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1351: The TV station’s preference for Slan!

In a divorce lawsuit, if one party insists on getting a divorce, but the other party does not agree to the divorce, the court will rarely award divorce when the first lawsuit is filed.

Even if there are general beatings, adultery or even prostitution in this marriage, the relationship between husband and wife may not be completely dissolved in the first divorce proceedings. Unless the divorced party has serious faults, including abuse,

Abandonment, severe domestic violence, cohabitation with others, bigamy... Boss Pang thought that he had his parents-in-law as a trump card, and he admitted in court early that he had cheated on his wife and had been living with his mistress all year round. Unexpectedly, the two elders of the Zhang family turned against each other in court.

He takes a clear stand in support of his daughter Zhang Liqun’s divorce!

Not to mention Boss Pang is numb, the attorney is also numb.

The attorney looked at Boss Pang with a sad look on his face: These are the parents-in-law who you swore to absolutely support you?!

In the auditorium, Pang Jinglong was very surprised.

Grandpa and grandma didn’t stop his mother from getting divorced?!

Thinking of Wen Ying telling him to be patient just now, Pang Jinglong's eyes were full of doubts: Did Wen Ying do something?

Dong Runfang remembered that day at the gate of Pang Jinglong's community, Wen Ying had been missing for half an hour and said she was thirsty and went to buy water... As expected, going to buy water was a lie, and it was true that the water in the brains of the second elder Zhang family was poured out.

Others couldn't do such a thing, but Wen Ying can certainly do it. Dong Runfang has also witnessed Wen Ying's growth all the way and has great faith in Wen Ying's ability.

Pang Jinglong and Dong Runfang turned to look, and He Zhen couldn't help but turn his head. Three pairs of eyes looked at Wen Ying, who looked innocent.

Boss Pang felt numb at first, then angry.

These days, haven't you been good enough to these two old guys?

I bought several sets of new clothes.

Abalone and sea cucumber are served every day.

After putting down the business matters and running around, even a glass of water had to be brought to the hands of these two old guys.

To put it bluntly, Boss Pang has never been so filial to his own parents!

"I don't want a divorce!"

Boss Pang yelled, "You only see me treating Zhang Liqun badly, but why don't you see me treating her well? I have raised other women outside, and I have never treated my family badly."

The lawyer coughed lightly, held down the emotional Boss Pang, and presented the evidence that the relationship between Boss Pang and his wife had not completely broken down.

Boss Pang did not buy a house for his illegitimate son, but bought a house worth 3 million for his legitimate son Pang Jinglong.

This house was bought 4 years ago.

4 years ago, Pang Jinglong was only eighteen years old. If Boss Pang didn't love his son, how could he buy such an expensive house for Pang Jinglong?

Mrs. Pang was trembling with anger.

The house in the name of my son Pang Jinglong was not worth 3 million 4 years ago. 3 million is the current value.

Furthermore, I bought a house for Pang Jinglong at that time because an elder in my hometown could not stand Boss Pang's "doting on his concubines and destroying his wives", so he stood up to support justice and gave Pang Jinglong the guarantee he wanted!

Now someone named Pang actually has the nerve to say that he bought the house for Pang Jinglong because he loved his son. It’s really disgusting.

Lawyer Liao still looked relaxed and signaled Mrs. Pang to calm down with his eyes.

"What we are going to fight today is a divorce lawsuit, not a custody lawsuit. Pang Jinglong is the only son of Pang Zhigang and Zhang Liqun. Mr. Pang Zhigang bought a house for Pang Jinglong, which does not prove that he is a qualified husband. As we all know, there is a general environment in my country that buys a wedding house for his son. According to customs, Pang Jinglong is 22 years old this year and may be talking about marriage in two years."


The father is a big boss. Isn't it normal to buy a wedding house for his son?

This needs to be mentioned specifically.

The judge asked Boss Pang if there was any new evidence.

Boss Pang's attorney continued to say that apart from buying property for his son, Mrs. Pang has not worked outside the home since her marriage. Boss Pang gives his wife at least hundreds of thousands of living expenses every year for family expenses. In recent years, he has provided additional money every year.

Hundreds of thousands of installation fees are for Mrs. Pang’s personal expenses!

"An annual membership card for a high-end beauty salon costs tens of thousands a year in membership fees."

"Famous brand women's bags, any one costs tens of thousands."

