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Chapter 769 Mystery

"Uuwu...please spare your life, don't kill me, don't..."

Wang Mingkun heard the noise and walked into the next room. He saw a guy lying on the ground with his butt sticking out, holding his head and begging for mercy. Small water stains could be seen between the sacks under his body.

"What's going on?" Wang Mingkun frowned as he looked at this man, making some guesses, but his gun was secretly pointed at him.

"The thug in the store was buried under a rice bag and escaped. It is said that he has practiced some boxing and is known as the best master in the store. I didn't expect that he looked like this. Should I deal with it or keep it?"

"Save your life first! Drag it out and ask for some useful information. Remember to ask about the storage of so much rice here. Didn't this store say it has been temporarily closed to the public? There are still some

There are so many things, I guess there is something fishy in them."

"...There is another living person here...he is the owner of the store, and the scourge will live for thousands of years! Half of his right ear was cut off by a bullet or shrapnel, and there are no other wounds on his body. I don't know if he was fainted by shock or shock."

"Let's take them together to wake them up and interrogate them! The others will replenish their guns and eliminate the remaining enemies, be vigilant, say goodbye, and then let the assisting team members come in to collect the corpses, pick up the bullets, check, count, record, and seal them.

The search is being carried out at the same time."

After giving the order, everyone took action in groups of three and two. From time to time there were dull gunshots, and some pretended to be dead and prepared for a sneak attack, and even fired grenades.

Fortunately, they were prepared in advance. The team members basically shot every fallen person from the door window before entering. If there was any movement, they would immediately run away.

It can only be said that I have mastered the essence of Lao Liu. If I can kill you, I will never give you any chance to fight head-on. Even if you fall, I will still have to give you a few more shots from a distance to ensure that you can die.

It's thorough.

This group of people is considered to be a selected elite. If they move the battlefield to the wild, or if they know that they will be attacked and set up a reasonable defense position in advance, it will be a big problem for Wang Mingkun and others.

To be honest, at the tactical level, the special operations group is a unit that performs sneak attack combat. This can be clearly seen from the tactical layout and a series of offensive and defensive engagements.

But these guys obviously didn't understand their position and the enemy they were facing. Their tactics still centered on ambushes and fighting for attack and defense in the buildings. Once they were attacked, their layout was immediately disrupted.

In other words, these people have never thought about it. In your own territory, you don't mobilize heavy troops to encircle and suppress you? Instead, you come to cheat? Come to sneak attack? It is really disrespectful of martial ethics!

I used the Lightning Five Continuous Whip to discuss traditional martial arts with you, but you didn’t follow martial arts ethics and actually hit me in the face with your fist. You, you...

Without further ado, after clearing out the remnants of the enemy, Shen Song, the third team leader and others also entered the scene. They walked around and inspected the radio stations that had been destroyed by the enemy, as well as some remnants that were burned in the kitchen stove.

However, these things were destroyed and burned completely by the other party, and they had no value anymore. The two of them wasted their efforts, but in the end, their eyes were fixed on the grain and other items stored behind them.

"Have you asked about the condition of these grains and cloth?" The two said to Wang Mingkun, who was also checking and counting the grains at the back. Wang Mingkun immediately called the questioning team members.

"The cross-examination has uncovered some information, but the interrogation has not ended yet. There is currently no condition to record the entire confession. I have only roughly recorded some key points."

"Then you can briefly describe something related to grain and cloth." Shen Song didn't say much after hearing this. At the moment, he just wanted to see what was fishy about it.

The team members described the situation orally. The store owner and others were peripheral personnel who were bribed and used by the Japanese to do things for the other party. They did not even know the real identity of the other party. Of course, this was only the statement of the store owner and the waiter, and there was no other support.

As for the rice, the store owner also purchased it according to the other party's request. The other party requested that the rice and grain should not have anything to do with the store or people like them.

Therefore, what the store claims to the outside world is that the owner of the goods has stored it here and has not yet handed it over. Of course, these are the goods that the other party failed to transport in time and stored them from last year until now.

Because of the other party's request, the regional grain merchants who purchase grain must be replaced every year, and they try to purchase from small grain merchants in towns and villages, and a new batch of grain ship helpers must be replaced every year, so they were not allowed to touch this before.


As for the cloth, this was not what the other party asked for, but the other party also asked him to buy cotton, and he followed the above instructions, but the cotton was shipped away long ago.

The cloth was a business that the shop owner started when he was purchasing cotton for someone else. The business of his shop was for land and water transportation, and most of the people who came between them were merchants. He stored the cloth in the warehouse and sold it to the caravans in the name of others consigning it for sale.

, although there are not many people buying it, it can't handle the large number of merchants and customers, and it can still buy a lot of money every year.

"Are you sure that the amount the other party arranged for them to purchase is really only a few hundred tons of rice cotton every year?"

"It shouldn't be too bad! There's no need for them to hide it, and if they don't tell the truth now, we can get the approximate number from the surroundings. This can't be hidden."

