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Chapter 16 Guide

Luminous balls come in different sizes, with different charging effects. So needless to say, Fang Linyan also needs to record data:

I used a large luminous ball to charge it, and got five hours and seventeen minutes of extra time.

Then another small one was consumed, and the charging time reached an additional hour and a half.

The last six luminous balls gave them a total of about twenty-one hours.

In this way, they get rid of the five-hour limit (now there is only one and a half hours left), and they can be much more relaxed during the next adventure.

While charging the luminous ball, the rest of the people were not idle. They inquired within the tribe about the possible whereabouts of the "Devil's Horn" in the desert. As a result, they really received corresponding feedback, that is, there is a place that is indeed

Something similar exists.

It's just that that thing will only appear at a specific time, which is different from what Fang Linyan and the others said before, so they didn't think of going there.

After obtaining this key clue, the goats made it very clear during the transaction that the elders would only take the remaining five mutated worm corpses after successfully taking them to a designated strange place in the desert.

Give it to the Hanar tribe.

To be honest, although the people of the Hanar tribe claim to have good credit, old fools like Goat will not place their hopes on the character of other people, so they turned over and over again and talked a lot, but in the end they still refused to let go.


In this case, just after they finished their work, Luluku, the leader of the Hanar tribe, was already urging them to leave quickly. It was obvious that he was very concerned about the five corpses.

So soon, Fang Linyan and others met their companion for the next journey, the elder of the Hanar tribe.

This elder was wearing a black robe. Even inside the tent, he was wearing a hood and veil. He looked extremely thin and seemed to have lost the ability to speak, because when the two parties were communicating, the elder was

It's through gestures

As for why Fang Linyan and others were able to understand the meaning, it was because there was a young man standing next to the elder: Mnu. He could understand the elder's meaning and translate it throughout the process.

Since all conditions had been negotiated, the two parties quickly agreed on the departure time - ten minutes later.

Munu made the only request on behalf of the elders, that is, they cannot drive the Umonik RV because the car makes too much noise and may cause unnecessary trouble on the road.

Fang Linyan and others had no objection to this. As a nomadic tribe, the Hanar tribe spent about half a year on the road, so they were quickly prepared and set off on time.

At this time, Fang Linyan and his group were of course riding the black mutant camels provided by the Hanar tribe. These guys were actually more docile than horses, less picky about eating than camels, and they moved faster in the desert and ran faster.

Can reach speeds of thirty kilometers.

More importantly, as long as there is enough food, these guys can run at this speed for ten hours! This is incredible.

In ancient times, inns were customized to be located at intervals of twenty to thirty miles. The reason why they were set up this way was because that was the distance a horse could run at its peak speed.

If you continue to run, the horse will lose weight and its speed will decrease.

If there is urgent military information that needs to be conveyed, then the courier needs to change horses at each station and continue to gallop forward. The important thing is to change horses but not people. In this way, urgent military information can be conveyed eight hundred miles in a day and night.

However, dozens of horses have to be replaced in the middle, and this black mutant camel can do this on its own.

It is worth mentioning that the elders of the Hanar tribe were sitting in a sand sled, being dragged forward by two huge desert lizards. Their speed was not slow at all, and the black mutant camels were very afraid of these two desert lizards.

The lizard looks like it stays far away when running.

Fang Linyan and Omi were both very scheming people, and they were secretly observing along the way to see how the elder of the Hanar tribe was looking for the "Devil's Horn".

However, this guy sat motionless on the sand sled with his eyes closed the whole time, as if he was asleep.

This state really reminded Fang Linyan of an NBA superstar, Duncan. Even though he was winning, he could still keep a straight face and make a serious expression as if he was losing, as if he was born with facial paralysis and could only have one expression.

Therefore, it was Crespo who finally realized something was wrong. This guy suddenly said in the team channel:

"Have you noticed that the imprints left by this sand sled are particularly deep?"

The entire team fell silent immediately. They watched carefully for a while, and finally the goat said weakly:

"Sorry, I didn't see it. I thought they were the same. Do you have any basis for saying that?"

Crespo said:

"Although I have never been exposed to sand sledding, my grandfather lived in Finland. As you know, the winter there lasts for five months every year, so I often go skiing there and also have several Alaskan dogs.

Come pull my sleigh."

"Thanks to these guys, I also won the third place in the Lapland Sled Dog Competition, which is a world-wide dog sled competition. Well, what I want to say is that I still have a lot of experience in sledding.


Goat said:

"But we are in the sand now. The properties of sand and snow should be different, right? Is it reliable to apply your experience of using sleds to sand sleds?"

Crespo said seriously:

"Maybe there will be a difference between the two, but the difference will definitely not be that big. There are only two people sitting on the sand sled, the elder and Mnu. Under normal circumstances, the weight of the two of them will not exceed two hundred at most.

Kilograms, right?”

"But if you look at the sand sled marks left in the ground, according to my experience, it would take at least 800 kilograms of weight to make the marks. Do you think the difference between sand and snow can be so big?"

After hearing Crespo's words, Omi suddenly said:

"I believed him because I had noticed something was wrong with the elder's walking before. Looking back now, he was deliberately avoiding the soft sand. I didn't understand this before, but now I know it is because he is too heavy.

, it’s easy to get stuck and cause problems when walking in those places!”

After discovering this, a group of people also secretly increased their vigilance, fearing that the Hanar tribe would play some tricks, but it turned out that the other party was still very sincere in leading the way.

