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1104: Delayed affection is cheaper than grass!

This night was a sleepless night for Wen Ying and Chen Ru.

When we woke up in the morning, Wen Ying's eyes were swollen, and Chen Ru's dark circles were getting worse. She asked the hotel for two boiled eggs, and the mother and daughter applied it to their eyes together.

The awards were given in the afternoon, and the contestants were allowed to make their own arrangements in the morning. Wen Ying asked Chen Ru if she wanted to go out for a walk, but Chen Ru couldn't get excited.

"Just walk around by yourself, don't go too far."

Chen Ru was obviously still angry.

"Then I'll go back to the hotel before awarding the award."

Chen Ru said nothing.

Thinking of how many contestants were working in secret and refusing Wu Chunqin's help, Chen Ru had given up hope that Wen Ying would win the first prize, and there was nothing to attend the afternoon awards ceremony.

Wen Ying tiptoed out of the room and took a few deep breaths in the corridor.

At this time, she should stay by Chen Ru's side and pester her with sweet words so that Chen Ru could calm down as soon as possible.

Intellectually Wen Ying knew she had to do this, but emotionally she was a little shy of the locals.

When she was first reborn, Wen Ying felt that she was very powerful. She blamed her parents for the deadlock in the parent-child relationship in her previous life.

In this life, she has eased the relationship with her parents. It is all her own credit, it is her improvement in both quotient, and it is her tolerance of Chen Ru and Wen Dongrong... After meeting Wu Chunqin, Wen Ying began to re-examine herself and Chen.


Perhaps, she should re-examine Comrade Lao Wen.

Chen Ru secretly asked someone to take care of her in her previous life. She didn't know, and did Lao Wen know?

She couldn't find a chance to explore the truth.

Wen Ying thought about it all night and decided that from today on, she would stop setting her parents as "villains". She should ignore the past life and seal up those quarrels. She could no longer look at the present through the eyes of the previous life.

Wu Chunqin's presence relieved Wen Ying from a big knot in her heart.

Just because of this incident, she should be more tolerant of her parents.

She is willing to spend energy on her friends and hopes that their friends will become better. She really shouldn't be so harsh on her biological parents.

Everyone has shortcomings.

Chen Ru and Wen Dongrong have it, and Wen Ying herself has it too.

It's not easy for people to admit their mistakes. Wen Ying wanted to calm down. Since her mother didn't go out, she could take the opportunity to check out the house.

In the elevator, Wen Ying met Song Chan.

Song Chan and several contestants are also going out together. There are men and women, and they seem to be very familiar with each other.

When they met on a narrow road, Wen Ying tried to pretend that she didn't know him, so she took the initiative to say hello to Song Chan.

"Senior Sister Song."

Song Chan nodded with a smile and introduced to the others: "This is Wen Ying, a junior girl from the same school as me. She is different from me. She is a contestant in Group B."

"You Chengcheng is really a talented woman!"

It is relatively rare for two people from the same school to enter the semi-finals of the same New Concept Essay Contest.

A boy invited Wen Ying to play with him.

Wen Ying was a little moved, thinking that if she didn't go out to look at the house this morning, she would have no other free time, she still refused.

"Sorry, I have something to do."

It’s not easy for boys to force themselves.

When the elevator reached the first floor, Wen Ying waved to everyone.

She still couldn't walk fast enough, and she heard someone behind her say to Song Chan: "You are a very proud school girl and don't fit in with others."

"Maybe she really has plans, I should have asked her earlier."

Song Chan was explaining to others.

The conversation between several people was forgotten by Wen Ying.

Wen Ying actually doesn't care about these comments. Writing is inherently lonely. She should concentrate on writing good works now. She will not be successful until she succeeds. There is no need for socializing.

Playing with a group of players, young people at this age are already very arrogant. No matter how nice everyone says, in reality no one is convinced.

Wen Ying took a taxi directly to a nearby real estate agency.