"Jewelry can cost thousands of dollars, but the most expensive watches can cost hundreds of thousands!"

The lawyer requested the submission of physical evidence.

The judge allowed it.

Several trolleys were used as display racks, and each trolley was packed with personal items that Mrs. Pang had no time to take away when she moved out of the villa.

Boss Pang had ordered these things to be thrown away a long time ago. The lawyer asked Boss Pang to get them back. Boss Pang found the female secretary's bastard. Before the bastard had time to deal with it, Boss Pang drove himself and pulled them back.

According to the lawyer, bringing Mrs. Pang's luxury items to court would have more visual impact.

A nouveau riche like Boss Pang doesn't have the habit of bank transfer when providing money to his wife's house. For so many years, it has been all cash.

The cash will not leave a record and cannot prove that Mrs. Pang is living a "spending money" life.

But Mrs. Pang’s personal belongings are acceptable.

Every brand-name bag and every piece of jewelry is a testimony to Mrs. Pang's luxurious material life over the years.

The lawyer spoke seriously and the judge listened carefully. Mrs. Pang's circle of relatives and friends, including Wen Ying, were both speechless and wanted to laugh.

Spending money like water?!

This is so fucking funny.

Not to mention Zhu Xiao and Dong Runfang who had been accompanying Mrs. Pang, even He Zhen who had just returned from abroad knew what Mrs. Pang's pile of luxuries was all about.

What to say?

Mrs. Pang herself feels very complicated.

The judge asked Mrs. Pang if these were Mrs. Pang’s personal belongings.

Lawyer Liao just asks Mrs. Pang to answer truthfully.

Mrs. Pang knew her belongings. Each bag had traces of her use. She checked each bag one by one before answering the judge: "They are my personal items."

Both the lawyer and Boss Pang laughed.

Even Mrs. Pang's parents-in-law were laughing.

——You spend so much money on useless famous brands, you prodigal woman! Let’s coax people back now, and then we can take care of them later!

The judge then asked if it was true that she spends hundreds of thousands on luxury goods every year. Mrs. Pang shook her head vigorously: "I didn't buy them. These bags and jewelry are all fakes. How can I, a housewife who suffers at home, have the money to buy luxury goods?"

, I can’t even order the driver at home.”

"all fake?"

This answer surprised the judge.

Lawyer Liao proposed property preservation, and the judge certainly knew how much assets the Pang family had.

The family is so rich, but Mrs. Pang actually uses fake brand names?

The judge looked at Boss Pang with contempt in his eyes.

Boss Pang got paralyzed for the second time.

"Impossible, I gave her so much money, and these luxuries are all real!"

Lawyer Liao said calmly: "If it is true or false, just ask a professional organization to identify it. It cannot be true or false, and it cannot be true if it is false."

When it comes to the division of hundreds of millions of family assets, Lawyer Liao originally did not expect to be able to settle the matter in one court session.

It will take time to have someone identify Mrs. Pang's belongings. Today's court session is over.

As soon as the judge left, Boss Pang became angry with the lawyer.

The lawyer's face was expressionless: "Mr. Pang, these physical evidences were given to me personally by you."

Boss Pang wanted to ask Mrs. Pang where she spent the money, but Lawyer Liao asked Mrs. Pang to leave first.

Hula la, a group of relatives and friends surrounded Mrs. Pang and left, leaving Boss Pang behind, unable to work hard.

"Zhigang, do you really want to leave?"

The two elders of the Pang family looked sad.

These two old guys were not reluctant to leave their daughter-in-law, but they were reluctant to have half of their family property taken away by Mrs. Pang.

Boss Pang looked gloomy and walked aside to call his mistress: "Are you causing trouble? All the things Zhang Liqun left at home have turned out to be fakes!"

"They're all fakes?!"

The female secretary was even more surprised than Boss Pang, "I have never touched that pile of things. If you say you want to throw it away, I will throw it away. If you say you want to take it back, I will go find it quickly. Old Pang, do you suspect that I took Zhang Liqun's things?"

Changed? I really died unjustly!"

The female secretary cried pitifully on the phone, and Boss Pang hung up the phone impatiently.

If it’s not that the mistress changed things, then what went wrong?

Did Zhang Liqun buy a bunch of fake famous brands?

I clearly gave Zhang Liqun money to buy luxury goods. Where did Zhang Liqun spend the money?