But their whereabouts were a bit too unique. In just one hour, they turned left, then right, and then back.

Not only that, there are also about fifty or sixty tribal warriors traveling with the elders. They are obviously much more elite than those who went hunting before. However, as long as they see prey along the way, they will inevitably pursue it, and the elders will stop.

Come down and wait for them.

This is probably due to the extreme lack of food in the desert. After these tribal warriors successfully hunt, they will first give it to the two mutant lizards to eat, and then feed it to the mutant black camel.

In addition, once you see Haloxylon ammodendron, Ziziphus jujube, Populus euphratica and the like growing in the desert, these mutated black camels will rush over and eat them, leaving the impression that there is really no grass growing in the place they pass by.


Fortunately, they eat very quickly. You can basically stick your head out and roll your tongue to eat, which is more convenient and faster than eating with your hands.

Moreover, these tribal warriors also prohibited their mounts from eating the main stems and roots of these plants. This was obviously to avoid the situation of drying up the lake and burning the forest for fishing and hunting.

After walking for about two and a half hours, the elder suddenly stood up from the sand sled! You know, he had maintained this posture for a full hour without moving, and the two mutated lizards in front also stopped.


Then the elder looked around, took out something that looked like a dead branch from the camel skin package he was carrying, and then handed it to Mnu next to him. The guy made gestures and communicated with the elder.

, and jumped off the sand sled.

At this time, they were on the top of a sand mountain. Munu quickly raised a fire, and then put the "dead branches" in to burn it. As a result, the thing erupted as soon as it came into contact with the flames.

There was a lot of thick smoke, and it looked like a smoke bomb was thrown in.

Taking advantage of this free time, Omi suddenly said in the team channel:

"The Hanar tribe is now divided into three branches, but they are all of the same origin. Since we can find a large number of luminous balls in this branch, we can also get them in the other two branches."

After hearing this, Fang Linyan immediately understood what Omi meant, and at the same time felt that she was really a person who was very good at seizing opportunities:

"You mean, we have to split up?"

Omi said:

"Yes, but not now. In fact, the most suitable people to do this are Dante and the others, and then drive there in your Umonique RV."

"They are capable of killing mutated sandworms, and they can also use at least two things, the corrupted crystals and the mutated sandworm corpses. Now it seems that the corrupted crystals will definitely be useful, and the mutated sandworm corpses can just be taken.

Use it as a bargaining chip in exchange."

"If calculated this way, we can get at least twenty additional hours of stay."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"I think this is a good idea. We still have about one day to stay. When there are twelve hours left, we can start arranging this matter."

"Personally, I have plenty of time now, and I have found a way to get to Devil's Corner. Without knowing the strength of the enemies in the ruins we are about to come into contact with, it is best not to spread out."

"Furthermore, Dante and the others can actually only deal with two mutated sandworms at the same time. The variables are too great, so I prefer that we hunt down enough sandworm corpses together, and then let them take them for exchange.

That’s fine.”

After thinking for a while, Omi said seriously:



While the two were talking, the fire lit by Mnu had already emitted a plume of smoke that could be seen for dozens of kilometers. At the same time, the nearby air was filled with an indescribable smell.

The smell is like the paste of burnt flesh and blood, with a little sweetness added to it. It smells okay at first, but after a few more breaths, I feel dizzy, and my chest feels tight and I almost want to vomit.

come out.

The next thing to do is to wait - because you can see that the surrounding guards of the Hanar clan have already turned over and got off the camels, and then began to stretch their bodies and relax their muscles and bones.

Some people even took off their outer leather armor and robes, and just scrubbed their bodies with yellow sand and took a sand bath.

Perhaps ordinary people are quite resistant to this matter, but for desert races, most of the time they have to face the dilemma of not having enough water to drink. The only way to clean the body quickly and conveniently is this.

Habits developed since childhood have made these Hanar clan dependent on sand bathing.

Of course, Fang Linyan and the others could notice at this time that the degree of physical variation of these guys was actually not small:

In addition to skin mutations like black tattoos, some people have scales on their bodies, and some people have six fingers.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is that there is a guy whose tongue has been forked and is obviously more than half the length of the others. He can even use his tongue to accurately hit the horsefly on the back of his head, and then swallow it like a snack.

Go down.

After more than twenty minutes, Mnu suddenly stood up excitedly, then beat his chest hard, then raised his hands and shouted:

"Ang Ku! Ang Ku!!"

The rest of the people also stood up after hearing the news, waving in the distance and shouting the same slogans.

Fang Linyan immediately looked in the direction they were facing, but found nothing, and then subconsciously looked at the vulture.

As the person with the strongest investigative ability in the team, he must have discovered something.

As a result, the vultures still looked confused. Finally, after a few seconds, Omi solved the doubts in their minds:

"Look at those mutated black camels."

It turned out that these black camels were half-kneeling on the ground, quietly ruminating, but now they all stood up one by one, pointing their heads towards the west uniformly! It was like they were on a pilgrimage.

It turns out that these Hanar tribe people are based on the reaction of their mounts, not what they feel at all. Compared with animals, the perception of humans is obviously much inferior.

Because if people's perception is low, it will not cause too serious consequences, but if the perception of animals is too low, then what awaits them is the cruel fate of being approached by predators and then killed directly.


This chapter has been completed!
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