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Chapter 401 An exciting show

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Ruticia's identity is the queen of the Blood Banner Kingdom.

Rhaegar's sister.

Therefore, it makes sense for Sif to call her aunt.

Lutitia is quite powerful. She can stand firm in the dangerous environment of purgatory by relying on her ruthless methods and super combat power.

Rhaegar once chatted with Matthew about Lutitia’s glorious achievements——

It is said that she once killed three legendary demons by herself.

It can be seen from this.

She is definitely no ordinary legend.

Matthew suspects that she already possesses the power of a high-level legend!

What appeared in the garden was Luticia's projection.

But even if it's a projection.

It also gives people a particularly amazing feeling.

Ever since she appeared.

Everything else in the garden seemed to have lost its color.

There seems to be a whirlpool on Luticia's body. This vortex can absorb the light of other objects around her and then focus it on herself.

There was a moment.

Matthew could feel that only Lutitia was left in his field of vision.

Even Sif, who had become much more beautiful, was subconsciously ignored by him.

this moment.

Matthew finally understood what Sif had said before about the warlock.

Charm is inherently unique and mutually exclusive.

If you become more attractive.

Then the people next to you will be destined to become your foil.

"No wonder sorcerers spend their lives competing for beauty..."

When Matthew thought this way.

The image of a black peacock could not help but appear in his mind.

He was observing calmly.

Sif over there has already said hello to Lutitia.

But her tone was not very friendly:

"This is a matter between Matthew and I, so I won't bother you, aunt."

Sif still looked smiling.

But Matthew could feel that her tone was full of caution and rejection.

Compared to Sif's nervousness.

Lutitia appears more relaxed and natural:

"Don't worry, I'm not here to steal your man."

"If I want to grab it, you won't be able to defend it."

A trace of a habitual fake smile flashed across Sif's face. She glanced at Matthew nonchalantly, and then said lightly:

"If I can't keep what I want, I would rather destroy it!"

An interesting smile appeared on Luticia's face:

"I like your personality, let's get down to business."

"I'm here to see you."

"You should also know that we have always hoped that Rhaegar could return to the kingdom, but he is a spineless waste. He sings some idealistic slogans all day long, but what has he actually done?"

"It is a complete waste to vent your overflowing desires on those mediocre bloodlines every day - those human women are simply unable to bear its genetic material. This is why he has only had a daughter like you for many years."

"Besides pursuing pleasure and wasting his time, Rhaegar has done nothing. He is just a playboy who uses high-quality resources to feed moths!"

"From the perspective of the Blood Flag Kingdom, he is a very irresponsible devil!"

Sif's face turned a little ugly.

But it was Matthew who took the lead:

"It's very rude to insult someone else's father in front of his daughter."

I don’t know when it started.

There was an extra scroll of exile in his hand.

Lutitia glanced at the scroll in Matthew's hand with disdain:

"I reserve my courtesy for those who deserve respect. Unfortunately, Rhaegar failed to earn my respect."

"You two are not qualified either."

At this time, Sif took advantage of the situation and said:

"Perhaps you are right, he is a very bad devil."

"But in my eyes, he is a very good human being and a very good father."

"Tieflings also have human blood flowing in their bodies, don't they?"

"You may not know that I prefer humans to devils - I would only feel ashamed because I am a devil, and at the same time feel proud that I am half human."

Hear this.

Luticia suddenly burst out laughing:

"How ridiculous!"

"You clearly enjoy the power brought by the devil's blood, but you want to evade the responsibility of being a devil, and instead regard yourself as a human being and feel honored?"

"You two, father and daughter, are really disgusting in the same vein!"

Xifu's face turned cold:

"Please leave!"

Matthew was already planning to tear up the scroll.

But just at this time.

Luticia said with a slightly softer tone:

"never mind."

"I don't want to argue with you two."

"I just want to tell you here today that you have the pure blood of Bator flowing in your body. You should return to the Blood Flag Kingdom, to the Red and Black!"

"Only the family castle can perfectly unleash the potential of the blood of Baator. There is the power there that can make you reach the sky in one step in the future and make your dreams come true."

"Sif, you have to know - fathers and lovers are unreliable, only your own strength is the most real!"

"Don't let the ideas Rhaegar and the human world impose on you harm you."

When Luticia said this, she felt a bit sincere.

However, at this time, Sif had obviously had enough of her aunt's persuasion.

