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Chapter 409 The complacent Factory Director Yao and the two disappointed ministers

 Minister Lu and Vice Minister Xie were very interested in the catfish effect mentioned by Duan Hongxuan. It was precisely because of Duan Hongxuan's proposal that the two ministers decided to introduce a catfish into the field of machine tool production and research and development, so as to stimulate the traditional machine tool manufacturing factory.

In this half-dead stagnant water, let’s see if they can continue to be as hopeless as they are now!

The catfish that the two ministers plan to introduce is initially considered to be Director Yang’s steel rolling mill!

"Lao Lu, is this the preliminary decision? Hand over the solar cooker to the thermos bottle factory, and hand over the production of new machine tools to the steel rolling mill?"

Minister Lu nodded: "I think it's okay!

The production of solar cookers will be left to the thermos bottle factory. Let Xiao Yao and his comrades from the Light Industry Bureau discuss the specific production task arrangements!

As for the production of new machine tools, the two of us will have to talk with Xiao Yang later and then make a decision!"

"Yeah! Not bad! The production of new machine tools cannot be careless!"

Duan Hongxuan thought for a while, looked at Minister Lu and Vice Minister Xie, and hesitated whether he should speak.

Minister Lu saw that Duan Hongxuan seemed to have something to say, so he asked curiously: "Hongxuan, I think you seem to have something else to say?"

Duan Hongxuan nodded and said: "Uncles, I have some suggestions about solar cookers!"

"Oh?" Minister Lu asked curiously: "Let's see!"

Duan Hongxuan thought about it for a while, and then said: "The technical content of solar cookers is actually not high, it is very simple to produce, and the technical requirements are not very high.

But if it can be promoted as soon as possible, it will have huge benefits in saving our country’s energy and saving people’s living expenses!

But with the production scale of the thermos bottle factory, it will be great if they can meet the needs of the Beijing and Tianjin areas next year!

Moreover, once a solar cooker is sold, it will not need to be replaced for ten or eight years. At most, the glass panel may be damaged.

At most, the later manufacturers can only provide scattered glass panels, and not much else!

Therefore, I suggest that the production of solar cookers can be based on regional distribution and find more manufacturers. It is best that these manufacturers do not need to deliberately expand production capacity.

Because once a certain factory specifically expands its production capacity for the production of solar cookers, after a few years, all those who need solar cookers have already bought solar cookers, and then the expanded production capacity will be wasted, because less sunlight can

Use it for ten or eight years!

Therefore, I suggest that those who provide solar cookers to the Beijing and Tianjin areas can be handed over to the thermos bottle factory. The northwest region can also consider finding one or two manufacturers to provide solar cookers to the northwest region!

What about the Northeast? Can East China, Southwest China, South China, the eastern coastal areas, etc., each find one or two manufacturers?

This will help solar cookers be promoted as quickly as possible without causing waste due to expansion of production capacity!

Uncles, what do you think?"

"Hi! Lao Lu, Hongxuan's reminder is so timely! We have ignored the production capacity problem of the thermos bottle factory and the problem of idle production capacity in the future!

Judging from the current production capacity of the thermos bottle factory, they can indeed only meet the needs of nearby areas such as Jincheng and Jinmen.

But according to what Hongxuan said about the prospects for the use of solar cookers, it is not suitable for the thermos bottle factory to blindly expand its production scale just to produce solar cookers. If it blindly expands its production scale just to produce solar cookers, at most three to five years later, it will

It results in a large amount of idle production capacity, which is a huge waste!

If we follow Hongxuan's suggestion and divide the production of solar cookers into different manufacturers, let them produce solar cookers without expanding the scale of production. This will not cause a waste of later production capacity, but will also benefit the development of solar cookers.

Promote it as soon as possible.

I think Hongxuan’s suggestion is very good!”

Minister Lu was also suddenly surprised and said: "Oh! Fortunately, Hongxuan reminded me!

Otherwise, if we just hand over the solar cooker to the thermos factory, they will definitely expand the scale of the thermos factory in order to rush the work.

But in two or three years, the thermos bottle factory will be completely idle due to the expanded production capacity and the recruitment of workers to produce solar cookers!

This waste is too great!

And from now on, the thermos bottle factory will become a major loss-maker and a major subsidizer of their light industry system!

Hongxuan’s reminder is very timely!

Lao Xie, let’s invite Xiao Yang, two comrades from the Municipal Light Industry Bureau, and Factory Director Yao to come in a while. The production of solar cookers in the Beijing and Jinmen areas will be handed over to them. As for the selection of other manufacturers

As for the specific production arrangements, let’s leave it to the comrades of the Ministry of Light Industry, so that we can’t do anything for them.

When the time comes, we must also give them the issues we have just considered in written form, and we must remind them that they must not blindly expand production capacity in order to produce and promote solar cookers!"

"Yeah! I think it's okay!"

