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Chapter 131 Hermione: Rolf, you kept me awake all night

Making a Horcrux requires two steps:

Kill people and then tear apart your own soul.

The whole process is extremely evil, and will also affect the wizard's mental state, mind, and even... appearance.

Voldemort is a typical example!

Therefore, there is no doubt that wizards who can make Horcruxes are evil dark wizards.

And since the basilisk is a Horcrux and is still alive, it means that the creator is still alive.

Voldemort is difficult enough to deal with, but who can bear it when a dark wizard who has made Horcruxes is added to the mix?

Similarly, the deal between Rolf and Corvinus Gunter had to be terminated. After all, there was... a mole!

After returning to his dormitory, Luo Fu lay on the bed and thought for a long time before going to sleep. The alarm clock rang several times the next morning, but he did not get up. Instead, he turned it off and fell back to sleep comfortably.


When class was about to begin, he hurriedly got up. After washing up, he had breakfast in the kitchen, and then hurried to the classroom with Neville.

The first class of the new semester is Professor Binns' History of Magic, with Hufflepuff and Gryffindor taking the class together.

After arriving in the classroom, the two quickly found Hermione in the crowd and walked towards her.

Normally, Hermione would have taken out her textbooks and started previewing, but today she was uncharacteristically lying on the table to catch up on her sleep.

After Luofu sat down, she opened her eyes in time and stared at the boy with a death gaze.

Rolf looked back and was startled. He saw Hermione with two dark circles under her eyes. She looked sleepy, as if she hadn't slept all night.

He lowered his voice and asked: "Hermione, did you go out for a night out last night?"

"Who went out at night?" Hermione snorted softly. She suppressed her sleepiness and rested her chin on the back of her hands. "Only you would do such a thing that violates school rules."

"Then why do you look so sleepy?"

"Isn't it because of you?" Hermione raised her voice and said angrily: "It was so hard that I didn't sleep well all night last night!"


Hey, we can drink potions randomly, but we can't talk nonsense. Who tormented you last night?

Hermione's voice was loud and attracted the attention of many students. The girl also realized the ambiguity in her words. Her face turned red and she hurriedly explained:

"You only said half of what you said last night, which aroused my curiosity.

I kept thinking about this after I returned to the dormitory. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t sleep. I stayed up most of the night... Do you think it’s your fault?!”

Rolf laughed dumbly. Hermione's curiosity was too strong. Next time she bullied her, she would have a new method.

"Smile...you're still smiling!" Seeing the boy gloating about his misfortune, Hermione said angrily: "Why don't you just grin to your ears..."

"Then I can't cry, right?" Luo Fu put his hands in his sleeves, leaned back on the chair, and said with a faint smile:

"Don't get excited, I'll just tell you about Peter Pettigrew."

"Waiting for you to tell me? Then I don't even have to eat breakfast!" Hermione puffed up her cheeks and said, "I already asked Shirley this morning."

"By the way, I asked you to come early today last night, why did you arrive so late?"

"I'm sleeping." Luo Fu shrugged and said, "I slept until after eight o'clock."


Thinking that she had gotten up at about six o'clock, and then saw an energetic Rolf sitting there holding a book, Hermione's eyes were full of resentment.

She reached up and lifted Crookshanks' two paws and said:

"Crookshanks, bite him!"

Crookshanks, who was forced to open his business, did not fall for the trick, but could not help but roll his eyes at his master.

My bite hurts, and you have to blame me!

Just bite it yourself...you can grasp the priorities!

Soon the class bell rang, and Professor Binns walked in through the wall to start today's class.

Although Professor Binns died and became a ghost, he can still cast the most powerful area-of-effect magic.

It only took him thirty seconds to hypnotize the students into falling asleep. Even Dumbledore, who was experienced in teaching, would probably be in awe of this ability!

Sure enough, Hogwarts is still a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

But Professor Binns was quite narcissistic. He shook his head and continued to talk about the history of magic in the Middle Ages.

This semester has finished telling the story of King Arthur's unification of Britain with the help of the famous wizard Merlin. Now we will tell the story of the Four Giants and Hogwarts.

"Not long after Ravenclaw's death, Gryffindor also left Hogwarts. So far, of the four giants, only Hufflepuff was left, and she was also the first principal of Hogwarts."

"At that time, each house still had meals in its own common room, but Hufflepuff carried out educational reforms and allowed all students to eat in the Great Hall.

In response to fights between different students, Ms. Hufflepuff has formulated a strict point deduction system, and the final winner will receive the House Cup.

Most of our current systems are inherited from Ms. Hufflepuff."

It can be seen that Professor Binns likes Hufflepuff very much and always praises her. Of course, he also admires Ravenclaw very much.

As for Gryffindor and Slytherin, most of them focus on belittling.

It seems that Hogwarts was built thanks to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff... and their two useless men.

The story of the Big Four was originally very attractive, but because of Professor Binns' teaching style, all the students fell asleep, even Hermione.

After all, she didn't sleep well last night because of being tortured by Luo Fu!

But after Hermione slept for most of the class, she suddenly woke up from her sleep.

"How did Peter Pettigrew know the location of Nico Flamel's estate?"

Luo Fei, who was taking notes, was stunned. Do you still think about this kind of thing after sleeping?

"I don't know. Nico didn't investigate it himself. What, do you have any guesses?"

Hermione opened one eye, rubbed her cheek with both hands and said:

"Rolf, do you think Peter and Voldemort learned about it from the female reporter named Rita Skeeter?"

Luo Fu stopped writing, narrowed his eyes and said, "Why do you think it's her?"

"The summer before last, she reported your visit to Nico Flamel Manor, and I have been paying attention to her." Hermione whispered:

"That photo of you was the first one she published in the newspaper. That woman seems to be very well-informed and may know the location of the manor."

Luofu was thoughtful, tapping his forehead with the quill.

In the summer of the year before last, many famous wizards appeared in London and went to Nico's manor to attend the funeral.

This kind of thing must have attracted Rita Skeeter's attention, and she can turn into a beetle and crawl on others.

Although she couldn't enter the manor, she was able to determine the approximate location.

"Hermione, you are so smart!" Rolf stretched out his thumb and praised sincerely: "This possibility does exist, and the possibility is very high!"

Hermione smiled happily, and her two front teeth were visible again.

The girl wanted to say something else, but Professor Binns had already floated over with a gloomy face.

Everyone else is sleeping quietly, and it's just the two of you talking nonsense here. It's too much!

Professor Binns stared at Luo Fe and said sternly:

"Scadi, shut up! Ten points from Slytherin!



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