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Chapter 92 The Powerful Princess

Because the data of the Biskar Data Flow is very important, it is not something that Noah Space can actively create. Taking the real world as an analogy, the common point is the currencies of various countries, and the government can print as much as it wants.

But the Bisca data flow is different. This thing is similar to gold. You must have it in your own country, and you have to spend resources to dig it out!

Therefore, the delivered Biska data stream will definitely be backed up by the main consciousness of the S space. Once tampered with, there will be great risks of exposure.

There is no doubt that after accepting the mission, Space S will issue an oracle in the name of the God of Creation, allowing the Hope Sector to begin preparing resources to prepare the Magical War Fortress to enter the depths of chaos.

Of course, the Hope Sector has gathered nearly a gigabyte of manpower and the resources of hundreds of planets. The resources and manpower reserves in this area must be very sufficient.

It's just that after the church's senior leaders learned the news, many people lamented that this wrench was really desperate. It had only been more than a month since he had participated in the revolution, and he was in a hurry to go on a mission again.

You should know that under normal circumstances, after participating in related missions to the Chaos Area, the public holiday lasts for half a year, and most guardian warriors will choose to take the holiday before going there.

There are also some people who are relatively lazy, and will even stay drunk until they take a rest for nearly a year before taking up the task again.

Of course, such a person will definitely not be favored by the space. Even if there are no obstacles to him, preferential treatment is impossible.

Seizing this opportunity, Fang Linyan sold another round of followers. After all, there were a lot of depressed people in the church, and if you went with him and risked your life to get gold, you could get extra

of promotion.

What's more important is that Fang Linyan is a successful person, and Archbishop Maha and the Son of God Ga'ang also think highly of him, so there are many people competing for his place in the entourage.

Fang Linyan easily used this to collect everything on the material list, and the accompanying personnel he selected were also very strong:

A Prince Philip is a Golden Martial Saint, and his combat power is recognized as equal to that of an eighth-level magician/magician.

The other accompanying princess, Gumog, is even more terrifying. She is a very rare earth priest who claims that as long as her feet do not leave the earth, she cannot be knocked down.

At first, Fang Linyan became a little angry after seeing the princess's introduction. How many kickbacks did these gangsters take to send such outrageous information to me?

An eighteen-year-old princess actually killed six magisters and eleven great magicians?

Not only that, he also hunted mutated mammoths during hunting, and led 200 men to defeat 5,000 enemies in a border conflict.

Damn it, you are writing a YY article. ***You should try to be an author. If you write like this, the book review section will definitely criticize you for excessive YY and make you completely naked and embarrassed, okay?

It wasn't until Fang Linyan saw him that he realized that he had too little knowledge.

It turns out that among the 18-year-old princesses in this world, there are those cute ones named Mia Morasuna, Dani, Shelly Red,

There are also elegant and beautiful ones like Princess Madeleine of Sweden.

However, there is another kind of princess from Marathon called Theradras!

This princess is a full head taller than Fang Linyan, at least two meters. She is covered in sinews, has a hooked nose, and even has a rough look on her face, but she has a cheerful air in her conversation. (The real person.

For the version, please refer to Northeast Rain Sister, there should be a big picture here!)

The purpose of her taking the risk to participate in this operation was to restore the principality inherited from her father.

After all, in this plane, religious power is higher than royal power. Any king who wants to ascend the throne must be crowned by the pope or the local cardinal. Otherwise, it will be regarded as rebellion and will not be recognized by most of the people in the territory.


Of course, the most important thing is that she took out Fang Linyan's most in demand and rarest material: star iron.

Fang Linyan asked for 200 grams, but she directly took out 370 grams, and the extra was given for free. Fang Linyan responded

I'll definitely accept it, and I won't take it from her in vain.

If she can return smoothly in the future, Fang Linyan will also find connections to get a "cease-war order" for her.

This thing is also issued by the Holy See, and is divided into one-year, three-year, five-year terms, and the longest is ten-year period. Its effect is similar to the anti-war card in ancient China.

