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Chapter 136 Domain: Transformation!


It was almost four o'clock in the morning, and people were already shouting about fresh vegetables on the produce street behind the post house.

It's obviously not the same thing for people just staring at each other on the street.

So at the suggestion of Zeller, who was driven out after hearing the news, the group came to the office hall of the Lord's Mansion.

Based on Matthew's understanding of Zeller, this arrangement is probably to wait for the things here to be negotiated, and to seamlessly connect to the morning meeting for a while.

He was so sleepy that he yawned violently, but in this situation, Mrs. Wesley, who was hurriedly woken up, could only ask for a few more cups of coffee.

In the office lobby.

The atmosphere is a bit subtle.

The three giants of Rolling Stone Town each performed their duties, and Lorraine sat in the guest seat generously.

Richard was leaning on the cane and was the only one not sitting down. He claimed that he liked to stand.

The confrontation between the two legends couldn't be more obvious.

But Rhaegar and others are obviously happy to see the results.

Matthew knew that Lorraine's appearance still put some pressure on them. Without Richard, they might be at a disadvantage before the negotiations began.

But even Richard, Rhaegar usually couldn't control him. This older gentleman seemed to only care about the work of the five-person committee.

Of course, he does a lot of catching thieves on weekdays.

Matthew suspected that apart from himself, Richard also contributed a lot to the good security in Rolling Stone Town.

The silence was broken first by Luo Lan.

He smiled and looked at the others:

"Don't look at me like a venomous snake. Matthew and I are very good friends, and after fighting side by side last night, I thought I was already half one of my own."

Everyone looked at Matthew with inquiring eyes.

Matthew nodded slightly, and then he asked Lorraine:

"Do you still need to play Lady Alena next?"

"It's not necessary. The assassin of the "Pluto Cult" has been arrested. Alena's side has probably launched an operation to deal with the situation in Deep Blue Harbor. My performance should be able to come to an end."

Lorraine explained:

"The Cult of Hades is one of the more active criminal organizations on the East Coast. They are also very interested in Rolling Stone Town. I originally came here to warn you, but since the Silver Snake is here, everything is unnecessary."

As he spoke, he couldn't help complaining:

"Matthew, you should have told me that Silver Snake was there, so I wouldn't have to be so nervous.

After all, Silver Snake is a legendary profession of rogue, and its biggest characteristic is that it is good at targeting its own people - I mean rogues in the field.

After all, rogues are all little mice, and what Silver Snake is best at is eating mice.

Where there are silver snakes living, it is normal for thieves to become extinct within a hundred miles, am I right?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Richard provocatively.

Richard's expression was calm, and he spoke calmly:

"Coincidentally, I also know some of the abilities of the Dusk Singers. I heard that you can draw strength from the destruction and loneliness of grand events.

Wherever bad things happen, you will rush there. Although the bad things are not caused by you, no one welcomes your arrival.

So in the age of enlightenment, the gods called you crows.

And I have a more sinister suspicion, since you can draw strength from destruction, why not create your own destruction, what do you think?"

Luo Lan showed a scared expression:

"Snakes are indeed the most vicious creatures, and they are slanderous when they open their mouths.

Indeed, I can draw strength from big people, big organizations, and even the destruction and end of the world, but the core element of a chanter is to observe and sing, but never participate.

If you want to accuse me of bringing disaster to Rolling Stone, then I can only say that you are completely wrong.

But I can understand it, after all, snakes generally have small brains."

Richard sneered and said:

"But your field of demigods is deception and performance. It's not too much for me to suspect that this group of drow was directed and acted by you!"

Lorraine showed no sign of weakness:

"Really? Do you think you are worthy of being deceived? Performance is also very labor-intensive. I don't think you are qualified to be my audience and be deceived by me."

"You two, don't be angry."

Zeller took the initiative to be the peacemaker:

"I want to believe that Mr. Lorraine has no ill intentions towards Rolling Stone. If it weren't for Mr. Richard, the information he brought would most likely come in handy."

