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Chapter 768 Nibble

On the deputy assault team's side, the team members who dug out in advance cleaned the room next to them and joined the two of them. Instead of climbing into this room, they quietly went back and entered the row of rooms next to the parking lot.

They are responsible for this side, which has the largest number of remaining enemies. However, if they focus on this side, they are easily vulnerable to indiscriminate blind fire from adjacent rooms.

Therefore, they are testing and attracting attacks on this side to create opportunities for the main offensive force to sneak in from the other side. If they fail to succeed, they will withdraw and wait for the opportunity.

"...Chirp, chirp..." A few melodious sounds came from not far away from the side of the courtyard, and then several uncontrollable groans and screams came from the side room.

It is estimated that someone could not hold back and tried to get out of the window, but was pushed back by the assisting team member with a gun not far away and caused casualties. The deputy assault team made a judgment and immediately seized the opportunity to respond.

The casualties were indeed caused from the window, but the opponent did not want to escape, but just shook the window. I guess I guessed that the two rooms here were broken through the window, and I wanted to defend myself, but the gun team here found out.

There were marks on both sides of the window and on the earthen wall below, and some people were actually hit and injured.

"...Puff puff..." The two assaultmen from the deputy assault team, armed with Suomei Gai, leaned out from the door and fired blindly at the room on the side and down the side, emptying the magazines on the guns.

The magazine used in combat is an expanded magazine with more than 40 rounds, which is their current standard equipment.

From the moment the gun was fired to the end, the whole process only lasted four or five seconds. A few short bursts and a few short strafing rounds emptied the magazine. After all, the theoretical rate of fire of this gun is 900 rounds, which is 15 rounds per second, and it is not fully loaded.

The state is already closed and beaten.

It’s not that I don’t want to use ammunition with more ammunition capacity. No matter how much ammunition there is, the magazine will be too long and it will be inconvenient to carry it with drum drums. There are also other considerations such as the weight of the firearm, technical and tactical considerations, so this is the standard.

Supply ammunition.

Of course, it does not mean that the drums are not used, they are just a special accessory that can be selected according to the situation. However, this time it is an offensive battle with less and more, and it is necessary to ensure mobility and flexibility, so it is not selected according to the technical and tactical needs.

For example, the auxiliary team members who support the extra Somidai to control the outside are equipped with a hundred-round double drum drum, which can burst out fierce continuous firepower when necessary.

The three of them retreated after the fight. Without any hesitation, they retreated directly to the parking lot. They heard people falling to the ground and muffled groans, but this time the other party surprisingly did not fire back.

The three people inquired, understood, and took inventory. The opponent should have suffered heavy casualties by now, but they were definitely not at the point where they were unable to fight back. They still had to be careful.

After some discussion, the three of them walked around to the side of the embankment and sneaked into the row of rooms that had been cleaned by the assisting team members.

"...Boom, bang, bang...puff... bang, bang, bang, bang..."

As soon as the three members of the deputy assault team sneaked in, a fierce exchange of fire and explosions broke out near the dock.

You can tell the enemy from the sound of gunfire from both sides. Firstly, the firearms are different. Secondly, they basically add silencers, suppression and other muzzle parts to the guns. This also changes the sound of the guns.

The three of them reacted in a tacit understanding at the same time. One person raised a gun, and the other two directly took out grenades and threw them into the room where the enemy was. Several grenades were smashed through the window paper and stuffed into the room.

They didn't move their guns because they were worried about blindly firing bullets through the room and hitting the back, causing accidental injuries. Of course, they might also be accidentally injured or attacked here, so the three of them retreated with one hit.

After climbing out of the earthen wall, although the opponent's firepower was weakened, the exchange of fire continued. The deputy assault team did not hesitate and reminded the assisting team members to pay attention to concealment and avoid stray bullets, and then went directly to join Wang Mingkun and others for support.

After the rendezvous, the main assault team, the fire team and the sniper team had controlled the situation and suppressed the target until only a few warehouses and a small area of ​​​​guest rooms remained at the back.

One person in the main assault group was injured. Fortunately, the injury was not serious. There was only a hole in the thigh caused by shrapnel, which was simply bandaged. Although it was not serious, the current movement was affected and he could not accompany him in the battle.

The specific situation is that this warehouse has a lot of goods stored and stacked for people, most of which are grain and cloth. They are scattered in a long area. Some people on the other side use these as shelters to avoid machine gun fire, and they also want to use this place to make things more complicated.

situation, hide and ambush to fight back.

However, the other party did not expect that they would move so quickly. With some confusion caused by strafing and the sound of machine gunfire covering up the slightest movement, they silently dealt with the two men and then sneaked in.

After discovering the complicated situation here and roughly guessing the other party's purpose and plan, Wang Mingkun decided to follow up and silently solve the problem to eliminate the trouble here.

Originally everything was going smoothly, there were only a few targets left, but at this time the machine gun fire had stopped, and some tiny noises alerted one of the targets.

The opponent avoided a fatal blow, and even though he was seriously injured, he did not hesitate to pull the grenade. The assaulter did not completely avoid it and injured his foot. Moreover, the enemy in the nearby room had many bullets left because the goods had blocked them. They quickly attacked and put them under siege and suppression.

Fortunately, the five members of the deputy assault team's grenades and firepower snipers were able to support the attack in time to offset the disadvantage, and took the opportunity to expand the results and suppress the opponent in a very small area.

