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Chapter 175 Barbecue

 Ronghu Road:

“Yes, so it must not be eaten. You can only grind it into powder and sprinkle it on charcoal. The smoke will smoke the barbecue, which will make the barbecue delicious.”

 At this time, Fang Linyan also got a prompt in front of him:

“Contractor No. ZB419: Congratulations on discovering a B+ grade dark seasoning: dried sprout moth.”

After confirming that this thing was also an ingredient in dark cuisine, Fang Linyan put it away. Having solved two major problems at once, he felt that his trip was worthwhile and was ready to leave directly.

At this time, a terrible roar suddenly came from the horizon. The sound was like the sound of tearing clothes being amplified thousands of times, followed by a series of violent explosions.

Fang Linyan had already arrived outside the tree hole at this time. He looked outside and saw that the direction of the explosion was exactly where Marcus was.

Then dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky, and at the same time, the wind blew violently, and within a few minutes, it started pouring rain.

 “Looks like Marcus couldn’t hold on for long after all.”

Fang Linyan expressed heartfelt emotion.

With the help of Rong Hu, Fang Linyan quickly descended to the bottom of the giant tree of World Lord, and then tried his best to contact Omi and the others. Soon they learned that the previous explosion was indeed Marcus's self-destruction in despair when he realized that he was invincible.


Omi and the others are now rushing back. After the next group of people gather together, they have to find a way to leave the island quickly, because what they want to do next is to destroy the Garden of Eden. At this time, the Rattlesnake organization and its allies will definitely not want to see it.

This is about it.

 Fortunately, Fang Lin Yan and his team had already prepared backup plans in their previous adventures. During the previous exploration, Goat discovered a pier on the west side of the Garden of Eden. This pier should be exclusive to the rich and powerful, with several luxury yachts parked there.

Since this place was designated as the gathering point for evacuation, Fang Linyan directly drove the dragonfly-style intra-atmospheric aircraft and aimed at that direction and flew there.

During the flight, Fang Linyan took a look at the title: Contactee of the Mysteries of the Universe, and found that the attributes of this thing are still very simple at present, and can only be said to be useless, but the final explanation gave people some daydreams.

 Title: Contactor of the Mysteries of the Universe (can be upgraded).

Wearing effect: Each time you wear it, your three random basic attributes will be temporarily +1 point.

Explanation: You are fortunate enough to have access to a secret fragment of the ultimate universe that covers several planes, and you are still a little confused about this luck. (In the original setting, UNI has the power to transcend time and space and transcend dimensions.)

Tip: If you can obtain further specific information about the power of uni, you will have the opportunity to upgrade this title. When this title is promoted to the ultimate stage, you will have an opportunity to actively travel through the timeline!

 After receiving this news, Fang Linyan was stunned. He immediately realized that maybe this title was the greatest gain in the world.

 About five minutes later, Fang Linyan arrived at the pier.

As a result, I found that the place was already messy and deserted. There was even only one medium-sized yacht left alone on the pier, with the water rising and falling. As for the rest of the luxury yachts, they should have been noticed by no one.

If you don't get it right, just drive away.

After Fang Linyan stepped onto this medium-sized yacht, he soon discovered the reason why this thing was left behind, because its engine was missing.

From the maintenance record sheet attached to the side, it can be seen that it should have been directly disassembled and sent to the workshop for overhaul!

 It is difficult for a wise woman to make a meal without rice. At this time, even Fang Linyan, who was truly the world's number one mechanic, was a little helpless because there was nothing for him to repair.

 Hand in, [app ] is really good and worth installing. After all, there are many book sources, complete books, and fast updates!

 So, Fang Linyan just hesitated for a moment, then went to the workshop and found that the engine he was looking for had been dismantled into pieces.

 Such a workload would take at least half a day even for him!

 Obviously, they cannot stay here for another half day, otherwise, the tricks done in the thermal energy gathering station will inevitably be discovered, and if they want to destroy it by then, they will have to fall out with the Rattlesnake organization.

 That's not a wise move.

 Fortunately, Fang Linyan looked around and his eyes lit up because he found a better option, which was that there were four outboard engines stacked next to it.

