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1233: You seem like a copyright liar!

The more important person is Director Duan.

At this time, Yu Tianlin once again stated that he did not want to act with a scandalous female artist, and it was a foregone conclusion that Xu Mei would be replaced.

Wen Ying was not happy that Yu Tianlin won.

But Wen Ying was not a virgin enough to jump out to save Xu Mei.

Xu Mei was cheated by her teammates. This was the path she chose. Wen Ying had no obligation to Xu Mei.

Even if Xu Mei wakes up, there is still the restriction of the ten-year management contract. It will not be easy to jump out of the quagmire. Wen Ying has nothing to do with Xu Mei, so it is impossible to pay Xu Mei liquidated damages.

No matter how good the lawyer is, he can only ask Xu Mei to pay less liquidated damages, not not to pay no liquidated damages!

After all, Xu Mei signed the contract himself and was not forced to do so.

Everyone has to pay the price for their choices. Life is not a game. You can delete the current progress bar and start from scratch by simply saying "I made the wrong choice".

These are Wen Ying's own thoughts. If she were Xu Mei, she would find a way to terminate the contract, but she is not sure whether Xu Mei is still immersed in the dream of being a star and has not seen the faces of the manager and others and does not want to terminate the contract!

Wen Ying was thinking about Xu Mei, and Xie Qian was also thinking about Xu Mei.

When he was in Hunan Province, Xie Qian was on guard against Xu Mei's visit, but he didn't expect that this person would make no move.

That's right, Xu Mei couldn't catch all the lice on her head, so she didn't have time to come looking for trouble.

Xie Qian took out his headphones and put them on, "You don't have to worry about Teacher Yuan, Yu Tianlin can't beat Teacher Yuan."

Yuan Fenghui had a smooth ride in the past. He didn't knock Yuan Fenghui down after a fall. Of course, his skills improved after he got up again. Yu Tianlin was ruthless enough, but not as experienced as Yuan Fenghui. Xie Qian was more optimistic about Yuan Fenghui.

Xie Qian didn't want to waste time discussing these people who didn't matter to him, so he put on headphones and closed his eyes and started to sleep.

Wen Ying sat in the innermost seat, Xie Qian sat in the middle, and Wang Shuang sat in the outermost seat near the aisle.

Wang Shuang waited patiently for twenty minutes. He felt that Xie Qian had fallen asleep, so he leaned forward and asked Wen Ying in a low voice: "Xie Qian is asleep, can you tell me what the best solution is?"

Wen Ying shook her head at Wang Shuang, pointed at Xie Qian, and made a zipper and shut-up gesture.

"No, Xie Qian is already asleep and you are still afraid of him. Sister Xiaoying, are you so cruel?"

Wang Shuang is so shameless. He is obviously older than Wen Ying, but he actually calls her sister Xiaoying.

Wen Ying felt that she was mentally old enough to be Wang Shuang's aunt, so she accepted the title of "Sister Xiaoying" calmly.

Wang Shuang didn't answer immediately. Wen Ying turned her head to observe Xie Qian's sleeping posture secretly.

Breathing steadily, eyes closed, as if really asleep?

Wow, Wow, Xie Qian’s eyelashes are really long!

No matter how many times I see it, Xie Qian’s nose, mouth, and facial contours are beautiful, and there is nothing that is not exquisite.

Wang Shuang's teeth ached when he saw it.

Li Mengjiao said that the two of them were secretly having a puppy love. As friends, of course they had to cooperate with Wen Ying and Xie Qian's performances and pretend not to notice that the two were in a puppy love.

But does Wen Ying like Xie Qian too much?

We were roommates at school and stayed together during the holidays. Xie Qian was sleeping on the plane, and Wen Ying would get so close to take a peek... Your underground love affair is so undisguised that your teachers and parents will catch it sooner or later.


As a friend, Wang Shuang felt that he had an obligation to remind Wen Ying to restrain her exposed emotions. After a slight cough, Xie Qian suddenly opened his eyes.

