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Chapter 1850 Boarding the Ship

A group of people stepped up their guard and moved forward quickly, and then came to a large pier in Wusong Port. They could still see two behemoths moored here in the night. They were the Friedrich and the German Navy.


These two warships have been anchored in Asia since last year. In the original words of the German military department, they are using Krupp cannons to ensure that the empire's interests in Asia are not infringed.

Don't misunderstand one thing here, that is, based on the weakness of the Republic of China government at this time, Germany's threatening words and actions are not directed at China, but are warnings and threats to Japan and the United Kingdom, the interests of these two countries in Asia.

The conflict with Germany was very serious.

After approaching the two warships, of course, soldiers on duty and patrol came forward to question them severely, while aiming their guns.

After all, Germans are world-famous for their machinery and rigidity. The French, who advocate romance and freedom, describe the Germans' work attitude as "as regular and boring as the movement of a clock."

The warship probably heard the shouts of the sentry, so a twin-link machine gun battery immediately turned around and aimed at this side.

After being targeted by such a terrifying war machine, Fang Linyan and others also broke out in sweat. The light weapons used by those guys in the Far North Organization were already extremely lethal. One can imagine the power of this machine gun battery. Once fired,

, it is estimated that there will be no grass growing around immediately.

He couldn't help but said to von Wilke:

"Old Feng, are you sure you are here? I don't think these soldiers are easy to talk to!"

Just as Von Wilk was about to speak, the soldier next to him had already harshly scolded:

"No whispering!" (German)

Fortunately, at this time, von Wilke finally came to the sentry and said somewhat arrogantly:

"Sergeant, I asked Major Planck Morley to tell me that my old friend from the Vienna Concert Hall came to see him."

The sentry shook his head coldly and said:

"I am not responsible for delivering messages. Illegal intruders, please state your name and place of origin!"

Von Wilk shrugged and sighed:

"There's really nothing we can do against you idiots with all the muscles in your head."

Then he stretched out his hands:

"I am von Wilk, and I am a British spy. Please imprison me."

After hearing Feng Wilke's words, Fang Linyan and others' eyes suddenly widened, and they immediately understood what Feng Wilke meant.

After the old man said this, the sentry dared to let him go? Then he must be imprisoned and under strict supervision.

So where is it locked?

It must be on a warship. There is also a confinement room here, which is used to punish sailors. In this way, people from the Far North will definitely not be able to enter. After all, most of the forces in the military at this time are Luden.

Of the Dolph faction.

As for a force attack, it is even more impossible. The people in the Far North are armed with light weapons. If they want to attack two warships, and the Germans on duty are always strict and rigid, the difficulty will skyrocket.

However, Feng Wilke's idea was indeed very good, but he ignored the feelings of Fang Linyan and the others.

After entering, I don’t know when I will be released. At this time, everyone is racing against time to find targets, find tasks, and accumulate information about this world. Fang Linyan and the others are not to mention being imprisoned for a day, even for five or six hours, which is a huge loss.

, after all, if you sail against the current in this kind of thing, if you don’t advance, you will retreat!

So Fang Linyan ignored Feng Wilke's feelings and simply shouted to the sentry in front of him:

"Do you know who you are talking to? Soldier, he is General Ludendorff's special envoy. He came here with an important secret mission. Before leaving, he was received by the great Marshal Hindenburg. If the plan is damaged because of you,

If you fail, you will be a sinner of Germany!!!"

The sentry was immediately confused. There were too many keywords in Fang Linyan’s words. Ludendorff, important secret mission, Marshal Hindenburg, the sinner of Germany?

If one of these keywords is really fulfilled, for such an ordinary soldier, it will be as devastating as the weight of Mount Tai!

He looked at Fang Linyan repeatedly and then at Feng Wilke. After confirming that the other party did not seem to have a mental problem, he immediately started calling for reinforcements. After all, he definitely couldn't handle this matter alone.

