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1337: Jiang Youjia’s revenge preparations

Xie Qian doesn't care about many things, and he rarely gets angry about other people or things.

With such a clear attitude, he felt that something must be done. The last time he attended the funeral of driver Feng Gao, Xie Qian felt that driver Feng's death was too innocent. A strong indignation and guilt forced Xie Qian to find out the murderer behind the scenes.

Even now.

‘Slan’ must collapse is Xie Qian’s true idea!ъìQυGΕtV.℃ǒΜ

For this reason, Xie Qian has been paving the way for a long time.

Silan's products were on the market before Xie Qian's car accident. At that time, Xie Qian asked Jiang Youjia to submit Silan's products for inspection. Jiang Youjia said that some internationally controversial additives were detected in Silan's products. Domestic

There is no clear rule against its use.

After talking to He Zhen tonight, Xie Qian has a deeper understanding of medical beauty products.

Zhao Dong was able to buy back the technology so easily because of those controversial additives!

The core patent of the product has lagged behind. It has no effect without additives. Using it will cause allergies and other sequelae. Long-term use will also cause other harm to the body. So if Zhao Dong wants to buy it, people will naturally be happy to make a profit.

The products of He Zhen Company are different. He Zhen bought a good patent through his girlfriend Rebecca. There are no shortage of additives, but there is no need to use those controversial additives, and the safety is greatly improved.

Jiang Youjia has been paying attention to the movements of ‘Slan’. Xie Qian asked Jiang Youjia about the progress. Jiang Youjia laughed:

"I thought you forgot about this!"

First there was a car accident, and after the car accident it was months of treatment and rehabilitation.

After finally being able to get out of the wheelchair and walk normally, Xie Qian fell in love again!

Interfering with other people's love affairs will cause them to be struck by lightning. Jiang Youjia feels that he can bear it and take revenge - well, the main reason is that Jiang Youjia's wife Lin Lin is pregnant and the child is about to be born. There are too many places to spend money in the future.

Milk powder, diapers, stroller, clothes and shoes.

When I get older, I can go to school, and there will be tuition fees, living expenses and tutoring fees.

If other people’s children want to learn painting and music, your own children can’t lose!

Then you have to prepare the tuition fees for studying abroad.

My child is about to get married after returning from studying abroad. Are the parents not allowed to buy a wedding house?

The child has not yet been born, but Jiang Youjia has already calculated all the expenses for the next twenty or thirty years after the child is born. He feels that the financial pressure is very high and he does not dare to joke about any "year-end bonus"!

Yes, the "year-end bonus" made Jiang Youjia grovel to his boss and not dare to disturb Xie Qian's passionate love without a wink.

Xie Qian didn't know that Jiang Youjia had thought so much, "You have been paying attention to the movements of 'Slan' and how many useful things have you collected?"

Jiang Youjia really collected a lot.

The high-end products of 'Slan' are mainly sold to beauty salons and plastic surgery hospitals. Jiang Youjia has been keeping an eye on these two places. The employees of beauty salons and doctors of plastic surgery hospitals actually know best whether 'Slan' products are good or not, but these people

People with interests will not say anything to others easily.

In order to get commissions, some employees will actively recommend customers to use "Slan" products.

"In beauty salons, the cheapest set of 'Slan' products costs several thousand yuan, mid-range products cost RMB 10,000 to 20,000, and high-end products cost tens of thousands! In plastic surgery hospitals, there is another charging model. In fact,

The products are pretty much the same.”

A rich man like Xie Qian feels that the products of ‘Slan’ are not cheap.

Ordinary working-class people can grit their teeth and afford a set of products worth several thousand yuan, but they cannot afford them for a long time.

Beauty salons and plastic surgery hospitals will vigorously promote "Silan" products, firstly because "Silan" products are sold at high prices and have high profits, and secondly, because Zhao Dong is willing to spend money on advertising and has become famous in a short time, and consumers are willing to


Zhao Dong had previously hired a well-known female star to be his spokesperson.

