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1103: Cool to ask for help

"The Princess's New Clothes" carries the expectations of many people. Some people hope that it will be good, and some hope that it will be bad.

In the evening, Xie Qian rarely stayed in the study, but went downstairs.

The living room on the first floor usually belongs to housekeeper Aunt Liu. Neither Xie Qian nor Zou Weijun likes to watch TV, but Aunt Liu is an expert in watching dramas and is familiar with Baodao idol dramas. Last month, "Emerald Forest" was broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV

”, Aunt Liu watched it all without missing an episode.

Is "Emerald Forest" good to watch?

Aunt Liu thinks it looks good.

But not long after the broadcast, Aunt Liu had almost forgotten the plot. She just remembered that the male protagonist was a handsome mixed-race guy, the male co-star was also handsome, the female protagonist was chubby and cute, and the female co-star was a bit bad. The specific plot was nothing special, "You love me."

, I love her, and she loves him” is a common plot, but the background setting is different.

Tonight "The Princess's New Clothes" premieres. Aunt Liu prepared fruits early and locked in Hunan Satellite TV in advance.

This drama is different from other dramas. The heroine is classmate Xie Qian, and the screenwriter is also classmate Xie Qian. Aunt Liu likes Wen Ying very much, so she naturally wants to follow this drama.

Xie Qian came down from upstairs, and Aunt Liu made room for her. Two minutes before the episode was about to start, Zou Weijun hurried home.

Putting down his bag, Zou Weijun also sat on the sofa.

Aunt Liu stood up: "Oh, haven't you eaten yet?"

Aunt Liu was about to make food for Zou Weijun, but Zou Weijun held her down and said, "Sit down, I have eaten outside."

I came back not to eat, but to see "The Princess's New Clothes".

TV series are fun to watch with your family.

Li Mengjiao stars in this drama and Wen Ying is the screenwriter. Zou Weijun naturally wants to watch it.

During the filming of the series, Xie Qian also invested a sum of money!

Zou Weijun suddenly turned around and asked his son: "Didn't you participate in the internal preview meeting? Why are you still watching it?"

Xie Qian's expression remained unchanged, "The version that Tianjiao previewed is different from the version that was finally edited by the TV station. I have not seen this version."

——Ha, Xie Qian never watched any TV series before. It was a waste of time!

Zou Weijun smiled and nodded, deciding not to expose his son's disguise.

Having friends and things he cares about is good for Xie Qian's mood. This is what the psychiatrist told Zou Weijun.

Zou Weijun initially met a psychiatrist once a week, and then once every two weeks. Each time, the psychiatrist had to talk to the mother and son separately. At the end of the last meeting, the doctor said that the meeting could be changed to once a month.

Both mother and son were sitting on the sofa watching TV. Aunt Liu was a little nervous. When the series started to play, Aunt Liu slowly watched it and completely forgot about herself.

The Li family is busy tonight.

Li Mengjiao's family of three did not stay at their own home, but went to the home of Grandpa and Grandma Li Mengjiao. After Grandpa Li retired, he found a bungalow in Rongcheng to retire. The children all worked hard to make the bungalow comfortable and refreshing for Grandpa Li. The house came with a

In the small courtyard, when you open the door, you can see the lively streets and alleys, but when you close the door, it becomes a world of its own.

Tonight, the Li family all gathered here to watch the premiere of "The Princess's New Clothes".

A big star has emerged from the Li family. At first, the family did not understand the choice of Li Zhentao and his wife. Now seeing that Li Mengjiao is developing so well, they hope that Li Mengjiao can continue to be popular smoothly.

Although the Li family is not a wealthy family, they still have some background in Chengdu. If you want to be a star, you can be a star, but don't stick to those unclean habits!

In order to protect his daughter, Li Zhentao established "Tianjiao". In addition to spending his own savings and recruiting friends to become shareholders, the Li family also contributed money.

The Li family had hot pot today, and three tables were set up in the courtyard in a lively manner. They put down their chopsticks and removed the dishes before the premiere. The tables were cleared and placed with sliced ​​watermelon and pistachios.

The adults are talking and the children are running around in the yard. The lively atmosphere is almost in time for the Chinese New Year.

Even before it was broadcast on TV, relatives praised Li Mengjiao for her good acting.

"It's her first time acting, don't praise her too much."

Mother Li smiled so hard that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and she tried to be as humble as possible.

Li Mengjiao has never known the word "modest". She feels that she has performed extremely well. This script is tailor-made for her. A good horse needs a good saddle. This is the "good saddle" for her to compete in the entertainment industry!

“My friend’s script is great!”

"I hired a scriptwriter from Baodao at first. The script he wrote was good, but it didn't suit me. I asked my friend to revise it, and the revised version became the version everyone will see soon."

"...My agent is also very good."

"My dad has paid a lot, as well as Uncle Qin and the others."

"The leading actor Yun Chen did a good job."

In Li Mengjiao's eyes, "The Princess's New Clothes" is the fruit of the labor of many people, and she can't wait to praise everyone. This is innocence that has not been tainted by the dark side of the entertainment industry.

If possible, Li Zhentao would like to protect his daughter's innocence forever.

"It's started, it's started, don't say anything."

Wang family.

The name of the intern producer is not qualified to appear in the opening and closing credits of the series, but "The Princess's New Clothes" is indeed a reflection of Wang Shuang's hard work. On the night of the premiere, Wang Jun turned down all the entertainment and watched it at home with his wife and son.


The scumbag Wang Shuang was given permission to take a break tonight, and Xie Qian didn't even give Wang Shuang a new paper.

After a summer of torture, Wang Shuang's foundation has been greatly improved. As soon as the third year of high school started, Wang Shuang himself felt this change. He could actually understand what the teacher was saying!

Wang Shuang himself was very excited, but he did not show off to others immediately. He would not know how much progress he had made until he passed the exam.

Wang Jun took money to invest in a film and television company, but his wife did not agree at first.

The family business is making a lot of money, so why is he setting up a film and television company? Is it possible that Wang Jun has a frivolous attitude and wants to imitate those wealthy locals who make young girls into celebrities?

Unexpectedly, after the establishment of the company, Wang Jun basically did nothing, but Wang Shuang ran around and put in a lot of energy.

Women have different standards for their husbands and for their sons. It is absolutely unacceptable for a husband to flirt with women. A son has the ability to attract girls. If he is really dull and boring, won't he have to be a bachelor for the rest of his life?

However, Wang Shuang is different from other children. Wang Shuang has fallen in love so many times, and every time he has a different girl, Wang Jun's wife is frightened, fearing that Wang Shuang will harm other girls.

Now she is fine, she no longer looks for a new girlfriend, but has started studying and making money. Wang Jun's wife is very pleased.

"It is up to the audience to decide whether your show is good or not. I have recommended it to many friends, and I will ask for their feedback tomorrow!"

Wang Jun's wife is also a TV fan, and she especially likes to watch idol dramas, from "Popular Garden" to "Blue Life and Death" and the earlier "Tokyo Love Story". It can be said that she has read countless dramas to impress her idols.

There are not many dramas left.

Wang Jun laughed loudly, "Just watch it, it will definitely be better than ordinary love idol dramas. Tianjiao only produces high-quality products!"

Of course!

Wang Shuang raised his chin. This was no ordinary drama. From the heroine to the screenwriter to the producer, they were all "strong", so the male protagonist was a little weak.

But don't worry, the strong can take over the weak!

This chapter has been completed!
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