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Chapter 6 Changing your mind

Chapter 2084 Change of mind

Of course, the characteristics of the arena are also very distinct, with blood, violence, and cruelty as the main features. When you step on the stage, you have directly staked your own life as a bargaining chip.

The underground arena takes these things to the extreme and even breaks through the official bottom line, so it cannot be opened openly.

This shows that the Beast Horn King must be extremely powerful both overtly and covertly, otherwise he would not be able to control such an overall situation.

Fang Linyan nodded, then looked at the cigarette butt dad and said:

"Then why does the Horned King want to help me?"

Cigarette Butt Daddy said:

"Because you have very good repair skills!"

"In the Beast Horn King's underground arena, maiming and death are commonplace, so its repair and maintenance work is very heavy. And several of his trump cards cannot be completely repaired, so their combat power is greatly reduced. If you

If I can be of great help in this regard, then the request is not a big deal."

Fang Linyan muttered:

"It sounds reasonable, but Dad Cigarette Butt, what you are talking about is still very risky."

"First, you only said what will happen if I succeed, but you don't say what will happen if I fail."

"Secondly, since the Horned King attaches great importance to maintenance matters, he must have his own maintenance team. As long as I go over to take over this job, his maintenance team will definitely regard me as an enemy."

"Third, and most importantly, why do you want to help me, Cigarette Butt Daddy? Or to be more precise, what benefits can you get from this connection?"

Cigarette Butt Daddy laughed:

"What a shrewd human being. The first and second points you mentioned are of course objective. However, human beings, if you want to get something, you have to pay something, right?"

"The cost of teleporting from here to the Iron Castle headquarters is not cheap, and this is not something that can be done with money in the first place!"

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"Yes, I agree with these two points you said, but what about the third point?"

"If you can give me a satisfactory answer, then we can go talk to the Horned King."

Cigarette Butt Daddy laughed and said:

"Come on, let me tell you the truth. If you can succeed, then the Horned King actually owes me a favor, and his favor is very, very valuable and worth my time."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"OK, let's go."


Soon, the three of them arrived at the area to the west of Cui Fanke. It looked like an empty space with only a few burning oil barrels.

But when Cigarette Daddy blew a sharp whistle, a guy appeared from the building next to him and said in an excited tone:

"Wow, you're not too late, Cigarette Daddy. Our crocodile hunter is fighting centrifugal force to the death and hasn't stopped placing bets yet!"

After he finished speaking, a large piece of ground next to him began to slowly descend. Cigarette Butt Dad jumped up with Coil and Fang Linyan. Soon, they came to a large arena full of madness and screaming.

Among them, there were at least hundreds of Transformers cheering and shouting around the central high platform.

The style of this arena is full of old-time style, rough, tough, barbaric, and violent! Even the pouring burrs on the thick metal pillars are not even bothered to be symbolically rubbed, and the scratched paint remains on them

The colors and the strands of cables bear witness to the brutality of the battle.

Fighting among them is a stocky Transformer who uses a shield and a flying hook. This is the Crocodile Hunter.

Its opponent is a metal two-headed dog, which is the centrifugal force. The two sides are fighting fiercely and ferociously, fighting to the death and in full swing.

It can be seen that the acid spit out by the centrifugal force head is quite restrained against the metal shield. The Crocodile Hunter's shield is now in a semi-dead state, and iron slag is falling down at any time.

Although there is a deep mark on Centrifugal Force's back that looks scary, the injury is not fatal even to a beast, let alone a mechanical creature?

Therefore, now is the last chance to place a bet, and 99% of people have bought centrifugal force to win, even though the odds of centrifugal force at this time have been as low as 1.5 to 1.

After deducting the casino's rake from these odds, the odds are almost just a bit of money, but the bettors are still happy with it.

At this time, a bell suddenly rang, and the two sides separated. It was not that they were about to enter the break, but that most of the venue was destroyed, and a large piece of the metal fence collapsed. This was of course due to the centrifugal force that spewed acid everywhere.

