long migrations, the Hanar tribe would of course pick up good things like nugget gold. When passing through certain rivers, they would also try to pan for gold and use it to communicate with the outside world, so they also

Know the price of gold very well.

After some haggling, the goat launched a tentative inquiry about his real target:

"Asang, what is this?"

Asan is a dark-skinned, short man with a smile on his face at all times. This time, the trader sent by the Hanar tribe seems to be responsible for his usual transactions with the outside world.

At this time, he looked at the light yellow ball held by the goat and replied:

"This is a luminous ball, a very precious treasure?"

The goat frowned and said:

"Ah Sang, with all due respect, I don't see why it's precious."

Asana passed the light yellow round fairway:

"This thing was occasionally found deep in the desert when our tribe was migrating. It would only appear after a terrifying sandstorm! When night comes, the luminous ball will shine and dispel the darkness."

After hearing what Asang said, Vulture couldn't help but said in the team channel:

"These guys are really not afraid of death. Most of the minerals that can glow at night are highly radioactive."

After hearing this, the goat said "Oh":

"It turns out to be a torch."

Asang was stunned, opened his mouth, and then reluctantly said:

"But it doesn't need to be lit."

The goat weighed its weight and said:

"Much heavier than a torch."


"Its light will not be affected by the wind. If you don't believe me, follow me to the dark place inside to have a look!"

Soon, the goat's faint sneer came out:

"Can this brightness be compared to that of a torch? We were so close, we couldn't even illuminate your face clearly!"

Asang (finally became angry):

"Okay, okay, please don't mention the damn words "torch", let's talk about the next item of goods!!"

The goat chuckled and said:

"Okay, okay."

However, no matter how the goat used his sales skills, Asang refused to let go of the six balls of different sizes. He must ask for a high price. The reason is very simple, that is, the tribe has accumulated a total of

Here are six gadgets.

More importantly, these six balls were collected under the order of the elders, so it was impossible for the goat to pick up the missing ones.

Fortunately, the mutated sandworm corpses brought by Fang Linyan and the others are also very important strategic materials for the Hanar tribe.

With the corpses of these mutated sandworms, the entire tribe's already precarious "Kak" reserves suddenly became sufficient.

Another obvious benefit is that the tribal warriors who originally died during the hunting process can also be spared! All the tribesmen know very well that to hunt these fourteen mutant sandworms under normal circumstances, at least 100,000 people would have to sacrifice their lives.

Hundreds of tribal warriors.

In addition, there is another reason that is not common to outsiders, that is, the entire Hanar tribe is still one on the surface, but in fact it has split into three branches for some reasons!

With the corpses of these dozen mutated sandworms, this Hanar tribe can take an advantage in the internal competition.

Under such circumstances, the goat even threatened to burn the remaining mutated sandworm corpses, and poured gasoline on them to show his determination. In the end, the people of the Hanar tribe could not withstand his hard and soft tactics and had no choice but to

agreed to the conditions.

After Fang Linyan got the luminous ball, he placed it on the plane bridge device. Immediately, a prompt appeared in front of him, saying that the plane bridge device had found a suitable energy source and was being charged!

He immediately shared the news with the team members, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although under normal circumstances, it is very possible to find a "battery life" method here, but who can guarantee it before the matter is finalized?

Woolen cloth?

After almost five minutes, a prop that Hanal called a "luminous ball" was consumed, which gave Fang Linyan and the others an additional five hours and seventeen minutes of stay.

Okay, didn't we have an interaction before? Since everyone is very enthusiastic and enthusiastic, let me give you a reminder. The key words of the next volume are: Yang Guo, Xiao Longnu.

This chapter has been completed!
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