In 2005, the real estate market in Shanghai has begun to boom. More than 4,000 yuan in Chengdu is a high-end real estate, and the house price in Shanghai has exceeded 10,000.

The real estate market was booming and the agency's business was good. Wen Ying didn't look like she was buying a house. No one paid attention to her wherever she went.

Wen Ying stood at the door of the agency and looked at it for a while. Some attractive properties were posted on the glass door of the agency. She looked carefully and saw a young female agent who might be new here. She was holding Youzaowu in her arms.

Zao chatted up Wen Ying with a first-hand mentality and asked Wen Ying if she wanted to rent a house.

Wen Ying's face looks young, and her expression is particularly calm. I would say she is fifteen or sixteen years old, but she could be seventeen or eighteen years old.

Girls of this age may no longer study and go out to work.

Some jobs provide accommodation, while others require you to rent your own apartment.

The female agent guessed that Wen Ying wanted to rent a house.

Agents also get commissions for renting houses, but they are much less than commissions for selling houses.

"No, I don't rent."

Wen Ying shook her head and denied it. The female agent was a little disappointed, but Wen Ying pointed to the real estate information on the glass door: "I want to take a look at this house, and I have to do it now. Can you take me there?"

The female intermediary didn't come back to her senses.

"This is a house for sale..."

The location is good, the apartment layout is good, and the house price is not cheap, a house costs 890,000!

Wen Ying nodded: "I know it is for sale. I just want to buy a house. If there is no problem with the house, I can pay the deposit today."

Another agent in the store couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Oh yo, Yao Xiaojia, did you hear magpies chirping when you went out today? You are finally going to place a bill. Take this big customer to see her. If she really wants to buy a house, you can get the commission!"

Wen Ying has heard a lot of this kind of teasing in the workplace.

It seems like a joke, but it's actually full of malice.

The secret of the female intermediary was exposed in front of the client. As soon as the client heard that "Yao Xiaojia" was a novice who couldn't open orders, he immediately thought of replacing her. This kind of ridicule was simply too vicious.

The one who made fun of was Yao Xiaojia, and the one who looked down on was Wen Ying. She didn't treat Wen Ying as a normal customer at all.

Wen Ying ignored the man and asked Yao Xiaojia, "Can I get the key to see the room?"

Yao Xiaojia's eyes were red. She glared at the troublesome colleague, then turned around and smiled at Wen Ying: "Sit in the store for a while, drink a glass of water, and I'll ask the store manager."

Some houses are exclusive, and the agency keeps the keys. Some houses are not exclusive, and the owner even lives there, so it takes time to view the house.

What Wen Ying lacks now is time!

Probably sensing Wen Ying's urgency, Yao Xiaojia only asked Wen Ying to wait for five or six minutes.


Yao Xiaojia was a little unsure about the title, Wen Ying smiled and said: "My surname is Wen, please call me Xiaowen."

"Seeing that you are very young, I'll give you a shout-out. It's like this. The house you mentioned does not have the key for the time being. Based on your psychological price, our agency can recommend three other houses to you.

, these three houses are all in adjacent communities, with a diameter of no more than two miles. If you are willing to look at the houses, you can check out the three houses this morning, no problem."

Yao Xiaojia didn't get the key, but she was unwilling to let Wen Ying go as a potential customer.

Even though Wen Ying's age seemed unreliable, her colleagues' teasing aroused Yao Xiaojia. Yao Xiaojia took Wen Ying to look at the house, so she didn't have to stay in the agency to face her colleagues.

The houses recommended by Yao Xiaojia to Wen Ying were priced at 870,000, 900,000 and 910,000 respectively. They were indeed in line with Wen Ying's psychological price range and were very close to the 890,000 house.

Whether Wenying considers the price or likes the area, these houses meet Wenying's needs.

Wen Ying immediately smiled: "Sister Yao, you are really suitable to be an intermediary."

