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1350: The node that can completely reverse the situation!

Dong Runfang said quickly, "Why do you mean we are inciting your relationship between husband and wife? It's not like we send your mistress to your bed. How shameless are you?"

Of course Boss Pang is shameless.

He invited so many people to pass the message, but his wife did not withdraw the lawsuit before the trial. Boss Pang thought it was because his wife did not feel his sincerity, and kept shouting: "Liqun, I really know that I was wrong. I have already kicked that woman out."

If you run away, we will live a good life as a family of three from now on!"

Mrs. Pang did not stop, Pang Jinglong clenched his fists and wanted to hit someone.

"Forget it, the court is about to start, don't argue with him."

Wen Ying reminded her in a low voice, and Pang Jinglong took two deep breaths, "I feel very sick when I see him acting, but you are right, the lawsuit is the most important thing now."

He Zhen was surprised.

Pang Jinglong actually heard Ying's words like this. Is he still the impulsive and hurtful child he was?

Wen Ying and the others left, but Boss Pang stayed there gritting his teeth and asking the lawyer what to do.

The lawyer felt that it was difficult to recover, but of course he couldn't tell the truth if he wanted to make money from Boss Pang, so he told Boss Pang that there would be no divorce the first time, letting Boss Pang bite him to death and still have feelings for his wife.

"Repent in front of the judge."

The lawyer reminded Boss Pang, "She has evidence of your cheating. It's useless for you to deny it in court. It's better to admit it. Of course, admitting your mistakes is only the first step. Only by admitting your mistakes and facing them squarely can you correct them.


Why does Mrs. Pang insist on divorce?

The lawyer believes that it was not just Boss Pang who cheated.

Just because of cheating, Mrs. Pang had been divorced long ago and would not have endured it for so many years.

It was Boss Pang's eagerness to remarry his mistress that became the last straw for Mrs. Pang. This really trampled on a woman's dignity.

If Boss Pang wants to win back Mrs. Pang, he must correct these mistakes. If the court does not rule out divorce, Boss Pang will have time to repair the relationship before the next court hearing.

"Women will suddenly break down due to a certain point, or suddenly become soft-hearted due to a certain point. We can't find that 'point', so we can only try one by one."

Boss Pang has been thinking about the "point" that the lawyer said will make his wife Zhang Liqun soften her heart.

Isn't it enough to drive away mistresses and illegitimate children?

Boss Pang thought about it seriously and vaguely remembered that his wife Zhang Liqun had mentioned that she had had quarrels with his parents several times.

He said that his parents were too harsh and always used the old society's rules to demand their daughter-in-law. They did not treat her as a daughter-in-law, but more like a servant.

Zhang Liqun doesn't care about housework and is willing to take care of her parents-in-law, but she wants to gain a little respect.

Zhang Liqun said this several times, but was interrupted impatiently by Boss Pang.

"You don't go to work, so you are asked to take care of your parents. Are you being wronged?"

Boss Pang still doesn’t feel that this is an grievance, but since the lawyer reminded him, Boss Pang will always try. So before the trial, Boss Pang spent a lot of effort to persuade his parents to apologize to his wife Zhang Liqun in court.

The two elders of the Pang family were used to being domineering and unwilling to bow to their daughter-in-law. Boss Pang said that if he was divorced, he would let the two elders of the Pang family go back to live in the countryside.

The two elders of the Pang family reluctantly agreed.

In addition to his parents, Boss Pang also has a trump card that he is waiting to bring out during the trial.

Thinking of this, Boss Pang straightened his back when he walked into the court.

On the other side, Wen Ying was sitting in the auditorium with a look of anticipation.

Zhu Xiao looked at her sideways and whispered, "Are you such a gossip?"

Wen Ying smiled and shook her head: "Aunt Zhu, you don't understand."

Wen Ying came to listen. In addition to wanting to see Mrs. Pang regain her freedom, she also wanted to see her mentor's live teaching.

Zhu Xiao snorted softly: You're a little girl, you think you know more than adults? I'm afraid you don't even understand love!

However, seeing that Wen Ying was in a good mood, Zhu Xiao guessed that Xie Qian was fine.