This thing is usually used for landing craft, rubber boats and the like. Just hang a pull line on the tail and it will start up.

However, for yachts, this thing is unsightly and noisy, so bosses generally don't consider it.

Think about it, the sky is blue and white, and the sky is clear. There is black smoke behind the tail of your yacht, and the noise is loud. If you want to talk to the young model next to you, you have to yell. This is a very embarrassing thing.


Fang Linyan did a brief inspection and found that three of the four external engines were usable, so he simply took them all on board and mounted them.

 Anyway, their purpose is very simple. As long as the yacht can leave the Garden of Eden, there is no requirement that it can go anywhere, because after completing the mission, it will most likely go back to space.

After getting all this done, Fang Linyan went straight to the yacht and stayed there. At this time, he was just doing nothing. Suddenly he remembered one more important thing, that is, he had obtained the mutated leaf-cutting beetle, but

It hasn’t entered the stomach yet!

The limited-time milestone: The magical insect has to eat eight mutant leaf-cutting beetles to count! I still have six more to spare!

 And this thing obviously cannot be brought back into the space, so you have to hurry up.

But after Fang Linyan took out the mutated leaf-cutting beetle presented by Ronghu, he was immediately dumbfounded. Looking at these crawling creatures, he really couldn't eat them raw. What if they were cooked? He didn't have those tools.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan searched around on this yacht and found that it was probably because there had been a barbecue party not long ago, so the grills, seasonings, etc. were all ready. The only drawback was that the oven was an electric grill.

stove, so we still have to find ways to find fuel.

However, Fang Linyan kicked down the door of the master bedroom next to him with one kick, and demolished the solid wood door in three strokes. Didn't this provide fuel?

 Next, Fang Linyan tore off the head and feet of the smallest mutated leaf-cutting beetle, then skewered it with iron skewers that pierced the flesh, put it on the fire and roasted it slowly.

 In fact, according to Fang Linyan’s experience, a frying process should be added first, but the conditions here are not enough, so we can’t be too demanding.

Of course, don’t forget to brush one side with oil when grilling it.

 The secret to roasting something is to roast it slowly over low heat. The essence lies in the word "slow".

 When men do things, they must be patient and calm.

Once it gets too fast, not only will others dislike it, but you will also sigh and feel very annoyed when you think about it.

After the surface of the thing was browned and a faint fragrance emerged, Fang Linyan put it aside to cool down, then ate it directly, and suddenly there was a crisp sound of "click, click, click" in his mouth.

The taste is full of burnt aroma, with an indescribable light fragrance, which can be described as crispy and delicious.

Fang Linyan used this mutated leaf-cutting beetle to practice his skills before, and then roasted the remaining five together.

 While baking, he suddenly saw the wooden box,

  Yes, it is a dark seasoning that is defined as B+ quality: a box for drying sprout moths, and my heart suddenly moved.

This thing is not an ordinary thing, it is something that allows people to risk their lives to try it! Why don’t you try it yourself?

As soon as he thought of this, Fang Linyan carefully opened the box, picked up a dried sprout moth, wrapped it in a piece of paper, and then crushed it through the paper.

Next, continue the oiling process of slow roasting over low heat. When the mutated leaf-cutting beetles on a skewer are about to be roasted, throw the paper ball wrapped with dried sprout moths onto the charcoal fire, and then continue roasting.

, be sure to brush it with oil again at this time to facilitate the flavor and prevent scorching.

When the paper ball was slowly burned to ashes, Fang Linyan's expression suddenly changed, because he suddenly smelled a strange fragrance coming to his nose! Suddenly, saliva was secreted involuntarily.

At this time, he didn't care about burning it. Fang Linyan directly picked a beetle from the iron stick, blew it and threw it into his mouth. He immediately realized that in addition to the fresh and burnt fragrance he had tasted before, there was even more

An indescribable umami flavor!

 At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of a goat coming from outside the yacht:

 “Wow, what smells so good?”

“Ah! Boss, you actually ate alone and secretly made skewers behind our backs! No, how did your craftsmanship become so good? Hurry up and give me a try!”

This chapter has been completed!
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