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Chapter 410 The huge pit in the solar cooker shocked Director Liang and Director Yao into a cold sweat

 Factory Director Yang and Director Liang both noticed that the expressions of the two ministers were wrong, but Factory Director Yao was not aware of it at all, and proudly reported to the two ministers his so-called measures to expand production and recruit workers.

Minister Lu's face looked extremely ugly at this time. He suddenly slammed the coffee table in front of him and shouted angrily: "Stupid! It's so stupid!

I think you, Yao Tietou, are not qualified to be the director of this thermos bottle factory. If the thermos bottle factory is in the hands of you, the director, it will fail sooner or later!

You are short-sighted, short-sighted, and you are in a dead position. I really don’t know how you became the director of this factory!

I think you, the factory director, are not qualified at all!"

Including Director Yang, Director Liang and Director Yao were suddenly stunned by Minister Lu's outburst. They never thought why Minister Lu was so angry or what the problem was!

Factory Director Yao gave him the nickname Yao Tietou. This nickname was not for nothing. This guy sometimes has a very stubborn temper. If he really gets angry, he is really tough. Unless you can make him understand that he is wrong.

, otherwise he would dare to challenge anyone.

Although Director Yao respects his old leader from the bottom of his heart, to be honest, he is still a little afraid of his old superior and old leader.

But at this moment, he didn't care much anymore. With a face full of dissatisfaction, he said bravely: "Old leader, I am reporting to you the work arrangements for the next stage of our factory as per your request. You suddenly did this for no reason.

You are so angry at me!

I know that my cultural level is not high. I didn’t listen to you before and study hard to improve my cultural knowledge. I let you down. If you call me stupid because of this, then I admit it!

But just because you think that I am not qualified to be the director of this thermos bottle factory, then I am really not convinced.

Since I became the director of this factory, I have been working hard for so many years, and I have been thinking about how to make our factory better all day long.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone after Lao Yang this time to get the production rights for this solar cooker!

I dare not say how strong my ability is, and of course I can’t compare with Lao Yang, but with regard to our dedicated attitude in our thermos bottle factory, I feel that although I, as the factory director, am not that outstanding, I can at least do it.

It is considered qualified!

If you say this to me, even if you ask our leaders to remove me as the director of the factory, I will not hesitate, but I will definitely not be convinced in my heart!"

Looking at Director Yao, who was holding his neck in disbelief and looking unconvinced, Minister Lu stopped being angry. He did not rush to respond to Director Yao's dissatisfaction. Instead, he looked at Director Yang who was looking nervous and asked:

"Xiao Yang, tell me, can you see where the problem lies?"

Factory Director Yang was also full of questions at the moment. He really didn’t know what mistake Director Yao had made. When the old leader asked him, he didn’t dare to be careless. After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head in embarrassment: “Old man.

Leader, I, I don’t know either!”

After hearing this, Minister Lu shook his head with regret, and then asked Director Liang: "Director Liang, as the director of our Light Industry Bureau, do you know what mistake Director Yao made just now?"

Director Liang was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead. Although the two ministers in front of him were not his direct superiors, after all, they were also ministers and could talk to the minister of the Ministry of Light Industry to which he belonged.

Yes, if your performance dissatisfies these two ministers, if they have opinions about you, and if they just say a few words in front of your ministers, your life will not be easy in the future, and your future will be ruined if you don't do it.


When Director Liang heard Director Lu ask him, he sweated even more on his forehead. He couldn't help but turn his brain desperately, thinking about what was wrong with Director Yao's words just now.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Director Liang's mind. Although he had no specific concept yet, he more or less understood the crux of the problem, so he tentatively answered: "Director Lu, is it because of the expansion of the factory's production?"

Reasons for scale and expansion of workers?”

After hearing Director Liang's answer, Director Lu finally became interested and continued to ask: "Then tell me, specifically why?"

Director Liang really didn't know why now, so he could only shake his head guiltily and said: "Minister Lu, this, I haven't thought of this specifically yet!"

Minister Lu couldn't help but feel disappointed when he heard this.

At this time, Vice Minister Xie on the side began to persuade: "Old Lu, I think you should stop making things difficult for Director Yao and the comrades of the Light Industry Bureau!

They have obtained the production rights of Taiyangzhao, and it is too late to be happy now. How can they consider so much!

Besides, if it hadn’t been for Duan Hongxuan’s reminder, wouldn’t we have just ignored this issue?

