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Chapter 1128 Everyone plays games

Duan Hongxuan thought of a game called Monopoly. Although this game is a game, there are some simple business principles in the game. Although the business principles contained in the game are very simple and basic or even crude, it is very important to the people of this era.

He Yuyu was enough to open their eyes.

Duan Hongxuan did not completely copy the original version of Monopoly. He made some small changes, deleted some things and added some to make this game more suitable for the present. Duan Hongxuan hopes that through this game, He Yuyu and the others can have a preliminary start in doing business.

the concept of.

Duan Hongxuan took a large piece of painted cardboard and taught He Yuyu and the others how to play the Monopoly game. The game was not complicated at all, and He Yuyu and the others soon learned it. Unexpectedly, the three of them became very big after learning the Monopoly game.

Interested and enjoying playing.

While playing the Monopoly game, Duan Hongxuan also took the opportunity to teach them some basic business principles, such as buying high and selling low, how to judge market conditions, what is land price and what is the property market, how does the low-price property market rise and fall, etc.

The Monopoly game that several people played became more and more exciting. By playing this game, they realized that they could make money in this way. They could not only make money by going to work and receiving wages, which was an eye-opener for them.

For an entire afternoon, Duan Hongxuan was on hand to guide, and He Yuyu and the other three played the game with great interest. From being unfamiliar at the beginning to becoming more and more proficient at the end, Duan Hongxuan never expected that by the end of the game, the one who made the least money would be the one who made the least money.

Yu Haitang.

The three of them played this game for several rounds, and each time He Yuyu made the most money, followed by Qin Jingru, and Yu Haitang was even worse. Not only did he make the least money, but some of the rounds even turned negative, and he owed money to the bank.

A lot of money, which made everyone laugh, and Yu Haitang gritted her teeth angrily, but the angrier she became, the less money she could make. At the end of the game, seeing more and more money owed to the bank, Yu Haitang was so angry that she simply walked away.


Duan Hongxuan looked on amusedly. He could tell that Yu Haitang was high-spirited, had a bad temper, and had a short temper. People with this kind of personality were taboo in shopping malls.

On the contrary, Qin Jingru is neither impatient nor impetuous. After understanding how to make money in the Monopoly game, and after understanding the rules, she plays steadily and step by step, and does not easily covet high profits and high risks. Once she sees the risk of losing money, she will give up immediately, so every game

Although you won't make a lot of money while playing, you can still play steadily and there's no big risk, and you'll still make most of the profits in the end.

He Yuyu is a bit bold, and he dares to take risks for high profits, but he is not impatient at all. He carefully analyzes and compares every profitable project. Although some projects will lose money after each round, overall they are still profitable.


The three of them played this Monopoly game, which allowed Duan Hongxuan to better understand their personalities and their respective shortcomings.

Yu Haitang stopped playing, He Yuyu was elated, and Qin Jingru sat on the side with a smile, not humming, but Yu Haitang took an apple angrily and bit it viciously as if to vent her anger.

Duan Hongxuan smiled and comforted: "Haitang, it's not enough to play a game, you are too angry.

However, it can also be seen that you are a bit too impatient and unwilling to carefully analyze the risks of the project. As long as you see a high profit, you will invest heavily, but you must understand that in the shopping mall, high profits mean high risks.

You don’t like projects that make small money, but only projects that make big money by investing a lot of money. This means that all your investments are high-risk. If you are not careful, it will be like playing this game and you will lose everything and then owe money.

Big debt.

Fortunately, this is just a game. If you were doing business in reality, that would be fine!

Okay, okay, don’t be angry, it’s just a game. Naturally, you lose and win when you play a game. It’s not a big deal if you lose. Just sum up your experience and lessons and win again next time!”


As the biggest winner, He Yuyu laughed proudly and said: "Haitang, you are just too greedy. You always want to make a lot of money in one go. In the end, you didn't make a lot of money, but you even lost your capital."

I owe a lot of money to the bank.

You see, Jingru is not greedy at all and works steadily. No one can make big money, but she makes a lot of money in the end with such a small amount of money!

Fortunately, this is a game. If this is true, I wonder how you can repay such a large sum of money, even if I sell you, you can’t even repay it! Haha!"

