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1232: Problems that can be solved with money are not considered problems!

Wen Ying and the others did not want to eavesdrop, but Professor Fang became increasingly excited and spoke louder and louder.

Not only Wen Ying and the other three could hear it, but other passengers could also hear it.

The difference is that the other passengers don't know what Professor Fang is talking about, but Wen Ying and the other three can guess what's going on.

Wang Shuang's eyes almost popped out of his head.

On the other end of the phone, it's Professor Fang and Director Duan's son, right? It sounds like Professor Fang's son is trying to persuade Professor Fang to forgive Director Duan for cheating?

Wang Shuang couldn't help but bring it in. If his father, Wang Jun, did something he was sorry for, he would definitely support his mother!

Unless the biological mother is really unreasonable and only gives birth to children without raising them, which has caused great harm to the child, most children will be closer to their mother and will protect her. A woman who works hard to give birth to a baby in ten months and nurtures her carefully will naturally be in harmony with her child.

More intimate.

——So how does Professor Fang teach children?

Wang Shuang's mind was filled with little questions.

How Professor Fang taught his son is unknown to outsiders.

Wen Ying secretly looked at Xie Qian.

The male god’s mouth is really open!

When Wen Ying was at the Conservatory of Music, she wanted to hammer Pan Li to death. What did Professor Fang say at that time?

Oh, I remembered that Professor Fang said that she was young and advised her not to be too hasty in doing things!

Xie Qian immediately refuted Professor Fang, saying that since he did not have the same experience, he was not qualified to persuade Wen Ying to be generous. Professor Fang's children would definitely understand Wen Ying's desire to help her aunt Chen Li - Xie Qian was very educated and had no curse.

Professor Fang, on the contrary, hopes that Professor Fang will never encounter the same situation.

Perhaps the male god's "blessing" is too powerful for ordinary people to bear... Now it is Professor Fang's turn to encounter the same thing!

It's a pity that Professor Fang is destined to be unable to understand Chen Li's mood.

Wen Ying, who was just a niece, would roll up her sleeves and stand up for Chen Li, but Professor Fang's own son persuaded Professor Fang to forgive him. Professor Fang was far less lucky than Chen Li.

What a heartbreaking fact!

Wen Ying didn't even need to look at Professor Fang's face to imagine how frustrated he was at this moment.

So, don’t speak too early or too fullly at any time, especially don’t do things like generosity to others!

Because you never know when the slap in the face will come, and you can’t predict how severe the slap in the face will be, just like Professor Fang at this time.

Like Wang Shuang, Wen Ying also dislikes people who have no sense of responsibility for their work. Personal affairs and colleagues are mixed together without distinction. At critical moments, they can kill their comrades in the same trench. Working with such people is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.


However, Wen Ying did not act to add insult to injury.

There is no need to say anything harsh, Professor Fang himself is uncomfortable enough.

All Wen Ying can do now is eat melon quietly.

Professor Fang was very emotional. Professor Fang's son on the other end of the phone could understand his mother's anger, but he did not agree with his mother's way of handling it.

Professor Fang’s son believes that adults should learn to exercise restraint when doing things. The cheating party must have done something wrong. Now the situation must be stabilized before pursuing the cheating matter!

Professor Fang was very emotional. On the phone receiver, Professor Fang’s son also raised his voice:

"I'm not asking you to forgive Dad, I'm saying that the first prerequisite is that Dad's work cannot be affected. Even if you two are going to divorce, what's the point of making the matter so big? Isn't it a joke for outsiders? Online posts have said

When it comes to my dad, if you don’t help him refute the rumors..."

Professor Fang's son repeatedly advised Professor Fang to calm down, starting from the importance of his father's work, the opinions of outsiders, and the integrity of the family.

——If Professor Fang could calm down, he would not show up at the airport at this time. Instead, he should take on the role of an agent to rescue Xu Mei!

The mother and son were not on the same channel, and the conversation ended unhappily. Professor Fang was irritated by his son and hung up the phone without wanting to listen to his son's persuasion.

Wen Ying was so big that she didn't intend to say hello to Professor Fang in the first place. However, the waiting area was so big. Professor Fang didn't see Wen Ying and the others just now, but he still saw them after hanging up the phone.

Professor Fang's face suddenly turned extremely white, and the remaining blood faded away.

Professor Fang's eyes could not be clearly seen through her sunglasses, but her lips were pursed tightly and the veins on her neck were popping out, she was obviously very excited.

Why do we have to see Wen Ying and Xie Qian again on this occasion?

God doesn't think she's embarrassed enough!

Professor Fang was afraid of hearing sarcastic words from Wen Ying's mouth, so he tried hard to restrain his body from shaking. He straightened his back, turned around with his suitcase, strode to other areas, and disappeared from the sight of Wen Ying and the others.


Professor Fang did not show up until boarding the plane. It seemed that she did not want to take the same flight back to Chengdu with Wen Ying and the others.

After getting on the plane, Wang Shuang put away his luggage, sat down and fastened his seat belt, and whispered: "Do you think Professor Fang will forgive her husband?"

Didn't board the plane because he didn't want them to share the same cabin, or was he persuaded by his son to stay in Hunan Province to cover for Director Duan?

It’s not like Professor Fang can’t afford a divorce.

She can't be an agent, but she's still a professor at the conservatory!

If Professor Fang could make a decisive decision to divorce, Wang Shuang would look down upon him.

Although Professor Fang has no sense of responsibility for his work as an agent, does not know people well, and likes to be self-righteous... But in addition to so many shortcomings, Professor Fang still has advantages. This person is very proud of an intellectual.

Not compromising and sticking to his own pride can be regarded as Professor Fang sticking to his character.

Of course, Professor Fang probably doesn’t care about Wang Shuang’s opinion.

Even Xie Qian couldn't answer Wang Shuang's question.

Every family situation is different, and every woman reacts differently to marital betrayal. The deeper the love, the more serious the injury.

Even if Professor Fang finally chooses to forgive Director Duan and continue to maintain the dignity of the family, as long as Professor Fang feels that his life is tolerable, outsiders have nothing to blame. In real life, everyone has various concerns and emotional ties, which come from family members.

Due to the pressure and the constraints placed on women by the social environment, it is not easy to break away from a marriage that has lasted for many years.

Even Xie Qian's own mother was in such a difficult situation!

Wen Ying sensed the change in Xie Qian's mood and suspected that Xie Qian was thinking of Zou Weijun. She didn't want Xie Qian to continue to be sad, so she quickly changed the topic: "Now it seems that Yu Tianlin's wish has really come true!"

Wen Ying felt a little unhappy.

I despise Mr. Guan, Cao Bo and others for being ineffective.

Today is the 4th, and Xu Mei’s company only deleted the explosive post and did not make a clarification statement on the black material.

The longer the delay is, the worse it will be for Xu Mei.

There is more than one way to solve the problem, and the other party has to choose the next best option. Otherwise, how could Yu Tianlin have his dreams come true so easily?

It shouldn't be, Mr. Guan and Cao Bo don't know, Liang Dan should also know that something is wrong, Liang Dan is a powerful person.

Unless Liang Dan acquiesced and directly regarded Xu Mei as an abandoned son, sacrificing a more important person to protect Xu Mei.

This chapter has been completed!
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