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Chapter 35 Hidden Main Mission

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"Understood, this is what it should be... So, we should be flying to the place marked on the map now?"

Delto said:

"Yes... but according to the existing information, if it is really the ruins of Veronica's laboratory, there is no way for a plane to reach it directly."

"Because of the geomagnetic disorder nearby, similar to the legendary Bermuda, electronic equipment within a radius of dozens of kilometers will experience interruptions, malfunctions, etc. from time to time. The probability of a plane crash is very high, and it can only be reached by land."

Fang Linyan was also a little bit dumbfounded at this time. This matter sounded a bit unbelievable, and he had to think about it in his mind.

The reason is that Daklan Company has been attacked by many contractors, and at the same time, there are one/or n large companies secretly causing trouble.

Originally, there was no agreement between the contractor and the other mischievous companies, and launching an attack together seemed to be just a coincidence. However, the top management of Daklan Company did not think so, so they launched a massive counterattack.

The counterattack was undoubtedly successful, and they captured alive a high-profile contractor named Thad.

Thad should have gotten a side mission or a hidden mission, and its destination should be in West Asia.

When doing analysis, some people like to grab a piece of paper and write something down, just like making an outline when writing a novel.

Moreover, when the police in the movie want to conduct tactical operations somewhere, they will first draw a picture, analyze and formulate a plan.

When Sade did these things, he did not have any sense of confidentiality, and he did not think that he would be found out by following the clues. As a result, the thing that Sade wrote and drew by himself fell into the possession of Dockland Company.

Inside the hand.

Well, the significance of this matter to Fang Linyan is that he, as a trialist, will team up with the plot characters of Daklan Company and then explore the mission destination of another contractor...


It sounds a bit strange, but it makes sense from a logical perspective.

At the same time, a series of prompts appeared in front of Fang Linyan:

"Trialist No. zb419, congratulations on triggering the hidden main mission: code name. Veronica!"

"Mission content: Obtain the strange chip from the mysterious research institute."

"Task Difficulty: Level A."

"Task punishment: 5,000 general points will be deducted, and the basic attribute value will be randomly reduced by 1."

"You can choose to accept this hidden main quest, or continue to wait for the normal main quest."

After seeing the mission punishment, Fang Linyan's eyes lit up. At this time, he had roughly figured out the relevant rules. The heavier the punishment, the heavier the reward!

Moreover, the mission penalty is that the basic attribute value is randomly reduced by 1, which means that the probability of increasing the basic attribute is very high, which is exactly what I need now.

At this point, it seems that this hidden main mission: the abandoned mysterious research institute is obviously Yibo's chance, but he did not expect that he would take it over easily!

It's just that most of these tasks are team tasks. Since I triggered this task, it means that I am on the opposite side of Yibo's existing team.

However, Fang Linyan is already used to this. Along the way, he has taken the name of Fang, snatched Langdu's mark, and almost always stepped on other people's corpses to get to the top. He has been bloody along the way, so how can he be afraid of competition?

About two hours later, the helicopter began to descend, and finally landed in a forest with lush vegetation in the darkness. Two black commercial vehicles drove over silently, picked up a group of people, and then left.

On the highway.

At this time, Fang Linyan was also a little sleepy. He leaned on the comfortable back seat to rest his head and fell into a half-dream and half-awake state.

At this time, he heard Delto in front of him begin to talk quietly with someone:

"Almost there, right? Have you booked your flight tickets?"

"It's Jiao Sen who's making the arrangements. It should be no problem. We'll go to Alaska first, and then transfer to a private plane. Although this route is farther, it's more hidden."

"Well, this is best. It doesn't matter if we go around a little bit more. The key is not to leak the secrets. This is the territory of Fincher Company, so we'd better keep a low profile."


About forty minutes later, the vehicle got off the highway and entered the intercity highway, finally merging into the rolling traffic. At this time, it was basically certain that the whereabouts were not exposed, otherwise there would be no reason not to start in a place with few people.

The people in the car obviously became more relaxed and began to talk to each other in low voices, with one or two whispers coming from time to time.

Suddenly, a violent explosion suddenly sounded, and the sound even shook the car windows slightly.

"Boom! Boom...!"

Being disturbed, Fang Linyan woke up from sleep and looked in the direction of the loud noise. His pupils quickly contracted, taking in the distant scene, and the expression on his face suddenly tightened.

It turned out that billowing black smoke suddenly arose from an office building in the distance, and half of the floor was engulfed by the soaring flames. It was like a blazing torch in the deep night, and screams of terror could be heard from time to time.

