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Chapter 137 Fei Capital's Platinum Shield


Crucible House 15th floor.

In a classroom the size of a basketball court, Matthew met his exclusive instructor, Ms. Margaret.

According to David's introduction, this woman is known for her fierce and vicious combat spells.

In the battle mage competition held within the alliance, she won the championship in different levels of events.

Margaret is also the only senior mage with the A1 title who is still active as an instructor for a long time.

Her level is LV20, and she is only one step away from being legendary.

When Matthew saw her, she was wearing ordinary home clothes, slippers on her feet, and her ten white toes were painted with crystal clear rose-red nail polish.

She wears a pair of half-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and the rose-red frame makes her skin look fairer.

Compared with her reputation outside, Margaret's figure is relatively petite. Even if she stands on the steps, she can only reach Matthew's chin.

But this did not undermine her majesty at all.

As soon as Matthew walked into the classroom, he felt as if he was being targeted by an apex predator after just one glance from Margaret.

That feeling is a tremor from the depths of the soul.

"Hello, Ms. Margaret, my name is Matthew..."

Before Matthew could finish introducing himself.

The other party interrupted rudely:

"I know your name is Matthew, you know my name is Margaret, that's enough, don't talk so much nonsense, my time is precious, and the time of this magic classroom is even more precious - if it is someone else,

If you want to open a full-length "Suriel's Magic Class", you have to spend at least 20,000 gold coins or 1 knowledge point. In my case, the cost is halved, but you still have to race against time."

"Let's make a long story short. I know you have some background, but here, all other identities don't count. You can only be my student and you must obey all my commands unconditionally, even if I ask you to kneel down and lick me.

toes, do you understand?"

Matthew was stunned for a moment.

He was dissatisfied with Margaret's strong style, but senior mages had more or less strange flaws. Margaret was so famous that she must have something.

In order to learn magic, Matthew decided to endure the humiliation:

"I see."

Margaret pushed up her right temple:

"If you make a stupid mistake, I will make you kneel down and lick it directly;

But if I find out that you made this mistake intentionally, I will make you have a more unforgettable experience, and I hope you won’t be caught in the loop, my dear student.”


She motioned Matthew to sit down with her eyes, then took out a staff from her ear and tapped it lightly.

The next second.

Something happened that shocked Matthew——

A beautiful magical light circled around Margaret's body.

The home clothes she was wearing suddenly disappeared.

It was replaced by a white shirt on the upper body, a tight black uniform and a familiar hip-hugging skirt.

With this outfit and her pair of glasses, looking at Matthew was both embarrassing and heart-warming.

"I heard that you like this kind of dress, so I deliberately changed it like this. Don't get me wrong, a happy mood will help improve the efficiency of class. In order to make students more focused, I will take all measures."

Margaret said flatly.

Matthew asked shamefully:

"Where did you hear that?"

Margaret replied:


"I heard that you just joined the alliance, so you probably don't know yet that our Master Mage is a super invincible gossip king——

He is very keen on exploring gossip and is happy to share the gossip he has seen with others.

What's even more terrifying is that he possesses extremely powerful insight.

Precisely because of the existence of Lord Ekmund, there is almost no banned gossip within the alliance.

A blessing in disguise is that when Lord Ekmund reads gossip, he can always catch many spies from the outer planes or other forces planted within the alliance.

In short, if you have a secret, it’s best to stay away from that old pervert who looks so kind.”

"Of course, not everyone knows about your hobby. Ekmund will only share it with a very few friends. He told my teacher Suriel about it, and Suriel told me about it.


Margaret spoke very fast.

Fortunately, Matthew was very focused and listened to every word.


He noticed a very important name.

"No wonder Margaret said at the beginning that she didn't care about my identity. It turns out that she is Suriel's student."

Matthew suddenly understood.

Suriel is one of the three current Heavenly Mage in the alliance. It is said that she was once on par with Isabel. Her current level may be a high-level legend or a divine mage. No one can be sure for the time being.

In short, she is on the same level as Isabel.

"I understand, but why don't you go back to your previous dress? I think it's more comfortable."

Matthew said reluctantly.

no way.

The Temperance Field told him that today he was here to learn practical things, and he would talk about rewarding himself later.

Margaret didn't say anything and changed her mind vigorously.

The next second.

Margaret's staff tapped again.

An ultra-clear wall of light appeared behind her.

There are text and pictures on the light wall, giving people the feeling of a slideshow.

"The content of my crash course is divided into two parts: theory and practice. The first two classes will focus on theory."

"Before engaging in formal battles, we must learn to judge what kind of enemies we cannot provoke, or in other words, we must learn to measure the combat effectiveness of the enemy and ourselves."

"As a mage, what attributes do you think are the most important?"

Accompanied by Margaret's sonorous and powerful narration.

Several words with similar or repeated meanings popped up on the slides behind her——



"All resources or power that can be converted into gold coins!"

Matthew listened silently.