Besides Wen Ying, there is also Pang Jinglong who is looking forward to the court session.

In order to celebrate his mother's upcoming freedom, Pang Jinglong specially cut his hair two days ago, and today he is dressed completely new from head to toe.

"He Zhen, I'm so happy."

Pang Jinglong said this over and over again, and He Zhen nodded clearly, "I'm happy for you too."

He Zhen's hurried return to China did not help, but He Zhen didn't care about the air ticket cost or the time spent. This lawsuit not only allowed Mrs. Pang to regain her freedom, but also allowed Pang Jinglong to completely usher in a new life.

From now on, Pang Jinglong will completely get rid of those bad people, right?

He Zhen missed Pang Jinglong, a young boy who was once so energetic.

Mrs. Pang's family and friends are all looking forward to the court hearing and the immediate divorce.

Attorney Liao has been practicing law for many years and has prepared very complete evidence.

From the fact that the female secretary and Boss Pang have lived as husband and wife for a long time, to the names of the biological fathers written on the birth certificates of the two illegitimate children, as well as the admission notice of the female secretary’s eldest son studying abroad, and even the fact that Boss Pang helped the illegitimate children hold parent-teacher conferences...

Every bit of it is evidence of Boss Pang's "bigamy".

With finances, life and emotions highly tied together, Lawyer Liao would never give Lawyer Pang a chance to argue.

Boss Pang's attorney actually had a thin layer of sweat on the back of his neck.

Boss Pang is legally illiterate, but not the attorney. He knows Liao Shiyan's reputation and status in the industry.

Fortunately, I didn't plan to have a head-on confrontation today.

It is an irrefutable fact that Boss Pang is bigamous. It is useless to struggle. It is better to admit it happily - when a woman is angry, the less a man admits his mistake, the stronger the woman's anger will be!

Boss Pang admitted in court that he cheated on his female secretary, lived with her for many years, and gave birth to two sons.

It was so refreshing that Mrs. Pang was a little surprised.

The judge was also surprised.

If every defendant was so sincere, the court hearing would save a lot of time!

Zhu Xiao and Dong Runfang were also surprised, and Pang Jinglong even saw Daddy from head to toe.

——This is no longer a struggle?

This was too smooth.

Wen Ying did not let down her guard at all.

Boss Pang is not a good person. Other scumbags may turn around, but Boss Pang will never do it!

As the saying goes, a tiger can't eat its own children. After Pang Jinglong killed someone in his previous life, Boss Pang was jumping up and down to get Pang Jinglong sentenced to death... How could a scumbag who had no love for his own son suddenly repent sincerely?

When Boss Pang admits to cheating, Lawyer Liao will take the next step.

According to the provisions of the Marriage Law, Mrs. Pang has the right to file for divorce and divide the joint property of the husband and wife in accordance with the law.

Lawyer Liao didn't even let go of the real estate purchased by Boss Pang abroad. Boss Pang knew best what kind of money Boss Pang had, and now there was another Lawyer Liao.

Boss Pang really hates Lawyer Liao. Jianquge

Wen Ying's eyes were filled with stars: "My teacher is so amazing!"

When Lawyer Liao proposed property division, Boss Pang's sensitive nerve was touched and he started his performance.

A tearful confession.

The reason for admitting to cheating is to seek forgiveness from his wife.

Now that he has cut off all contact with his lover, he will never secretly take care of his illegitimate child. The older one is already eighteen years old and Boss Pang is no longer allowed to take care of it. The younger one will also only pay living expenses until he is eighteen years old.

Boss Pang said that he could leave the money to his wife Zhang Liqun so that Zhang Liqun would have no worries.

Mrs. Pang was in a daze.

Is this still the person she knows?

In the past, Mrs. Pang would find various reasons to cheat in order to save some money for her son Pang Jinglong. Now she is actually willing to let her manage the money. How ironic!

Boss Pang said that the relationship between himself and his wife Zhang Liqun has not completely broken down. They have just encountered a bottleneck in their marriage. After this bottleneck, they will open a new chapter.

"Marriage will have problems, just like we always use one pot to cook. Over time, the pot will inevitably break. In the past, we would repair the broken pot, but now, we can't just throw it away..."

