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Chapter 400 Who says everyone is one of our own?

Matthew and Rhaegar walked into the door of the Lord's Mansion, and within a few steps, they bumped into Sif in the corridor leading to the original office hall.

She was chatting with Mrs. Wesley.

Mrs. Wesley told her the story of how Rhaegar was looking for someone to see a doctor for her bad legs and feet, but met a quack doctor. The legs were cured, but her head started to hurt again.

Sif listened with a smile on her face, nodding slightly from time to time. She still looked so well-behaved and lovable on the outside.

"You've lost a lot of weight!"

Rhaegar stepped in front of Sif.

He was actually a little excited, but overall he behaved quite calmly.

Mrs. Wesley next to her interjected:

"I'm taller, so I look a little thinner."

Sif stood between the two of them, the smile on her face became even warmer.

She took the initiative to hug Rhaegar.

But in the process of hugging.

Her eyes fell on Matthew.

Matthew smiled back.

A hint of surprise flashed in Sif's eyes.

However, she hid this very well. After letting go, she spent most of her energy talking to Rhaegar.

He and Matthew just said hello lightly.

Matthew stood aside very intelligently and chatted word by word with Mrs. Wesley, leaving enough space for the reunion of father and daughter.

But in this process.

He was also carefully observing Sif's changes——

The rebellious spirit I felt when I left Rolling Stone seems to have disappeared.

She looked as well-behaved as ever.

Sif was wearing a white floral dress today, looking like a cute girl next door.

It is worth mentioning that.

Matthew noticed that all the freckles on her face had disappeared and her skin had become fairer.

As Mrs. Wesley said.

She is a little taller - originally she was not short, only half a head shorter than Matthew, but now she has a tendency to be infinitely close to Matthew in height!

This made Matthew feel a vague sense of pressure.

Her hair also changed from brown-red to a darker burgundy.

Matthew was sure she didn't dye her hair.

Then it should be the effect after the Warlock's bloodline is awakened.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Matthew always felt that there was something hidden in Sif's fluffy red hair.

There seems to be some kind of life form hiding inside.

"It's not like Nini, the companion devil from before..."

"It seems like...a small snake?"

Matthew was also unsure.

For him, Sif's body was shrouded in a layer of fog from beginning to end. This layer of fog blocked his perception. He couldn't even determine Sif's current strength and level at the first time!

The blood of Baator is indeed the strongest bloodline in Purgatory.

Rhaegar looked like she had a lot to say to Sif.

He took his daughter to the study room at the back to talk in detail.

Matthew was not disappointed, and after saying hello to the two of them, he went to the office lobby to hang out alone.

He originally just wanted to find a place to kill time, but he didn't expect to meet Zeller here who was looking for something in a pile of documents.

When Matthew passed by.

Zeller was bending over and coughing, flipping through the documents on the bookshelf quickly with both hands, and the focus of his eyes never left his hands.

"Your cough seems worse than before?"

"Don't you really need to find a doctor?"

Matthew sat down on Rhaegar's desk and asked with some concern.

Zeller raised his head in surprise, and then a happy smile appeared on his face:

"You're back, Matthew?"

"Well, it's time to come back..."

"As for my cough, didn't I tell you before? It has nothing to do with the disease. Its root cause lies in my bloodline."

Matthew asked curiously:

"Is there anything wrong with the Amethyst Dragon's bloodline?"

Zeller stretched, put a stack of documents from the bottom to the top, and then poured himself a glass of cold ginger water.

After drinking.

His cough subsided slightly.

Matthew felt reassured.

He holds the realm of life and the realm of plague in his hands. With the most basic intuition, he can also determine that there is no problem with Zeller's life status, and it does not seem to be a disease.

It should indeed be a side effect of the warlock's bloodline as the other party said.

"The awakening of the bloodline gives the warlock the extraordinary power to enjoy the benefits, but of course it also brings some disadvantages."

Zeller explained slowly:

"Emotional ups and downs are only part of it. When it comes to personal aspects, every warlock will face different problems."

"As for me, every time I awaken a new ability or spell, there will be some extreme physical phenomena."

"For example, this cough that lasted for a long time was mainly because my lungs and trachea were extremely itchy, as if something was about to grow."

"When I went to bed last night, I dreamed that I had turned into a dragon, lying on a hill and breathing crazily. It felt so good, as if I could tear my itchy lungs directly with my hands."

"I'm probably going to have a dragon's breath bag here..."

He could only point to his chest and neck.

Matthew finally felt relieved:

"That's a good thing."

Zeller shook his head helplessly:

"Not necessarily."

"Many times, changes in bloodline may not bring complete benefits."

"There are also warlocks who kill themselves during the awakening process, and the proportion of this group is not low."

"Because there is no way to control the direction of awakening, some warlocks will take the initiative to limit their bloodline after they mature to ensure that the next awakening will not make them doomed."

"In a situation like mine, there is indeed a situation where a dragon's breath sac suddenly appears in the chest one day, and the lungs are squeezed and exploded..."

"But the probability of this happening is very low. I will pay attention to my physical condition at all times."

Matthew nodded slightly.

