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Chapter 1302: Duan Hongxuan looks at Silly Zhu with admiration

Sha Zhu is going to make a fortune, and it's not just a small fortune, it's going to be a big fortune. It's so big that when Sha Zhu returns to his family, he's still a little dizzy and can't believe it.

No matter whether Sha Zhu dares to believe it or not, Director Yang personally told this matter, and Sha Zhu does not dare to neglect it.

So next, Sha Zhu faintly made a report to Director Yang. When Director Yang learned that Sha Zhu’s friend could fully meet their purchase volume, Factory Yang was so happy that he quickly asked Director Lin to go there in person.

More than a dozen units counted one by one what they planned to purchase.

Director Lin spent a whole day making phone calls in the office to tally up what each unit wanted, and then handed the tallied items to Shazhu personally.

Silly Zhu did not dare to neglect, and with a nervous and excited mood, he gave the list to Duan Hongxuan that day. Duan Hongxuan glanced at it, took up a pen and wrote the unit price behind each item, and then handed the piece of paper to Duan Hongxuan as it was.

Stupid column.

Early the next morning, as soon as Shazhu arrived at the steel rolling mill, he gave the order to Director Lin.

Director Lin was surprised when he looked at the unit price behind each item on the list in his hand. After confirming it again, Director Lin raised his eyes and looked at Silly Zhu: "Comrade He Yuzhu, you are not a simple friend. You can provide such a large amount at this time."

The key is that the unit price is so cheap, which is not something ordinary people can do!"

Silly Zhu chuckled and nodded: "Well, Director Lin, you are right, he does have connections and skills, and his backstage is strong enough.

Ordinary people like me can't reach them at all.

I was just lucky, and I helped someone a little unintentionally. I didn't take it seriously, but they were so kind. Just because of such a small thing, they didn't think my status was low and they were willing to be friends with me.

As you know, I rely on my craftsmanship to make a living, and I don’t like to curry favor with others or take advantage of them.

If people can treat people like me as friends, we can't do that kind of thing. We can't look at other people's high status and take us seriously.

I can’t do this!”

Director Lin nodded: "Well, I agree with this!

Some leaders still know your name, He Yuzhu, but in your eyes there is no leader at all, so it is even more impossible for you to curry favor with the leader!"

"Director Lin, you can't say that. It's not that I don't pay attention to the leader. I'm just not willing to curry favor with the leader, but I do all the tasks assigned by the leader seriously!"

"Haha! Of course we know that, comrades like you who focus on work and don't flatter the leaders are good comrades!"

"Hehe! Director Lin, with my conditions, although I am not very rich, I still have no worries about food and drink, so I have been with my friends for several years and I have never asked them for anything.

That is to say, last year our director was overwhelmed by the procurement tasks assigned by Factory Director Yang and was really helpless. This dead horse was treated as a living horse and the doctor mentioned it in front of me.

I also saw that our director has treated me well over the years, and I also saw that the cadres and employees of our steel rolling mill have worked hard for a year. Director Yang really wanted to provide some benefits to the employees, so I went to find him.

My friend, it turns out that he really has a way out!

This time I went to see them, and they just told us directly that they could supply us with as many supplies as we needed, and you also saw the prices. To be honest, I was worried that my friend was losing money by supplying us with supplies.


Director Lin nodded in agreement: "Yes, I was shocked when I saw the unit price.

Although I am not responsible for logistics procurement, I know a little bit about this aspect. At the end of the year, this is the time when various units focus on procurement. Not to mention such a large quantity, even small batches are not so cheap, not to mention these two

The higher the unit price per month, the more expensive it is.

It seems like your friend is really nice to you!"

"That's right! People don't mind that I'm a cook at all!" Sha Zhu nodded proudly.

"Comrade He Yuzhu, I don't want to ask who your friend is. I just want to ask, after your friend has helped us so much, don't let others advance money for us in the middle!"

Silly Zhu nodded: "Yes, I was worried about this too, so I asked more questions, but I was told that they didn't advance any money at all, but they just earned less, or that they were supplying us with the money.

People hardly make any money from the batch of supplies!”

After hearing this, Director Lin felt relieved, and then thought for a while and said: "Comrade He Yuzhu, since you can meet such a well-connected friend, you must maintain this friend well. I'm afraid our factory will be indispensable in purchasing materials in this area in the future."

Please help!

They can help us so much, so it would be inappropriate not to let them earn some money.

No matter how good the relationship between friends is, such favors will eventually be used up. Therefore, I will first calculate the unit price quoted by your friend for this batch of materials. Then I will discuss it with Director Yang and wait for the total price of this batch of materials to come out.

, we can’t take advantage of your friend, so we can give your friend some extra points in the total price as a benefit of their help to us. You can help us later to thank you as our friend!”

Silly Zhu nodded: "Okay, no problem, Director Lin!

Then let’s do this for now, I have to go back to the cafeteria to work, and after you finish the statistics, I’ll go find my friend!”

Just like that, Shazhu really delivered this time, and the total price of the materials in the end was more than 50,000 yuan, which was several times more than what he purchased last year.

Last year Duan Hongxuan didn't dare to give more to Shazhu, but he still gave Shazhu a kickback of 20% of the total price.

If this year I give Shazhu 20% of last year's rebate, it will be over 10,000 yuan.

Good guy, just in this moment, this was the 1960s, and a stupid person became a household worth ten thousand yuan!

Silly Zhu can also do calculations himself, but when he calculates, if he calculated according to last year's standards, he would get more than 10,000 yuan this year. Silly Zhu is really stupid!