Boss Pang couldn't say such a thing because of his cultural quality. His attorney must have made Boss Pang memorize it.

Wen Ying glanced at the lawyer twice.

Well, it doesn't look familiar, I don't recognize it.

After more than ten years, I either didn’t continue to be a lawyer in Shanghai, or I didn’t get ahead.

Not only did Boss Pang admit his mistake, he also invited his parents to appear in court.

My parents-in-law, who used to be so aloof, actually apologized to me in a low voice.

Even though she knew why her parents-in-law were apologizing, Mrs. Pang still felt relieved from deep inside.

The smile on Pang Jinglong's face disappeared.

Pang Jinglong clenched his hands. He was afraid that his mother would be deceived and become soft-hearted.

How much is an apology worth?

Can an apology make up for so many years of oppression and harm?

If apologizing can solve all problems, Pang Jinglong thinks that he can kill the female secretary now. After killing him, if he says "I'm sorry", will he not have to go to jail?

He Zhen patted Pang Jinglong on the back to calm his little mood.

Dong Runfang is also very nervous.

Especially when Boss Pang brings out his trump card.

In order to prove that the relationship between the couple has not completely broken down, Boss Pang has witnesses.

The witnesses were none other than the two elders of the Zhang family.

This old couple has been well taken care of by Boss Pang recently. Their clothes are new, their appearance is neat, and they look decent.

Seeing her parents sitting on the witness stand, Mrs. Pang burst into tears.

Boss Pang apologized, and his parents-in-law apologized, but Mrs. Pang was unmoved because she had long ceased to consider the Pang family as family.

The Pang family is no longer a family, but her parents are still a family. The shackles of family ties make Mrs. Pang feel even heavier.

If the parents were forced to do so, Mrs. Pang would not be allowed to divorce... At this time, not only Dong Runfang was nervous, but even Zhu Xiao was worried.

As the saying goes, you should do your best in human affairs and obey the destiny. The "human affairs" have been exhausted. Is it true that you can't compete with the "mandate"?

Mrs. Pang regained her freedom, only one final step was needed.

The people guarding the door now are none other than Mrs. Pang's parents.

Pang Jinglong wanted to stand up several times, but Wen Ying quickly stopped him with quick eyes and hands: "Be patient!"

What to endure?

If he endures it any longer, his mother will be shaken!

At this life-and-death moment, Wen Ying remained so calm, and He Zhen also took action to hold Pang Jinglong.

Two friends, two friendships.

Pang Jinglong slowly calmed down and sat down slumped.

——It’s over, everything is over!

On the witness stand, old man Zhang, who was wearing new clothes, was very reserved.

Old man Zhang glanced at his son-in-law, Boss Pang, who was crying bitterly, and then at his daughter Zhang Liqun, who was weeping silently.

Both of them were crying, but for different reasons.

Finally, Old Man Zhang glanced at Wen Ying again and moved his mouth closer to the microphone: "Pang Zhigang is not good to my daughter Zhang Liqun. I support my daughter Zhang Liqun's divorce from him."

Boss Pang and the lawyer were dumbfounded.

Before going to court, they even talked to Mr. Zhang, who said that he would persuade his daughter not to divorce.

How is this going?!

Boss Pang feels that all his sea cucumbers and abalones these days have been fed to dogs.

There were still tears on Mrs. Pang's face, and she was also shocked. She never expected that her old father would support her divorce in court.

Old man Zhang straightened his back.

Xiaowen is sitting below.

Xiaowen said that you can't believe anything the Pang family says.

These days, the better son-in-law Pang Zhigang treats Old Man Zhang, the more scared Old Man Zhang becomes.

With Pang Zhigang's character, every good thing he did to him and his wife would probably be taken back from his daughter Zhang Liqun in the future. If Liqun was not allowed to divorce, wouldn't it be pushing Liqun back into the pit of fire?

Lawyer Liao smiled, "Ms. Zhang Liqun has been tortured in her marriage for many years. Her relationship with the defendant Pang Zhigang has completely broken down, and there is no possibility of repair."

This chapter has been completed!
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