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Chapter 176: Revealing the Secret

Fang Linyan glanced at the goat, smiled and said:

"Sure, as long as you dare to eat."

The goat immediately said harshly:

"What do I have...ah? What are you grilling? Bugs!?"

Sure enough, just as Fang Linyan imagined, the goat was decisively persuaded to leave after seeing clearly the ingredients on the skewers... After all, unless one was born in a specific area, he would not be able to face someone who eats bugs.

Still a minority.

If Fang Linyan hadn't been restricted by milestones, it would have been difficult for him to eat so calmly.

After he finished eating the remaining five mutated leaf-cutting beetles, and when the delicious taste faded, he immediately felt a slight numbness from his lips to his tongue to his throat.

Fang Linyan pondered for a moment, and immediately understood why the dried sprout moth was so delicious to people, because its delicious taste came from its paralyzing toxicity!

Although this toxicity is strong, as long as the amount is controlled correctly, people will enter a state of mild poisoning, and the nerves and taste buds will be slightly numb and become very sensitive, amplifying the delicious taste of the food.

This principle is actually the same as the deliciousness of puffer fish.

Its delicious taste comes from poison.

Although farmed non-toxic pufferfish is still delicious, the ingredients are completely different from wild pufferfish.

The farmed non-toxic pufferfish is only a first-class ingredient.

The perfectly cooked wild puffer fish is the best in the world!

The essence of this strange phenomenon can actually be attributed to the extremely complex nature, or bad nature, of human beings.

It is said that the most exciting and intense feeling of kuai can only be experienced when you are on the edge of suffocation. This has also led to many open-minded people who accidentally strangle their partners to death in pursuit of the ultimate.

Similarly, only by wandering on the edge of life and death can you experience the ultimate taste enjoyment!

"No wonder it's dark food..." Fang Linyan sighed.

At this time, he also received a series of prompts:

"Contractor No. ZB419: You successfully ate 8 mutated leaf-cutting beetles without exceeding the prescribed time limit."

"You successfully completed the limited-time milestone: Fantastic Insects."

"You have earned the title: The Last Stubbornness." (Attributes omitted)

At this time, people began to arrive one after another, and finally when the vulture drove over with the seriously injured Max, Omi sniffed and said:

"What smells so good?"

The goat immediately said, fearing that the world would not be in chaos:

"The boss was grilling skewers here just now!"

Fang Linyan then repeated his old trick:

"Yeah, but I'm roasting bugs to eat. Do you want some?"

So I took out the remaining mutated leaf-cutting beetles.

In Fang Linyan's mind, a girl like Omi would probably scream when she saw this thing and then run away in disgrace.

As a result...ahem, there really are exceptions to everything. When Omi saw it, he said in surprise:

"Isn't this just Bamboo Elephant? I remember eating it several times at my grandma's house when I was a child. Unfortunately, my father was transferred to Europe to be the counselor of the embassy. After my grandma passed away, I never ate it again...


Faced with such an answer, Fang Linyan suddenly felt bad. Why didn't this woman take an unusual path?

Almost ten minutes later, when the goats began to eat the roasted mutated leaf-cutting beetles as snacks, the vulture finally appeared in everyone's sight driving Max in a car.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan simply came to the stern of the ship and pulled the ignition ropes of the two external engines with a "boom" sound.

Under the high-speed rotation of the propeller, the clear seawater began to stir up white waves, generating strong thrust.

By the time the vulture carried Max onto the boat, the goat had already pulled up the anchor rope, and the yacht turned a corner on the sea, followed the coastline of the island, and sailed directly to the west.

That's where the thermal energy aggregation station is located. After driving for about twenty minutes, you can see the camouflaged reef group in sight from a distance.

The key location of the thermal energy aggregation station is located under the reef group.

"Huh? Something's wrong. Why are there so many people?"

Fang Linyan suddenly frowned.

