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Chapter 5 Arena

Chapter 2083 Arena

"Devil Sea?" Fang Linyan said in surprise.

Coil explained patiently:

"The Devil's Sea is not a real ocean, but a plain with huge criss-crossing cracks on it. It is extremely deep, and green flames will erupt from it at any time, reaching a height of more than a thousand meters."

"The key is that the geomagnetic activity here is extremely violent. When the flames are ejected, the terrible interference will even reach a peak, and then all the fault lights on the dashboard will light up."

At this time, "Gallon", a Decepticon next to him, interjected:

"Yes, I had a personal experience. At that moment, I was directly hit by a terrible magnetic storm. I suddenly felt that the entire processor was about to explode, and I completely lost my sense of direction. The feeling was terrible, like thirteen

The engine oil has not been changed in months, and the stuff was poured into my mouth."

"And I later learned that the intensity of the magnetic storm that time was only about 5, while the intensity of the magnetic storm in the Devil's Sea was never lower than 0."

Fang Linyan let out a long breath and frowned tightly. Why did he feel that everything was not going well when he entered this world?

Fortunately, Coil was obviously not the one who only brought bad news. He immediately said:

"But there are ways to get around the Devil's Sea, and there are two more."

"Oh?" Fang Linyan said seriously. "Tell me about it."

Coil Road:

"The first is to fly outside the atmosphere. As long as you fly high enough, electromagnetic interference will not reach you, and magnetic storms will not affect you."

"Second, use the teleportation gate, and since you are human, Wrench, the energy consumed by teleportation will definitely be much less."

Fang Linyan said:

"Wow wow wow, this is the best news I've heard rarely, and there are two of them! So where should I go to find someone for help?"

Before Coil could speak, Galen had already interjected:

"Cui Fanke, you can find everything you want there. Although it is also called hell, I think that place is paradise - if you have enough Shanik."

Fang Linyan knew that Shanik was the currency on Cybertron, directly linked to the currency of energy blocks. Unfortunately, his relationship with Shanik was that he had admired him for a long time, but had no chance to meet him.

As for Cui Fanke's coil, he briefly mentioned it. Fang Linyan knew something about it, and it probably belonged to a place like a free port or black market.

Ahem, this place is indeed a hell for the poor and a paradise for the rich.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan also had a battle with other space warriors before, and he also got some relatively valuable things from the key he opened, so it is not necessarily that he is penniless. There are still some good things in the "relics" of those space warriors.

Goods, I think I should be able to exchange for some Xanik or resources.

Soon, Fang Linyan came to Cui Fanke. What was different from what he thought was that a place like Cui Fanke was opened openly in the city, although the location was relatively remote.

A canopy covering an area of ​​at least several hundred thousand square meters blocks the sky to prevent acid rain and alkaline metal dust that may fall.

The deterrent effect of these things on Transformers is almost the same as humans' fear of the new coronavirus and premature ejaculation.

Under the canopy, there are burning oil barrels everywhere. Each oil barrel is more than ten meters high, so the temperature is at least 20 degrees higher than outside. When Fang Linyan walked here, he felt a heat wave hitting his face, and even

A strange smell came in through the mask, causing him to sneeze several times in a row.

Fang Linyan can understand this. For Transformers, appropriate high temperature and dryness are the two things they like most, because their solid metal bodies are actually easily eroded, and high temperature and dryness can effectively drive away water vapor.

The source of this rust.

Deafening music was playing in the canopy. Most Transformers liked the tingling sensation coming from the sound recognition sensors. There should still be humans on Cybertron, so Fang Linyan was not watched, but was occasionally curious.

What the eyes are watching.

At the same time, the order here is very good. Decepticons, Autobots, mercenaries, and even some strange aliens all live in harmony here.

Obviously, Cui Fanke has a powerful force here to maintain order.

Under the guidance of Coil, Fang Linyan quickly came to what seemed to be a store. An old guy with a head full of cables and black dreadlocks was studying something behind the counter attentively.