"I just received a secret message from the frontline scouts + At about three o'clock in the morning, the troops displayed at the border of the South Trading Post in Red Earth Mountain evacuated."

"This is most likely because the Drow assassins were captured. There are about more than three hundred people in that army. If they really attack the South Trading Post, we may suffer certain losses."

As he spoke, he unfolded the note in his hand.

Matthew noticed that Zeller did not have this note in his hand when he entered the office lobby with him.

It seems that there is a secret communication method between Zeller and his scouts, which is quite timely.

"More than three hundred people! So many?"

Rhaegar looked surprised.

Zeller nodded solemnly.

For the current situation in the south of Irondor, if an army of three hundred people is well-equipped and has good morale, it will be a force that cannot be ignored.

The real elite of Rolling Stone Town is only the lord's guard of about forty people. At most, plus the same number of garrison members, the total is less than a hundred people.

others like the squires of the lord's guard, numbering one hundred and seventy;

The militiamen of each village combined totaled more than a hundred people.

Considering that the permanent population of Rolling Stone Town is between 6,000 and 8,000, including the villages on the border, it can barely exceed 10,000.

Without taking into account the factor of the Purgatory Portal, if we want to increase the army regularly, around 1,000 people will be the threshold.

It’s not that it’s unaffordable, but it will be very difficult.

Red Clay Mountain is three to five times the size of Rolling Stone, and equally wealthy.

Combining the previous intelligence, their main force was attacking the High Leaf Collar and sweeping the Golden Fertile Field, and only a quarter of the people threatening the South Trading Post were at most.

Looking at it this way, the new lord of Red Earth Mountain organized a regular army of more than 1,200 people in a very short period of time.

This is not an easy task.

It can be seen that even if an army from Hongtu Mountain is frightened off this time, there will still be many hidden dangers in the future.

"The war potential of the Red Earth Mountain is terrifying. The fall of the Golden Fertile Field will cause the price of food in the south to rise sharply this year. And if the High Leaf Collar is also occupied by them, the economy of Rolling Stone Town will be very seriously affected. Of course, more importantly

Or is it their own threat to us? Even with the deterrence of the legendary mage, they may still test us from time to time, which is very troublesome."

Zeller concluded solemnly.

The other three people also looked grim.

Only Luo Lan still looked calm and relaxed:

"An army of three hundred mortals? They're just chickens and dogs. I can drive them all away by myself!"

Richard asked:

"By mouth?"

Lorraine shrugged:

"Sometimes I have to use my hands."

Rega asked doubtfully:

"If you are really that powerful, why don't you just pacify Deep Blue Harbor for Alena?"

Luo Lan replied as he should:

"I'm just her cousin, not her father, and I have no obligation to settle everything for her.

After entering the legend, you will understand that, except for many necessary entanglements, the less you touch mortal things, the better. It will distract you and become a drag on you. And I personally hate fighting and killing.

That's not elegant at all. I prefer applauding and singing praises to fighting.

Speaking of which, I almost forgot that I am here to negotiate with you on behalf of Alena!"

Zeller and Rhaegar looked at each other:

"Tell me your conditions?"

Luo Lan immediately started talking nonstop.

After Zeller listened, he carefully replied three or four sentences.

Lorraine gave another long speech.

Zeller responded a lot more this time, but most of the content was vague and ambiguous.

that's all.

The two of you come and go, their tongues shine like lotus flowers.

Don't talk about Matthew.

Richard and Rhaegar couldn't get a word in.

Naturally, there is nothing interesting about the bickering between two grown men.

Matthew stretched and quietly came to his office.

He believed that the two of them could negotiate a happy outcome.

So I decided to take advantage of this time to continue learning spells.

Recently, Matthew is learning two spells, namely "Mind Gaze" in the realm of necromancy, and "Petrification" in the realm of transformation.

Matthew mastered the former very smoothly.