It's caused by liquid.

If repairs are not carried out, there is no telling what the excited spectators next to them will do, especially those unlucky ones who think they may lose money. In order to save their gambling money, they are likely to have an indiscriminate game here.

The big fight.

Therefore, the isolation equipment in the arena must be repaired as soon as possible, because they protect not the audience, but the two unlucky guys fighting in the arena.

When the isolation equipment is being repaired, neither the Centrifugal Force nor the Crocodile Hunter are actually allowed to have contact with the outside world, let alone changing protective gear and the like. Of course, if the person fighting has the repair skills themselves, self-treatment is still allowed


At this time, Fang Linyan looked very interested in this battle, grabbed the metal railing in front, and then imitated the other fanatical Transformers and shouted at the closest Crocodile Hunter:

"Look here, you son of a bitch, I've thrown a hundred Shaniks at you. If you lose, I'll throw you directly into the acid pool!"

Crocodile Hunter stood there dumbly. He was not a rookie. He had already fought eleven times in this underground arena and had already learned to completely filter out invalid information.

But at this moment, the Crocodile Hunter suddenly felt a burst of electricity coming from under his feet. The tingling feeling was very unique. He immediately turned his head and looked at the assistant next to him with vigilance - this guy is now the most likely person.

There is no one who can take advantage of me!

Because on this field, there are many assistants who spend huge sums of money to buy their own side to lose, and then do some despicable things.

But when the latter faced the crocodile hunter's almost murderous look, he showed a stunned expression.

Just as the two were confronting each other, Fang Linyan withdrew his hand from the metal railing because he had just used his metal control ability to remotely detect the Crocodile Hunter. He suddenly showed a thoughtful expression, and then walked to the side next to him.

Betting desk:

"Can I still place a bet now?"

The Transformers at the betting table have a pair of eyes that look like frogs, or more like car lights, and they spit out a strong smell of engine oil:

"Wow! A human being. Well, as long as the Shanik you brought out is real, then now is the last chance to place a bet. If you come thirty seconds late, I will tell you to get out of the way.

My eyes, I can't wait to see the scene where Crocodile Hunter is destroyed."

"So how many do you plan to buy? Ten notes of centrifugal force, or twenty notes of centrifugal force?"

Fang Linyan calmly handed over his crystal card:

"No, buy all Crocodile Hunter."

The coil next to him was immediately dumbfounded and said to Fang Linyan:

"Wrench, aren't we going to find the Horned King?"

Fang Linyan suddenly showed an unpredictable smile:

"I suddenly thought it would be interesting to play here."

The guy who placed the bet had quickly completed the bet purchase and threw back Fang Linyan’s crystal card:

"Wow, humans can't tell that you are actually quite rich and have already bought all of Crocodile Hunter. Well, the bell is ringing, the betting time is over, you guys go away and don't block my view.


"I tell you, the centrifugal force's final killing method is the most exciting. It will use its two heads to tear apart the enemy crazily, and then tear it into pieces with dazzling electric sparks!"

Fang Linyan turned around and walked away honestly, then patted Coil's waist - because he could only reach this part, and then said:

"How much will I get if I win?"

Coil looked at the odds:

"Currently, the Crocodile Hunter pays 9.3 points. If you exclude the water draw, you can get 580 Xanik points."

Then Coil thought for a while and added:

"Of course, the premise is that the Crocodile Hunter can win this game in an upset."

Fang Linyan said meaningfully:

"We'll find out in a minute."

Sure enough, after repairing the fence, the two sides faced each other again. As a result, after a few rounds, the Crocodile Hunter suddenly rushed to attack and took the frontal spray of centrifugal force. However, his right arm suddenly exploded, revealing a sharp short spear pierced through.

centrifugal force in the chest.

I don't know when Crocodile Hunter installed this short spear. The centrifugal force armor was like paper in front of it, and it was riddled with holes in two or three blows.

