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Chapter 1851 The mysterious boy

After this seemingly ordinary business card was placed in the captain's hand, it was as heavy as a stone, and you could see that the captain's hands were trembling.

Immediately afterwards, the captain hesitated for a moment and immediately ordered the messenger:

"Go and ask Major Claude and First Mate Williams to come over."

Soon, two senior officers on the ship came over. They studied together for a long time and confirmed the authenticity of this business card.

Because at this time, although Erich von Ludendorff had become a general and held great power in the military, he did not show any attachment to the current power in his daily chats. Instead, he often

Statement in public:

"My life is not easy at all now, and I have carried too many heavy things. Looking back now, my happiest time was when I was working as a second-level inspector in the town of Korusevia (also his hometown)."

(Does this sentence sound a bit familiar? It can be seen that the boss's show-off routine will also crash, hehe.)

Finally, Ludendorff lifted his beard and let out a long sigh, expressing his deep regret.

In order to enhance the persuasiveness of this sentence when he was showing off, the powerful Ludendorff's business card was very concise. Unlike other people who wanted to write all their titles on it, he would only write "crushevia" (township).


However, what is different from others is that the title of inspector is printed on the business cards of the other inspectors because they only have this reliable resume to write, but Ludendorff's business card is printed with this title because he only wants to

Print this title on it.

This could be regarded as a great spectacle in the German political circles at that time, but because the media was underdeveloped at the time, it was only circulated on a small scale among officials of a certain level.

Obviously, the captain had heard of this anecdote, but for the sake of caution, he called two deputies who had more knowledge to go over the details.

Major Claude was sent to do the gold plating by someone from above. He quickly confirmed that the business card was genuine. The reason was that the abbreviation on the back of the business card: MD, was the abbreviation of Ludendorff's most proud pen name. I knew this.

There are very few people.

Then the next thing went very smoothly. A group of people were directly invited onto the warship. The boss's order was here. To the German soldiers, it was almost like an imperial edict and must be implemented.

After stabilizing on the warship, Feng Wilke took the initiative to find Fang Linyan and others, and said with a livid face:

"You guys messed everything up, you know that?"

Fang Linyan looked confused:


Von Wilk said sadly:

"Why were you so arrogant just now! When I set out, the staff repeatedly told me to keep a low profile when doing business! Once the news about what I do this time gets publicized, they will be very passive."

Fang Linyan said in astonishment:

"Mr. von Wilke, you are keeping a low profile! You came here from Germany incognito, day and night, without telling anyone at all. Then why were you targeted as soon as you checked into the Hotel des Nations?"

Feng Wilke was stunned and was about to speak when he heard Fang Linyan continue:

"Obviously, it is impossible for you to leak any whereabouts. So it is obvious that there is a big problem with the staff and your whereabouts are leaked. How can you be blamed for this? There is no such reason in the world.


"To put it this way, since all your information has been sold, why are you still so low-key? Hurry up and be more high-profile and enlist the help of the military. Otherwise, do you still want to complete the above task?"

Feng Wilke was stunned, and suddenly felt that what Fang Linyan said seemed to make sense?

The rest of the people saw von Wilke's expression, looked at each other, and expressed their opinions:

"That's it, Mr. von Wilk, you can't wrong yourself like this anymore."

"That's right, it's obviously the staff's fault, why should you bear the responsibility? They made mistakes just by talking, but you have to pay the price with your life!"

"Von Wilk, think about it. If it hadn't been for us just now, Father Duke would have betrayed you. You've just thrown yourself into a trap!"


When Von Wilk heard what these people said, he gradually felt that his previous thoughts were really extreme.

After pondering for a while, von Wilke also wanted to be embarrassed, stretched out his hand and said:

"Stop talking, it is absolutely safe here. Go to bed early."

At this time, the vulture saw von Wilke and his tone softened, and he immediately came up and said:

"When I was chased by people from the Far North, I was hit on the head. Now I feel very uncomfortable. Mr. Von Wilk, can you please take a look at me?"

Von Wilk wanted to refuse at this time, but the vulture made it very clear that he was injured because he was trying to save you. How could he express his refusal in such a short time? He could only sigh and said:

"Come on, let me see."

After looking at it for a while, he frowned and said:

"I can't cure your injury. I have to go to Europe to do a craniotomy and remove the blood clot in your brain."

After hearing this, the vulture's eyes widened immediately, and he immediately complained in the team channel:

"FUCK!! Craniotomy, in this day and age!?? I don't want to be tortured by epilepsy and neurosis in the future!"

"Forget it, I'd rather endure the negative effects."

Fortunately, at this time von Wilke continued:

"However, it is too slow to go to Europe. I guess you are also suffering from pain now, so there is another way to temporarily relieve your symptoms, but I don't know if this warship is equipped with what I want.


After hearing this, the vulture immediately smiled and said:

"As long as it can be temporarily relieved."

Fang Linyan suddenly said:

"Mr. von Wilk, I wonder if the treatment method you use belongs to the category of alchemy or the barber's faction?"

It turns out that in Europe at that time, medicine also had factions. One faction originated from alchemy, and the other originated from barbers.

Yes, you read that right, it is indeed a barber.

In the Middle Ages, the status of surgeons was very low, while the status of physicians was very high. Moreover, there was no way to maintain a sterile environment and effectively deal with postoperative infections, and the success rate of surgical operations was extremely low - in such a large country

Under the circumstances, it is conceivable that surgeons must be rare.

However, based on Hippocrates' "Humoral Theory", bloodletting became a popular treatment method at that time.

Many celebrities such as Washington, Charles II, and French King Louis XV died here.

However, due to the shortage of surgeons, bloodletting treatment can only be done by barbers, because barbers have all kinds of sharp knives at hand and can handle related matters for customers.

