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Chapter 91: Don’t give in to shame

As the bow of the ship crashed down, the entire steel body of the huge warship was under great pressure at this moment, making a creaking sound, as if it was about to disintegrate in the next second.

A large number of unprepared sailors were in a hurry under such a surprise attack. They may not have been well trained. They screamed and danced around trying to grab anything around them, but some of them were still knocked to their feet.

There are also many people who have broken bones, bloody heads, and even fell into the sea like dumplings.

After the white water splash fell, thick black smoke rose up instead, and orange-red flames were even seen burning at the bow of the ship underwater.

Yes, this flame can keep burning even under water!

Although it was a friendly ship that was attacked, almost all the personnel of the entire Aimee fleet fell into a brief sluggish state, and even their brains went blank. The first thought that came out of their minds was that they were too arrogant.

It's not an enemy attack, it's an accident!

However, what happened next broke all their illusions. A red dot suddenly appeared on the aircraft carrier's radar screen, and a piercing siren sounded.

Because in the sea very close to the aircraft carrier, a strange submersible suddenly appeared. The submersible looked like a seal, but it had a metallic color.

Then it quickly deformed and turned into a sturdy steel creature more than three meters tall. The propeller behind it spurted out scorching flames. It jumped up and grabbed the edge of the aircraft carrier's deck, and then jumped onto the deck.

After this steel creature transformed into a human form, it still ran on all fours like a werewolf or orangutan, and its running trajectory was difficult to lock.

It raised its claws and attacked directly at the F35 parked on the runway. The attack parts were almost always the cabin, which is the most vulnerable and difficult to repair. It was caught off guard and was destroyed by it.

More than a dozen fighter jets, and then the slow-reacting crew on the ship began to attack it.

The two sides fought fiercely for almost ten minutes before the steel creature was destroyed and turned into a pile of steel ruins that collapsed on the deck, with black smoke rising from it.

Of course, this scene that happened on the combined fleet could not be concealed. After all, the Allies were still there!

Therefore, this matter immediately alarmed the local people, and corresponding experts were sent to investigate. They soon discovered two terrible facts:

First of all, at the place where the steel creature boarded the ship, there was a package that was sealed and sealed. After opening it, it was discovered that this thing was nothing else. It contained more than one hundred kilograms of high explosives.

Secondly, the destroyed steel creature was equipped with a triple machine gun, a high-voltage electric launch device, a flamethrower, etc., but it only used melee attacks such as pounce, bite, and grab from the beginning to the end.

In this way, the implication is extremely obvious:

This time I have shown mercy!

Moreover, the mechanical creature was destroyed on the aircraft carrier, which is a fig leaf for you.

Don't be shy! If you don't know what's interesting, the next high explosive may be 500 kilograms, and it will detonate directly!

The timed mines placed will not be placed on the solid bow of the ship, but on the waist of the ship, which can be broken into two pieces when exploded.

The mechanical creatures that rush onto the deck will not just use melee combat, but will use full firepower. A more ruthless method is to directly attack the nuclear reactor of the aircraft carrier. As long as something goes wrong here, it will be scrapped.

A long time ago, the famous religious figure Xiu Quanhong, the Son of God, said: Foreigners are afraid of power but not moral.

After the series of combination punches arranged by the think tank came out, Amy was still a little bit overwhelmed. The combined fleet stayed in the original sea area and fired some air cannons, then conducted a formation drill, and then sent some messages to the news media.

After the draft was approved, it ran away immediately.

There is a saying that the truth is within the range of the cannon. When Athens realized that our god could indeed be relied on, they immediately became much tougher and responded to the unreasonable demands made by the European Union.

The rebuttal was even more strongly worded.

Not only that, Athens also discovered an opportunity:

You guys who are the leaders of the European League are actually using my technology to trade with the East? And you want to blackmail me in turn!

Haha, if you can do the first grade of junior high school, I can do the fifteenth grade.

So a mission was quickly dispatched to visit Asia, and the two sides held cordial and friendly talks:

Expressing appreciation, the speaker recalled the long-standing friendship between the two countries, reiterated that Taiwan is part of China, and reached a number of cooperation agreements in a harmonious atmosphere.

A month later, Athens accidentally picked up a floating container on the high seas. Inside it was the missile technology needed to target unknown huge floating objects on the sea, as well as five rounds of inventory that were approaching their expiration date. Everything seemed normal, except for

The Chinese instruction manual was soaked in sea water and some of the fonts were blurred.

The European Union was even more annoyed to find that several agreements that were being negotiated or were about to be negotiated were forcibly interrupted. Party A was vague about some projects, while others frankly said that they had found higher-end projects.

Alternative technologies.

In this case, the direct economic losses they suffered reached tens of billions of euros, and the indirect economic losses exceeded hundreds of billions of euros. This also triggered a corresponding political crisis. One prime minister was directly impeached and resigned, and another

The position was disgraced and its prestige was greatly lost.

This can be said to be a good example of stealing the chicken but losing the rice.


To be honest, dealing with these matters still consumes Fang Linyan's time. For example, how can that mechanical beast break through the high-tech radar and sonar scans and appear directly next to the aircraft carrier?

It relied on Fang Linyan to first lurk there alone, then take it out from his private space and temporarily assemble it.

Moreover, doing these things did not help Fang Lin Yan improve his own strength. Instead, it delayed his time, but Fang Linyan still tried his best.

Just because he knows that the goddess is also an important support for him, and there is no room for loss in the rear. The two sides are now in a state of estrangement. Even in the case of such in-depth cooperation, if one side continues to pay too much, it will definitely lead to a relationship between the two in the end.

Cracks appear.

