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307: Something more meaningful than winning an award

How is the family named Shu?

Greedy, calculating, high-minded but low-handed, arrogant...Cai Youlun can tell all the shortcomings of the Shu family. If Zhao Dong hadn't asked him to "help" this family, Cai Youlun himself would not want to deal with such a person.

When Zhao Dong asked, Cai Youlun's disdain was unabashed, but Zhao Dong was very happy to hear it.

If the three members of the Shu family were upright, kind and motivated, Zhao Dong wouldn't have contributed money to help the poor!

What Zhao Dong took a liking to was the character weakness of the Shu family. Especially when it was difficult to attack Wen Ying's parents directly, the Shu family was Zhao Dong's best choice - such a family, all bones were light, and they suddenly "

Once you become "developed", isn't it normal to step on your relatives?

This family of three would not be surprised no matter what they did to Wen Ying, no one would suspect Zhao Dong!

Zhao Dong comforted Cai Youlun with a few words: "Take care of that little girl from the Shu family. You must cultivate her arrogance. You have to control it well. When her bones are dry, let her sober up. Then you can give hints.

You can ask her to do anything."

Cai Youlun knew the virtues of the three members of the Shu family. It is difficult to produce good bamboo shoots from bad bamboos. Shu Lu's character was very limited and she was vain.

Teenage girls are very malleable. If they are guided well, they may not be able to correct themselves, but it will take a lot of effort!

However, Zhao Dong has no profit and cannot afford to go early, and he has no relationship with the Shu family. Why should he help the Shu family educate their children? Zhao Dong takes back every penny he spends on the Shu family with interest.

Cai Youlun just sighed a little. In essence, he and Zhao Dong are the same people. Zhao Dong wants to have a relationship with the Xie family, while Cai Youlun wants to rely on Zhao Dong, so he does his best to help Zhao Dong.

How much is that conscience thing worth?

What's more, the Shu family is greedy. That Shu Guobing, who has no ability at all, dares to brazenly say that he wants to enter the aquatic products market in Rongcheng. He talks about starting with a scale of one million. He really doesn't feel bad about spending other people's money. If Cai Youlun doesn't send someone to go behind Shu Guobing's back.

Keep it up, I estimate that one million will be lost soon!

Zhao Dong felt really relieved physically and mentally after making this phone call.

In fact, if Xie Qian will not return to Chengdu in the short term, Zhao Dong has no need to deal with Wen Ying. After all, Xie Qian and Wen Ying have only known each other for a short time. No matter how powerful Wen Ying is, she should not have left a deep mark on Xie Qian's heart.


But who told Wen Ying to refute Zhao Dong’s face?

After the Zhao family returned to China, although they brought funds with them, they had to start from scratch in their career. Not to mention running into obstacles at every turn, things were not as smooth as expected. They were still adapting to the domestic environment.

When the business was not going well, even if he met a little girl from an ordinary family, she would not take him seriously and refute her face. Zhao Dong's evil fire that he had been holding back for a year or two was directed at Wen Ying.

We still don’t know if Xie Qian will return to Chengdu during the summer vacation. Zhao Dong likes to plan things in advance. As soon as Xie Qian returns to Beijing, Zhao Dong immediately starts to transfer Zhao Qian to another school.

It doesn't matter which high school Xie Qian goes to. Zhao Dong will contact the best high schools in Beijing first, and after getting the exact information, he will send his sister Zhao Qian to be Xie Qian's classmate.

Zhao Dong specially called his sister Zhao Qian to explain: "When you go to the capital, Xie Qian will definitely be prejudiced against you at first, but you have to endure it and stay with him at a distance that is neither far nor close, even if he starts to drive you away.

, you can’t lose your temper, as long as you can stay, you will win! Wait until Xie Qian gets used to your existence, who can beat you?"

Zhao Dong estimated that with Xie Qian's aloof personality, there were not many peers who could get close to Xie Qian.

Zhao Qian will indeed have many opponents, but as long as the source is dealt with, all opponents will be empty.

Zhao Qian readily agreed to Zhao Dong's request.

The two brothers and sisters actually have very similar temperaments. The more difficult it is to conquer someone or something, the more willing they are to fight.

