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Chapter 88 Listening to three old men and women in wheelchairs chatting

 Duan Hongxuan, He Yuyu, the brothers and sisters chatted with the three uncles for a while, and then suddenly realized that the deaf old lady was not there.

So Duan Hongxuan asked: "Master, why haven't you seen the old lady?"

"The old lady is still in the house right now, and Qin Huairu is there with her!"

"Those three gentlemen, please just chat slowly while I go see the old lady."

Duan Hongxuan stood up and said, and then asked He Yuyu: "Yuyu, are you here to accompany the three uncles, or are you going to the old lady's place with me?"

He Yuyu looked at it and replied: "Let me go with you to see the old lady!"

"You three gentlemen, you can just chat for now while Yuyu and I go to see the old lady and we will come back later!"

Duan Hongxuan greeted the three uncles!

"Okay, you might as well go to the old lady's place.

Go over and chat with the old lady, and I will push the old lady over later.

If the old lady and you don't come, we won't be able to have a party here.

So you have to estimate the time!" Yi Zhonghai warned Duan Hongxuan and He Yuyu.

"Okay, sir. I don't dare to waste time. Don't worry!"

Duan Hongxuan led He Yuyu to the backyard. Just as he was about to go to the old lady's house, he saw Qin Huairu sitting on a stool under the shade of the trees in the yard, chatting with three elderly people in wheelchairs next to them.

There are three wheelchairs, one old man and two old ladies sitting respectively.

Duan Hongxuan took a look, and while leading He Yuyu forward, he said loudly from a distance: "Sister Qin, you have brought a group of old men and ladies in wheelchairs to have a meeting here!

But if you are also in a wheelchair, it will look more coordinated!"

When Qin Huairu heard the sound, she turned her head and saw Duan Hongxuan leading He Yuyu over. She said angrily: "Why are you here just now? The old lady has been waiting for you for a long time!

Before this person even arrived, he started teasing you, Sister Qin!"

Then he said to the deaf old lady: "Old lady, look at your little grandson, he is getting more and more naughty now, you have to take good care of it."

Duan Hongxuan, brother and sister, had already walked up to them and said hello to the elderly first: "Grandma, Aunt Wu, Uncle Han, how are you?"

"You silly monkey, you will make fun of your sister Qin as soon as you come here."

The deaf old lady scolded Duan Hongxuan, and then introduced to Aunt Wu and Uncle Han: "This is my little grandson Duan Hongxuan, just call him by his name.

The wheelchairs for the three of us were all made by him!

People are filial, but sometimes they can be a bit naughty!"

After speaking, he looked proud.

Aunt Wu and Uncle Han kept expressing their gratitude to Duan Hongxuan.

Duan Hongxuan waved his hands quickly: "Aunt Wu, Uncle Han, you two, please don't thank me!

I just made a wheelchair for grandma. The idea of ​​making a wheelchair for you two was proposed by grandma, and the money was paid by the three uncles.

Even the cement slope at the gate of the yard was made by Brother Zhuzhu!

I just assembled the wheelchair in the end, so I don’t dare to take the credit. You two would like to thank me. First of all, thank you to the old lady in front of you!

Then I would like to thank the three elders in the courtyard, and finally Brother Zhuzhu.

No matter what happens, it won’t be my turn!”

At this time, Uncle Han said with an expression that I had already seen through: "I'll call you Hongxuan!

I have heard of your name as a young scholar. Before I was disabled, your uncle was a fifth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. I know some things well!

You can't tell me how much this wheelchair is worth.

In fact, how much money did the three uncles pay? After all, how much money did you advance yourself? I know it in my heart!

Even if you don’t want to accept this merit, your Aunt Wu and I must keep this in mind!"

Aunt Wu nodded in agreement.

The deaf old lady saw that Duan Hongxuan was really unwilling to accept the merit, so she tried to smooth things over and said: "Okay, okay! If there is no merit without mercy, you should just treat him as a junior and just show your filial piety! <


He is still young, don’t flatter him!"

Seeing the deaf old lady speak, the two elders and aunts stopped.

The deaf old lady continued to say to the two old people: "With the wheelchair, it will be much more convenient for you.

Going out more in the future and doing more activities in the yard is better than being bored in the house all the time!"