Therefore, Alexander III announced at that time that barbers could perform bloodletting. In addition, they also had services such as treating tumors and warts, raising leeches, extracting teeth, and alcohol anesthesia.

To this day, there will be a rotating three-color light box at the entrance of the barber shop. It is divided into three colors: blue, white and red. This is also based on the surgical license of barbers in history - red symbolizes the human arteries and blue symbolizes the human body.

Vein, white means bandage.

Of course, the treatment effect of barbers is definitely not very good. Because their main business is hair cutting, and surgery is completely part-time.

After hearing this, Von Wilk hummed softly and said:

"Barber, what is that?"

His disdain was ready to come out. Youdao was both a colleague and an enemy. It was obvious that von Wilke was from the alchemy faction and had no regard for the barber's treatment philosophy.

After hearing von Wilke's words, the rest of the people immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the vulture immediately said happily:

"Then please give me treatment as soon as possible."

Soon, von Wilke found the doctors on the warship, picked out a few medicines from the medicine boxes they carried, then wrapped them in paper, and crushed them with bottles.

Mixed together into powder.

What was finally obtained was a small amount of off-white powder. Next, Von Wilk mixed it with water, sucked it into the tube cavity with a thick syringe, and then held it and made gestures against the vulture's neck.

The Vulture, who usually has no fear in the face of mountains of swords and seas of fire, and can even deal with serious injuries such as severed limbs and limbs, was sweating coldly when he looked at the thick, glistening needle. He suddenly felt the urge to flinch, and couldn't help

Holding Fang Linyan's hand, he said in a trembling voice:

"Boss, is it okay if I don't fight? I think I can do my job well even in this negative state!"

Fang Linyan was both angry and funny when he saw this. Just as he was about to speak, Feng Wilke had already pricked him with a needle! The vulture suddenly let out a shrill scream of "ah"! The whole person twitched and rolled his eyes, but

But he didn't dare to move even a little bit.

Immediately afterwards, the vulture began to suck cold air from its mouth, and then said painfully:

"It hurts! It hurts so much. It's like gunpowder has been ignited in that place, and it's like a large amount of magma has been injected into it. Oh my god, why do I have to suffer such a punishment!!"

After von Wilke finished the injection, he was not idle. Instead, he brought a water cup over, lit it with fire, and then pressed it on the vulture's pinhole. He did this with great skill.


After a while, he tore off the water cup, and immediately saw a large amount of dark red blood being sucked out of the vulture's pinhole, and there were many black blood streaks in the blood, which made his scalp numb.


Obviously, von Wilke's technique was based on the Chinese cupping technique, which proves that this guy boasted that he had lived in China for five years and was very proficient in Chinese culture.

At this time, Vulture could not even make a sound. He slumped down on the chair and fell into a semi-conscious state. Others looked at his state as "weak".

At this time, the other two German military doctors came over to examine Vulture, and then told Fang Linyan and others that their symptoms had been controlled, and they could just rest assured and recover.

Vulture also said weakly in the team channel that he had nothing serious to do now, his health was still recovering, and he just needed to rest for about an hour.

At this time, Fang Linyan and the others had been busy for almost four or five hours after entering the world. During this period, they also experienced high-intensity battles. The German warship was obviously a "safe zone", so after getting permission, they went to the restaurant


The Germans are also a very practical nation. Fang Linyan and his group helped the military's special envoy von Wilke escape from being hunted in the Far North. The German soldiers on the ship also respected them very much and took out

Food for the distinguished guests.

For example, Germany's famous gourmet apple pie, as well as eleven kinds of sausages, and finally a large puff pastry pork knuckle, all filled with hard vegetables and meats, made Fang Linyan and the others' mouths full of oil.

Then we clinked glasses with von Wilke and drank Munich beer. The atmosphere was quite lively.


More than 20 kilometers away from Fang Linyan and the others,

In a big house,

This house has a typical Shencheng era style at this time, mainly Chinese style, but with many Westernized things added to the details.

For example, European classical columns replaced traditional Chinese tiles with wind chimes and figures, etc.

You can see a giant seven-pointed star suddenly appearing above the house, because seven is a number that contains mysterious power in astrology and various legends. For example, there are seven days in a week. God used seven days to create the world, and there are seven colors.

, seven notes, etc.

Therefore, the seven-pointed star represents mystery and eternity.

Of course, the local residents turned a blind eye to this seven-pointed star and were directly visually blocked.

Then there was another flash of light, and a young man lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

This young man's face is a little pale, his figure is quite thin, and his cheekbones are even tinged with blue. This is a sign of congenital insufficiency and physical weakness.

As soon as the boy sat up, he immediately covered his mouth and started coughing desperately. A muddy hissing sound came from his throat, which was heartbreaking to hear.

After hearing his cough, three maids walked in quickly from outside.

It could be seen that they were well prepared for this situation. One went to get a spittoon and towel, another went to get medicine and warm water, and the other came forward, patted the boy's back, and massaged his Lieqi and Hegu points.

After struggling for a while, the boy's coughing finally stopped. At this time, he was sweating profusely, which showed how weak he was.

However, the young man's eyes had changed, becoming cold and confident, and he waved the three maids down.

The older one was a bit spoiled and coquettish, hurriedly waved his hand and said:

"That's not possible. Madam said that we have to wait by you whenever you cough, young master."

The young man immediately stared at her seriously without saying a word, but his eyes had become very scary.

Even if this girl is older, it is still compared to the other two. In fact, she is only twenty-one years old. Being stared at by this young man so hard, she suddenly couldn't bear it, and she suddenly screamed.

He cried, then hid his face and ran out.

This chapter has been completed!
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