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Chapter 89 Let me tell you a bear story

It is worth mentioning that Fang Linyan also found out that the mysterious thread is a spiritual creature captured by the astrologer Deng, called the evil mist spider. This guy can cross planes to catch prey, so the silk it spins is unique.

So evil.

However, the evil mist spider captured by astrologer Deng had also been specially strengthened and modulated, and was obviously more powerful than described in the information obtained by Fang Linyan.

Although Fang Linyan still died this time, he found that with the help of the speed of the light rail, he had managed to escape within a hundred meters of the residential building. It could be said that he had at least gained an extra eighty meters of time to run.

After obtaining this data, Fang Linyan was confident and his eyes shone brightly because he had found a way to break the situation!

After dying again and restarting the game and standing outside the light rail station, Fang Linyan simply came to the front of the platform. Then, after the light rail stopped, he took the lead and rushed into the car closest to the front of the car he was driving.

Then Fang Linyan went straight to the light rail cab in front. At this time, his metal affinity ability was still there. When his index finger and middle finger rested on the keyhole of the door that separated the carriage from the cockpit, the ability was activated, and the structure of the lock instantly

After being enlightened, Fang Linyan lightly hooked his fingers, and then pushed the door and it was opened directly.

Needless to say, the driver inside looked over in astonishment. Fang Linyan closed the door and walked forward with a smile:

"Sorry, I have something to do to delay your work."

Before the driver could speak, Fang Linyan cut his neck with his palm, then gave him a hand, causing him to collapse to the ground without a sound.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan strode to the control desk, and the metal affinity ability was continuously injected into the palm of his hand, and its structure was clearly reflected in Fang Linyan's mind.

This is a medium-sized station. The light rail has a five-minute stop time. In addition, it takes Fang Linyan thirty seconds to enter the cab, so the time left for him to operate is extremely limited.

Fortunately, this light rail has been running for more than ten years, and its structure is not complicated, so Fang Linyan quickly achieved his goal and completed the transformation of its internal structure, and don't forget that Fang Linyan can use it again later.

Repeating this process, the experience he accumulated at this time will not be forgotten.

The driving bell rang and the light rail set off again, but the driver had quietly been replaced by Fang Linyan.

At first, the light rail train was still slow when leaving the station, and there was nothing unusual at all.

But when Fang Linyan felt that the evil mist spider silk ahead was broken by him, he immediately pulled down the red switch next to the cockpit and pulled the operating lever next to it hard.

After the red switch was pulled down, the line modified by Fang Linyan immediately ejected blue-white electric light, and then a series of hooks at the rear slid open and fell off, and most of the passenger boxes of the entire light rail train were forcibly thrown away.

, only the front of the car was left, and it drove forward like a wild horse.

At the same time, the control lever that was pulled to the limit directly canceled the relevant speed limit on the front of the car, and then the entire front of the car began to speed up in the fastest way.

You can hear the engine roaring wildly at the front of the light rail train, and a large amount of thick green smoke comes out of the exhaust port of the internal combustion engine. The speed limit valve was originally installed here, but Fang Linyan directly removed it and threw it away.

The Atlantic Ocean has gone.

Finally, Fang Linyan did not forget to smash the glass next to him and pressed the fault alarm. This action immediately caused a chain reaction:

Fifty kilometers away, a piercing alarm sounded immediately in the main control room of this light rail line, and the staff immediately called the next light rail and asked its conductor to brake urgently to avoid a rear-end collision.

There is no doubt that Deng already knew Fang Linyan's location at this time and pursued him.

At this time, Fang Linyan's eyes were slightly closed, and he stood next to the open car door. At the same time, he kept flexing and stretching his fingers as if calculating something.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan jumped out of the front of the car, rolled and landed directly on the ground. At this moment, astrologer Deng had already taken action, and a shooting star illusion floated down.

Fang Linyan gritted his teeth and resisted, letting it ignite on him.

At this time, in the eyes of the Abyss Lord and others, Fang Linyan could not be seen at all. Even the astrologer Deng could not see anyone. He could only rely on the tracking ability of falling meteors to cause damage to Fang Linyan.