He sat on a soft chair and crushed the spleen of a squirrel. The next second, his eyes seemed to turn into two terrifying black holes.

"Hint: You used the spell "Mind Gaze".

Mind-catching gaze: During the time the spell takes effect (60 seconds), your eyes will turn into holes filled with terrifying power. You can designate a unit within 18 meters that comes into contact with your gaze to make a perception judgment. If the save fails,

You can force him into one of three outcomes -

1. Sleep: The target falls into a coma and sleeps until he is injured or is shaken violently by another creature.

2. Fear: The target falls into uncontrollable fear. He will lose part of his mind and run wildly away from you. The fear effect will not disappear until it is beyond your sight range.

3. Sickness: The target falls into a weak state like a disease, and all action checks will suffer severe penalties.

While in the diseased state, the target will make an additional Wisdom check every sixty seconds. Once the save is successful, the target can escape the diseased state."

This is a powerful single-target field control spell, mainly used to deal with rushing units.

But Matthew felt that it would be good to transform into the wild form and rush to the enemy to give him a heart-catching gaze.

After a period of practice, Matthew has been able to calmly control the switch of his heart-catching gaze.

It’s just that the casting material for this thing is not easy to find. You have to use the spleen of a squirrel. The only good news is that a piece of spleen can be used repeatedly.

In comparison, learning the art of petrification was not very smooth.

But Matthew didn't care.

He is now full of confidence in the magic of the transformation field——

It’s not confidence in myself, but confidence in Rhaegar!

At that moment, he took out a piece of meat and tried to petrify it.

After several failures, he calmly looked outside and found that Zeller and Lorraine were still arguing, while Rhaegar was listening on the surface, but was actually drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

So he raised his voice:

"Rhaega? Can you come in for a moment?"

Rhaegar said without raising his head:

"Additional money is required."

Matthew thought for a while:

"It's about Sif, I want to talk to you."

Rega immediately put down the newspaper and rushed to Matthew's office.

"What happened to you last night?"

He stared at Matthew with his eyes fixed on him. As long as Matthew answered incorrectly, he might have to go back to his room to get his big sword.

"No, I just noticed that Sif has been yawning. Has she slept a lot recently?"

Matthew asked.

Rhaegar breathed a sigh of relief:

"I thought it was something! It's the influence of family blood, it's not a big problem."

Matthew asked curiously:

"Is she going to awaken the abilities related to purgatory? Is this the reason why you don't let Sif have access to magic?"

Rhaegar nodded:

"For people in the Blood Flag family, it is harmful to take the initiative to learn spells. The power of the upper devil flows in our blood. As long as the time comes, this power will automatically awaken. In a sense,

There is no difference between us and warlocks."

"I see."

Matthew nodded assuredly, and then skillfully patted five gold coins on the table.

"Come here, practice some magic with me."

A few minutes later.

Mrs. Wesley walked in from the corridor with a broom in hand. She came to Matthew's office and looked at the stone statue in the center of the room with some surprise:

"Oh my god, is this the statue you carved for Rega? It's really lifelike."

As she spoke, she patted the stone statue's face gently and tugged the stone statue's ears.

Before Matthew could speak, she hurried out:

"Don't move the stone statue away yet, I'll ask Sif to come over and watch the fun!"

After hearing this, Matthew quickly canceled the petrification technique and said:

"After the case is solved, I will say that Xifu was not arranged by me."

Rhaegar touched his red ears and said angrily:

"I knew it was her who did this. This old woman is so abominable that I had to fire her!"

Matthew's ears could already hear these words.

He asked:

"What kind of love leads Jun?

Rhaegar said categorically:

"Next Mon!"

"Let her get another week's pay."

"the last week!"

When Matthew left the Lord's Mansion, the battle between Zeller and Lorraine had not yet come to an end.

Matthew can't get involved in this matter.

He was anxious to go back to plant trees and build graves, and finally asked for leave in advance and left.