Coil walked up and knocked on the counter, then said:

"Daddy Cigarette Butt, there's business coming."

The old guy looked up and suddenly laughed:

"Wow, I haven't seen a human in a long time, let alone a human wearing the Searing Gear Badge. You didn't steal this thing, right?"

Fang Linyan was too lazy to talk nonsense. After walking up, he found that he could only touch his knees. Then he stretched out his hand and pressed it and said immediately:

"Four screws are loose in your left leg, so you will limp and make intermittent noises when you walk."

"Well, these are all minor problems. The key is that the multi-element catalytic converter in the abdomen needs to be cleaned. Three nodes in it have been short-circuited. The direct feedback effect is that the absorption efficiency of the energy block is reduced, which is only less than 70%, while it is normally qualified.

The rate should reach 90%.”

The cigarette butt immediately reached out and smoothed a handful of hair, and immediately saw the "crackling" sound of electric sparks, and then burst out laughing and said:

"There's something special about you human being! You actually saw all my old problems. But it's not a problem. The key is can it be solved?"

Fang Linyan said casually:


Cigarette Butt said:

"WOOOO~ I hope the solution you are talking about is not to replace the new multi-catalytic converter, because I have already rejected four similar proposals."

Having said this, Cigarette Daddy took a long puff of the special Cybertron cigar, and then said with a look of reminiscence on his face:

"Back then, my old friend and I went on an adventure in the stars. We were attacked by a group of Ironjaw monsters. In order to protect my old friend, he was directly buried there. When I called for reinforcements to find him, all that was left was a pile of tatters.

Of the parts, the only one that can barely be used is the multi-catalytic converter."

"So, I will never replace it, absolutely not. I will stay with my old buddy until the day my fire source goes out."

After hearing what Dad Cigarette Butt said, Fang Linyan said simply:

"If you don't want to replace it, you can actually do it, it's just a little troublesome."

Cigarette Butt Daddy immediately snapped his fingers:

"If you can do it, I can give you the best price for the goods you bring, and Cigarette Butt Daddy still owes you a favor."

Fang Linyan did not agree immediately. He simply reached out and touched it again, then nodded and said:

"It's not a big problem."

Then Fang Linyan started to make the clones. The four clones and the original body started working together at the same time. Everything was going on in an orderly manner.

The five people cooperated extremely well and started handling various processes smoothly, thus giving people a pleasing artistic feeling.

Of course, this was Fang Linyan deliberately showing off his skills. This was Cui Fanke, a place similar to a black market. This cigarette butt dad didn't seem to be a good person, and there was a chance that he would turn his back on him.

Therefore, Fang Linyan's intention to show off his skills is also very simple. Let him carefully consider the sunk cost of offending himself and think carefully about the consequences of turning against him now:

Is it more beneficial to offend a member of Searing Gear who is highly skilled and has a promising future, or is it more beneficial to be friendly with him?

After all, adults only talk about interests, not friendship!

When Fang Linyan repaired and installed it, Cigarette Daddy couldn't wait to pick up a cup of energy liquid that glowed with a strange blue light, and drank it in one gulp. The same energy liquid was stored in the energy block.

This strange blue light is an active agent added to it, which can target the Transformers' sensors and give them some different kinds of stimulation.

Of course, these stimuli are usually harmful, but what does it matter? Human beings all know that alcohol is a poison that penetrates the intestines, and sex is a steel knife that scrapes bones. However, there are hundreds of millions of people in the world who drink poison every day, and hundreds of millions more

People enjoy being stabbed with knives.

Soon, Cigarette Daddy stayed there for a while with his eyes squinted, feeling the operation of the repaired multi-catalytic converter, and then he laughed and said:

"Sure enough, it has been completely repaired! Do you know, I found three guys in the black market for this problem, and they all said that they can only replace it but not repair it. One of them is said to be an apprentice of the ambulance. It's really good, really good, you human being

He is truly worthy of being a burning gear man.”

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"Actually, I can repair it not because my skills are better than others, but because I am smaller, so I can perform some high-precision operations that they cannot do. However, after all, this multi-catalytic converter has been produced for more than 130 years.