After hearing Fang Linyan's words, Feng Wilke frowned deeply. He wanted to speak but hesitated. After all, now was not the time for quarrels and internal strife.

Soon, a small group of patrols trotted over. The sentry immediately walked up and began to report as if he had seen a savior. He also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

This kid is also sober in the world. He knows that it is best for him to put the blame on this matter as soon as possible and then go as far away as possible.

Fortunately, there was one person in this patrol who could take care of things. After hearing the report, he felt that the matter was serious. After confirming that the people in front of him were mentally fine, he said to Fang Linyan:

"I am Lieutenant Muller. I graduated from the Political Department of Imperial University. The old gentleman you mentioned before is the general's special envoy. Is there any evidence?"

Fang Linyan immediately said:

"Of course there is. There should be Major Planck Morley on the ship. You will know after asking him to come out for a while. And on the way to escort Mr. von Wilk here, we encountered members of the Far North Organization many times.


"They first attacked the Hotel des Nations where von Wilke lived. After we rescued him, they directly arrested Father Duke of the International Chapel and used cruel methods to interrogate Mr. von Wilke's whereabouts.

And intercept us again."

Lieutenant Mueller frowned and said:

"My words are unfounded, but where is the evidence? What I want is tangible evidence."

Fang Linyan said:

"You can investigate the things I mentioned right away. Whether it is what happened at the Wanguo Hotel or the problems at the International Chapel, hundreds or even thousands of people saw it."

Having said this, Fang Linyan took out something, which was exactly the thing dropped by killing the members of the Northland organization before: the German pendant, and then handed it over.

Lieutenant Mueller took it, took a closer look, and immediately took a breath of cold air. He took it aside as if he had touched a hot potato, and then said seriously:

"Okay, I believe you. This thing is very, very dangerous. It must be stored in a lead box before it can be carried around."

Obviously, Lieutenant Mueller knew the dangers of Germanic pendants, and Fang Linyan had successfully gained his trust.

Lieutenant Mueller also knew that the matter was serious, so he simply asked Fang Linyan and his party to board the ship first, and then arranged for two people to quickly find the person who could make the decision:

Go alone and report directly to the captain,

The other one is looking for Major Plank Morley.

At this time, Fang Linyan seemed very calm, but Feng Wilke's face did not look good. His face was sullen, as if someone had owed him a million marks and refused to pay him back.

Soon, a guy in pajamas hurried over. It was obvious that he was being rushed, so he didn't even put on his military uniform.

The key is that this burly man with a full beard is actually wearing pajamas with a Winnie the Pooh pattern, which really makes people laugh. Therefore, it is understandable that this guy's face is as dark as the bottom of a pot.

As a result, as soon as this guy arrived at the scene, he immediately pointed at von Wilke and said:

"Wow wow wow, look who's here, isn't this a coffee thief?"

After hearing what this guy said, Fang Linyan immediately understood that this man was Major Plank Morley, but what he said didn't quite please him.

The two of them are indeed old acquaintances, but it seems that there are many types of old acquaintances. Some of them cried with joy and hugged each other after meeting, some of them went drinking for three days and three nights as soon as they were caught, and of course, there are also those who just talked to each other as soon as they met.

Falling out to settle old scores.

Obviously, the relationship between Major Planck Morley and von Wilk was the last kind of relationship.

However, after hearing Major Plank Morley's words, Fang Linyan keenly noticed that instead of being on strict guard, the soldiers around him looked visibly relieved.

This made Fang Linyan immediately understand that Major Plank Morley's usual style must be a bit cynical and harsh, so these guys have become accustomed to his venomous way of speaking.

On the contrary, Major Plank Morley went out to say "hello", which was enough to prove that what Fang Linyan and the others said before was true. For these soldiers, this is the most important thing.