Boss Pang asked the lawyer: "She can check how much money is in my account, and I can definitely check hers too!"

"That's the theory."

The lawyer continued expressionlessly: "I'm afraid your wife doesn't have the habit of depositing money in the bank..."

Boss Pang was furious, "If she doesn't keep her money in the bank, then where will she put it?"

The lawyer actually wanted to ask Boss Pang why he had to give cash when paying for household expenses. It would be better to transfer money through the bank. The proof is as soon as the bank account is transferred.

Alas, this may be the habit of the nouveau riche.

The lawyer is really tired.

Relatives and friends cheered Mrs. Pang's victory.

As long as Mrs. Pang insists on getting a divorce, it doesn't matter if the court goes to trial this time but the situation is over for Boss Pang, and it will be difficult to turn around no matter how hard she struggles.

Mrs. Pang... No, although there was no verdict today, Zhang Liqun already felt in her heart that she had broken off the relationship with Pang Zhigang. She did not want to be called "Mrs. Pang" by anyone anymore. She just wanted to be Zhang Liqun.

Zhang Liqun hugged her parents and cried.

Old man Zhang wiped his tears while scolding Pang Zhigang for being nothing.

Pang Zhigang thought that bringing his parents-in-law to live with him in the villa would make them on his side.

His flattery had the opposite effect. The contrast between before and after was so strong that the two elders of the Zhang family were very frightened.

Pang Jinglong hugged the two elders hard and said, "Thank you for supporting my mother's divorce. Although you don't agree, my mother still has to divorce, but having your support is very important to my mother!"

Wen Ying walked aside and asked Lawyer Liao in a low voice: "Did you expect that Pang Zhigang was going to use Aunt Zhang's personal belongings as physical evidence?"

Lawyer Liao nodded lightly, "Of course I can't rule out this possibility. Divorce lawsuits also depend on emotions based on the evidence. If Pang Zhigang bites the couple to death and the relationship is not completely broken, the lawsuit will drag on for a year or two."

Zhang Liqun's purchase of fake famous brands was a stroke of genius.

Pang Zhigang never expected that Zhang Liqun would buy a fake brand name and thought he had found important physical evidence. The judge now has a very bad impression of Pang Zhigang.

Wen Ying rolled her eyes, with cunning and probing hidden in her eyes: "But it's still strange. Pang Zhigang's lawyer didn't think of identifying the physical evidence before sending it to him?"

Lawyer Liao smiled, "How do you know they haven't authenticated it?"

Wen Ying felt that she had guessed correctly.

"Someone is helping Aunt Zhang, right?"

This time, Lawyer Liao smiled and said nothing and did not tell Wen Ying the answer.

There are many things that lawyers can do but cannot talk about on the table, such as how Lawyer Liao got the court to agree to property preservation and how he could start the trial so quickly.

A hotel in Shanghai.

After being scolded by Pang Zhigang, the female secretary hung up the phone not only without a trace of grievance, but with a proud smile: Pang Zhigang wanted to get rid of him and get back together with Zhang Liqun, but there was no way!

Aunt Goujiuzi was very puzzled, "Those things from Zhang Liqun are all fakes. Why didn't you tell Mr. Pang?"

The cousin took away all Zhang Liqun's personal belongings that day, thinking that the luxury goods could be recycled at a discount, and she thought she had made a fortune.

I excitedly took it to a second-hand store to sell, but they said it was all fake.

My cousin was stunned at the time.

Are they all fake?

After all, Zhang Liqun is the first wife, but she can’t find an authentic item among a bunch of things?

The cousin immediately complained to the female secretary. After hearing this, the female secretary also laughed at Zhang Liqun's shabbyness.

Unexpectedly, two days later, Pang Zhigang wanted to find these things from Zhang Liqun, but the female secretary did not allow her cousin to tell the truth.

Pang Zhigang took away the pile of things to file a lawsuit, and his aunt felt that Pang Zhigang was going to be in trouble.

But why did the female secretary try to trick Pang Zhigang?

Auntie can't understand.

The female secretary sneered: "Of course I have my own plans. I have never treated you badly in these years. In the future, I will benefit from you when I become 'Mrs. Pang'. The premise is that you keep your mouth shut!"

The cousin smiled and said, "Oh, how have I never listened to you? Don't worry, I can keep my mouth shut."

This chapter has been completed!
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