Zeller is a very reliable guy. As long as he doesn't encounter a problem that cannot be solved, he doesn't need anyone else to worry about him.

So after chatting for a few more topics about bloodlines.

Matthew turned to ask:

“How are preparations for Rolling Stone Kingdom going?”

Zeller pointed to the newly added bookshelves nearby and said:

"As you can see, it's a mess."

"To be honest, since the war, the city hall and I have been working overtime. But even if we are extremely busy, there are always countless things waiting for me to deal with every day."

"There is a massive influx of people from surrounding territories, and we have insufficient management personnel and cannot keep up with the demand."

"Look, this is the number of newly registered people, a total of 70,000 people! There are still some unregistered people. I estimate that the current population of Rolling Stone Town has exceeded 100,000."

"As long as these people wander around the city, they need food, water, jobs, clothing and housing."

"During this period, there was a serious shortage of various materials in the town. The original handicraft workshop expanded its production several times, but it could never keep up with the increase in demand. Even the sandpaper used by the city hall to record data and documents was not enough.

Got it!"

"As for various daily necessities, the Southern Magistrate Corps is willing to help us. They plan to build several golem factories in the new city, and the golems and constructs will be responsible for managing a series of assembly lines. This will provide new supplies for those who have joined Rolling Stone Town.

The population provides jobs and can also meet production needs."

"But the problem is that we need to provide the materials to build the golem factory ourselves. There are only two solutions at present, either to buy it from the alliance at a high price, or to continue to loan money to the Southern French Division Legion."

"Last night Rhaegar and I calculated that we have already taken out a loan for the new Rolling Stone City for sixty years..."

"Even if the golem factory can be established, it will be able to recruit and train enough skilled workers, and raw materials will be a problem."

"Let's take grass sandpaper as an example. This kind of paper needs to consume the skin of plants to make. Bamboo will also work, but there are not enough plants near Rolling Stone Town. Your woods have just grown, and the number is far away.

not enough."

"Raw materials for other necessities are also in various shortages."

"Also, there is also a big problem with currency. Many people report that they do not have enough currency in their hands to conduct transactions. This is because we used alliance gold coins to conduct transactions before."

"But the number of alliance gold coins issued is not that large. It is difficult to meet the sudden expansion of trade demand. Now many places in the town have begun to barter, and some people take the opportunity to drive up prices, or issue some strange credit items as currency.

replacement of."

"Not to mention sanitation issues. Rolling Stone Town has established a comprehensive system of sewers, dry toilets and fixed discharge points a long time ago. The locals in the town have always abided by the rules, but outsiders are very uncomfortable with it. Many people even

They don’t even know how to use dry toilets, and they still insist on defecating on the side of the road..."

Zeller vented his bitterness there.

Matthew will also give a few comments of his own at the beginning.

There was total silence after that.

He rubbed his temples:

"Fortunately, I'm just a spell consultant!"

"...What I regret most in my life is agreeing to help Rhaegar!"

Zeller concluded with a wry smile:

"There is no precedent in the human history of Irondor for such a large population to be gathered in one place."

"It's really noisy to have so many people packed into one city."

"Sometimes I really wish I could turn them all into frogs!"

Matthew could only say a few words of comfort.

Then he quietly brought the topic to the founding ceremony.

Zeller seemed less concerned about this:

"It's just a process, it's just a declaration ceremony."

"According to the suggestions of the Southern Magistrate Corps, we sent invitation letters to many city-states on the east coast, some port cities in the north, the Troll Kingdom, Jade Cangting, the Ancient Land, and some other forces."

"It is under the witness of these people that Ms. Qin Wuyue will crown Lei Jia as king. This is also a silent declaration - Lei Jia is the king, but the alliance is above the king."

"The ceremony will last about three days. The first day is a warm-up with various performances and celebrations. The second day is the official announcement. The third day will have more celebrations. Rega is still thinking

He had some ideas and planned to hold a martial arts tournament, but I severely rejected it."

"If he comes to you about this matter, you must not support him!"

Zeller warned earnestly.

Matthew smiled and quickly stated that he would not support Rhaegar in holding a tourney.

This thing is just looking for trouble.

And it costs more money.

"How's it going over there?"

"I heard that many elves died?"

Zeller asked.

Matthew sighed softly:

"It is indeed tragic, but it has nothing to do with us humans for the time being."

Zeller nodded:

"That's good, just stay safe outside and tell us if you need anything, although we may not be able to help you."

Matthew felt warm in his heart.

But he didn't say much.

He has long regarded Rolling Stone as his home, and friends like Rhaegar and Zeller are as close as his own family.

When Matthew was short of money earlier.

Basically, I borrow them from Rhaegar.

At the moment, Rolling Stone's finances seem to be a bit stretched.

Matthew thought about how he could help.

Just at this moment.

Zeller added:

"By the way, your subordinate Eugene once came to me. He said that he had solved the problem of demons around the forest, but he also said that the demons were not a lone army. There seemed to be a larger abyss to the east.

More and more demons are pouring out of the cracks. Those demons are currently active near Apple Avenue, but they may also be close to our territory in the future."