The explosion immediately brought the place into focus.

The driver's face also became serious. He drove forward a few hundred meters, then stopped the car and said simply:

"Sir, I'm sorry. If you keep driving forward, you won't be able to get through it."

At this time, Delto seemed a little lost his temper. He opened the car door, jumped out of the car and ran towards the place where the accident occurred. Fang Linyan hurriedly opened the door and chased after him. At this time, Delto was his boss and there was no room for mistakes.

When Fang Linyan followed Delto to the scene of the accident, he found that the place was simply surrounded. Two patrol policemen were shouting hoarsely to disperse the crowd to maintain order. Firefighters, ambulances, etc. were all blocked outside and unable to get through.


At this time, Fang Linyan got closer and raised his head to look up. He felt more and more seriously that the fire was raging and the disaster was serious. The flames were roaring and noisy, and they flew out of the window for more than ten meters. It looked like they were showing their teeth and claws, which was shocking.

Fortunately, several unmanned fire-fighting aircraft had already flown to the scene at this time, spraying a large amount of foam, but it was only a drop in the bucket compared to the raging fire.

Faced with such an emergency, ordinary people must have panicked, but for Fang Linyan, who had experienced too many things, it was not a big deal. He quickly took a few deep breaths to calm down and held his mouth open.

The panting Delto came to the side and whispered:

"Boss, judging from your expression, the person who will handle us is inside?"

Delto loosened his collar, his eyes were so fierce as if he wanted to eat people, and he nodded silently.

Fang Linyan thought for a while, walked to the convenience store nearby, took out two buckets of popcorn, handed one to Delto and whispered:

"Boss, this is not our home court. The perpetrator may stay at the scene and cover his face with this."

Delto nodded, took the popcorn, took a few deep breaths, and stayed calm.

About ten minutes later, someone from above was already carrying the wounded outside. After five or six people were carried out one after another, Delto was suddenly shocked and looked at the latest man who was carried out, a man in his forties.

The man's face was covered with blood, and a long gash was cut beside his temple. His whole body exuded a burning smell. Fortunately, he had received first aid at this time, and an oxygen tube was inserted into his nostrils. His life should be


At this time, after the man was carried out, he tilted his head with difficulty and looked for an acquaintance in the crowd. Suddenly he met Delto's eyes, and his breathing became rapid.

Seeing that he was about to be carried away, Fang Linyan's heart moved, and he immediately screamed sadly, pointed at the unconscious woman on the stretcher in front of him and rushed forward:

"Oh my God! Aunt Nina, how did you become like this?"

Of course there was someone blocking this time, but how could this group of people be opponents of Fang Linyan's power? They were naturally easily squeezed away. Therefore, Fang Linyan immediately caused a small chaos and successfully blocked the road. The man Delto was paying attention to

The stretcher for the wounded was naturally blocked.

Seizing this opportunity, the wounded man looked at Delto and was already struggling to make imaginary strokes in the air with his fingers hanging on the stretcher. Such small movements were difficult to notice. Delto suddenly became nervous and concentrated.

.......I took the photo with my mobile phone.

After the exchange between the two, Delto turned around and left silently. When Fang Linyan saw this scene, he was pulled away by the security guard while cursing.

The things they caused were like a splash of water in the messy explosion scene, which was wiped out in an instant without attracting anyone's attention.

After getting in the car again, Delto handed the video he had taken previously to the person next to him:

"We can't leave the route that Jiao Sen arranged for us! Fortunately, I met his assistant Taste. You should contact the intelligence department immediately through the encrypted channel and send them this video to see what Taste wants to express.


Having said this, Delto turned around from his position in front and said with approval to Lin Yan:

"Wen Qi, you did a good job just now."

Yes, what Fang Linyan did before was in line with Delto's wishes.

Delto holds a high position, and when he gives an order, many people will naturally work for him. However, these subordinates are too loyal and not flexible enough, and often become inflexible.

Just like just now, Delto couldn't give orders at all. This group of people stood loyally beside him, but Fang Linyan was able to read his mind at this time and immediately find a solution to the problem. This is what Delto is doing.

Something that one longs for.

Soon, the intelligence department sent a reply, saying that the information sent back by Taste was very important and that several lines were no longer available.

Now they can go directly to the airport, and the company arranges their itinerary through other channels.

There was no trouble this time, and we boarded the plane smoothly. We could just see through the plane window that there were streaks of lightning shining in the sky near the horizon in the distance. It was obvious that a storm was coming, casting a shadow over the upcoming operations.

A shadow.

This chapter has been completed!
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