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Chapter 130: We can’t go back to the past (sadness)... Hey, I lied to you, Le!

 [The little girl disappeared as soon as she left the house. I was too lazy to look for her, and I wasn’t very familiar with her.

My parents were talking to Uncle Hong and the others, so I said hello to them, got up and left.

Crossing the street, the road became more and more remote, and the road became increasingly difficult to walk. I simply found a relatively clean large stone, sat on it, and started writing my diary today.

Ah...I'm in a daze...

The weather has been getting colder recently, and winter is coming soon. When it gets cold, it becomes even harder to get out of bed.

How could this happen? I remember that I used to get up early and go to the classroom to study. I was the first one almost every time. I didn’t even care about the rise and fall of the temperature. Why am I lazy now?

Ah, my mother is right, her doting will spoil me rotten.

However, I did feel a little tired after curling up so much in my previous life. Just like the food you like to eat, you will get bored if you eat too much, and the music you like to listen to will become boring if you set it as a wake-up call. Did I have an injury from curling up in my previous life?<


It takes just a few years to complete the journey of the next few decades, and it will take the next few decades to repeat the days of seeing the end at a glance. The word "progress" has almost nothing to do with me. I just don't want to disappoint my parents.<


Forget it, this world of cultivation is not as scary as I thought. Maybe the cultivators here are indeed immortals.

I have never seen an immortal, so I won’t make any comments. Being content with the status quo is my current label. No accidents are the greatest happiness.

Look at the red maple leaves in the distance. The colder the weather, the redder they turn, like burning flames, trying to resist the tyrant called the cold.

But in winter, you can still only fall slowly.

I have been young, matured, burned, and finally couldn't survive. Maple Leaf is like this person's life, and also like my short previous life.

It’s just that I’m new to life now, where are those maple leaves?

Can it still turn into an elf and continue burning when it falls on the ground?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up maple leaves all over the place, and the sky was filled with fiery red color. In a daze, I seemed to see a little man jumping out of the maple leaves. Did he really turn into an elf?]


The petite figure seemed a little scared, but in the end the curiosity in her heart overcame her fear. The girl mustered up the courage to speak: "Brother, what are you doing?"

He seemed to be of the same age, but this boy seemed a little different from the other children. Xiao Hongli seemed to have seen him at home just now, which made her fear slightly lessen.

"Ah? It's from Uncle Hong's family..."

Little Heiyang was stunned for a moment, and then he saw clearly the appearance of the little man in front of him against the light: "Yes, is his name Xiaoli?"


Xiao Hongli didn't know when she climbed onto the boulder and raised her little head curiously: "Does my brother know me? Well, actually, it may be my younger brother, but I always feel that it is more likely that I am my older brother."

"You should call me brother. I remember they said that my birthday is three days earlier than yours."

"Huh? There's only three days left. That means if I were born earlier, I could be a sister!"

Hongli sighed: "What a pity..."

"Ah, it's actually nothing..."

Hei Yang subconsciously turned the diary in his hand away, looked at the girl's cute little porcelain doll-like face with some doubts, and explained with some embarrassment.

"Brother is writing a diary. The diary cannot be read by just anyone."

"What is a diary?"

"Just write down what happens every day. Actually, you don't have to write it down every day."

Hei Yang closed the diary, propped up his body with both hands, looked up at the late autumn sky, and said with a bit of sadness: "If you record it, you will avoid one day forgetting who you are."

"Well, I seem a little confused..."

"Everything you do must go through the process of understanding and not understanding..."

"There are many things that are wrong, such as crying right after birth..."

"You little girl are quite capable of playing tricks."

"What is "gong"?"

"It means..."


"So that's it, my brother knows so much."

"Ha, this is nothing to boast about, but it's you, why did you come here?"

"Well, it's so embarrassing to say..."

"Haha, it's okay if you don't say it. Don't show such an embarrassed expression."

"Oh, it's nothing actually. It's just, that old lady selling juice in the city. Well, the one with the best taste. Brother, do you know?"

"But do you like the one with a small fan in both winter and summer?"

"Well, it's that old lady. I wanted to buy juice, but I forgot to bring the money. I wanted to go home to get it, but I was too embarrassed to tell my parents..."

"That old lady is indeed quite old.

I don’t know…well…don’t talk about this…”


"It's okay. Just pretend I didn't say anything. Xiaoli, don't be embarrassed to tell your parents. They will definitely not mind this kind of thing."


"Uh, I'm just talking nonsense, after all, those are not my parents."


[I seem to have made my first friend. My parents, uncles and aunts looked a little surprised when we came back holding hands.

I clearly felt that there seemed to be a fire burning in my uncle's eyes, and he probably wanted to burn this brat who got close to his girl!

But my uncle really misunderstood. How can a five-year-old child know too much about the differences between men and women? I just regard Xiaoli as a friend. We talk, laugh, and respect each other. This feeling is very good.]



[I’m going to play with Xiaoli today, so that’s all I’ll write down in my diary.]



