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Chapter 131 Ambush from Daggers

And Mertes is said to be some kind of secondary time node! The time entropy effect it brings can be imagined, so if Fang Linyan wants to do something now, it will almost certainly be like sailing against the current, getting twice the result with half the effort.

Sure enough, just when a group of people naively thought they could glide to their destination smoothly, the artificial intelligence system Xiri suddenly made a voice:

"Warning, warning, because the anti-detection electronic jammer has been abandoned previously, this machine has been detected and locked."

"Warning! The enemy aircraft has electronically marked our aircraft!"

"Tip, the cleaner process has been started directly to erase the electronic mark."

After hearing this warning, Lieutenant Colonel Damoc immediately changed his color and said:

"No, we have to leave the shuttle as soon as possible. The pursuers are coming so fast and are already trying to target us!"

Fang Linyan said:

"Can't you hold on a little longer?"

Lieutenant Colonel Damok had already begun to quickly set the parameters of the automatic navigation and said at the same time:

"Of course not! Once the enemy successfully electronically tags us for more than five seconds, they will directly launch the latest Caucasus III missile. This air-to-air missile has only appeared in the past two years. Once we are locked by it

, then you’re dead.”

Fang Linyan said:

"Didn't the cleaners erase the electronic marks immediately?"

Lieutenant Colonel Damok smiled bitterly:

"Normally, it's good luck for the cleaner program to erase the electronic mark three times, and the electronic mark can come back every twenty seconds."

As he spoke, he quickly took out several umbrella bags from the partition next to him, threw them to everyone one by one, and then said concisely:

"If you don't know how to skydive, just learn how to jump like me. After jumping, make a posture of lying on the water. Remember, you must jump as soon as possible!"

"Did you see this red button? After jumping down, silently count down for tens of seconds in your mind, and then press the button. This will successfully open the automatic parachute opening process."

"We are using military parachutes. We have already considered the possibility of being chased after parachuting. We don't need to worry about it anymore. Just relax and pray before landing."

"Finally, do you see the purple fungus forest below? Try to get closer there when you land, and gather there."

Having said this, Lieutenant Colonel Damok already put his parachute bag on his back and opened the cabin door next to him.

Immediately, a strong wind blew in my face, making it very difficult to breathe, let alone speak.

At this moment, Lieutenant Colonel Damoc suddenly remembered something. Unfortunately, he could no longer speak. He pointed at the parachute bag several times, made a tearing motion, then turned around and jumped out quickly.

The next person who jumped down was a follower he brought with him. It seemed to be an artificial human. The life and death of this follower should be controlled in Damok's hands, so it's no wonder that he would never leave him.

After the entourage, there were Fang Linyan and the other three, but Vulture said simply:

"The biggest risk for the three of us is not landing, but problems with opening the parachute. And we are still in a special stage of time entropy, so we must consider the possibility of accidents."

"So I suggest everyone jump out quickly and stay as close as possible while falling in the air!"

"In this case, even if the umbrellas of two of us fail to open, as long as one umbrella opens, all three of us can survive with its cushioning. It is just a matter of consuming some medicine after serious injuries."

There was obviously some truth to what the vulture said, and since they were in a hurry, the three of them walked to the door of the cabin, quickly jumped out one after another! Then they approached one by one in the air.

As a result, the vulture really got lucky, and Fang Linyan, who was carrying Mertes, really encountered a small probability event.

Obviously, the vulture and the goat opened their umbrellas automatically when they were five hundred meters above the ground, but Fang Linyan's umbrella bag really didn't move at all. He flapped it a few times and then pressed the button hard, but it still didn't help.

Fortunately, both the vulture and the goat came closer at this time. With their help, Fang Linyan was able to avoid the fate of being thrown directly to death...

The funniest thing is that when he stumbled to the ground and rolled a few times, the parachute bag actually opened with a "peng" sound at this time, and directly covered his head and face with a passionate and brilliant attitude.


