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Chapter 36 Small Town

After ten hours of flight, Fang Linyan and the others finally landed at a secret airport.

You can see that the area near the airport is very desolate, with almost no plants, only dry stones and gravel, and moss growing close to the ground. You can see that the wind when the plane lands brings up bursts of dust, which directly blows away the waiting plane.

The broken windows of the building were making splashing noises.

Here they changed to a dilapidated small propeller plane that could only carry less than twenty passengers.

From the tattered sponge cushion seats in the cabin and the crystal-clear armrests, it can be seen that this aircraft must be owned by an elderly person. Fang Linyan doubts that this thing is older than himself.

Two or three times bigger.

The key is that before taking off, the pilot enthusiastically took out a stainless steel flask and took a sip, then whistled and excitedly fired up the car and took off.

Fang Linyan was sweating when he just took off, because a gust of cross wind happened to blow at this time, and the entire fuselage of the small plane was blown away.

Let's put it this way, the crooked wing of the aircraft is estimated to be only five or six meters away from a towering rock below. I believe that everyone here is holding on to the handrails with cold sweat breaking out on their backs.

The only person who was indifferent was the bearded pilot. He laughed loudly and took another sip of wine. He excitedly pulled the plane up and disappeared into the air.

It can be seen in mid-air. The terrain below is very dangerous. It can be described as barren mountains and rivers. Only a vague road like a yellow snake can be seen running through the mountains, winding and hidden among the gray bare rocks. It can be seen anywhere.

A landslide occurs.

With such a topography, Fang Linyan felt that he should have arrived in the Pamir Plateau area.

After about an hour of flight, the plane landed. The landing area was in a deep canyon. When landing, the passengers once again experienced a feeling of fear. The only advantage was that after landing,

It is very covert.

As you can see, there were several shabby-looking off-road vehicles parked here at the landing point. The group of them jumped directly on, and the engines began to roar. Finally, when the sky was about to become completely dark, they succeeded.

Sent to a small town called Sandor.

Fang Linyan also carefully observed the environment along the way, and found that it was quite desolate. The sky and the earth seemed to be gray, even the shrubs on the roadside were covered with a layer of dull dust, and this small town looked like

The scale is quite large. Perhaps because of the strong wind and sand and the dark sky, there are very few people walking around outside.

According to Fang Linyan's judgment, this town should be a typical resource-based gathering place. Rich mineral deposits should have been discovered nearby, which then attracted a large number of people to mine, and around these people began to develop food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc.

economy, forming a false prosperity.

But when resources are exhausted, the former prosperity disappears with the wind and returns to a state of death.

Through the car window, Fang Linyan suddenly saw an obvious sign symbolizing radiation on the wall of a nearby factory building. He suddenly felt a chill in his heart and roughly knew that the situation here was more complicated than he imagined.

Soon, the vehicle stopped and turned into a large warehouse. There were already people from Daklan Company here who were in charge of reception and allocating accommodation. It was regarded as a temporary base built by Daklan Company here.


After a bumpy day, Fang Linyan drank a few sips of water and couldn't wait to lie down on the bed next to him. He stretched out and felt that the bones and joints all over his body were cracking, sore and tired.

They came together and fell asleep quickly.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but Fang Linyan suddenly heard two people talking next to him in the hazy state:

"Ishida-kun? Was this really a uranium mining base before?"

"Yes, Mr. Dasha, but the situation here is more complicated. While uranium was being mined, silver ore with high mining value was discovered. It was directly surrounded by military control, so this small town of Sandor

It's not marked on the map at all."

"And this area was very chaotic. It was not until the forces supported by the Soviet Union entered that basic rules were established. Starting from the 1980s, mining continued for more than 30 years. Finally, the mining was exhausted, and the place became a place again.

It is desolate and barren, and it is estimated that it will completely disappear in the sand in a few decades."

"However, the newly invented and more advanced refining and mining technology was announced seven years ago, and the abandoned mining area here suddenly became valuable."