Because the quantity this time was too large, Duan Hongxuan was a little worried, so Duan Hongxuan searched around and finally found something in his memory, a magical mask, in the warehouse of the space.

Duan Hongxuan refined the mask and put it on his face. Suddenly, something very magical happened. Duan Hongxuan's face in the mirror was distorted and his body shape also changed slightly. In just a few seconds, a figure appeared in the mirror.

He is a strong man in his early forties with a beard on his face, tall and thick-set.

Duan Hongxuan looked at the changed appearance in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction. He will use this image when delivering supplies!

This mask was used by Duan Hongxuan to treat a warrior in the world of high martial arts. In order to thank Duan Hongxuan, the warrior took out such a mask that could be used to disguise himself and gave it to Duan Hongxuan.

Although this mask is relatively rare in the world of high martial arts, it is not very rare.

The magical thing about this mask is that after being refined and worn on your face, you can easily transform into other images according to your own wishes, including changes in height and shape.

Now this mask is not the original version. After Duan Hongxuan got the disguise mask, he felt that the mask was very convenient and easy to use. Over the next few decades, he slowly accumulated some raw materials and remade it based on the original disguise mask.

The difference between this replica of the disguise mask and the original is that the original has ten fixed images to choose from, while Duan Hongxuan's fake version can only choose three fixed images.

Now this strong man with beards occupies one direction, leaving only two choices!

Soon, it was the same route as last year, in the suburbs where there were no people at night. Duan Hongxuan, who disguised himself as a bearded man, spent several nights, each time handing over the money and delivering the goods to Director Lin, Silly Zhu.

A large amount of goods and materials were shipped to the rolling mill to complete the transaction.

The day after the transaction, Si Zhu rushed to Duan Hongxuan's house impatiently after work.

Duan Hongxuan saw Sha Zhu looking nervous and excited, so he wanted to tease him and pretend to be fine.

Silly Zhu couldn't sit still, so he pulled Duan Hongxuan out of the living room, and the two came to the yard. Duan Hongxuan deliberately pretended to be puzzled: "Brother Zhuzhu, why are you out here in the cold weather? Is it possible that these days?

My god, did my friend have a problem with his transaction with you?"

Silly Zhu shook his head repeatedly: "No, there is no problem, the transaction was completed yesterday!"

"The transaction was completed yesterday? Ouch! That's a good thing.

Since there is no problem and the transaction is over, nothing will happen. Why did you drag me out again? Is it possible that someone else wants supplies? By the way, it’s Jiang Jianshe, no problem. How much does he want? Prepare the money and go back.

My friend is in the same place and at the same time, so just let him take the convoy and pull it directly!"

"By the way, Jiang Jianshe, you almost forgot if you didn't mention it, I'll go find him and ask him tomorrow!

Hongxuan, I am not looking for you for Jiang Jianshe, I just want to ask, have you met your friends today?"

Duan Hongxuan shook his head: "I didn't meet my friend today. If you hadn't told me, I would have thought you hadn't finished the transaction yet!"

"What, Hongxuan, I mean, is your friend's side this year still the same as last year, that 20%...!"

"Twenty percent? Oh! By the way, your kickback, right?" Duan Hongxuan looked stunned.

Seeing that Duan Hongxuan understood, Shazhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time his heart became excited.

Duan Hongxuan deliberately pondered for a while and said uncertainly: "Brother Zhuzi, I really haven't asked you how much rebate they can give you this year. Otherwise, I will ask it for you tomorrow!"

Silhu was a little discouraged when he heard this, and Zhiah nodded: "Okay, I'll trouble you to ask!"

Duan Hongxuan looked at Silly Zhu and smiled: "Hehehehe, Brother Zhuzhu, 20%, you are too ambitious!

If I give you 20% of last year's price, it would be more than 10,000 yuan. Aren't you worried about burning the money in your hands?

I’m afraid it’s hard for you to save such a large amount of money in the bank, right?”

Silly Zhu was stunned. Indeed, this money was too much. If an ordinary person deposited so much money in a bank, it would be strange for the bank not to suspect it!

Silly Zhu looked at Duan Hongxuan and said, "Hongxuan, that's right for you to say. It's really hot to hold so much money in your hands. If you really want to deposit it in the bank, you're inviting trouble for yourself!"

Otherwise, Hongxuan, your friend will help you a lot. We can't be too greedy. Otherwise, let's forget it. This money is too much. I'm really scared when I get it. I have a wife and son now, and now

I have saved thousands of dollars at home, so I should be able to have food and drink now. But if I get into trouble because of greed and hurt my wife and children, then...!

Yes, you can’t be too greedy!

Hongxuan, I didn’t do anything in this matter. I was just helped by others. I just took advantage of them. This is really inappropriate!

Later, you can tell your friend about this and thank him for his help. Forget it if there is no kickback. If he really gives it, don’t give it so much. If he gives it, I won’t dare to take it!”

Duan Hongxuan looked at Sha Zhu in surprise. He never expected that he originally planned to make a joke with Sha Zhu, but he didn't expect that Sha Zhu could be so calm in the face of such a large sum of money. This really impressed him. It seemed that he

I really underestimated this silly cook!

Duan Hongxuan nodded to that person: "Okay, Brother Zhuzhu, I will ask my friend tomorrow!

But don’t worry, my friend’s way of getting things is very low, and I will definitely give you the benefits I’m supposed to give you. As for how much, I’ll ask tomorrow!”

"Okay!" Silly Zhu nodded, and then saw him let out a long breath, and his whole person became relaxed!

This chapter has been completed!
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