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Chapter 89 Learn about the factory’s grade system from Uncle Han

 Duan Hongxuan didn't know much about the wage system of workers in this era. He was very interested when he heard what Uncle Han said, so he asked: "Uncle Han, how many years has Brother Da Zhuang been working?"

"It has been four years. I was an apprentice for the first three years. I just became a regular worker at the beginning of this year, and I am still a first-class worker."

"Uncle Han, can you tell me how the levels of workers in this factory are determined?"

Uncle Han got excited when he saw that Duan Hongxuan was interested in this.

Qin Huairu, who was standing next to her, also became interested in listening. Because she had to go to work in the factory after giving birth during the Chinese New Year, she also listened carefully with her ears pricked up.

He Yuyu was sitting with Qin Huairu and looked at Uncle Han seriously.

I heard Uncle Han say: "These workers who have just entered the factory, as long as they enter the workshop, are basically the same across the country.

I worked as an apprentice for the first three years and received apprentice wages.

18 yuan in the first year, 20 yuan in the second year, and 22 yuan in the third year, rising by two yuan each year.

The three-year internship period is over. As long as you don't make any big mistakes during this period, you will be a first-class worker in the fourth year and receive a salary of 27.5.

In the fifth year, I am a second-level worker and receive a salary of 32.5 yuan!

As long as you don't get fired from the factory for making mistakes, you will have to work as an intern for three years to become a second-level worker, a total of five years. This is time to survive.

In five years, everyone can be promoted to a second-level worker. This is the same in all factories across the country!

Next, if you want to upgrade from the second-level worker to the third-level worker, if you want to get a salary of 32.5, you have to take some technical tests.

From then on, there were slight differences between different places and factories, but the differences were not big.

It’s not difficult to move from Level 2 to Level 3. Basically, more than 90% of workers can move up.”

As soon as Uncle Han said this, Qin Huairu suddenly interrupted and asked: "Uncle Han, what do you think, as long as you use snacks and don't make mistakes, you can get a salary of 32.5 as a third-level worker after working in the factory for six years?"
Uncle Han glanced at Qin Huairu and nodded: "That's right. As long as you don't cheat, you can basically get a third-level salary after six years.

Even if you cheat and fool around all day, even if you are just spending time, as long as you are not fired from the factory, you can still get a second-level salary in the fifth year!

In the factory, if you have worked for six years and have not yet received the third-level salary, you will be looked down upon by others. It will be obvious at a glance that you are a sneaky person!

It will be difficult to advance from level 3 to level 4, so you have to rely on skills to move up, and time will be useless.

There are many people who earn level three salaries throughout their lives and will not be promoted to level four when they retire.

So seriously speaking, workers from level one to level three cannot be said to be technical workers, but can only be regarded as skilled workers. As long as they are not lazy and can do the work skillfully, they can be promoted to level three.

In a factory, the real backbone is the fourth-level to sixth-level workers. These are the real skilled workers.

As for level seven and level eight workers, they are top-notch skilled workers.

This kind of skilled workers is generally only available in large factories like our steel rolling mill. Small and medium-sized factories that are slightly smaller do not have seventh-level and eighth-level workers at all.

Those small and medium-sized factories have a few sixth-level workers, which is already a big deal!

Even in smaller factories, level five workers must be treated as treasures.

From the perspective of job promotion, our country actually treats workers quite favorably. Therefore, when you enter the factory in the future, you must work hard and contribute more to the country, and you must be worthy of the preferential treatment the country gives to our workers!

In our steel rolling mill, the seventh- and eighth-level workers like the second uncle and the first uncle are treasures, especially the eighth-level workers of the first uncle. They are very rare in large factories. They are specially used to lift beams and process various difficult tasks.

Artifacts, dedicated to public relations for difficult tasks assigned by the state!"

Speaking of this, Uncle Han looked at Qin Huairu thoughtfully, and then continued: "So, in the factory, seventh-level and eighth-level workers generally do not have apprentices.

Those who really take care of apprentices are only the fourth to sixth-level workers. I really have nothing to say about your Dongxu family. It is the first time in my life that I have heard of an eighth-level worker personally taking an apprentice as his apprentice!<


At best, workers at level 7 or 8 can only have time to guide workers at levels 4 to 6. It depends on their mood, you have to be motivated, and you have to provide them with good food and drink.