Wang Shuang was startled, and Wen Ying, who looked at Xie Qian, was also embarrassed:

"I didn't want to tell him the answer!"

Xie Qian turned to look at Wang Shuang again. Wang Shuang actually started snoring in just three seconds.

——As long as I pretend to sleep quickly enough, Xie Xueba can't catch me.

——I’m such a clever little guy!

When Xie Qian turned his head again, Wen Ying also fell asleep.

Fortunately, Wen Ying calmed down a bit and no snoring broke out.

The corner of Xie Qian's mouth moved and he suppressed his smile. This is the only point for two scumbag students.

At first, they pretended to be asleep, but after closing their eyes for a long time, they both really fell asleep. Xie Qian asked the flight attendant for two blankets, so that these two scumbags, who were jumping up and down to eat melons and struggling in the mountains of books and questions at the same time, had a good time.

Had a good nap.

The plane was about to land before Xie Qian woke them up.

Wen Ying rubbed her neck, hoping that Wang Shuang would become a shareholder with a say soon. It was a dream to have a good rest in the economy class seats.

When the plane landed, Wen Ying was picked up, and Xie Qian and Wang Shuang wanted to take a taxi home together.

It was just that Wen Dongrong was the one who originally agreed to pick up Wen Ying. Unexpectedly, Chen Ru was also in the car. Wen Ying was quite surprised.

"Mom, why are you here too?"

Chen Ru, who deliberately made a surprise attack, was very calm, "I just went shopping with your father to visit a furniture store, and we happened to be on the way. Why don't you squeeze in and send your friends back?"

Wen Dongrong knew that this was not the case at all, but Wen Dongrong did not dare to say it.

Whatever your wife says, let it be. The mosquitoes are not gone in October, so you will never have a good time if you go against your wife!

Wen Dongrong looked great in front of outsiders and enthusiastically invited Wang Shuang and Xie Qian to hitchhike.

"Hi uncle."

"Hello, aunt!"

"No, Uncle Wen, let's take a taxi back."

Wang Shuang and Xie Qian greeted each other in different tones.

Wang Shuang is public and Xie Qian is restrained.

But the two boys stood together and were equally polite.

The young man is refreshing and refreshing, his eyes are magnanimous, if he insists on thinking about their youth friendship in a wrong way, he is mentally biased.

Chen Ru could see clearly that the person carrying Wen Ying's luggage was Wang Shuang and not Xie Qian.

When Chen Ru looked at the two of them, Xie Qian had no guilty conscience.

Looking at Wen Ying again, she was equally calm and at ease, without the panic of being caught.

——Did I really make a mistake?!

Chen Ru was not completely reassured and decided to observe patiently. What was true could not be faked, and what was fake could not be true. If there was something fishy, ​​it would always be revealed.

Wang Shuang was actually more nervous than Wen Ying and Xie Qian, fearing that their underground love affair would be caught, but unexpectedly both of them were very calm.

He is indeed a boss, but his psychological quality is different!

Wang Shuang felt that if it had been him, he would have been frightened to the point of being exposed.

This guy has completely forgotten how many "girlfriends" he has had. If he doesn't fall in love long ago, the Wang family doesn't care at all.

Wen Ying didn't know what Wang Shuang was thinking, nor her mother's suspicions. Even if Chen Ru immediately locked up Wen Ying for interrogation, she had done nothing wrong and certainly didn't feel guilty at all.

After watching Wang Shuang and Xie Qian get into the taxi, Wen Dongrong started the car.

On the way back, it was time for the family of three to talk. Chen Ru asked Wen Ying what she was busy with in Hunan Province. Wen Ying talked about the celebration party and visiting the recording of the program. After thinking for a while, she took the initiative to mention Xu Mei.

If you want to talk about Xu Mei, you have to talk about Professor Fang catching an adulterer.

It was quite strange to talk about this kind of thing with parents, but Wen Ying was not the one who did the bad things. Wen Ying still said it frankly, and finally concluded:

"Anyway, this Xu Mei is quite unlucky and has become a victim in the cracks. I don't want to be such a person."

This chapter has been completed!
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