Margaret said categorically:

"Any mage who tells you that money is not important, or that money is not the most important thing, can be classified as a fighting loser.

I can tell you with certainty that at levels below Legend, gold coins can be converted into almost equal amounts of combat power;

As for Legend, I will only encourage you to make more money.

The most important attribute of a mage is wealth, there is no doubt about this.

If you still have doubts, let me give you an example."


Suddenly something shiny appeared in Margaret's hand, and at the same time, thousands of gold coins floated behind her. These gold coins grew wings like butterflies and flew quickly around her.

In an instant.

The magic classroom scene the two of them were in was quickly replaced by overwhelming rocks and lava.

Matthew couldn't help but stood up.

He found himself standing on the crater of a volcano!

The magma in the heart of the mountain is brewing a new round of eruption, and thick smoke is billowing all around.

What's even more terrifying is...

He also saw a red dragon staring at him on the other side of the mountain pass!

"What a real illusion!"

Matthew was amazed at how realistic the scene was.

"All the illusion scenes you see are based on real-life data simulations. This is also the most valuable part of Suriel's magic classroom. If you are willing to spend money, you can even write enemy information into the storage scroll of this classroom.

, and then you can conduct simulation training here."

"Look carefully!"

Margaret introduced loudly while striding towards the red dragon.

Realizing that the tiny creature dared to walk towards him, the red dragon raised his head angrily, and a bright yellow light bulged from his chest, obviously brewing dragon breath.

Margaret was undaunted.

She threw the dragon scales in her hand into the sky, and the thousands of gold coins banged against the dragon scales.

Eventually these things dissipated into the air.

Accompanied by Margaret's loud spell.

A white and gold magic shield appeared beside her.

Matthew noticed.

The floating shield seemed to be able to defend only one direction, but tassel-like lights spread out from all directions up, down, left, and right of the shield.

These lights intertwined with each other to form a huge translucent egg-shaped structure, tightly wrapping Margaret inside.

The hot dragon's breath sprayed over.

The shield is held up front.

The scene was like a water column hitting a rock, and the flames were forced to disperse and spread around.

But Margaret herself was not affected at all.

She was still striding toward the crater!

""Capital-free Platinum Shield"!"

"This spell can withstand 360-degree attacks without blind spots. It is immune to all spells below level 5 and physical attacks equivalent to the power of level 5 spells - even if the enemy smashes it with legendary spells, as long as it is not completely destroyed

This platinum shield can slowly repair itself."

"It has a powerful force field space inside, and anyone who wants to get close to you will be pushed away, including matter and fluids."

"With this spell, you can even lie in the lava and hit the mage's hand!"

Finish this sentence.

Margaret jumped straight into the crater.

Matthew took a closer look.

Holding the egg-shaped structure, she landed lightly in the magma lake, and walked on it as if walking on flat ground, striding as fast as flying!

The red dragon flew down angrily.

He bit into the outer shell of the platinum shield, then raised his head and tried to swallow it, but his chin was stuck by the egg-shaped structure!

Margaret sat leisurely in the red dragon's mouth and explained to Matthew above:

"This spell is not difficult to learn. Under normal circumstances, a fourth-level mage can learn it;

If you are involved in the field of protection or plasticity, you can even learn it in advance at the third level.

Once the free platinum shield is released, it will provide you with a steady stream of protection for 24 hours.

And its cooldown time is one hour, so in theory, you can achieve the sustainability of the Platinum Shield without capital.

The pain point for most people is that the casting materials for Platinum Shield are very expensive.

Each time you use it, you need to consume 10,000 gold coins or gold of equivalent value, plus a dragon scale.

Also, this spell is not affected by the material-free casting ability, so don't expect it to give you a discount.


As long as you are rich enough, you can learn a legendary spell at the fifth level, which is the "Capital-Free Dragon-Slaying Spear."

"As the name suggests, the effect of this spell is to kill a giant dragon for you."

Margaret slowly took out her staff and tapped it several times in the void.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of times more gold coins than the previous number were dancing in the red dragon's mouth!

The red dragon was stunned and dazzled by this scene.

Under the guidance of the magic spell, the gold coins in the sky instantly turned into powder.

Immediately afterwards, a thick golden spear fell from the sky. It pierced the sky and inserted straight into the crater.


The golden spear nailed the red dragon to death in the belly of the volcano.

The illusions around him began to slowly disappear.

The familiar background of the magic classroom appeared in front of Matthew's eyes again.

Margaret's explanation continues:

"The capital-free dragon-slaying gun does not require dragon scales or anything like that, but the premise is that you must consume half a million gold coins in one go, or gold resources of equivalent value."

"In the history of the alliance, the famous Mr. Fei Capital once used this spell to kill a black dragon that was said to be immune to all magic. In the end, he not only successfully proved that the black dragon's magic immunity was a joke, but also proved that in his magic system

, gold coins are indeed invincible."

"If you are proficient in spells that cost capital and are very rich, then even legends may be picked off by you."