So in my opinion, they really can’t be blamed for this!”

Then Deputy Minister Xie explained to Director Liang and Factory Director Yao: "You, Factory Manager Yao, also said that the solar cooker can be used for at least ten or eight years without replacement. After two or three years, it is time to buy a solar cooker."

After buying all the stoves, do you still produce solar cookers?

If we continue to produce, there will be a backlog of products that cannot be sold!

But what if you no longer produce solar cookers and your thermos bottle factory doubles or triples in size and hires thousands more workers? You can only let them idle and let your thermos bottle factory take care of them.

Can the thermos bottles you produce afford so many workers? How much subsidies does your Light Industry Bureau plan to give them every year from now on to support these thousands of extra workers?

Don’t you consider the waste of investment and production capacity, and the idleness of a large number of workers?”

Everyone here is a leader, no matter how good they are, everyone suddenly realized it when Deputy Minister Xie said this.

Thinking that in a few years a large number of factories in the Thermos Bottle Factory will be idle, and a large number of workers will be working for nothing, Director Liang and Factory Director Yao suddenly changed their expressions. This time, not only Director Liang's head was sweating, but also Factory Director Yao

Sweat broke out on my forehead!

He raised his head and secretly looked at his old boss, and found that Minister Lu was staring at him with an unkind look. Director Yao quickly admitted his mistake: "Old boss, I was indeed wrong this time. I didn't think carefully, and I was caught in the moment.

I am blinded by my own interests! No matter how you scold me or punish me, I will accept it!"

Minister Lu sighed heavily at this time and then shook his hand and said: "Forget it, I can't blame you for this!

Let alone you, without Hongxuan’s reminder, Lao Xie and I would not have realized this problem! It seems that not only you need to learn and improve, but we also need to improve!

Sunshine is still produced by your factory, but you must remember not to blindly expand production capacity and recruit workers because of this, otherwise there will be big mistakes in the future!

Just produce solar cookers at the current scale of your factory. Your factory will only be responsible for the supply of solar cookers in the Beijing and Jinmen areas. As for solar cookers in other areas, we will distribute them to other different areas as your ministry suggests.

The prerequisite for the factory to produce is that it cannot expand production capacity!

The specific details will be handed over to your Ministry of Light Industry in written form by Vice Minister Xie and I.

Xiao Yang, go back and give a copy of all the technical information on the solar cooker to Xiao Yao and the others, and then take the original information with us, and we will hand it over to the Ministry of Light Industry!

Hongxuan, I’ll have to work hard for you later. Please help Xiaoyao and the others keep an eye on the factory and point out any problems to them in a timely manner so that they don’t make any mistakes again!"

Director Yang quickly nodded in response: "Old leader, I have already ordered the comrades in the technical department to start copying the solar cooker information!"

Director Liang and Director Yao were filled with gratitude to Minister Lu and the others, especially to Duan Hongxuan. Duan Hongxuan's simple reminder and Minister Lu's reprimand to them simply saved their future and political life.


Otherwise, in two or three years, when a large amount of the thermos bottle factory's production capacity is really idle and thousands of workers are left without work, both the director of the factory who is responsible for this and the director who promoted this matter will be dead!

Thinking of this result, both of them felt chills running down their backs. They couldn't help but feel scared for a while, but at the same time they felt very lucky!

Director Yao raised his eyes and took a peek at Minister Lu, and thought gratefully in his heart: After all, it was his old leader who cared about him. Although he reprimanded him with harsh words, this was just for his own good!

Director Yang was also frightened at this time. He originally wanted to help his old comrade, but he didn't expect that there was such a big hole in it. If Duan Hongxuan hadn't reminded him in time, this big hole would have definitely caused his old comrade to die.

There will be no burial place in the future. At that time, how can I still have the face to face my old comrade!

At this time, the three of them couldn't help but think of Duan Hongxuan, whom Deputy Minister Xie mentioned just now. Director Yang had already seen how evil Duan Hongxuan was, and they were just surprised again, but Director Liang and Director Yao were simply

I was so shocked by Duan Hongxuan, a young man of this age, that I secretly decided to thank Duan Hongxuan with some heavy gifts later. Firstly, it was to thank him for saving my political life, and secondly, I also wanted to take this opportunity to talk to Duan Hongxuan.

This genius is good at building relationships!

This chapter has been completed!
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