After hearing this, several people thought about it. For most businessmen, a few hundred tons is a large quantity. But for an official organization like this, how can it be asked to produce hundreds of tons of rice cotton every year?

It’s not normal to even think about it.

"Could it be that the demand itself is not too much, such as for the garrison in Shanghai or the warships stationed there?"

"It's not like..." the third team leader said, but Shen Song and Wang Mingkun said no in unison.

The third team leader also shook his head. Even he himself didn't believe this statement. Apart from other things, providing these people with rice can also be used for food. What is the purpose of providing cotton?

"I guess the drunkard is not interested in drinking. The rice grains are almost piled up into stale rice and are infested with worms. They are not being transported away. The purpose is probably not the rice cotton itself."

After Shen Song said this, Wang Mingkun's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "After you mentioned it like this, I have a more reasonable suspicion."

After saying that, Wang Mingkun turned to look at his subordinates and asked: "Does the other party still require that when purchasing, we should buy in small quantities from different people multiple times, but the quantity should not be too small, and it should be enough to make the purchaser take it seriously.


"...Yes..." The team member nodded and added: "The Japanese say that you can't buy too much at a time to avoid attracting too much attention, but you can't buy a small amount at a time. It's too troublesome and can easily be deceived as individual customers.


A single purchase will be controlled at around ten or twenty tons. The purchasing targets are generally township landlords and merchants, workshops with a certain scale of township rice milling, purchasing and selling, and second-tier dealers. This amount is not too large for them, but Purchasing this amount for the first time is enough to attract these people's attention. After all, it is rare for customers to buy this amount from them at one time.

In addition, the ships should try to choose those that run local routes for a long time, and the helpers and porters should also find local or nearby foremans who have regular contacts. Try to ensure reliability, but not too much to bump into outside, and reveal the secrets. These are the other party's. Some details required.”

"...That's right..." Wang Mingkun and Shen Song looked at each other and smiled, both of them seeing something fishy.

"Don't show off to me? What's the problem here?" The third team leader was anxious. What are you two talking about here?

Whether it was the Japanese spy or the second team, either they had never interacted with each other before, or they had changed a lot after seeing each other for a while, and he was really out of place for a while.

Wang Mingkun heard this and explained: "Grain and cotton are just on the surface. The real purpose of the other party is to get these people to connect with grain and cotton vendors and shiphead helpers from all over the country to build a financing network for material procurement and transshipment."

After the words fell, Shen Song continued to add: "The first purchase quantity is not too small for those people. It can leave a big impression on the purchasing target. When the day comes, they will come to the door, sign up for a name, and find a person." Excuses can be used to explain the past, such as just inspecting or finding alternative supply candidates. Then by building connections, a large amount of grain, cotton and other materials can be quickly raised through this network.

Regardless of the size of the suppliers, handlers, and transporters, these people are often large in number, and through these people, the number of purchases and transportation for each target is not too large, and It is not easy to attract the attention of officials or interested people. The other party wants to use this to play the trick of moving ants.

This is why the other party chooses a new location every time and purchases from different sellers in batches with a certain purchase amount, just to find more targets in a wider range. Other helpers, porters, and ships also have similar operations.

As for the reason stated by the other party, it was just a concealment to mislead the people in charge of the store, or even mislead us or other people who paid attention or were aware of the problem, so that people could not figure out their true purpose."

After Shen Song finished speaking, Wang Mingkun added: "Needless to say grain and cotton, important bulk military supplies. Once the other party provokes a large-scale war conflict, it will need to raise a large amount of money to prepare these things.

Carrying out corresponding fundraising and preparation work on our territory will not only solve the problem of the source of our own demand, but also reduce interference. When the war begins, we will carry out such work, which can be regarded as a disguised attack on us.

It is not even ruled out that the other party will not transfer the materials back at all, but will prepare a place to hide them secretly in advance, and invade and take over during the war. After all, the other party has its own resources and strength.

Moreover, this ant-moving style of play is also difficult to attract our attention, or at that time, we may no longer be able to take care of these things, allowing the other party to succeed.

Another point is that the partners they choose to cooperate with are not only large in number, but most of these people are active in the local or surrounding areas. These people's local appeal and organizational power are often not low. If the other party does not make a temporary decision, but in advance

With instructions or instructions, the role these people can play may be beyond imagination.

For example, a local landowner holds a large amount of land. If someone buys a large amount from him at a price higher than the market price, or even at the market price, he can completely collect a large amount of materials from the land under his name in the form of deducting grain and cotton from the land rent, and can also rely on

Using connections and connections, we raised large amounts of money from other local wealthy households and landlords.

The situation is similar for other merchants, workshops, and dealers. The helpers, porters, and shippers are also local, so they can call on friends to provide a large amount of footwork and transportation capacity.

These people are the source of material circulation. You may not need to have a relationship with more than ten people in any place. If you give some attractive benefits, you may be able to monopolize most of the local material output in a short period of time, bursting out with energy that is no less than that of a large business.


Think about it, if there were more similar places and people, and we could secretly weave many similar networks, once they were put into operation in the future, the consequences would be extremely..."

This chapter has been completed!
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