She was already in a sensitive and rebellious stage, and her face suddenly darkened:

"There is absolutely no way I can go to Red and Black in this life!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Lutitia didn't look angry at all.

She just smiled faintly:

"You will come."

"Sooner or later, you will bathe in the volcanic lava of the castle and usher in a transformation like ascension."

"At that time, the blood of Bator in your body will be fully stimulated, and you will become one of the strongest people in purgatory."

"You are the destined daughter of purgatory."

"You can't escape your own destiny!"

The voice fell.

Lutitia's projection once again turned into millions of butterflies flying to every corner of the garden.

Most of the butterflies simply disappeared.

Only one with blue-grey wings flew in front of Matthew.

Luticia's voice then sounded:

"Tell Rega for me that today's conversation will not affect our cooperation. Escana will always be the home of Rega and his daughter."

"But I am very dissatisfied with the conditions of the last negotiation. He must shoulder the responsibilities of a man like his ancestors did. Let me tell you a number -

He must complete one hundred high-quality breeding behaviors every month.

This is my bottom line.

Otherwise, the cooperation between Rolling Stone City and Blood Flag Kingdom will still be nothing!"


Sif stretched out her little hand and crushed the butterfly.

She looked a little annoyed, and there were slight wrinkles on her cute nose.

Matthew was a little stunned when he heard this.

One hundred times a month?

Equivalent to three times a day?

Does it have to be high quality?

Is this still the fucking bottom line?

"No wonder Rhaegar never wanted to go back!"

Matthew could suddenly understand Rhaegar's fear of going home!

"I hate the devil!"

Sif waved her fist in a somewhat coquettish manner:

"Every devil I meet is so self-righteous. They always think they can see through fate and habitually point out the fate of others."

"My teacher once said that most people who talk about fatalism are bad people!

Some people have encountered some setbacks, and in order to make themselves feel better, they attribute these setbacks to fate;

They often force others to accept their so-called fate, which just gives them a reason to inflict pain on others——

After all, everything can be explained by fate.

There is no psychological burden when you do bad things!"

Matthew nodded slightly in agreement:

"What your teacher said makes sense."

Sif suddenly looked at Matthew with a playful look in her eyes:

"You just looked at her for a long time!"

Matthew pointed to the scroll in his hand:

"I'm looking for an opportunity to tear up the scroll."

Sif looked suspicious:

"Is it the scroll you want to tear?"

"Could it be something else?"

Matthew had no choice but to change the subject abruptly:

"By the way, what did you mean by becoming beautiful?"

Sif's expression suddenly darkened.

Her attitude became much colder:

"I'm a little tired, Matthew."

"I'm going back to rest first!"


She walked towards the garden, threw Matthew away in a few steps, and then disappeared.

Matthew was still hesitating whether to catch up.

Suddenly a figure appeared from behind his butt!

Matthew took a closer look.

That sneaky guy is clearly Rhaegar!

This guy was holding a red carpet in his hand, and Matthew looked familiar——

Isn't this the same invisible carpet that Rhaegar used when Sif came to her home?

Matthew suddenly understood why Sif's attitude suddenly changed.

However, Rhaegar patted Matthew on the shoulder and said with encouragement:

"Don't worry, she is just suppressing the devil's power in her bloodline, so she has become much sleepier than before."

"This is what her teacher told me in a letter. She also mentioned in the letter that after Sif went to the Floating City, she once actively cooperated in developing the power of Baator's blood, but after a while, she seemed to

I lost interest in this aspect and began to suppress the awakening of my bloodline again. Fortunately, there are no side effects so far, I just feel sleepy easily..."

Matthew's expression became a little strange.

However, he still nodded cooperatively.

Half a moment.

He asked calmly:

"How long have you been here?"

Rhaegar replied:

"I just came here and saw you in the garden from a distance. I wanted to hear if your relationship had progressed, but who knew she suddenly ran away..."

Matthew stared at Rhaegar's expression.

After confirming that he was not lying, I finally felt relieved.

He recounted what happened to him just now when he met Luticia.

Rhaegar's face turned pale instantly.

Immediately afterwards.

He said angrily:

"A hundred times a month?"

"Why didn't she do it by herself? There are no secret rituals for changing gender in the family secrets!"

Matthew suddenly became interested:

"Is there still such a ceremony?"


Rhaegar said with pride:

"The Kingdom of Blood Flag has been inherited for thousands of years and has a profound heritage. Whether a man changes to a man or a woman changes to a woman, there is no problem!"

Matthew always felt that something was wrong when he heard this.