"An armed force called the Scimitar began to station here and began to mine the area again. It is said that new mineral veins were discovered using higher-end technology. The Scimitar was just a puppet pushed out on the surface. The forces behind it

But it’s a polar bear.”

"According to records, it seems that the development of silver mines is just a cover. What really attracts people is the uranium mines. On the current black market, the price of uranium is nineteen times that of gold. With such considerable profits, of course some people will take risks.


"Oh, Ishida-kun, you said that Veronica's secret laboratory was established here because of the mineral resources here?"

"Mr. Dasha, I can only say that I cannot rule out this possibility..."

After hearing this, Fang Linyan felt unbearably thirsty, so he coughed softly and sat up. The two people next to him immediately stopped talking.

Fang Linyan went out to find some water, and then was called by Delto to the office next to him. There were several people in the office. The room was already filled with smoke, and the people in it were like red-eyed rabbits.

There is a yellowed map on the square table.

Delto first narrowed his eyes and said:

"One good news and one bad news."

"The good news is that our latest support force has been led by Tana and will arrive in an hour and a half."

"The bad news is that in a short period of time, Tana's people are the last support force we can get."

After hearing the news, Fang Linyan was surprised and said:

"Tana? Wasn't he killed in the attack?"

Delto shook his head and said:

"We thought so at first, but after we met, Tana left the base directly to receive another valuable sample, so he escaped."

Fang Linyan recalled it and determined that the last time he saw Tana, he asked for supplies. Then Tana asked Aisen to replenish the best for him. He sounded like he was leaving.

But I heard Delto continue:

"We may have discovered that the information about Veronica's laboratory has been stolen by a commercial spy and then leaked. Fortunately, we have the upper hand, so we can borrow air power to fly over."

"This time the group spent a lot of money. Starting half an hour ago, the airspace within hundreds of kilometers has been locked by the company with the help of state power for 24 hours."

"So even if the other forces can send manpower to rush over, they can only take the temporary road that was used to transport the ore."

"And that road is already in disrepair, and our people are still destroying it, so we have about thirty hours without interruption."

Then Delto pointed to the map next to him:

"This is the original map of the town we just found. It is roughly divided into three major areas: trade area, military camp and refinery."

"The trade area is a place for miners and armed forces to get drunk. There are currently two taverns, a brothel, and a casino open there. At the same time, because this barren place produces nothing, not even drinking water.

They are all bitter, so living materials and supplies are first concentrated in the trade area and then rationed."

"The refinery is a strictly controlled area, where the mined ore is roughly processed and then transported out. It is classified as a military restricted area. There are skull and crossbones warning signs everywhere, and some are even deliberately placed.

Shot dead bodies lay around as a warning to those who would take the risk.

"The military camp is where the local armed forces are stationed. I heard it was built at the entrance of the mine and is heavily guarded. However, this has nothing to do with us. The site of Veronica's laboratory is still six feet away from here in a straight line.

ten kilometers."

"It's just that this is an active seismic zone. It has suffered one strong earthquake and many aftershocks so far. The topography has changed significantly, so the previous maps cannot be used. You must find someone to lead the way..."

At this time, someone suddenly opened the door and walked in. It was Ishida who was in the same room as Fang Linyan before. He walked over with a very ugly face and whispered a few words to Delto. Delto immediately turned pale.

Big change:

"What? There is such a thing!"

He looked around, and finally his eyes rested on Fang Linyan's face, and then said:

"Wen Qi, the situation is urgent now and I can't get away, so I have to leave one thing to you."

Fang Linyan nodded and said simply:

"give it to me."

Delto said:

"There is a line control room about five kilometers away from us, which is guarded by armed forces. You are given ten people to occupy the place within an hour, and then decipher the internal code. Can you do it?"

Fang Linyan knew that now was not the time to hide his clumsiness:

"Two people, forty minutes! Thirty thousand dollars in cash!"

Delto took a deep look at Fang Linyan, nodded and said:

"Okay! Ishida gives it to him."

Fang Linyan walked out and received 30,000 US dollars in cash from Ishida. Then he walked out and ordered two people to follow him, one of whom was named Kaur and the other named Lim.

This chapter has been completed!
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