"Why Yuyu!" Yu Haitang was ashamed and angry!

Duan Hongxuan saw this and quickly smoothed things over: "Okay, okay, there's no need to be so serious when playing a game!

Yu Yu, even though you seem to be able to make a lot of money by playing this game, this is just a game, and the difference between the game and the real situation is quite big!

If this is not a game, and I really want to give you a large amount of money to do business, if nothing else, putting such a large amount of money in front of you will scare you to death. If you are asked to invest such a large amount of money, you will probably

I have been so panicked for a long time. How can I be so relaxed and calm as playing games?

So, winning or losing in the game is not important. What is important is that through this game I hope you can understand some basic business knowledge, such as why this can make money, why land prices and property markets rise and fall, and how to judge the rise and fall.


Yu Haitang snorted proudly: "Huh, that's right, this is just a game. No matter how much money you make, what's the point? It's all fake!"

Not to be outdone, He Yuyu said: "You will lose money even if it is fake, but you will lose even more if it is real!"

"Hmph! If it were true, I wouldn't be as careless as playing games. Besides, I can ask Brother Hongxuan for advice. I don't believe that I can still lose money if Brother Hongxuan helps me advise?

Brother Hongxuan, do you think so?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" How could Duan Hongxuan dare to refute? If he dared to refute a lady in this state, he would simply be making himself uncomfortable.

He Yuyu was not happy when he heard this, and pouted and said: "Humph, what kind of ability do you rely on Brother Hongxuan? If you can make money on your own, then that's your real ability!

Brother Hongxuan, you are not allowed to give her advice. If you give Haitang advice, you must give me advice too!"

Before Duan Hongxuan could reply, Ru Ru who was sitting on the side smiling and watching the excitement quickly raised his hand and said: "And I, Brother Hongxuan also wants to give me some advice!"

Duan Hongxuan's head was getting big. It was really three women making a show. Now there are exactly three of them, no more and no less. "Okay, okay, okay, I will give you three ideas when the time comes!"

Really, you don’t think about it carefully. When the three of you really decide on a business alone, at least I have been with you for several years and I will definitely have to teach you a lot. Otherwise, how could I possibly do it?

I will give you a large amount of money casually to invest in your business!

My money is not brought by the strong wind. I can give you a large amount of money so that you can decide your own investment business. This money must be earned through my hard work. If you accidentally lose it, I will feel sorry for you!

Now this is playing a game. If you lose or make a profit, that’s it. Don’t take it too seriously. The key is that whether you lose or make a profit, the most important thing is to learn something from it!

Haitang, don't be angry. Although Yuyu is joking with you, he is right. Sometimes you are a little too greedy and always think about making a lot of money. But business in the world is not that easy.

Make a lot of money!

Just like the steel rolling mill, when Uncle Lou built the steel rolling mill, he invested so much, but he could only make money back by slowly earning a little profit each year.

A steel rolling mill is one that has a slow return on investment. Under the circumstances when the steel rolling mill was established, there were many businesses that made more money faster than the steel rolling mill in the short term. However, the steel rolling mill is very stable and long-term.

As a money-making business, when you have a large amount of money and are considering how to invest, you must comprehensively consider your asset allocation based on the funds in your hand and the current market conditions, and then decide where to tilt your investment.


Forget it, I will teach you these gradually in the future, and you will learn all the knowledge in doing business!"

Duan Hongxuan kept talking for a long time and finally persuaded a few people. He Yuyu and the others were thoughtful after listening to Duan Hongxuan's words. Yu Haitang was no longer angry. While slowly chewing the apple, he thought about the Monopoly game he had just played.

some decisions made.

At this time, Qin Jingru asked Duan Hongxuan excitedly: "Brother Hongxuan, you can borrow money from the bank in the game you just played. Can you also borrow money from the bank in reality?"


"But how is this possible? Why would the bank lend us such a large amount of money? They are not stupid!"

"Brother Hongxuan, why did the bank lend us money?" He Yuyu and Yu Haitang asked in confusion.

Duan Hongxuan looked at the three people who were full of curiosity and nodded: "This is a good question, I will give you an overview!"

This chapter has been completed!
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