He didn't have to point it out.

Rhaegar continued:

"Sif is definitely not willing to go to Red and Black. I know her character very well."

"But you have to be careful. The influence of bloodline is subtle. You have to be careful that she turns into a woman like her aunt in the future, otherwise you will be the unlucky one!"

"You have to know that the direct women of the Blood Flag family have surprisingly similar traits - they are extremely motivated and are a group of workaholics. The scary thing is that they have excess energy and think that others can do that too.


"My grandfather, my grandfather's father, both worked until they died of exhaustion in their posts as kings of the Blood Banner Kingdom!"

"My father saw these lessons, so he fled Escana and founded Rolling Stone Town!"

"Fortunately, he can run fast. With a body like mine that is prone to fatigue, it is impossible to survive twenty years in the Blood Flag Kingdom!"

Matthew asked somewhat amusedly:

"Is this the reason why you idle around all day and then leave everything to Zeller?"

"if not?"

Rhaegar was not ashamed, but raised his head proudly:

"He who can do it should work harder!"

"Besides, the Amethyst Dragon bloodline is naturally full of energy. If he doesn't find a way to use up this extra energy, he will also face more serious bloodline side effects like other warlocks!"

Matthew asked again:

"Speaking of which, we are all from the Blood Flag family. Why didn't you become a warlock?"

Rhaegar coughed:

"Not talented enough."

A smile just appeared on Matthew's face.

Rhaegar immediately moved on to the next topic:

"I plan to hold a martial arts competition at the founding ceremony..."

Matthew said without hesitation:

"I object!"

Rhaegar's face was full of astonishment, and there was still a little grievance in his tone:

"I haven't said what kind of tournament it is!"

Matthew blinked:

"Is there a difference?"

"It wastes people and money, encourages the habit of being aggressive and aggressive, and adds additional safety hazards... Just think about it, it is an activity with a lot of shortcomings, and it is not suitable to be held on such an important day."

Rhaegar was stunned for a moment by what Matthew said.

A few seconds passed.

He suddenly reacted:

"You must have gone to Zeller first, right?"

Matthew smiled and said nothing.

Rhaegar said dissatisfied:

"I am the elder of your magic guild!"

"I paid for many of the things you did!"

Matthew spread his hands innocently:

"I'm just talking about things."

"It's really not suitable for a tourney."

Rhaegar asked displeasedly:

"What would fit?"

"Since the martial arts competition in the ceremony has been cancelled, there must be other exciting programs to replace it, right?"

"You can object if you want, but you must provide a wonderful program!"

Matthew thought for a while:

"I can smoke..."

Rhaegar interrupted rudely:

"Fireworks are Bobo's show, she has already booked it in advance!"

Matthew was a little surprised:

"Have you already discussed it?"

"When was that?"

Rega took out the badge of the Magic Guild and waved it:

"You're behind, Matthew!"

“We’ve been discussing it in the chat group for a week!”

Matthew looked at it.

It really is.

I haven’t watched the chat group much recently. Most of the records in it are about Rhaegar and others discussing the celebration program at the founding ceremony of the Rolling Stone Kingdom.

It looks like.

Lei Jia invited everyone in the magic guild, and most of them agreed to come and watch.

"Then I'll think about it again?"

Matthew looked thoughtful.

"Okay, the tournament is cancelled, and the chief mage of the Rolling Stone Kingdom, Ma Xiu, will put on a new show."

Having said that.

Rhaegar walked away still a little glumly.

But it wasn't long before he left and came back again.

When coming back.

In his hand were several scrolls wrapped in tarps.

Rhaegar gave the scrolls to Matthew.

Matthew opened it and looked slightly moved:

"This is...the title deed to Rolling Stone City?"

Rhaegar nodded:

"Rolling Stone City has a total of 16 partitions, and the best 6 partitions are given to Qin Wuyue and Grand Master Luo Nan. This is also appropriate. Without their help, this city would not have been established."

"I have selected 3 plots for you from the remaining subdivisions. You can take 1 of them, and all the land and buildings in it will be yours."

"The development rights and management rights of the other two areas are also yours, and everyone still belongs to the new royal family of the Rolling Stone Kingdom..."

Rhaegar spoke in great detail.

Matthew felt quite comfortable.

In fact, he doesn't have much demand for the land in the New Rolling Stone City. In addition, the Southern Wizard Legion is busy with this thing, and Rega and Zeller are running it. He has no contribution, even if Rega doesn't give anything.