Aunt Wu said with emotion: "It's more convenient now. In the past, I had to trouble the children if I wanted to go out. Let's just forget it!

Now I can climb from the bed to the wheelchair without the help of my children, and I can push the wheelchair when I want to go out.

When I got home, I put the wheelchair next to the bed and I could get into bed by myself!

This saves the children’s worries!

Now that I can go out, my heart feels much brighter!"

Uncle Han next to him began to persuade: "Sister-in-law, you are just too thoughtful and always think you are troublesome for your children!

Go out and chat with the old lady more often in the future, don’t take it too seriously, and don’t do stupid things like before!

Your son and daughter-in-law are so filial, you should think more about them!

Fortunately, you were discovered early. Otherwise, if you really went there, your son and daughter-in-law would not be allowed to have their backs stabbed!

Then you say how unjust they were!"

"Yes, it was my lack of consideration last time, and the old lady scolded me afterwards.

I won’t do stupid things again in the future. I can still help them take care of their children, which is considered to be very useful!

With me taking care of the child, my daughter-in-law can be free to go to the streets to find odd jobs, and the family can make more money!"

The deaf old lady glared at Aunt Wu fiercely: "I get angry when I talk about this matter. I am a grandma, but I still do things so unproportionally!

If it weren't for your poor health, I would have wanted to give you a good beating with my cane!

It’s really not worth it for your children!”

Even though Aunt Wu is so old, she looks like a junior to the deaf old lady.

Seeing the deaf old lady glare at her, she explained sheepishly: "My son is filial, and my daughter-in-law is also sensible and filial.

I have such a weak body that even taking medicine for a month will cost me less than half of my son’s salary.

My grandsons can’t eat meat even once a month. It makes me sad to see them!

My monthly medication expenses are enough to feed my grandchildren meat several times!

It’s really unbearable to see them being dragged down by a crippled old lady like me!

I just thought that if I leave, I will immediately lighten their burden, and their lives will be much easier!

Mr. Han, you are right, I did not think about it at the beginning.

Old lady, you are right to scold me. Even if you really slapped me twice, it was for my own good!

From now on, I will come and chat with the old lady when I have nothing to do, and I can also help take care of the grandchildren.

From now on, I will never do stupid things again!"

The deaf old lady said angrily: "You are right to think so.

Think more about everything from now on.

Your son and daughter-in-law are so filial, and your grandchildren are sensible. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you still have to think about your children.

You also have to take into account their feelings and reputation!"

"Yes, old lady, I remember!

But old lady, when it comes to my grandchildren, they are not as capable as your godson!

You are much more blessed than us!"

The deaf old lady found this very helpful, and nodded with a smile: "I am also very lucky, as an old lady."

Uncle Han next to him took over: "How lucky are you.

Zhuzi is your eldest grandson, the chef of the steel rolling mill, with a high salary and no shortage of food and drink.

Now here is another little grandson. He has been admitted to college at such a young age. He is filial and has a lively mind. Even we can get some credit!

Old lady, who wouldn’t envy your good fortune?"

"Don't envy me, your children are also quite filial.

When Da Zhuang marries a wife and gives you a few grandchildren, you will be full of children and grandchildren!"

"Alas! The rich man of our family has not yet found a wife, and it is this family that has dragged him down!

It’s really difficult for him to take care of us two old people at first, and to support our younger brothers and sisters at the same time!”

Uncle Han frowns when he mentions his eldest son.

The deaf old lady immediately consoled her: "Xiao Han! How old is Da Zhuang this year?"

"I'm already 23 in real life, I'm 24 in real life, I'm going to be 25!"

"Don't worry, I'll help you find out and leave some snacks for you!

Isn’t Zhuzi also single now?

I watched Da Zhuang grow up as a child. He is honest and filial.

Now that I have a serious job, it’s better than working in alleys and alleys!

I don’t believe that such a good child can’t find a wife!

What level of salary does Da Zhuang get now?"

"This year I am getting a salary of 27.5 yuan for a first-level worker. After the assessment at the end of the year, I will be promoted to a second-level worker. From next year, I will be able to get a salary of 32.5 yuan, and my family will be able to relax faster."

When Uncle Han said this, a slight smile appeared on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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