But the current situation is rather tricky. One side's building cannot block one's own bullets, but it is equally difficult to block the other side's. After the other side shrinks back, one's own side will face the same problem.

The two opponents are now fighting to the death, and they start blind typing without hesitation, and learn from them not to hit directly, wherever there is movement or the direction where they may avoid touching, they will sweep a few shuttles from time to time.

A few shots, like a hedgehog.

The opponent's military level is no worse than theirs, and is even better than ours in some aspects. Previously, they relied on equipment, firepower, reasonable tactics and thunderous offensives to catch them off guard, take advantage of the chaos, and take advantage...

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although there are not many remaining enemies now, they have calmed down. The people are roughly gathered together and do not need to look around or defeat them one by one. It suddenly becomes

A group of hedgehogs.

Just now, the fire team wanted to touch it recklessly, but the other party didn't know whether it was aware of it or was trying to prevent it, and swept the shuttle on the way forward. If it hadn't been a step slower, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Team leader, how about using a grenade to solve the problem? The other party has probably decided to risk his life and fight to the death. If we want to solve this situation, if we rush over, we will probably suffer a lot of casualties."

"Okay, let's get some grenades from the assistance team. There may be shelters in these rooms. Otherwise, the effect won't be that obvious."

The fire team returned just now and tried direct blind fire to solve the problem, but the effect was not obvious. Wang Mingkun suspected that there might be cargo or other items in the warehouse and room to build a bullet-blocking bunker.

"No problem..." The team members immediately went down to make arrangements. After a while, a team member brought a small sack of grenades, estimated to be twenty or thirty.

"...boom...dah..." The team members threw a few balls, but none of them successfully went in. Instead, they caused a sudden burst.

There are six or seven meters between the rooms on both sides, and the oval grenades are not easy to throw. They have to throw them out from the small space where the goods are piled in the middle of the cargo shed. Moreover, the remaining room is blocked by the horizontal house in the middle, so they can only go to the warehouse.


But the windows of the warehouse, or rather the frames divided by the wooden strips on the windows, were small, so several grenades were blocked and landed outside, and the shrapnel tore some holes in the window paper board.

When the gun stopped, the team member frowned and suggested to Wang Mingkun: "This American-made egg-shaped grenade is not very good! Team leader, why don't you ask someone to bring a few boxes of wooden handle grenades from the garrison? They can't be thrown in and will easily fall off."

Next to the house board, blow it up and then throw it in?"

"Why waste that effort? Just throw it at their heads?" Wang Mingkun was speechless and reminded his subordinates.

"On the head?" The team member didn't understand it for a moment, but he immediately understood when he looked outside. The explosion just now shook off several rows of tiles, revealing the rows of wooden rafters below.

The team members directly recruited people, threw them on the opposite roof, and chose the right place. This time, they couldn't even escape the blocked room.

"...Boom...Crackling..." There was an explosion and the sound of tiles falling and flying. In a few strokes, the roof tiles of several houses were cleared away, revealing the neatly arranged wooden rafters underneath, and there were gaps between the rafters.

"... bang bang bang... boom boom..." The other party couldn't sit still for a moment and started shooting wildly. However, the other side remained unmoved and used the piles of goods as a cover, changing their positions and throwing wildly towards the opposite roof.


If there is a ceiling barrier, the ceiling will be blown open first, and the unobstructed ones will fall directly into the house. There will be bursts of howls and screams. Some people rushed out, but they were swept down by Wang Mingkun and others who had taken precautions.

"Master Jun, sir, please stop blowing up. I am the owner of the store, and here are all the store clerks. I beg you to show your respect..."

In a room, there was suddenly a cry for mercy. There were shouts and shouts. In addition to the so-called shop owner, there were many supportive voices.

There was a pause for half a second, and then all the guns were aimed in the direction of the sound and fired, and grenades were thrown repeatedly until there was no sound.

The owner of this shop used to organize young beggars to beg in various places along the canals and waterways. He was also the most cruel among them, begging by harvesting and cutting. The workers here were basically his subordinates who had worked with him before.

Although the other party has now come ashore to run this store, according to what has been discovered, these guys are still not involved in those things, let alone getting involved with the Japanese. How can they have any chance to hold on to it?

After a lot of banging and banging, until there was no movement in the remaining rooms, Wang Mingkun and others covered each other and went to clean up.

"...Puff puff..." The team members fired shots one by one. Well... After this blast, those who were still breathing were of no value to save them.

Wang Mingkun checked and found that there were indeed shelters in the warehouse, which were bags of rice piled on both sides. Many of them had been overturned and broken, and the clear grains of snow-white rice were scattered on the ground.

The remaining two houses have stoves on both sides that can be used as shelters. The one next to the warehouse is idle and abandoned. Judging from the condition, it is estimated that the warehouse was expanded at the back. For safety, the kitchen was moved to the next room, the old kitchen.

Used as a utility room.

As for why they saw the kitchen when they entered the warehouse, it was because these guys had quietly removed the partition in the room, and used the partition to seal the window on the side of the kitchen wall. There must be no windows on that side of the warehouse.

Window, otherwise it wouldn’t give people an opportunity to steal!

Looking at this pattern, if he hadn't used his top to break the situation unexpectedly this time, it would probably have been a difficult struggle.

This chapter has been completed!
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