After taking stock of the gains from this return, the biggest breakthrough was that he had clarified his future direction, so Fang Linyan nodded with satisfaction and returned to the Hope Sector.

For those who dare to venture to areas affected by Chaos, whether they are the local forces in the Hope Sector or the Noah space, they are treated very leniently, and the legendary team is given a leave of up to two months.

And Fang Linyan only spent a month's vacation before returning, which also made people here in the Hope Sector a little puzzled, because space warriors who do this are very rare, and most people only return after being stuck on the last day.


But they didn't know that Fang Linyan's intention of returning early was nothing more than "free prostitution."

In the real world, he can only rely on the power of the goddess to collect materials and build his own vehicles. Although this can definitely collect a lot of resources, this is the earth after all, just a planet.

No matter how talented Fang Linyan is, he definitely needs a lot of repetitive work to practice and accumulate experience.

His strength lies in hand-made work. Even if he reaches the level of a master craftsman, it does not mean that he can achieve outstanding results in design.

In fact, the various types of mechanical knowledge that Fang Linyan has mastered are only the knowledge of this technological school on earth that can be fully integrated and fluent.

Strictly speaking, he doesn't even have a complete grasp of the knowledge in the interstellar world, let alone the corresponding knowledge system of Transformers.

Therefore, considering various factors, Fang Linyan will definitely devote himself to burning money and resources on a large scale.

There is no doubt that the terrifying strength of the Hope Sector is more than enough to support his operation. After all, the population and control territory here are far above the earth, and the system of religious supremacy can also mobilize greater power.

Measure it.

And even if it is precious materials or even human resources, Fang Linyan can exchange them with order crystals.

After spending the next two days, Fang Linyan drew up a list and submitted it to his old acquaintance Rothbacher, saying straight to the point:

"I want to get everything above, please help me calculate it."

Rothbacher was originally full of confidence. After all, her mission here was to kneel and lick, and it was her duty to satisfy these guardians, especially when the God of Creation appeared on the platform for them, and even did not hesitate to sacrifice the ancient

After all the Caguero family fell into the mortal world.

However, when she finished reading the list, she couldn't help but swallowed hard, and then said with a wry smile:

"Sir, the resources on this list consume too much, and I can't make the decision."

Fang Linyan had long expected that she would answer this way, and said pleasantly:

"In this way, you can first draw out the resources allocated to me if you can, and I will find others for the rest."

After hearing what Fang Linyan said, Rothbacher breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on his face.

The demand on the list that Fang Linyan took out was huge, but not all of it was high-end materials. At least half of them could be collected by her.

In this process, even if Rothbacher does not line his own pockets, the benefits must be considerable.

As for the benefits, I don’t need to say them in detail. It’s just like going to buy meat and shopping around at the meat stalls. Even if you don’t take away a piece of meat, you will have more on your clean hands.

A layer of oil.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan went to find another old acquaintance with the list that Rothbacher had no way to decide: Archbishop Mahan and Gaang, the Son of God. After all, these two people fought side by side, and they all carried the gun together.

Be more friendly.

The two of them must have much wider authority and connections, and they helped Fang Linyan solve the eight types of scarce materials on the list. In the end, only six types of materials were left on the list.

At this time, Fang Linyan directly contacted Noah's S space and said that he planned to fulfill his promise and accept the hidden mission.

Noah's S space was also unambiguous. He must have been waiting for it for a long time. He immediately sent the mission. Probably because of Fang Linyan's very active attitude and considering that he was acting alone this time, S number

The space directly pulled out six hidden tasks and let Fang Linyan choose.

Fang Linyan took a look, and as expected, four of the six tasks required exploring the chaotic area. Among the remaining two tasks, one was to rebuild a base station somewhere, and the other was to clear the area of ​​chaotic creatures.


Needless to say, Fang Linyan certainly would not challenge his limits in this aspect, and directly chose the one with the lowest difficulty, because the intensity of chaos pollution in that area was only about level three.

After receiving the task and getting the detailed content, I was even more relieved.

It turns out that in the definition of space, unknown chaotic areas are one thing, and unexplored unknown areas are another.

Unknown chaotic area = a place where someone has explored it before and drawn a corresponding topographic map, but it has been a while since the last time someone else went there.

Unexplored areas of chaos = areas that no one has ever been to, almost always in the deepest depths of chaos.

Chaos is inherently changeable and disorderly, so even if it is an area that has been explored before, new resources may not be derived after a period of time.

It's like a beach that has been driven out to sea and is completely harvested, but if you come back a year later, you will still gain a lot.

What's more, when the predecessors were exploring, they must have just glanced at the scene, and it was impossible to search carefully. After all, the purpose was to open the map, and Fang Linyan's mission this time required him to arrive in this area and search in fourteen different directions.

Check in at the coordinate point.

These fourteen coordinate points are evenly distributed in this chaotic area. To complete the check-in here is almost equivalent to exploring the entire place.

And the space is also very user-friendly, with fourteen points

If you get four card points, even if you complete the task, of course, the reward will be very small, and it can only be said that there will be no punishment.

If you can check in at least six points, you will be guaranteed to be rewarded with thirty order crystals.

If you can check in more than nine points (including nine points), you will be rewarded with Biskar data flow.

Yes, this is the first time that Fang Linyan has received a task from Noah Space that rewards Biskar data flow.

Of course, he also received a simple explanation of the Biska data flow from Space S. Of course, it was impossible to explain it as thoroughly as the Mobius Mark. Even the causes and consequences would be clear.

Its general meaning is that this thing is very precious and can be used to make wishes on space.

Later, Fang Linyan also asked about the Mobius Mark. He said that the Biskar data stream he rewarded Fang Linyan and the Biskar data stream rewarded by S space cannot be used interchangeably.

This chapter has been completed!
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