"Hongxuan, go and call Director Yang and the others!" Minister Lu ordered Duan Hongxuan.

Duan Hongxuan nodded in agreement and quickly stood up to call Director Yang and the others!

As a result, as soon as Duan Hongxuan opened the door, he saw Director Yang and Director Yao standing in the corridor, not far from Director Yang's office.

These two people also saw Duan Hongxuan and quickly waved to Duan Hongxuan.

As soon as Duan Hongxuan walked over, Director Yang couldn't wait to ask Duan Hongxuan: "Hongxuan, what did the two leaders talk about with you? What specific arrangements did the two leaders have for the production of machine tools?"

Before Duan Hongxuan could speak, the factory director Yao beside him couldn't wait to interrupt and asked: "Where are the solar cookers? Did the two leaders say whether the solar cookers will be produced by our factory?"

Duan Hongxuan smiled and replied: "Two big factory directors, don't worry, just put your hearts in your stomach!

I'm just here to tell you to come in. The two ministers in the room have good news to tell you.

By the way, Factory Director Yao, please call the leaders of the Light Industry Bureau who came with you, they are the two ministers who have invited us!"


Everyone sat down in Director Yang's office and saw Vice Minister Xie nodding towards Director Lu, and then said to Director Yao: "Director Yao, we just discussed it and decided to hand over the solar cooker to your thermos factory.

Come to production!

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What plans does your factory have for the specific arrangements for production?"

When Director Yao heard this, he immediately looked at Director Liang excitedly. Director Liang was very happy when he heard the news and nodded encouragingly to Director Yao.

Factory Director Yao took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, and then answered Deputy Minister Xie's question: "Old leader, Deputy Minister Xie, thank you for your support of our thermos bottle factory!

Director Liang and I just discussed the issue of solar cookers. In order to promote solar cookers as soon as possible, the Light Industry Bureau decided to increase support for our thermos bottle factory!

If the solar cooker is handed over to our factory, the first thing we will consider is to expand the production scale of our thermos bottle factory as soon as possible.

We made a preliminary estimate. Based on the current production capacity of our thermos bottle factory, we must at least expand the production scale of our factory by more than three times to meet the initial production tasks of solar cookers!

The bureau will also provide us with financial and personnel support, and we will also recruit a large number of workers as soon as possible. According to preliminary estimates, we will need to recruit at least 2,500 more workers, which will also provide a large number of jobs for the vast number of unemployed youth in the capital.


Of course, we will also organize the best personnel in the technical department of the factory to understand the various technologies of solar cookers as soon as possible and further improve the solar cookers!"

Listening to the high-spirited and eloquent Director Yao, the two ministers listened quietly with expressionless faces.

After Director Yao finished speaking, Deputy Minister Xie looked at Director Liang seriously and asked: "Director Liang, what did your Light Industry Bureau consider?"

Director Liang replied respectfully: "Two leaders, our Light Industry Bureau will fully support Director Yao's production expansion and recruitment, and strive to make the solar cooker product available to thousands of households next summer!"

"Oh? Is this the decision of your Light Industry Bureau?"

"Ah?" Director Liang was a little confused when he heard this, but he thought for a moment and then continued to answer: "Report to the leader, this is just my preliminary decision at the moment!

As for how to specifically support the thermos bottle factory, such as the expansion of the factory, where to get the land, the construction of the factory building, the purchase of equipment, the amount of funds needed and the application for funds, the expansion of personnel and the arrangement of the leadership team, etc., these all require us

Let’s have another meeting to study when we get back!

In short, our Light Industry Bureau will definitely give full support to the thermos bottle factory!"

The faces of the two ministers were getting more and more ugly at this time. Director Yao and Director Liang were still immersed in joy and did not notice it for the time being, but Director Yang had already noticed that the old leader's face was wrong, and his heart trembled, and he couldn't help but feel

I looked at Duan Hongxuan.

Duan Hongxuan shook his head slightly at Director Yang with regret on his face, which made Director Yang feel even worse. But after listening to what Director Yao and Director Liang said, he didn't think there was anything wrong with their words.

I really don’t understand why the two ministers look so ugly.

At this time, I heard Minister Lu ask: "Xiao Yao, you just saw the solar cooker. If you buy a solar cooker at home, let me ask you, how long do you think this solar cooker can be used by your family?"


Director Yao thought about it excitedly and immediately replied: "Old leader, I have also seen the solar cooker. This product is not easy to break. I think it will not be a big problem if you use it for ten or eight years. If you take better care of it, I think

A solar cooker can last at least ten years!

At most, the glass panel above is easily damaged, but this is not a big problem. If it breaks, just replace it with a new one. The cost of a glass panel should not be very high, and it is completely affordable for ordinary people!"

At this time, Director Liang also noticed that the two ministers looked ugly. When he heard Director Yao's answer, he immediately felt that something was wrong, but for a while he couldn't figure out what the problem was!

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