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Chapter 130: Misfortunes never come singly

But Hank said at this time:

"Five minutes ago we received news that another cosmic ray burst was coming. Therefore, whether it is us, the Chisuo Star Pirates or Capsule Technology, communications will be greatly affected."

Hank originally thought that this news would make Casio angry again, but he didn't expect Casio to say simply:

"Oh? This is really good news!"

Hank was a little confused for a moment, feeling that he couldn't grasp Casio's thoughts, but Casio sneered:

'We and Capsule Technology are affected, but the superpowers among us can do it! Call that astrologer Deng Lai!'

Soon, astrologer Deng stood in front of Casio and said calmly:

"Mr. Colonel, I heard that you have something to do with me?"

Casio said simply:

"I need your ability to do something for me. Our current communications have been greatly affected, so we need to use your superpower to notify the pilots on the fighter planes hundreds of kilometers away."

Deng smiled and said:

"This is my honor, Mr. Colonel, but the magic weapon of the god I believe in is a scale."

"Everything we do, we need to put corresponding chips on the other end of the scale. Otherwise, it will be a major sin of blasphemy."

Casio said impatiently:

"Anything related to remuneration, you have to hand it over to my confidential secretary Datvin. I just need to know the result, whether it can or cannot!"

Deng said simply:

"If you have their photos and their current approximate location."

Casio waved his hand, and the information of the seven pilots, holographic projections of their photos, and their locations since their last contact with New Watchfort immediately appeared in the air in front of them."

Deng said simply:

"No problem, I can build a spiritual bridge directly between you, and then Colonel Casio, you can give them orders directly."

"The duration of the Soul Bridge is only thirty seconds. Please keep your story short. I must remind you that the most difficult thing is to gain their trust within thirty seconds."

Casio was stunned for a moment, but he immediately felt that what Deng said made sense. If it were him, suddenly there was a person talking next to his ear, and claimed to be his boss. If he asked them to do something, most people would not do it.


Hank said at this time:

"It doesn't matter, I have a way to solve it. This time the cosmic ray burst is intermittent. We can monitor it closely. Once there is an opportunity to talk, just use the mind bridge to notify them to connect!"

"It's more difficult for them to execute some difficult and controversial orders, but they still have no problem executing such easy orders."

Casio nodded, glanced at Hank approvingly and said:

"That's it."

So about ten minutes later, the two sides successfully connected to the line. Casio simply said to the seven pilots:

"Are you in the process of returning home now?"

"What? We'll arrive at the airport in eleven minutes?"

"There is no need to return, you can go directly to pursue Lieutenant Colonel Damok and his shuttle!"

"I have obtained the exact information. The engine on one side of this shuttle has been destroyed, and the cockpit has been damaged. It can only fly at the lowest speed!"

"Yes, after pursuit, fire directly without leaving any survivors. Next, please pay attention to receive specific information. The headquarters will transmit the captured enemy flight trajectory to you, OVER."

After hearing Casio's order, Hank couldn't help but said:

"The enemy was obviously well prepared, and even used the well-hidden lieutenant colonel Damok as a chess piece to let these young men act directly. They are afraid of encountering an enemy ambush, and the casualties and losses will definitely not be small."

Casio said coldly:

"Then you think the command center was attacked and the casualties and losses reported by us now are not small?"

"Anyway, the losses are too great to cover up, so it's better to use the possible greater losses to try for a chance to make a comeback!"

Hank said in surprise:

"What chance of a comeback?"

Casio said seriously:

"The people from Capsule Technology launched an offensive at all costs. Although they caused huge losses to our new Watchfort, in fact, overall, they actually suffered more losses."

"In view of this, I have noticed from some clues that the other party seems to be attacking, but is actually looking for an important thing, so I asked someone to create a temporary secret warehouse in the command center."

Hank said:

"So can we confirm the other party's purpose now?"