Therefore, at this time, the energy of this group of people was of course focused on the place where the meteor illusion fell, which is where Fang Linyan was, and they must have turned a blind eye to the car that was speeding away and accelerating.

While Fang Linyan was running with all his strength along the track in the direction of the front of the car, he was silently calculating the distance. It wasn't until the front of the car was about to leave the corresponding range that he was ready to decisively use Blade Flight. His goal was to leave the cab of the front of the car behind.

Rubes among them!

But Fang Linyan was suddenly stunned. He forgot that he had not yet learned Blade Flying, so he could not use this move.

But it didn't matter. In the blink of an eye, he recalled that he had learned another similar skill at this time: interception.

This skill is an A-level skill book dropped by T Mark. It can also be used on friendly and enemy troops at the same time, but it does not have the near-invincibility effect of Blade Flight and the stun time. Fortunately, it also has the characteristics of rapid displacement.

, so this time it was successful.

If Fang Linyan had not jumped out of the car before, the speed of the car would have only reached about 80 kilometers at that time. It is estimated that it would have been intercepted by the Abyss Lord and the others in about ten seconds.

In a previous experience, Fang Linyan hid in the carriage, and the light rail was stopped in only eight seconds.

However, after Fang Linyan jumped out of the car and delayed for more than 20 seconds, the speed of the car had already increased to more than 150 kilometers. As a result, the interception of the Abyss Lord and others would be greatly increased. At the same time, the faster speed would also

It allows Fang Linyan to escape further with the help of his power.

Sure enough, after getting in the car, Fang Linyan got a chance to breathe, pulled out his predatory fangs, and without hesitation cut off the left arm covered with evil mist spider silk, and threw it out.

Although this act of self-mutilation was very painful, firstly, it got rid of the evil mist spider silk, and secondly, it also removed the burning meteor flames clinging to the arm.

At this time, the speed of the light rail car was still soaring. When Fang Linyan got on the train, it was at 150 kilometers. After another ten seconds, it had accelerated to 200 kilometers. The residential area in front was

It was also two or three kilometers ahead, approaching rapidly.

A smile appeared on Fang Linyan's lips, and he pulled down the brakes on the front of the car, as well as the emergency braking device. He let the wheels on the front of the car rub wildly on the track, causing long sparks to appear, and then he spotted another passerby beside the track.

After performing interception, he appeared next to him and walked towards the community in front of him calmly.

Not only that, when Fang Linyan entered the corridor, he turned around and pointed his middle finger at the abyss lord and astrologer Deng who were chasing behind him.

Immediately afterwards, he walked into the corridor and walked slowly downstairs.

Sure enough, before Fang Linyan said he wanted to return, he woke up from the nightmare.

It is worth mentioning that after Fang Linyan woke up this time, he found that although the negative state on his body was still there, it had changed from the previous deep nightmare to a shallow nightmare.

Next, when Fang Linyan went to bed, he deliberately did not take the amulet with him and allowed Freddy to misbehave and drag him into the nightmare.

At the beginning, this place would indeed become Fang Linyan's nightmare, a wound he didn't want to touch, but when it happened more often, he really wasn't so obsessed with it anymore.

Later, when Fang Linyan knew that this thing was harmful to him, why did he take off the amulet and take the initiative to experience it?

It is because he keenly discovered that this is his inner demon and his weakness. In the days to come, there is no guarantee that he will encounter enemies who are specifically targeting this. Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the situation now while it is still under control.


Freddy was obviously unwilling to see such a result, but what could he do?

In fact, he was helpless. His own body was destroyed, and his natal statue and artifact were placed in a private space blocked by space power. He tried his best to let Fang Linyan enter such a nightmare.

However, the person in front of me has gone through the most difficult time.

After the initial panic period, he quickly calmed down and quickly found a way to restrain his power so that he could no longer forcefully pull it into the nightmare.

Thinking of this, Freddy was filled with hatred. He was also a demon king, and his reputation was spread in thousands of planes. But he didn't expect that here he would bump into an iron plate head-on, and meet someone who could actually be with him.

The enemy to contend with in dreams!

I have heard the name of this enemy before: Hypnos.

But it should be just a legendary figure. Even if he once had great strength, he was turned into dust before the irresistible force of time.