This really made Fang Linyan very angry. Even though the parachutes were made of special tough cloth, Fang Linyan relied on his 31 points of strength to tear them apart three times to vent his anger.137

At this time, the vulture had already walked over carrying a light yellow box and said:

"The gesture Lieutenant Colonel Damok made before parachuting should be for us to bring this emergency kit with us after landing. It is inside the parachute bag. It contains medicine, chocolate, matches and other things. It is still very well prepared."

The goat shrugged and said:

"Okay, although we have been prepared in advance..."

As he said this, he suddenly heard a loud noise in the air. The three of them immediately looked up and saw a large fireball exploding in the sky in the distance, with a large amount of burning debris flying in all directions.


It seemed that the shuttle that carried them here was hit by a missile and turned into a gorgeous fireworks.

Obviously, if they continued to stay on the plane, they would not be able to escape this disaster.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan and others also sighed slightly, knowing that the pursuers would arrive in an instant.

He hurriedly collected the scattered parachutes, then wrapped them into a large ball and threw them into the giant fern forest next to him. This was regarded as a successful destruction of the corpses and traces, and then he quickly walked towards the purple fungus forest.


Three hours later,

In the deep dusk,

The area where Fang Linyan and the others landed has been trampled to a mess, and there are noisy shouts everywhere.

The grass next to it is filled with a lot of building materials, and arc-shaped welding lights can be seen everywhere.

There is a pungent smell in the camp. This is an anthelmintic drug specially developed by the Starry Sky Foundation, which has successfully driven away the highly toxic and troublesome insects that originally lived here.

On the high ground not far away, a hidden armored bunker and two Eagle Air V-type air defense towers have begun to take shape. It seems that they will be put into use in another two hours, and the trenches dug next to them have also been successfully completed.

, the armored wall has begun to be spliced ​​rapidly.

In such a short period of time, a medium-sized stronghold seems to have been established here.

This is the federal army's best and most troublesome style of play, taking root on the ground and then using defense as offense.

Quickly drive a nail into your territory. If you don't fight, it will continue to expand. If you fight, the opponent will defend the fortifications. If you don't have twice the strength, don't think you can capture it.

At this time, there was another buzzing engine sound in the sky. A few minutes later, in the designated area, the engine port of a "Hercules" transport ship began to spit out light blue and slowly landed.

The first person to step out of the gangway was Deputy Commander Hank!

After he heard that the escaped person was Mertes, he quickly came to the front line to give command.

Not only that, good news came frequently. After confirming that Mertes had escaped, the Starry Sky Consortium immediately launched an emergency plan and deliberately threw out a fat bait.

As a result, Capsule Technology took the bait without hesitation!

This means that even if they receive Meltes' request for help, they will not be able to provide support immediately.

To be more specific, within the next three days, the power of the Starry Sky Consortium will have an absolute advantage on this planet.

Not only that, just an hour ago, the Federation paid the price of three fighter planes, causing a devastating blow to the air power of the Chisuo Star Pirates, which meant that the opponent's air supremacy had been completely lost.

In the area of ​​the Ball Fern Swamp, there are many spore plants, fungus forests, and fog that persists all year round, so it is difficult for aerial reconnaissance forces to detect it.

However, it can be seen from the overall topography that although the Ball Fern Swamp is a full 900 square kilometers in size, roughly an irregular square 30 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide, it is located in the center of a basin.

In other words, the terrain is typically high around and low in the center, so the area around the swamp is obviously dry and has sparse vegetation.

At this time, the Federation has begun to use air superiority and deployed a large number of unmanned sentinel systems around the Ball Fern Swamp!

This thing is not a specific system name, but a general term for a large class of battlefield monitoring systems, systems that use advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, sound, light, shadow, electromagnetic, thermal imaging, etc. for early warning.

To put it simply, it can do what the sentry can do, and it can also do what the sentinel cannot do.

This chapter has been completed!
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