Because starting from the fourth-level workers and going up, because the technical requirements are getting higher and higher, the difference in wages becomes bigger and bigger!

Take the old man as an example. In terms of salary alone, it’s 99 yuan a month, which is more than the factory director gets, not to mention other technical subsidies!

What I really got this month was more than 100 yuan!

Then tell me, which skilled worker doesn’t want to be rated as a higher skilled worker?

If you want to learn technology well, you not only have to work hard, but you also have to have a brain and the drive to study technology, and you also need to have a seventh-level or eighth-level worker to guide you.

Sometimes if you think about it by yourself, you will end up with a card that cannot be upgraded for several years.

A seventh-level or eighth-level worker will come over and give you some guidance, and you will be enlightened immediately. When you look back, your rating will be raised at the end of the year!

Of course, the prerequisite is that you have to be able to get into the technology!"

Speaking of this, Uncle Han paused and asked Duan Hongxuan: "How is it, little scholar, are you clear now?"

"Thank you, Uncle Han, I completely understand this time!

Let me ask you something again, Uncle Han, are there any jobs above level eight?"

"Eighth-level workers are the ceiling for workers. Once you go up, you are no longer a worker, and you start working as an engineer!"

"Uncle Han, what is the difference between an eighth-level worker and an engineer?"

"No matter how high the eighth-level worker is, he is still a worker.

Engineers are no longer workers, they are technicians.

For example, if you study mechanics in college and are assigned to our factory, you will start as a technician as soon as you graduate and then work your way up to an engineer.

In your first year after graduation, you can earn a salary of more than 30 yuan during your internship.

After the internship period is over, as long as you learn the skills carefully, you will be a formal technician in the second year, which is equivalent to getting the salary of a fourth-level or fifth-level worker.

If you work for three years and pass the assistant engineer test in the fourth year, your salary will be comparable to that of a senior official!

If you can really become a formal engineer, your salary will be much higher than that of a senior official!

Technically speaking, no matter what level the worker is, he is a worker.

What do workers do? They just work.

I’ll give you a drawing. You can process the parts according to the design requirements of this drawing!

What do engineers do? They design drawings.

Therefore, in most cases, even if you are an eighth-level worker, you will only process parts for me according to the requirements of other people's drawings.

Engineers have to ask you to design a brand new machine based on the needs of the factory, then let workers process it, and finally assemble the machine!"

As soon as Uncle Han finished speaking, everyone finally understood.

The look in Duan Hongxuan's eyes is different now. He has a high starting point after graduating from college.

Thinking about Duan Hongxuan's intelligence, what kind of salary will he get after three or five years after graduation? It will definitely be higher than that of a senior official.

God, when I think of this, everyone can't help but envy the deaf old lady. You think this godson recognizes her.

The old lady also understood at this time, and couldn't help but like Duan Hongxuan more and more.

Duan Hongxuan scratched his head in embarrassment at this time: "Uncle Han, the major I applied for in college is really the Mechanical Manufacturing and Design major of Shuimu University."

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

Uncle Han repeatedly praised: "Okay, great, the little scholar is indeed a little scholar!

I only know that you were admitted to university, but I didn’t ask in detail which university it was.

Only now did I know that you were admitted to Shuimu University, which is amazing!

After you graduate from college, you might just stay in the ministry, which would have a better future!

By then you will be the superior unit of our factory!"

"Don't dare, don't dare. After I graduate, I still want to enter a factory and have real contact with the front-line machine production.

But it’s still early, I haven’t gone to college yet!”

At this time, the deaf old lady interrupted: "Okay, okay! It's still early for him to start work.

Just like he said, I haven't even entered the university yet, and it will take several years to graduate!

We will wait until he graduates in a few years to decide where he will go and what kind of job he will do!

I think it’s almost time, let’s go to the Intermediate Courtyard.

After all, today's protagonists are Hongxuan and Yuyu. They haven't arrived yet, so everyone has to wait.

Go there early, don't make people think you are making excuses!"

"The old lady is right, let's go there early!"

"It just so happens that there are three of them, each pushing one.

My dear grandson, come and push my old woman!

Yuyu, you push your Aunt Wu, Qin Yatou pushes you, Uncle Han, let’s go there right now!”

This chapter has been completed!
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