But Hypnos, who was found by the enemy in front of him, was really powerful in the dream. At least now he had absolute suppressive power over him. A handmade amulet could protect Fang Linyan as impregnable.

What surprised Freddy was that the other party actually took off the amulet after a day's rest.

Freddy was shocked at first, but after a few seconds, he suddenly understood the meaning of the old woman's cunning, and he became furious and used all his strength to arrange this nightmare.

What's disappointing is that the other party actually successfully solved this nightmare and escaped smoothly.

In the next few days, Fang Linyan continued not to wear the amulet. Freddy couldn't bear it at all and regarded it as the most extreme provocation!! So he racked his brains to target Fang Linyan.

Unfortunately, Fang Linyan, who came prepared, has fully adapted to this experience. After a lot of tricks, he can always successfully break the nightmare set by Freddy.

For him, the nightmare set up by Freddy was regarded as a training ground, where he could try out tricks and practice his adaptability and on-the-spot reaction ability.

Freddy also began to feel a little miserable about this and couldn't bear it anymore. He also tried to change the nightmare scene.

But Freddy could detect that what Fang Linyan feared most in his heart was the scene of facing the Lord of the Abyss, which also left the deepest psychological shadow on him.

There are also some other scenes like Freddy's exploration,

When Fang Linyan faced a heavy truck that was heading straight for him, he barely had time to react.

Fang Linyan faced a broken wrench while working overtime, and when he wanted to cry but had no tears,

Fang Linyan looked at the fried bitter gourd that he had been repeating for several days in front of him, and his face looked very ugly.

But obviously, these scenes are obviously not that scary anymore.

If Lin Yan's fear influence in the scene where he faces the Abyss Lord at the station is S, then the fear influence on him in the rest of the scenes drops directly to B. Yes, the span is so huge.

After the two of them battled wits and courage for several days, Fang Linyan felt that Freddy was already at his wits end, so he took out the statue and said to him:

"Old man, you have worked hard these days, so in order to repay you, I will tell you a story today."

Freddy's statue's eyes shone with evil, but he didn't respond.

Fang Linyan continued:

"A hunter went into the forest to hunt a bear. The bear beat him up, then slapped his butt and let him go."

"The hunter refused to accept it. He rested for a few days and went back again. He was beaten again. FUCK and let him go."

"A few days later, when the hunter went again, the bear asked him helplessly, are you here to beat me, or are you here to beg me?"

After hearing this story, Freddy vomited three liters of blood on the spot and died.

Since then, even if Fang Linyan doesn't wear the amulet, Freddy has never caused trouble again. The dignified devil still wants to have face, and he will not stalk him, especially when he knows that stalking is of no use.


These things that Freddy did were just an interlude. After solving this matter, Fang Linyan directly invested a large amount of resources on the kis super engineer. These resources included the remaining golden potential points and golden lock points.

, potential points, universal points, etc.

invested these funds

After the source, the kis super engineer template has also been sufficiently strengthened. In addition to various corresponding attributes and bonuses being improved by about 20%, Fang Linyan also gained a new skill:

Vector AI: This is a unique technology derived from Cybertron, which can give mechanical creations the ability to think simply, making them more intelligent and easier to control.

Strictly speaking, this skill should actually be an enhanced version of Lamp of Fire, which can be said to be a qualitative improvement to the template.

After all, the vehicles manufactured by Fang Linyan before had to consider the issue of controllability. Maybe when the clone is driving a mecha vehicle, he has to go to Lanxiang for further training, or go to His Highness Xu Le or Fatty Tian for advice.

high-end skills.

Driving mechas and the like is also typical manual labor.

But with this technology, controlling the vehicle becomes a mental task that involves directly holding the light ball in hand and controlling it directly with brain waves.

So Fang Linyan then began to design and produce the corresponding vehicles without sleep or food. Fortunately, the goddess was fully equipped with both manpower and materials, so the completion progress was very fast.

It took less than a week to produce the first batch of experimental subjects.

While Fang Linyan was conducting the test, he suddenly saw Evelina appearing in the distance, her white robe floating in the air, looking holy and beautiful.

This chapter has been completed!
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