It turned out that there were at least a dozen vehicles parked on the shore next to the rocks, and there were even two transforming mecha jeeps.

Because it was a little unclear with the naked eye, Fang Linyan decisively let Austria's Ember quickly approach in the form of a crow, and shared the perspective with everyone.

So it turned out that this was really the case. For some unknown reason, the people from the Rattlesnake organization actually focused their attention here! Not only were many people here at this time, but it seemed that there were still people coming to gather in the distance.

At this time, Goat had already begun to call acquaintances to ask what the situation was. After all, they had developed some contacts during the previous battle. Especially the contacts gained from rescuing people on the battlefield were quite reliable.

In the end, the Goat in a few words revealed the relevant truth. It turned out that the root of the problem lay with the artificial AI Keten who had escaped before.

After this guy escaped, he would naturally ask for help, but the signal he sent for help was intercepted by a traitorous director.

Since both parties were cooperating on a temporary basis, the rebellious director naturally believed that the invasion of the injection area was done by people from the Diamondback organization.

As a result, when the matter was almost settled, and the two parties sat down to prepare for communication, or to divide the spoils, the big director talked about the importance of this area, and asked the people in the Diamondbacks organization to proceed with caution.

The top brass of the Rattlesnake organization were not fools either. After hearing the description of the big director, they immediately ordered people to withdraw and hand over power, and to seal up this confidential location first.

Someone must have done the order from the top management immediately, and the top management was very concerned about this matter and kept asking for follow-up! Because they also have great use for taking energy blocks, not to mention far away, just

Doves need this too!

As a result, after checking again and again, it was discovered that no one from the Rattlesnake organization had ever entered that place! This immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they suspected that a secret force trained by Marcus himself had rushed in.

In this case, the rebels of the Rattlesnake Organization and the Blood Umbrella Organization immediately became nervous at the same time.

After understanding the reason, Omi said simply:

"Without further ado, let's do it."

Fang Linyan nodded, and then took out a modified remote control from his private space.

At that time, in order to prevent Nimbus from tampering with it, Omi repeatedly requested that Fang Linyan must do it himself. Anyway, it was not a big deal to him.

Looking back at this time, Fang Linyan felt that Omi's caution was quite necessary.

Then Fang Linyan pressed the remote control hard, and then...the sea breeze blew gently, the yacht rippled slightly with the waves on the sea, and the air still had the unique smell of rich negative ions, as if nothing had happened.

However, in the core control room of the thermal energy aggregation station sixty-five meters underground, a red light suddenly flashed on an inconspicuous-looking device.

Its location is very hidden, and its rusty-looking casing makes it the kind of thing that people will simply ignore even if it is placed on the table!

In the control room, two researchers who were called in urgently were looking around. Of course, their focus was on things like time bombs...

As for Fang Linyan and the others' idea of ​​not destroying the aggregation station, but rather further improving the internal machinery, it is impossible for these people to imagine it.

Just after the red light of the added mechanical equipment flashed three times, a mechanical arm suddenly stretched out from inside the intricate assembly station next to it.

The front section of the robotic arm holds the "high-micro transmission shaft" made and processed by Fang Linyan himself!

To be honest, this "high-micro transmission shaft" is a fake after all, and its quality is estimated to only reach about 60% of the original product.

Immediately afterwards, the baffle next to it popped open, revealing a small hole. There seemed to be a very precise mechanical structure around the small hole. Then after the mechanical arm accurately fed the high-micro transmission shaft, the surrounding mechanical devices began to move on their own.

It started working, and the supporting software started to work.

From this moment on, the entire thermal energy aggregation station entered a intact state again. At this time, it seemed like a steam locomotive that was blowing out white smoke and starting to accelerate at full speed. However, the doors and windows at the front of the locomotive had been welded shut!!

This steam locomotive can keep running smoothly and safely for a short period of time. But it is foreseeable that in the end, it will end up crashing into something, causing a terrible disaster!

This chapter has been completed!
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