"Of course, this spell is also notoriously uneconomical.

At that time in history, Mr. Fei Capital sacrificed a small gold mine he discovered in a sub-dimensional world, and the proceeds from killing the black dragon provided him with an income of about 60,000 gold coins.

This is not proportional to his efforts.

Afterwards, he deliberately calculated the wealth of the dragons and found that most of the dragons' net worth ranged from 20,000 gold coins to 200,000 gold coins. Even an ancient dragon could hold up to 200,000 gold coins.

Net worth.

Because they lack the ability to compound profits, it is difficult for them to truly become rich.

In comparison, the devil king in purgatory or some monsters in the star realm are much richer than the dragon.

If you are interested in this part of the content, you can buy the magic textbook written by Mr. Fei Capital.

Of course, like his name, his textbooks are also not very economical."

"After saying this, I just want you to understand one thing. If you meet a very rich mage and he also belongs to the alliance, then try not to go against him unless you are richer than him."

"In addition, if you want to quickly improve your combat effectiveness, then making money is the best way. Open a capital-free spell textbook and you will find a whole new world."

After saying this, Margaret made herself a cup of black tea and drank it in one gulp.

Matthew smiled bitterly when he heard this.

Margaret asked immediately:

"What? You look down on this way of fighting?"

Matthew shook his head and said:

"I'm not very rich."

Margaret didn't care:

"No one is born rich. Mage is a profession that can create miracles. I am just telling you the importance of money. It is almost everything a mage is, but it cannot completely replace the mage himself."

"Throughout the history of the alliance, every legendary mage is a master of making money. If you are naturally insensitive to money, I am afraid your path to legend will be very bumpy."

Matthew heard something in his heart:

"What about Your Excellency? I heard that you are also becoming a legend."

For the first time, a helpless expression appeared on Margaret's face:

“It has been ten years since I was rejected by Legend and I still haven’t found a suitable opportunity.

Regardless of what I say, I am actually not good at making money at all.

What I just said about the relationship between legendary mages and money——

It is exactly a reflection of myself.

I am a magic genius, a true genius.

But I really don’t know how to make money. Even after I reached A1, I still relied on teachers for support, and I still had to earn some knowledge points by giving lessons to others.

Maybe you think I’m making excuses, but this is my experience from the bottom of my heart——

So, Matthew, if you want to become a legendary mage, make yourself rich first."

No wonder all the mages in the alliance are corrupt and never honest.

Unexpectedly, there is a heaven-defying mage like Fei Capital who directly equates gold coins with combat power.

Matthew nodded with mixed emotions.

"Today's class will end here and I will be here on time at the same time tomorrow. I don't like to wait for others."

"As for the homework after class, write an article about how to make money and leave it to me tomorrow."

Margaret confessed furiously.

Matthew was stunned:

"Is this the end?"

Margaret asked rhetorically:

"if not?"

"Every section of my class is the essence. Of course I can continue to teach, but can you digest it?"

"Bite off more than you can chew. Remember to do your homework well. If I make money using your method, I will reward you."

Her attitude is quite candid.

Matthew asked curiously:

"What's the reward?"

Margaret suddenly showed a disgusted expression:

"You don't really want to lick my toes, do you?"

Matthew quickly denied it.

Unexpectedly, Margaret said to herself:

"It's not impossible."

Matthew's head was filled with questions.

"I heard that you and Blinken had a conflict?"

Margaret asked suddenly.

Matthew thought for a moment and replied cautiously:

"There were a few minor conflicts, but no real fights."

"That's a shame."

Margaret said to him:

"If you see him next time, please be sure to beat him to death! If you can agree to my request, I can even give you a detailed introduction to Blinken's specific information and combat habits."

Matthew asked:

"Do you have any grudge against him?"

Margaret replied calmly:

"There is no talk of deep hatred."

"But he's my ex-boyfriend."

"If you can kill him, I will give you real sweetness."

When leaving the Crucible Room.

Matthew's mind was still buzzing.

He has long recognized the importance of money to a mage.

But Margaret's explanation today opened the door to a new world for him.

after class.

Matthew went straight to Isabel's laboratory and exchanged a large amount of points for several spell textbooks written by Fei Capital himself, which also included a list of Fei Capital's series of spells.

It is worth mentioning that.

Matthew noticed that the exchange frequency of these textbooks was not high, which meant that the capital-free series of spells were rarely used by people within the alliance.

He glanced at the list and saw that the cost of learning the individual spells marked on it was no higher than other spells.

However, the fact that casting spells requires gold coins still discourages most people.

Matthew has neither the intention nor the ability to take a capital-consuming route.

But he still understands the principle of knowing oneself and the enemy and being able to win a hundred battles.

He is studying these techniques now so that he can have some strength to resist when he encounters a gold medal player one day.

Walking on the streets of the Mage District.

The early summer wind blew Matthew's face.

while walking.

He suddenly slapped his thigh.


Matthew suddenly remembered what he had forgotten.

This chapter has been completed!
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