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Chapter 379: An Unstable World

 Inside the Eden cruise ship, 6th floor cinema.

Yu Zhesen and Chu Yuexi are dismantling the last bomb.

Wu Xuan arranged for members of Team D to clear the venue ahead of schedule. Now there are specialists guarding the front and back entrances of the theater to ensure that no one can get close.

In the empty theater, there were a few bright lights, but the deputy captain Tian Wenyu was holding a tactical flashlight to provide lighting for the two of them.

When Yu Zhesen lifted the balance instrument, she couldn't help but hold her breath. For a moment, the fantasy of being swallowed up by the flames of the explosion flashed through her mind.

Tian Wenyu has also studied the knowledge of explosive elimination and has a certain understanding of balance instrument detonators. If she had not seen Yu Zhesen's operation with her own eyes, she would not be able to imagine how a non-cyber specialist could maintain the stability of such a sensitive instrument with both hands.


If there was only one, it might be said to be luck, coincidence, or God's blessing, but this was already the fifth bomb they had defused on the ship.

Staring at Yu Zhesen's hands holding the square box of the balance instrument, Tian Wenyu couldn't help but admire and admire him.

It was these hands that once saved Qidao City from the clutches of the Returned Sect.

The bomb disposal operation has reached the final steps.

Chu Yuexi confirmed to Yu Zhesen: "Yu Zhesen, I want to cut it off, is it okay?"

"Do it."

Yu Zhesen has already launched the law of causality prediction, and the prediction results tell him that Chu Yuexi's judgment is correct.

The electrician's scissors bite and cut off key wires.

The explosion did not occur. Yu Zhesen put down the balance device, and his movements were much more natural than before.

Chu Yuexi wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand and let out a sigh of relief.

Tian Wenyu pressed the communication headset: "Report, the last bomb in the theater has been defused, and the crisis has been resolved."

After the report, she smiled and stretched out her hand to pull up Yu Zhesen and Chu Yuexi who were kneeling on the ground: "Thank you for your hard work."

Yu Zhesen stopped the countdown display on his bracelet. After Claire bought time, there were now less than 5 minutes before the ship sailed.

Chu Yuexi and Tian Wenyu took the defused bombs to the lounge of Team D to gather on the ship. All five bombs were stored in explosion-proof boxes and were ready to be discarded after the cruise ship sailed to the open sea.

Yu Zhesen was not in a hurry to leave the theater. He sat down in a seat in the middle row and cleared his mind to watch a comedy with singing and dancing being played on the screen.

A few minutes later, a figure slowly walked up to him, took off his windbreaker and sat down, reaching out and handing over a can of iced drink.

Yu Zhesen smelled the faint smell of tobacco coming from his windbreaker. He took the drink and unscrewed the ring and asked, "Aren't you going to get off the boat?"

Of course, Claire would not tell him that she accidentally missed the time to disembark. To save face, she clasped her hands on her folded legs and replied calmly: "I am worried about the safety of the cruise ship."
"What about the accomplices of the bomber and blackmailer?"

"The Criminal Investigation Department will get to the bottom of it. The person has been handed over there, but he was sent to the hospital first." Claire glanced at him sideways, "Even the people from the Criminal Investigation Department said you were too shady, but Chief Zhong did.

I think you did a good job."

Yu Zhesen said to himself that Zhong Yugu looked like an old commissioner who knew how to use torture to extract confessions.

"What do the instructors think?"

"Me? Of course I understand what you are doing." Claire chuckled.

Yu Zhesen took a sip of the drink, leaned back on the chair, tilted his head and joked: "Do you just 'understand'? You are getting more and more stingy now."

"Haha? Do I have to rub your hair and say 'nice job, kid' like before?"

Claire looked him up and down with teasing eyes, pursed her lips and shook her head: "No, it's not appropriate. You are no longer a brat."

"I don't mind, if you are willing to do it."

He placed the drink can in the groove of the seat armrest, tilted his shoulders and moved his head closer to Claire: "On the contrary, I feel very happy."

Claire slowly raised her hand. She recalled the unusual whisper in her mind a moment ago. Her fingers hesitantly closed and opened, and finally symbolically stroked Yu Zhesen's hair.

"I read that right, bringing you back to the Security Bureau is indeed a wise decision." She said as if talking to herself.

Yu Zhesen had a satisfied smile on his face. The bomb crisis on the cruise ship was not expected. Intervening in it and spending a lot of energy was not a good thing for him who was about to face Jin Guozheng, but he was able to get Claire's approval for it.

It still made him very happy.

He did not join the Security Bureau because of his own sense of justice. Although he was proud of his parents from the bottom of his heart, he had never wanted to inherit their legacy and protect the world.

He only participated in the training camp because of An He. He wanted to do the same thing as An He after finishing school.

After the training camp, he suddenly changed his mind and left Qidao City because of An He. At that time, his mind was not mature enough. He didn't even have the courage to ask for evidence when he encountered problems, so he almost chose to escape without hesitation.

During his two years in Qidao City, after experiencing the hardship of living alone at the bottom without any support, Yu Zhesen had many questions about the world order that he had never had in the past.

So when he reunited with Claire, who had been transferred to Qidao City, on the roof of the Security Bureau, his inner struggle was far greater than his joy.

Yu Zhesen subconsciously resisted the job of joining the Security Bureau to protect order, repeatedly rejected Claire's invitation, and insisted on operating as a non-staff member.

Even now, he is sure that he does not really like the work of the Security Bureau. To be precise, he does not like the work of running around in dangerous places as an elite.