Zhao Qian now wanted to laugh at Wen Ying: Being friends with you means I think highly of you. You are so arrogant. Now you have the ability to chase her to the capital!

Wen Ying's brain circuit is not on the same channel as that of the Zhao siblings.

What the Zhao brothers and sisters were thinking about was that Xie Qian had returned to the capital and Wen Ying had lost the opportunity to hug his thighs. They must have been very sad. They didn't know how long they would be confused.

However, for Wen Ying, whether Xie Qian returns to Beijing or not, she still has to live her life accordingly.

I never thought about taking advantage of Xie Qian, so why should I be disappointed?

Wen Ying's biggest wish for Xie Qian is that he live a long life. In order to achieve this goal, she must be friends with Xie Qian and make herself excellent.

Although Xie Qian has not contacted her for more than a week, Wen Ying is still stable!

She went about her business as usual, took extra classes as usual, and even started writing her second novel.

On the eighth day after Xie Qian left Chengdu, Director Lu found Wen Ying:

"Now there is a shop in the Midnight Supper Street that is for sale. Do you want to rent it?"

Wen Ying immediately became interested and went with Wang Shuang to see the store that Director Lu said he wanted to transfer.

Strictly speaking, this is not a facade, but a small courtyard. The courtyard is very spacious, and there can be more than a dozen tables in the courtyard. Going further inside is a two-story building, with the living room and kitchen on the first floor, and the kitchen on the second floor.

It was the living area of ​​the former boss's family.

The hall on the first floor is not as big as the courtyard, and can accommodate up to ten tables.

The previous boss was also in the catering business. Because the courtyard was located at the end of the night snack street, the boss's business was so-so. He made some money during the food festival, but after the food festival, the business dropped again. He wanted to transfer the shop and start other businesses.

Wen Ying took Wang Shuang around outside and found that although this place was at the end of the street and there was not as much traffic as on the street or in the street, it was easier to park.

In other parts of the night snack street, there are tables and chairs from various stores on both sides of the street, and it is difficult to find a parking space!

And this small courtyard occupies the end of the street. The street outside is well planned and has at least ten parking spaces... What is the concept of this? It naturally brings ten tables of customers!

In 2004, people had no idea that parking spaces were hard to find. Indiscriminate parking on the roadside was everywhere, and people who paid to park honestly were laughed at for wasting their money.

But in a few years, there is no need to wait until 2019. City appearance and traffic management will become increasingly strict. When ordinary citizens go to a restaurant to eat, the first thing they have to consider is whether parking is good!

Wen Ying also fell in love with this courtyard. Wang Shuang, the second shareholder, walked around the courtyard twice and nodded.

"Director Lu, is the rent expensive?"

This was not the first time that Director Lu had dealt with Wen Ying, and he knew that Wen Ying had an idea, "The rent is not expensive, it costs 50,000 yuan a year. The lease between the former boss and the landlord has two years left, and the rent will increase by 5% every year.

Can you bear it?"

If Director Lu says the rent of 50,000 yuan is not expensive, then it is indeed not expensive.

After the food festival, the flow of people on this street increased, and the landlords were eager to raise the price. This house was restricted by the previous owner's lease, and the landlord had no choice but to increase the price by 10% every year.

Subletting from the owner has the advantage of not having to pay rent, but it also has disadvantages. There will definitely be a transfer fee when transferring this kind of store.

When I asked Director Lu, it turned out that although the rent was 50,000, the transfer fee was also 50,000. All the stoves, pots and pans in the kitchen, and the tables, chairs and benches from the previous store were all left to Wen Ying.

"The transfer fee is too expensive. We won't be able to use these decorations, tables, chairs and benches. If we were to take over, even the floor tiles would have to be knocked out and redone."

What to do with floor tiles that are so greasy that the original color cannot be seen?

If the first store is not renovated, how can "Shrimp King" open a chain store?

Director Lu was about to speak when two people came in from the door. One was the former owner of this restaurant, and the other was Liu, the owner of the barbecue restaurant. The two met here, and the former boss was a little embarrassed:

"Director Lu, are you showing someone the store?"

Director Lu frowned, what does Lao Hou mean? Did he find a tenant himself?!

This chapter has been completed!
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