"I sent a group of scouts to investigate a few days ago, but there are no results yet."


Only then did Matthew remember that Eugene, the son of the forest, had led a team of troops to exterminate the nearby demons.

I haven't been back to the oak forest for a long time.

I actually forgot about it.

I didn't expect there would be a sequel.

"I'll go over and take a look in a moment."

Matthew spoke.

The area near Apple Avenue seems to be the territory of Mulan, the Shield of Gemstone Mountain.

The Terror Lord that Mulan killed before.

Are those demons here to seek revenge?

He and Zeller continued talking for a while.

It didn't take long.

A bright figure came in front of the two of them.


"Shall we go for a walk in the garden?"

It seems that Sif has already taken care of Rhaegar.

She came to Matthew with a smile and extended an invitation generously.

Next to him, Zeller lowered his head silently and continued to search for the lost files.

It was just a cough that had just subsided.

It seems to have become heavier again.

The garden Sif refers to is the small garden behind the Lord's Guard camp next door.

Matthew had been to this camp several times before, but he never noticed that there was something special about the courtyard behind the portal.

It was a summer afternoon and the sun was scorching hot.

The top of the garden is covered with strips of green creeping vines, but it is quite shady underneath.

This place probably hasn't been taken care of for a long time.

The path is covered with wild flowers of various colors, but it also has a unique scenery.

The two walked for a while, but neither of them spoke.

The atmosphere became a little subtle.

Matthew then took the initiative to ask Sif about her life in the Warlock Academy.

Sif answered naturally:

"Is boring."

"The teacher didn't let me have contact with other warlocks. She told me that warlocks must learn to be alone. Once they encounter a crowd, they must become the focus of the crowd. Only in this way can they live their lives, otherwise they will become the vassals of others.


"Warlocks repel each other, and there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Therefore, every student in the Warlock Academy has a separate space for activities. Even if we want to make friends, we will not get along with our peers."

"I also have a few friends in the academy, but they are all mages."

Do warlocks still have this saying?

Matthew thought for a while.

This seems reasonable, after all, warlocks rely on charm to make a living.

Two very attractive people together.

It's easy for a gun to go off.

"I thought the lives of mages would be exciting, but after personal experience, I discovered that their lives are more boring than ours."

Sif said a little embarrassedly:

"At the beginning, I felt that I wanted to make progress, so I often attended various classes given by mages. Later, I fell asleep in class for a long time and stopped going much."

"My life in college is very monotonous. I have to sleep 10, no, even 12 hours a day."

"The teacher hopes that I can activate the potential of my bloodline, but I feel that I can't..."

Speaking of which.

She suddenly slowed down and looked up at Matthew:

"Do you think I've become more beautiful?"

Matthew blurted out without hesitation:


"You are much more beautiful than before."

This is of course true.

The transformation of Sif's body by the blood of Baator is obvious, but the most important thing is the improvement in her charm.

Now Sif——

Matthew felt that her charm surpassed his own!

But he also noticed it.

When Xifu came back this time, although she always had a smile on her face, there was also a melancholy look between her brows that only adults can have.

She didn't seem as happy as she looked.

"Then you mean I wasn't beautiful before?"

Sif pursed her lips.

Matthew was silent.

Before he could think of the words, Sif laughed herself:


"You don't have to answer such boring questions!"

"And I also know that I was not beautiful enough before, and I am not beautiful enough now!"

"The teacher said that if you want to become an outstanding warlock, you must use various means to make yourself more beautiful."


She suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of Matthew.

A faint fragrance entered Matthew's mouth and nose.

Her deep, starry eyes met Matthew's, and her voice became extremely soft:

"So, Matthew..."

"Would you like to help me become more beautiful?"

Her upper body fell down.

Matthew subconsciously reached out his hand, but just happened to wrap his arms around that weak and boneless waist.


Sif hummed softly.

at the same time.

The prey mark on Matthew's waist also became hot.


Matthew's body suddenly became tense.

Almost at the same time.

Sif suddenly threw away Matthew. Her figure was as fast as lightning, and she rushed into the flowers behind her in just an instant.


Her movements were so fast that a series of afterimages appeared.

When Matthew's eyes finished focusing again.

There is already an extra butterfly in Sif's hand!

The poor butterfly was caught in the palm of her hand, and it was squeezed and twisted in an instant!

"Who's peeking?"

Sif's voice contained a hint of indescribable terror.

The voice fell.

The butterfly suddenly split into countless pieces.

They flew out of Sif's palm and landed on the path next to her.

Immediately afterwards.

A woman with an extremely hot figure appeared in front of them:

"I'm sorry for interrupting your fun."

"You can continue, I will pretend not to see you."

"Of course, if you have fun and invite me to join, I will also consider it."

"Who said everyone is one of their own?"

Matthew stared at the figure with a solemn expression.

He felt that this woman seemed familiar.

Sifu next to her blurted out in surprise:


At this time.

The news came from the data column in hindsight.

"Warning: You have encountered the bloodthirsty succubus Luticia (legendary devil/current queen of the Blood Flag Kingdom)"

I owe 2K, so I’ll make it up tomorrow!


This chapter has been completed!
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