, and he won’t say anything.

Matthew is very content with the current situation of owning a large piece of territory northeast of Rolling Stone Town.

But this is Rhaegar.

Good thing I won't forget Matthew. It's really hard to find fault with what I do.

"I choose this one."

Matthew didn't show any pretense and directly took over the newly built urban area near the northeast. He also took the management rights and development rights of the remaining two subdivisions into his pocket.

Rhaegar then reminded:

"I plan to issue a metal currency in the near future. You can exchange it with me for alliance gold coins. There will be an additional exchange premium in the initial stage. This is to facilitate the issuance of the new currency."

"When you develop these areas and do some simple construction work, you hope to hire as many outsiders as possible, and then use this currency to pay..."

After listening, Matthew asked:

"Have you discussed this matter with the people from the Southern Magistrate Corps?"

Rhaegar nodded:

"Don't worry, the alliance has approved our coinage application."

"We have already taken care of these tedious things in advance."

"You just need to cooperate with the work of the city hall, and then - the most important thing is to come up with an exciting program!"

Speaking of which.

Rega said again full of resentment:

"My martial arts tournament has been cancelled. If the program you provided is not exciting enough, I will talk about you for a long time!"

Matthew smiled bitterly.

I had to promise that I would prepare carefully.

Then he left the Lord's Mansion.

Returned to the oak forest.

When he got close to the forest, Matthew saw the golden tree reaching into the sky from a distance.

Bogarde became more and more conspicuous.

Its overall height has not changed particularly exaggeratedly, it is still more than two hundred meters.

But the lushness of the branches and leaves above the tree crown is much more exaggerated than before.

Matthew looked around and saw emerald-like green leaves. The green leaves stacked up into waves. When the wind blew, it gave people the feeling of being in a green ocean.

Different from the giant trees in Jade Cangting, there are all shadows under them.

Bogaard's leaves can filter harmful substances in the light and transmit warmth to the space below.

Therefore, the vegetation under the World Tree has not been affected.

On the contrary, it is more green than other places.




Matthew walked among them as if walking on thick straw mats.

Some grass grew up to his waist.

Some mushrooms are taller than him.

The air is filled with a refreshing fragrance and a light muddy smell.

That's the taste of summer.

not far away.

A group of Pegasus fell from the branches of the World Tree.

They stopped at a lake to rest and drink water.

Matthew found out after talking to Obest.

This group of Pegasus is the same race of Pegasus Ollie in the heaven. They were invited by Ollie and attracted by the World Tree and the Sanctuary of Life, and finally chose to settle here.

These Pegasus are still very shy at the moment and have only talked to centaurs in the woods a few times. The rest of the time they hide in the clouds or in places where others can't find them.

Matthew felt that Obest's shyness was a bit exaggerated.

Because while the two were talking.

He saw with his own eyes that the black peacock, which had grown back its feathers, came up to chat with a young mare.

The conversation between Bird and Horse was lively, and I didn’t seem to be shy at all!

"This lake has also become a lot bigger, and the water has become cleaner. Wasn't there only a small pond here before?"

Matthew asked.

Obest quickly replied:

"I had people dig it up."

"The elders told me that there should be a lake in the forest of the Sanctuary of Life to carry the elves and spirituality of the water element. This can greatly enrich the life elements of this land, so I sat in the small water beside the stream.

It was expanded based on the pond.”

"So far, the effect is pretty good. The group of Pegasus only came after the lake was formed."

Matthew nodded in approval.

Before going to Jade Cangting, he gave Obest the discretion in the construction of the Sanctuary of Life.

Obest did a good job.

The centaurs not only dug a lake in the forest, but also planted a large birch forest northeast of the Mark of the Dead.

They built some strange fortresses and towers in the woods.

It is said that this is used to protect against the increasingly active evil spirits in the East.


The Centaur troops led by Obest are also actively building bows and arrows and expanding their armaments.

Judging from the mental state of the Centaur tribe members.

Matthew believes they are all good fighters.

Once on the battlefield.

These archers can definitely produce extremely dazzling effects.

"It seems like Obest is just being more tactically conservative."

"He was also aware of the threat from demons and prepared for it."

"And Eugene, the son of the forest, is more radical."

Matthew thought secretly in his heart.

He chatted with Obest for more than half an hour, and then he called Eugene to report on the situation of the previous elimination of demon troops.

"...We killed all the demons and asked General Lyric to carry the demon corpses back to the cemetery. After that, I followed their footsteps for a distance and found that those demons did not come from as I thought.