It's been a year, so I can only guarantee that there won't be any problems with it within a year, but it doesn't matter, just come to me when the time comes."

Fang Linyan's subtext is that this maintenance only lasts for one year. You'd better have some confidence in your mind. Otherwise, if you come to me again after a year, I don't know what will happen.

Cigarette Daddy chuckled. He also understood the implication of Fang Linyan's words. After all, this old guy has been hanging out in Cui Fanke for many years. What kind of person has he not seen before?

Then he knocked on the counter:

"Take it out and see what kind of surprise you have brought to Dad?"

Fang Linyan handed over the miscellaneous items in his pocket, and by the way, he also took some unique metal materials on earth from the KIS super engineer's exclusive warehouse space to test the water. This exclusive space can only store robot warriors, parts and materials.

Soon, the two parties completed the transaction, and Fang Linyan got 64 points of Xanik. This thing was stored on a crystal card, and its exchange ratio with the energy block was 1:1.

Fang Linyan didn't know much about prices, but the coil next to him was already nodding slightly, indicating that it was a good price.

After the transaction was completed, Fang Linyan looked at the coil:

"Who should we go to now?"

Coil Road:

"Karen, there are not many people in Cui Fanke who are capable of flying outside the atmosphere, but he is definitely the one with the best technology."

At this time, the cigarette butt dad blew out a puff of smoke with a very strong smell of engine oil and interrupted:

"Don't you know that Karen left yesterday? He was severely beaten in the arena, and the language module and balance module were pierced, so the poor guy was carried out. What's even more unfortunate is that

Yes, it is not easy to repair this module of his, and its materials can only be acquired by going to Hajin City in the north."

"Ah?" Coil was suddenly stunned.

Cigarette Daddy said with a smile:

"What's wrong with you? Do you need to fly outside the atmosphere?"

Fang Linyan said:

"I want to get to the Iron Castle as soon as possible."

Cigarette Daddy nodded and said:

"So that's it. Without Karen, only the Death Vulture can fly outside the atmosphere, but he is an out-and-out asshole. If you don't have to, then don't look for him."

"Then have you considered the portal? Someone in Cui Fanke has a plane bridge device that can lead directly to the wilds of Iron Castle."

Fang Linyan said:

"If there is a way, that would be the best."

Cigarette Butt Daddy laughed and said:

"Of course, you should know that there is no free lunch in the world. It is definitely not an easy task to open a plane bridge device for teleportation. More importantly, it is in the hands of the Horned King."

After hearing the words "Beast Horn King", Xian Tuan's expression suddenly changed, he pulled Fang Linyan aside and said:

"The Beast Horn King is not a good man and a believer, and his background is very big. Cui Fanke's ability to stand here is entirely due to him and the red-spotted ghost."

Fang Linyan nodded, then looked at Cigarette Daddy and said:

"I just have two questions."

Cigarette Butt Daddy said:

"you say."

Fang Linyan said:

"How is Mr. Horn King's credit?"

Cigarette Daddy raised his chin to the coil, indicating that he would answer this question.

Coil hesitated for a moment and said:

"It's still very good. After all, the Horned King has opened a black market arena, and there are many people who win money every day by betting, but I have never heard of the Horned King having a record of defaulting on his debts. Those in his line of business have a very good reputation.

Importantly, once it collapses, his entire career will be lost, so if it is not a last resort, then the Horned King will definitely protect his credibility."

After hearing about the gladiatorial arena, Fang Linyan remembered that in the world of Transformers, gladiatorial combat is a very popular sport that has been around for a long time. Let's put it this way, its influence is equivalent to that of basketball + football + rugby on earth.


The famous Megatron was not born great. He rose from humble beginnings. His way of becoming famous was to fight his way out of the gladiatorial arena and become a gladiatorial star.

Finally, I used this as a springboard to collect corresponding resources bit by bit, and finally became the leader of the Decepticons!


This chapter has been completed!
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