But this job brought him a sense of responsibility, and he also knew that Lao An, Claire, and many of his colleagues had expectations for him.

His ideal life is to complete his daily duties like an ordinary field specialist, ride a motorcycle through the streets and alleys of the city, and deal with tasks such as helping lost children find their parents, helping old people cross the road, and teaching thieves a lesson.

An uncomplicated task.

Yu Zhesen knew that this was just his fantasy. Even a commissioner like Chu Yuexi who had just finished his internship would go to the most dangerous place when necessary.

Because Fuxing City is very large, there are not many young people willing to become commissioners of the Security Bureau, so their manpower is always in a tight situation.

"Actually, it's not that you hate the job given to you by the Security Bureau, nor that you don't have the courage to fight dangerous enemies."

"You just long for a peaceful and tranquil city without extraordinary violent crimes and armed attacks."

Shi Xin fully understands his thoughts.

"The life you expect is like the singing and dancing comedy on the screen now."

Yu Zhesen looked at the light-blond girl who had appeared in front of him at some point, and said with a wry smile: "I know that's very unrealistic."

"It cannot be said to be unrealistic. The world can be changed for the better, but changing it is a difficult process." Shi Xin gently stretched out his hand to smooth the wrinkles on his forehead, "In the old days, a social change

It may take decades or hundreds of years to brew, and thousands of people will sacrifice in the process of promoting change. Even so, there is still no guarantee that the change will be successfully completed."

"It's too difficult." Yu Zhesen sighed, "How great a person must be to be willing to sacrifice himself in order to change the world..."

"Because they believe that even if they fall, those who come after them will pass on the fire of hope."

Shi Xin's voice was clear and distant. Yu Zhesen's heart swayed and he felt his whole body relax naturally.

In his mind, the girl's figure gradually blurred, leaving only her pale golden hair like a warm flame.

In reality, Yu Zhesen closed his eyes, and in the hazy state, he felt a piece of clothing mixed with the rich fragrance of amber perfume and the faint smell of tobacco being covered on him.

Claire, who was sitting in the adjacent seat, took out the cigarette case from her trouser pocket, hesitated and stuffed it back, then took out a small rectangular iron box containing jellybeans from the pocket of the windbreaker covering Yu Zhesen.<



Qidao City, Xingtian Heavy Industry Group Headquarters Building.

The elevator door opened on the 12th floor, and Zhuo Zhongshi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was pushed to the corridor outside the elevator.

"Hey, Mr. Zhuo, what brought you here to me?" Han Jinghu, who came from the other side of the corridor, waved to Zhuo Zhongshi with a big smile.

Zhuo Zhongshi's face was not pretty. He asked Han Jinghu straight to the point: "I want to know, what did my son buy from you?"

Luo Meiwu, who accompanied Han Jinghu, smiled and replied: "Mr. Zhuo, this is our client's privacy. According to regulations..."

Zhuo Zhongshi's chest heaved violently when he heard this, but Han Jinghu gave Luo Meimei a look before he got angry: "Is it your turn to speak like this in front of Mr. Zhuo? Get off."

"Yes." Luo Meiwu lowered her head and left cautiously.

"Boss Han, if my son uses the products developed by your company and causes a disaster, public opinion will be unfavorable to your company!" Zhuo Zhongshi said in a deep voice.

Han Jinghu rubbed his hands, still maintaining a faint smile on his face: "That's good, but Mr. Zhuo, you are also in the technology business, so you should be able to understand that technology products themselves are not good or evil...

"The weapons and ammunition produced by your company can easily flow into the hands of criminals. Will the Administration sit idly by and ignore it?"

Zhuo Zhongshi was so excited that he tried to stand up with his hands on the armrests of his wheelchair. The attendants on his left and right hurriedly gave him a hand.

Han Jinghu put one hand in his bag and raised the other hand to stroke his bald head, so he said with a confused expression: "This... Has Mr. Zhuo already characterized his son as a criminal?"

"A Feng has come to this point. Didn't your Xingtian Heavy Industry Group play a role in fueling the flames?"

"Mr. Zhuo, please calm down. You have to rely on evidence in everything." Han Jinghu responded calmly, "I do have a large amount of business dealings with Mr. Ling's Fengmang Entertainment Group, but you need to know the products produced by our company.

Arms and weapons only account for a small part. In recent years, our business has transformed into private security services."

Zhuo Zhongshi did not accept his words and exposed it bluntly: "You rely on your leading technology in the industry to control the definition of exoskeleton standards, and call exoskeleton armor that is clearly a military grade a new generation of personal equipment."

Security armor! In fact, as long as they are replaced with weapon accessories, those so-called personal security armors can immediately become killing machines!"

"Standards are never static." Han Jinghu half-turned around and defended himself plausibly: "The level of private security armor must be constantly adjusted according to threats from the external environment. Qidao City is now experiencing a series of

When violent crimes and armed attacks occur, shouldn’t the private armor used for self-defense be upgraded accordingly?”

He seemed to be standing on a moral high ground, looking down at the angry Zhuo Zhongshi and saying: "No matter how much a person pays to protect his life, it is only natural and right. Mr. Zhuo, in your eyes, what I sold Mr. Ling is to encourage him to commit crime."

A weapon on the road, but in fact I just provided him with armor to protect his own life."

"Human life is very fragile. The young master has such powerful powers but is still injured to death. It shows what an unstable society we live in."

"As for the reason why Mr. Ling embarked on the road of crime, as a father, you should reflect on yourself and find the reasons within yourself." Han Jinghu lit a cigar with a sneer.

This chapter has been completed!
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