In the end, Centrifugal Force tore off a wolf's head alive, and finally surrendered directly, and the Crocodile Hunter accepted the surrender despite the boos from the audience. After all, in an underground arena, the audience would rather see the loser brutally killed.

Only later did someone explain that the Crocodile Hunter's use of the electromagnetic spear was extremely energy-intensive. When the centrifugal force gave in, the Crocodile Hunter only had 5% of its energy reserve. If the fight continued without mercy, the Crocodile Hunter would not be sure of victory.


In this way, the criticism will gradually decrease.

There is no doubt that Fang Linyan, the guy who caught the last train, made a huge profit. After all, his behavior can be regarded as an out-and-out bargain hunting.

Next, Fang Linyan watched a few more gladiatorial battles and found that the battles usually did not last too long, such as Crocodile Hunter and Centrifugal Force, which were rare.

Fang Linyan then placed bets, winning one and losing twice. It seemed that his vision was not very good, but in fact he made a lot of money, just because the bet he won was not about winning or losing, but winning.

The "Duke" can defeat his opponent in thirty seconds.

For such an unpopular bet, the odds are as high as eight to one!

So at this time, Fang Linyan's Shanik had already exceeded a thousand! As for why he was able to win money with certainty, it was of course because of his abnormal metal control ability, which allowed him to detect some secret information about both parties in the fight in a timely manner.

This is equivalent to having the opportunity to turn over the dealer's hole cards and take a look. The winning rate is definitely much higher than the others.

After getting the money, Fang Linyan suddenly said to Cigarette Daddy:

"I changed my mind. What are the requirements for becoming a gladiator here?"

Cigarette Butt Daddy said in astonishment:

"Aren't you going to Cybertron?"

Fang Linyan shook his head and said:

"not going."

At this time, Fang Linyan still considered it very clearly. The purpose of entering this world was to make up for his shortcomings in design. It would be best if he could go inside the head of Unicron.

But now it seems that even if you go to the Iron Castle, there may not be a way.

Who can guarantee that if you hit a wall here, you won’t hit it a second time in the Iron Castle?

In this case, instead of wasting time wandering around, it is better to stay in this underground arena. Rather than fish in the abyss, it is better to retreat and build a net.

After all, Fang Linyan has already found out clearly that the gladiators here are also divided into beginners, intermediate and advanced, and there will be a step-by-step process.

In this way, you can discover design problems in actual 1V1 combat and then solve the corresponding problems.

At the same time, Fang Linyan can also help with repairs in his free time, thereby obtaining a large number of corresponding design drawings of the gladiators.

He admits that he does have shortcomings in R&D and design, but as long as he has enough design drawings in hand, who can still copy the homework?

Cigarette Butt Daddy didn't expect Fang Linyan's idea to change so quickly, but if he thought about it carefully, he had nothing to lose anyway, so he laughed and said:

"It's a good thing to want to be a gladiator. No problem. The Horned King will always be short of gladiators, but he also made a rule. No matter who introduces him, he must start as a junior gladiator.

, rise up bit by bit, are you willing?"

After hearing this, what didn't Fang Linyan want to do?

The only advantage of a senior gladiator is the high dividends. He can get half of the money from outside bets, while a junior gladiator can only get 20%.

But for Fang Linyan, being a gladiator is a typical drunkard who doesn't care about drinking. As long as he is not allowed to pay for it, and he is not willing to face an opponent that is too powerful right away, a junior gladiator is just right.

Therefore, Fang Linyan immediately agreed and hoped to fight as soon as possible.

Seeing that the newcomer was so active and sensible, the supervisor under the Horned King was also unambiguous. After confirming that Fang Linyan would really be able to take the stage in an hour, he immediately arranged a match for him to start.

As far as this supervisor is concerned, there is no need for him to fight to the death anyway, and there will be extra profits and taps from one more fight, so why not do it?

Under normal circumstances, the battle between junior gladiators is similar to novice chickens pecking each other, so the attention is very small, and the stakes derived from it are often not large. Fang Linyan is also happy to keep a low profile, and he can survive and develop.

the best.


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