Recently, due to the sudden rise of He Zhen's company, Zhao Dong has stepped up his publicity efforts. The popularity of the female celebrities he previously endorsed has been almost exhausted, so Zhao Dong recently changed his spokesperson.

"I heard that I just signed a contract two days ago, and you know the new spokesperson."

Jiang Youjia's face was full of gossip, and he even gave it a try.

Xie Qian thought for a moment, "Signed Hu Man?"

Jiang Youjia was stunned, "...have you got the news?"

Xie Qian shook his head: "I didn't get the news. But you said that I know the new spokesperson of 'Slan'. I don't know many female celebrities in total."

Although Xie Qian is the boss of the film and television company, except for the period when he first took over the company, he was very hands-on, and later he only focused on the overall situation. Gong Sheng and Jiang Youjia went to any entertainment events, and he was really unfamiliar with the stars in the industry.

If you have to count on your fingers, the one you are most familiar with is definitely Li Mengjiao, followed by Xu Mei and Pei Yiyi, who was later signed. Oh, and there is also the talented Zhang Yangning.

After counting, only Human is left.

Among the only female celebrities that Xie Qian has recognition of, Hu Man is on the older side and is the most suitable to be the spokesperson for ‘Slan’!

Moreover, Hu Man has been blackmailed by Yu Tianlin, and the economy is relatively tight. He previously succeeded Cao Bo in investing in "Crown of Thorns" and lost several million. At this time, a brand wants to send money to Hu Man. How can Hu Man refuse?

What to say?

Firm atheists like Xie Qian feel that Hu Man has been on bad luck in the past two years.

Tianjiao has such a good development momentum. It turns out that Hu Man is already on the line with Tianjiao, and he has a falling out with Tianjiao over who sings the theme song of "Galaxy and You".

If there's a falling out, let's have a falling out. Later, Hu Man will choose which ship is going to sink.

No matter how many projects are launched in the film and television industry in a year, Hu Man will not invest in any of them, but he will invest money in "Throne of Thorns".

Now I want to be the spokesperson for ‘Slan’.

When 'Silan' gets a bad reputation, Hu Man will make a fuss again!

Xie Qian thought about it and guessed the new spokesperson of 'Slan'. Jiang Youjia was very frustrated: "You are as smart as a monster. It is the most boring thing to do under a boss like you. There is no room for small tricks!"

"So what kind of boss would you like to work for?"

Xie Qian was curious.

Jiang Youjia thought about it seriously, "Like Peng Guoqing?"

Xie Qian said calmly, "Then you have to pray that there won't be too many managers who are dawdling. Everyone thinks the same as you. Peng Guoqing's company will collapse soon, and you will all be unemployed together."

——Xie Qian’s mouth is so vicious!

But Jiang Youjia also had to admit that Xie Qian was right.

Working with Xie Qian, Xie Qian is very strict, the company is getting better year by year, and the management is naturally stable.

Follow Peng Guoqing to work, Peng Guoqing is ambitious, the company's management is scrambling to take advantage of the situation, and the company will soon disappear!

Jiang Youjia raised his hands and surrendered: "I choose to continue to work for you. After all, I don't have Peng Guoqing to be reincarnated. My father won't take out 20 million to do whatever I want! Okay, okay, back to the topic, I have indeed collected a lot of money during this period.

A lot of consumer feedback from ‘Slan’.”

Jiang Youjia handed Xie Qian the information he had carefully collected over the past few months.

Unable to hear the truth from the mouths of stakeholders, Jiang Youjia targeted consumers who purchased ‘Slan’ products and tracked the feedback of some consumers for several months.

Allergy-related bad faces are not an exception!

It's just that most consumers with allergies were fooled by the staff of beauty salons and plastic surgery hospitals, thinking that their skin type was not suitable for the product. After stopping using it, it returned to normal after a period of time, without any accountability.

A small number of serious consumers will receive discounts and cards from beauty salons to appease them.

There are only a very few serious consumers who cannot be appeased by beauty salons and plastic surgery hospitals, so it is handled by the public relations of "Slan".

"They'll put a seal on the money."

This chapter has been completed!
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