For an intermediary with such quality, it is just a matter of lack of luck or mischief that fails to issue orders.

Everyone likes to hear good things, and Yao Xiaojia was laughed at by Wen Ying.

"Then do you want to see the house?"

"Of course I do, let's go now."

Yao Xiaojia took the key and took Wen Ying away with Fengfenghuohuo.

The colleague who had just teased her sneered: "Yao Xiaojia is really crazy about wanting to make a purchase. As a little girl, it's not even sure whether she has the money to rent a house, but she still wants to buy a house...can she afford it? It's a waste of time!"

Other agents advised, "Let Xiaojia give it a try. Whether it succeeds or not is a matter of experience. Everyone has been through this."

After working in this business for a long time, I have gradually developed my eyesight. The agent can tell at a glance what kind of customer is powerful without having to say it, at least to a certain degree.

No matter where you look, Wen Ying doesn't look like a customer who can buy a house.

A house worth 890,000 yuan is inspected today and the deposit is paid today. Are you kidding me?

That's 890,000 yuan, not 89 yuan!

He looks so childish, why should he buy a house? He may not even be qualified to sign a contract independently.

Otherwise, the intermediary's eyes were vicious. Wen Ying was indeed not qualified to sign a contract independently. If Yao Xiaojia knew that Wen Ying was a minor, most of her energy would be released.

Wen Ying was so calm and calm that she frightened Yao Xiaojia.

Along the way, Yao Xiaojia was chatting with Wen Ying. In fact, she was trying to find out Wen Ying's background and get a feel for Wen Ying's strength.

It's a pity that Agent Yao is not Lawyer Wen's opponent. All he can ask are what Lawyer Wen wants to say. Lawyer Wen doesn't want to tell Yao Xiaojia, and Yao Xiaojia can't even ask half of the questions.

On the other hand, Wen Ying inquired about Yao Xiaojia's situation.

Yao Xiaojia also told Wen Ying about several new real estate projects that have become popular recently.

"Xiao Wen, you have plans to buy a house. Even if you don't give a deposit today, you can't go wrong by buying it early. The house prices in Shanghai will definitely rise."

Of course it will go up.

Housing prices in Shanghai will continue to rise until the second half of this year. At the craziest time, the unit price will hit 20,000 yuan.

However, by the end of this year, housing prices will drop. Compared with the highest point, the drop can reach 40%. The opening price of new properties at the peak in 2005 was more than 10,000, and it will drop to 7,000 to 8,000.

If Wen Ying wants to buy a house, the end of this year is a good time to do so.

It is still January, and housing prices are not as crazy as they were in the middle of the year, and are not much more expensive than at the end of the year.

Relationship matters should be contacted sooner rather than later. As for Xie Qian, Wen Ying can't put it off until the end of the year. In order to save tens of thousands of dollars, who knows what will happen in the meantime. Wen Ying will not do such a thing that is not worth the gain.

Wen Ying remembered the house prices in 2005 so clearly, and she had to thank Wu Chunqin. In her previous life, Wu Chunqin was not only Wen Ying's client, but also Wen Ying's landlord.

He said that he fell in love with Wen Ying and rented a small house in his house to Wen Ying. The rent was not much cheaper than the market price. The advantage was that the house was quite new, and better than other landlords, he would not notify Wen Ying to move at will.

Wen Ying rented in Wu Chunqin's house for two years. Later, she wanted to shorten her commuting time, so she rented somewhere else.

Wu Chunqin is Wen Ying’s client. Wen Ying has some knowledge of Wu Chunqin’s financial situation. Wu Chunqin owns many properties, most of which were purchased between 2005 and 2007. Wu Chunqin once lamented that the house he bought at the end of 2005

most economical!

Wen Ying just listened to it at that time.

I never thought I would have the opportunity to go back and buy a house more than ten years ago. This information is so valuable now.

This chapter has been completed!
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