Casio said:

"Yes, a mercenary intercepted a secret message from the Red Suo Star Bandits. It said that Mertes, the leader of the Red Suo Star Bandits, has been out of contact for several days."

Hank was shocked and said:

"Could it be!! Did we ever catch this guy?"

Casio said with a sinister look:

"Yes, and there is a high probability that he is on the shuttle piloted by Lieutenant Colonel Damoc!"

Hank took a deep breath in an instant, and his eyes became more and more eager.


Ten minutes later,

The lifespan of this unicorn shuttle is coming to an end.

Although Lieutenant Colonel Damoc had tried his best, the several red lights flashing on the instrument panel showed that the shuttle was in very bad condition, and could even be described as running out of fuel and lights.

Even Fang Linyan, who couldn't read the dashboard, could sense the major crisis we were facing from the emergency reminders constantly coming from the shuttle's artificial intelligence system "Xirui".

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Damoc suddenly said:

"A temporary pulse float I released earlier sensed fluctuations, which means that the pursuing fighter planes have already arrived and are only about fifteen minutes away from us."

Fang Linyan said:

"So how far are we from the ball fern swamp?"

Lieutenant Colonel Damok said:

"Sixty-one kilometers."

Fang Linyan said:

"I heard the artificial intelligence prompt that the shuttle may crash at any time, so we have to consider an emergency landing immediately?"

Lieutenant Colonel Damok said:

"Well, in theory, that's the case, but there is another way that allows us to fly for a while, but of course, it also requires taking greater risks."

Fang Linyan immediately said excitedly:

"Oh? There is such a method? Can you tell me about it?"

Lieutenant Colonel Damok said:

"My display shows that this old plane can only operate normally for two minutes at most."

"I will discard any excess parts on the shuttle within these two minutes, then accelerate upward as much as possible, climb, and squeeze out the last bit of its potential."

"Then just shut down most of the engines, leaving only the electric transmission system to adjust the flaps. In this way, the risk of explosion is basically eliminated."

"Then you can try to glide directly there. If everything goes well, it is not impossible to glide directly to the destination."

After hearing what Lieutenant Colonel Damok said, Fang Linyan immediately asked:

"What about the risks?"

Lieutenant Colonel Damok said:

"The risk is that when landing, because there is no power support, we can only adopt a dive landing instead of a vertical take-off and landing. In this case, the possibility of the shuttle disintegrating is not small."

"However, there are many swamps around here, and in order to enhance the survivability of the shuttle, the shuttle has special reinforced armor installed on the belly. I think that although the risk is there, it is within the controllable range."

Fang Linyan said decisively:

"Okay, then I'll do it as you said."

Then everyone poured into the cockpit.

Because according to the design, the abdominal cabin of this shuttle can be directly separated when necessary.

In this case, the shuttle can be quickly switched to a cargo plane, bomber, etc. depending on the standard box it is mounted on.

Fortunately, the cockpit of this shuttle plane is quite spacious because it has to take into account extra-atmospheric flight. Otherwise, it would be too cramped.

After a series of operations by Lieutenant Colonel Damok, this shuttle was like a bamboo shoot peeling off its shell, directly throwing away most of its armor and external devices.

Intuitively speaking, it can be said that the weight of the body is reduced by more than one-third in an instant.

Next, Lieutenant Colonel Damoc began to climb rapidly, and then when the artificial intelligence prompted that the shuttle was about to disintegrate in thirty seconds, he directly shut down all engines, leaving only the electronic control system to operate normally.

In this case, the warning sound of the artificial intelligence system Xi Rui suddenly slowed down, and then it prompted that the temperature of key parts began to drop, and the flashing red lights on the dashboard also began to disappear.

At this point, it can be said that everything is going as Lieutenant Colonel Damoc expected, perfectly following the script he wrote.

However, there are many unsatisfactory things in the world, not to mention what Fang Linyan is doing now? He is changing the fate of this guy Mertes!

This chapter has been completed!
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