Faced with Major Planck Morley's "greetings", von Wilke did not reply immediately. Instead, he was silent for a few seconds and said calmly:

"I'm not in the mood to quarrel with you now. You're a groundhog from Saxony. I have an important responsibility now. Don't delay my affairs."

Major Plank Morley retorted:

"Only a blind man would put his trust in you, an old liar, for such an important task. By the way, if you don't return the five thousand marks that you defrauded me from back then, I will let you immediately try to fall into the cold sea water in the middle of the night.

The taste of it!”

Von Wilk didn't say much, walked forward and took out something to show him.

It probably took less than a second for this thing to appear in front of Major Morley's eyes, and then von Wilke put it away. But in just such a short second, von Wilke's expression changed drastically.

, couldn’t help but lost his voice and said:

"Impossible, how can you own it! No, let me see again, it must be a fake!"

While he was talking, he went to break off von Wilke's hand, but von Wilke didn't make any unnecessary moves and let him grab his hand and just said lightly:

"Actually, you know very well that it's true, right? You just can't accept that it's me who got it!!"

After hearing these words, Major Morley staggered back if he was struck by lightning, then shook his head and murmured:

"How is it possible, how is it possible?"

Von Wilk looked at him with pity and said:

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth."

Although the previous communication between the two was quite secretive, Fang Linyan was not an honest person. He had already asked the vulture to get an Eye of Kilrogg for testing, and hid in the side for shameless peeping.

Therefore, the legendary team could see clearly what von Wilke showed. It was an Iron Cross!!

This medal is based on the hand-held cross held by the Teutonic Knights. It is also a symbol of the great Frederick II. Almost all German soldiers are proud of it.

More importantly, the Iron Cross is also divided into levels: Iron Cross Second Class, Iron Cross First Class, Knight's Iron Cross and Grand Iron Cross.

What von Wilke took out at this time was a Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, which was already a very remarkable thing.

For example, how awesome is this thing? Even if Hitler becomes the head of state in the future, he will always wear the Iron Cross First Class he received before he became famous during major festivals. He will also wear it before he dies.

Carry it with you.

That was the reward he received after the Führer captured fifteen British soldiers on the battlefield in September 1918!

This shows the status of the Iron Cross in the hearts of Germans.

Von Wilk then said slowly:

"The me you know is just the side I show to others. In fact, in order to complete my mission, I have done more despicable and shameless things in your eyes. So what? I am doing it for the great Germany.

Sacrifice, I dedicate everything to the motherland, and this is the reward after my efforts."

Facing Von Wilk's words, Major Morley had nothing to say and was even a little lost. It could be seen that what he needed now was a bottle of vodka or strong brandy, or anything else, as long as he could get him drunk.

Just fine.

At this time, the submarine captain also hurried over. He first took a look at Major Morley. He had always had a headache for this guy with a poisonous tongue, arrogance, and arrogance, but he had never seen this guy show such decadence.


Then the captain looked at von Wilke again and said tentatively:

"Are you the general's special envoy?"

Can Von Wilk still say that he is not right at this time? He waved to the orderly beside the captain, then took out an envelope from his arms expressionlessly, motioned to the orderly to take it, and said:

"You cannot view this document because your level is not high enough."

The orderly saluted, then weighed the envelope and felt that it did not look like there was any dangerous goods inside, so he handed it to the captain.

Of course, at this time, the Eye of Kilrogg controlled by the vulture had cleverly flown behind the captain, because it had no attack power at all, no malice, and was still an out-and-out friendly force to the Germans.

, so it was not discovered.

After the captain opened the envelope, a seemingly simple business card appeared inside:

The front of the business card reads:

(Former) Inspector of Krusevia (Town)

Erich von Ludendorff

Below is an address + phone number.

On the back of the business card is a line of words scrawled:

What the person holding this business card is doing is just and he is fighting for the rise of the great German Empire. Anyone who sees this line of text is asked to give him the help he can and keep it confidential.


This chapter has been completed!
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