Walking on the road to the oak forest.

Matthew suddenly trembled:

"I just said, it seems like something has been forgotten!"


Just think of this.

He quickly turned back in the direction of the official post house.

Almost arriving at the gate of the post house.

A strange power surged into Matthew's body.

He couldn't help but stop.

"Tip: Comprehending the mysteries of the field of transformation many times has enabled you to accumulate a large number of relevant elements. You have successfully set foot in the sub-field of "magic", "transformation", and completed a short stay in it!

As a reward for getting involved in the field, you can choose one of the following three abilities -

1. Material-free spell casting (when you cast spells related to the transformation field below the legendary level, you will not need any casting materials; the materials for the legendary level and above are halved)

2. Second Stage Transformation (Your Malicious Transformation has been strengthened. After turning a target into a sheep, you can apply the Second Stage Transformation to Sheep.

In the second-stage sheep transformation state, the target will return to the first-stage sheep state after suffering the first over-limit damage.

Only after sustaining excessive damage again will it completely return to its original form.

In addition, during the second stage of sheep transformation, the damage suffered by the target will be fed back to the entity after the transformation in equal proportion.

Note: The difficulty coefficient of transforming into a sheep in the second stage is about three times that of the first stage)

3. True transformation (stone): You can turn yourself into a real stone and get the same experience as a stone."

"Material-free spell casting" is really delicious.

But Matthew chose "two-stage transformation" without hesitation.

This ability is really abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, the injuries sustained while transforming into a sheep have nothing to do with the target body, but this is different when transforming into a second stage sheep.

The fact that light can cause damage to enemies is enough for Matthew to make a decision.

Not to mention that there are many tricks that can be played by transforming into a sheep in the second stage.

As for "True Transformation".

This thing is also very powerful, it will give a person the ability to completely transform into another form.

The druid's wild form can only be said to greatly simulate the animal form, and there is still a certain gap between it and the real transformation.

It's a pity that it turned into a stone.

Matthew was not Lorraine, so he had no intention of developing a relationship with the stone elemental beauty, so he had no choice but to give up.

"It's a pity that there are no status rewards."

Matthew noticed that the rewards for breakthroughs in small fields are relatively average, which may also be related to his own breakthrough method.

When he entered the oak tree or the undead, he had the experience of his consciousness leaving his body.

Temperance, Tauren, and Shapeshifting are not available.

Correspondingly, the rewards will be much smaller.

Matthew's eyes shifted away from the gains in the Transformation Field.

He looked at the gate of the official post house and instinctively wanted to go inside. Who knew that at this moment, an owl flew over.

Matthew took a silver envelope from the owl's hand.

After taking it apart.

Inside is a text message.

"Dear Lord Matthew:

Your application for the Combat Spells Crash Course has been approved. The training method is 1V1 and the instructor is Ms. Margaret with the A1 title.

Ms. Margaret is currently free. If you are free in the near future, please contact her at the alliance office as soon as possible.

The specific contact information is as follows..."

The combat spell course that Matthew has been waiting for is finally here!

He hesitated no longer.

He strode towards the direction of the crucible house.

For ordinary mages, the Crucible Room is only open at quarter to four.

But he is A1.

You can go if you want to.

"It seems like something has been forgotten."

"Forget it, let's wait until the lady Margaret comes back after seeing her!"

Matthew's back gradually disappeared at the door of the post house.

And in the glass display window of a dressing room in the second hall.

A little black cat was staring blankly at the blue sky and white clouds outside.

at the same time.

There is a produce street not far from him.

A woman dressed as a peasant woman quietly put down the white cat in her arms under a corner:

"Go, Chouka."

"I feel Eli's weakness and confusion. This is the best time for you to take advantage of him."

"Don't disappoint mother."

The white cat crawled a few steps on the dirty ground.

She turned around and forgot about the peasant woman, quickly jumped on the wall a few times, and successfully disappeared behind the high wall.

This chapter has been completed!
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