Once you take it out and stick it on the city gate, it will glow brightly and a countdown will appear. Before the countdown ends, no force is allowed to launch an attack or war on the kingdom/principal. Of course, the protected countries and forces will not be allowed to launch an attack or war.

War is allowed.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as a provocation to the Holy See and will be fully attacked by the Holy See.

This thing must be extremely important to Princess Felipe who is trying to restore her country. Fang Linyan did this because he was saving a lot of money to buy horse bones, saying that he would not treat those who work for him badly.

Before setting off, Fang Linyan also received good news, that is, Omi finally woke up from the nightmare.

After all, Freddy's original body had already been killed by Fang Linyan, so his clone must have sensed it.

Although Omi tried every means to drag him into the nightmare, it should be just wishful thinking. After all, the dream is Freddy's home field. Even if he is suppressed at a disadvantage, as long as he is willing to pay the price, he still has to run away.


According to other people's descriptions, Omi was not happy after waking up from her dream, her eyebrows were furrowed, and she returned directly without saying a word.

Fang Linyan still knew her thoughts very well. This woman must have calculated that she had severely injured Freddie and she had a chance to escape. This undoubtedly meant that she was better than her. This strong woman obviously found it difficult to let go.

And now that her strength is damaged and she has not been able to obtain the divine weapon Five Elements Ball, she must be feeling unhappy.

Fang Linyan was also a little helpless about this. After all, heart diseases also need heart medicine to treat, so he could only wait for Omi to adjust himself.

Before Fang Linyan set out, there was actually someone who entrusted the church to deliver a message to him. Fang Linyan did not expect that this person was actually Tiger the Forger.

The two had a big feud before, but later Fang Linyan took the initiative to ease their relationship, but it was just for the purpose of trading information. Their relationship was nothing more than strangers. To be honest, Fang Linyan

I don't know what he meant by bringing the letter.

After opening the letterhead and looking at it, Fang Linyan's face suddenly became uncertain. It turned out that the message Tai Ge left on the letterhead was quite obscure and unclear. He just said that space R was very dissatisfied with the current progress, so something big might change.

Fang Linyan looked a little baffled. He belonged to the more powerful S space. What impact would there be on him in the R space?

However, Tago is still very clever and cautious. He made a special trip to deliver a letter to himself. It must be that there is no smoke without fire.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Linyan felt that no matter how the situation changed, it would not be a big problem, so he decided to postpone the matter for a while to temper Tiger's temper, and then specially prepared for the matters after departure.

This time, Fang Linyan was already familiar with the road. He was very skilled in all preparations, and no one dared to hinder him.

Soon, the magic battle fort slowly took off, arrived at another time and space flash point, and then teleported away.

After the transmission was completed, the Magical War Fortress flew for another five or six days, and then stopped after finding a star field. This was already the target point, and it was more than a few hundred light years away from the entire Hope Star field.


At this time, the Magical Battle Castle has hovered over a place that looks like an isolated island. However, according to the original terrain map, this place is actually the top of the mountains.

The Magical War Fortress rests on top of it, with layers of purple-black mist slowly surging around it, like the sea and clouds, which looks quite spectacular.

However, Fang Linyan knew that it was the mist of chaos, which seemed harmless. Once he entered it by mistake, he would completely lose his sense of direction. Then, like an ant on a hot pot, he would become dizzy and just keep circling. At the same time, he would be constantly restrained by the power of chaos.

, and ultimately cannot escape the fate of being completely contaminated.

Fortunately, this situation does not

If you keep it for too long, after all, this is still the interior of this universe, and its topography will change with the rise and fall of the cosmic tide.

According to the calculations of the alchemists inside the Magical Battle Castle, it will only take about thirty-seven hours for the place to show its original appearance, and the pollution level will be reduced from the previous pollution level of more than level 8 to around level 3.

During this period, the Magical Battle Fortress will also turn on its defense mode, and in the eyes of chaotic creatures, it will be no different from the rocks or the like next to it.