Resting Badlands or Apple Avenue, they emerged from the territory of Rolling Stone!"

The skinny son of the forest reported very fluently:

"After I ordered the large troops to return, I conducted several investigations alone, and finally determined that the wandering demons came from the subordinates of a demon lord named Eisner."

"Eisner's strength is very strong, at least not weaker than Legend, but his true form should not have come to the material world, at most it will be a clone."

"Eisner controls multiple abyss leading to the space-time rift northeast of Rolling Stone Town, and one of the directions is within Rolling Stone Town. I have found his specific location, but I dare not take action without discussing it with you.


"And there was a very strange castle near the time and space rift. I felt a very evil aura from it. When I talked about that castle with Mr. Zeller later, he also warned me not to act rashly. It is said that there is a castle called Ghost Castle.

There is quite a terrifying evil power hidden there, and the group of demons may have been inspired by the evil power, so they kept coming towards the surrounding area of ​​Rolling Stone Town."

Ghost Castle?

Matthew looked thoughtful.

There was indeed something wrong with that castle. When I went to rescue Sif, I encountered a strange white mist, and I only managed to escape by jumping off a cliff on Xiaofei.

Now he has something to do with demons again.

It seems it's time to explore the bottom.

As for the demon lord Eisner, the demon camp that Matthew previously raided in the Wasteland of Rest was built by his subordinates.

He also has Eisner's horn in his hand, which can be used to summon cavalry demons.

"The Battle of Wild Wolf Mountain really had a great impact!"

"Back then, Barton the Golden Lion was ambitious to build the Eastern Kingdom, but half of his life was lost because of that war. I heard that the current Eastern Region plans to form a principality governed by multiple city-states to deal with the increasingly rampant demonic activities.


Matthew was a little emotional.

Fortunately, Rolling Stone won the Battle of Moss Green Hills.

Otherwise, we might now face the same uncertain fate as many city-states in the east.

In a blink of an eye.

Matthew couldn't help but think again:

"Will the demons take action against the Stone Kingdom?"

"If their goal is to destroy the alliance's plan, then in the next period of time, Rolling Stone Town may indeed face pressure from the east..."

Zeller was obviously aware of this, so he reminded Matthew to check the situation in the northeast.

"You have done a good job in this matter. As agreed before, I will arrange a group of people to follow you. You can train them into rangers or druids."

Matthew first praised the Son of the Forest a few words, and then fulfilled the previously promised reward.

He asked Eugene to pay close attention to the situation in the northeast and report any abnormalities to him or Zeller at any time.

Then Matthew went to the cemetery.

Ali, the cemetery steward, came up to greet him immediately.

After greetings.

He suppressed his excitement and reported:


"The negative energy power furnace has been installed!"

"As you requested before, we opened the negative energy gap in the Valley of the Kings where Lord Philoleus is, thereby obtaining a large amount of cheap and high-concentration negative energy."

"The newly filled negative energy pool is enough to support a short flight."

"When do you think we will test it?"

Matthew's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Isn’t the show that I was worried about just now coming?

Rolling Stone Kingdom holds a celebration ceremony.

A large part of it is intended to deter surrounding forces.

And what could be more shocking than a flying cemetery?

Matthew was wondering whether he should let A Bing give special training to the skeletons, and find an angle to dance for the guests while flying in the cemetery...

After thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea.

A bit too hellish.

"There is no need for testing. I will check the specific conditions of the ceremony site later. You must also follow up on every step to ensure that it can really fly or not fall suddenly."

Matthew replied:

"Is there anything else important?"

Ali thought for a while:

"There have been many changes in the cemetery recently, but the most important thing should be related to Lord Philoleus."

"Two days ago, a bone pigeon crawled into the negative energy power furnace along the gap in the Valley of the Kings. He found me and asked me to tell you something. Well, his original words were like this -"

"Tell the master's master that the master seems to have a bad stomach. He is now lying in the valley unable to move, farting all the time, and has iron feathers growing on his body!"

"If the master's master is free, come quickly and collect his body!"

Ali's imitation was so lifelike.

Matthew could picture Bone Pigeon's expression when he said these words.

Something happened to Xiao Fei?

Matthew glanced at the data column and discovered Xiaofei's abnormal state under the list of contracted creatures.

"Philorius LV20 (promoting...)"

"Xiao Fei is going to be promoted to legend?!"

Matthew was surprised and happy.


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