During this period of time, Fang Linyan would of course not go out. He would specialize in studying the corresponding design information of the Kis super engineer inside the battle fort. The followers who followed Fang Linyan were also not idle, remotely controlling the specially made golems to enter.

Carry out some collection work in the fog of chaos.

As the saying goes, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. In such a dangerous place, there will be huge profits.

Although there are powerful chaotic creatures in such chaotic fog, some rare treasures will also appear. These things are usually produced when the chaotic fog corrodes the laws of order within the universe.

These treasures include rare metals and rare gems, which are already priceless.

In addition, there are Hao nodules, fragments of order,

There is even something called the Bud of Chaos, which is even rarer. It is said to be the most primitive power of chaos and is extremely pure.

Although the power of chaos is very deadly to creatures of order, it definitely does not mean that it is useless.

Just like nuclear radiation is dangerous and deadly, nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons have become indispensable to mankind.

Another example is arsenic, which is extremely poisonous. The famous Internet celebrity Boss Wu, the poet Empress Li, and Mr. Bonaparte, a witness of the Battle of Waterloo, are all victims of it. However, it has been proven to treat leukemia, and the effect is quite good.

The most useful effect of this Chaos Bud is that it can be used to refine a medicine, and the function of this medicine is to extend life.

Of course, the behavior of these people controlling golems to take risks in the mist of chaos is somewhat similar to chasing the sea when the tide goes out. The specific harvest, or even whether there is any harvest, is up to God.

For example, Princess Gumog was very lucky this time. Just ten minutes after the golem she controlled entered the fog, she actually found a chaos tadpole. This thing was of course not a tadpole, but it had a somewhat similar appearance.

To be more specific, it should be the offspring of a chaotic creature, but one that has not yet awakened its own consciousness. It is most appropriate to understand it as an egg.

This thing is that kind of chaotic thing without any aggression. After all, there is life hidden in it. Alchemists regard it as an extremely rare material.

After finding such a thing, Princess Gumog's trip cost has been offset by more than half, and the remaining harvest is a net profit.

Seeing the companions all gained something, it was like a shot in the arm, immediately prompting the rest of the people to take action and try their luck renting a golem from the alchemist in the Magical Battle Castle, but they worked for more than ten hours.

Nothing was found.

And controlling the golem requires one's own mental strength. Some people were so tired that they vomited on the spot, and even began to vomit blood. Naturally, someone carried them down to nurse them.

Another five or six hours later, suddenly a harsh warning sound sounded inside the magic battle fort, and all the released golems were forcibly taken back. Fang Linyan immediately rushed to the command room to ask what happened.

The commander of the battle fort, Carewin, pointed to a purple-black red dot on the screen with a solemn look and said:

"A terrifying existence appeared a hundred kilometers away, and it is still approaching rapidly in our direction. According to comprehensive data analysis, there is a high probability that it is the top-level chaotic creature!"

Of course, there are some weak creatures in chaos, but those who can be called "top" must be similar to the overlords in the region, second only to the level of demon kings like Freddy.

To be more intuitive, Mosh, the Tyrannosaurus King of Crater, Hogg, the Great Good Guy of Elwynn Forest, etc. are similar to this template.

But it seems that creatures of this level are lower than Freddy, but Freddy is powerful because of his dreams.

Its combat effectiveness in the real world, as well as its immortality, can be said to be that its survivability is directly that of the SSS. If we just talk about its combat effectiveness in the real world, it really doesn't count.

Therefore, if you are caught by this big guy, everyone present will probably die!

"What should we do?" Fang Linyan asked everyone's thoughts.

Kawen said simply:

"Do nothing. Our current disguise is perfect and there are no flaws. The changes caused by rash movement will only cause the monster to become suspicious and pursue us."

"According to the deduction of the magic elves in the battle fort, the probability of being discovered if you leave immediately is 13%, and the probability of being discovered if you stay in place is 22%."

Fang Linyan nodded after hearing this and chose to believe the analysis of professionals. After all, they were all in this together. Even if they were perfunctory, they would not be joking with their own lives.

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