[Xiao Li came to play at my house for the first time today. She was dressed beautifully in a little white dress, but she looked a little unhappy. Did I fail to do something well? 】

[Oh, it turns out Xiaoli doesn’t like wearing skirts, she is such a special girl.]


[It’s Chinese New Year. Fortunately, I was on guard this time and evacuated quickly when my seventh aunt and eighth aunt arrived at the scene.

As expected, Xiaoli is wandering in a familiar place, so I’ll just abduct her!]



Valley welding

[Time seems to be getting shorter and shorter, the days are passing faster and faster, and it’s the Chinese New Year again.]



[Today I discussed with Xiaoli our views on life, relationships, and the world. We found that we actually have a lot in common, and some of our views are almost exactly the same. Is this the so-called other me in the world?]

[Xiao Li showed a lot of interest in my concept of lazy people. We didn’t wander around today and lay down on the boulder we met for the first time for a whole day.]


[Sin, sin, sin, the light in Xiaoli’s eyes has dimmed a bit, I always feel guilty for bringing the little girl into trouble...]

[Oh, that doesn’t exist. This is obviously a healthy lifestyle, um...that’s what I told Xiaoli!]

[The season has changed, and Xiaoli’s favorite juice has been hard to buy recently. I took her to drink hot milk, and she seemed to like it very much.]


[We found that the inn next to it is a good place. Not only can we sit still all day, but we can also drink juice and milk.]

[We have been talking less recently. It’s not that we have conflicts, it’s just that for many things, we can guess what the other person wants to say next without even having to say anything. We really just rely on eye contact.]


[Looking for Xiaoli to play, I won’t write anymore.]


[The conversation between us started to increase again, but the original discussion points turned into all kinds of complaints. We talked about unnutritious gossip all day long. I really like this kind of leisurely life.]


[I am twelve years old, and I have known Xiaoli for seven years in the blink of an eye. At first, I thought that making friends with Xiaoli would be the starting point for me to integrate into this world. But after so many years, we are really friends, and it seems that we are just Hongli.


Is this me integrating into this world, or am I pulling Hongli along and drawing a line with this world?

On both sides of the boundary are us and them.]



[I tried drinking for the first time. I had never tasted it in my previous life. Because I was busy studying at that time, my parents forbade me from participating in those activities, saying that I would be led by bad kids into a nondescript gangster...]<


[Ahem, it almost choked me to death. What does it taste like? Do people really like this taste? I doubt it in life.

Wow, I can’t bear it, Hongli is still there laughing at me? You can do it, come and take a sip and let me see!]

[I was wrong. This girl was drunk and acted like crazy. She almost smashed the innkeeper’s head. She was scary. She will never be allowed to drink alcohol in the future. She is dangerous to others!

Well, in exchange, I promised her that I won’t drink anymore.]


[This was the first time I saw Xiaoli crying so sadly. After asking, I found out that the old lady selling juice had not survived the New Year and was gone...

Alas, life and death have always been a topic that people don’t want to talk about. How can I comfort this girl?

Yes, I heard that the old lady’s grandson has now started selling juice to make a living, so I took Xiaoli to try it, it’s really good!]

"Heiyang, one day..."

The girl looked worried and scared, looked at the boy in front of her in a low voice, and asked with a cry: "Will you be gone, and then leave me, never to see me again!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang was stunned for a moment and fell into a moment of silence. He rarely promised things he was not sure about because he felt that breaking a promise was a kind of deception, but...


Hei Yang said categorically: "Don't worry, I will always be by your side and I will never leave!"

"Haha, that's good!"

The girl smiled happily.

[Hongli has become more and more naughty recently. I don’t know who she learned it from. It’s really...

No, I have to find a way to get back, otherwise I won’t be able to swallow this breath!]


[No, there are actually people who kidnap and traffic children in Wuse City?

I'll just beat him half to death with Hongli. To be honest, I thought I was going to kill someone for the first time, but my parents came over and pulled us apart, which really gave him an advantage!]

[In a twist, Dad took the guy to see the city lord. After some torture to extract a confession, the Five Color Family took the lead and dispatched together, and no one was allowed to escape!]



[Happy death, Hongli finally realized that that is not a healthy lifestyle, is it just plain laziness?

It's a pity, girl, you woke up too late. Looking at Hongli's pair of dead fish eyes that had completely dimmed, I laughed unabashedly, and ended up being chased and stabbed by her with a gun...

Just wait, you will always have to pay back if you come out to fool around, just watch how I retaliate against you and it will be over!]


[I, I, why did I want to keep a diary in the first place?]

[There seems to be some deviation. It should have been "Remember! The past that should never be forgotten!".

As a result, it turned out to be "The Daily Tragedy Between Me and the Big Enemy Hongli"? That’s outrageous!]

[But, but, this world is really great, I really like this world so much! Everything I longed for in my previous life is here!]

[I can’t go back anymore. Black Sun, I, have become the shape of this world (sad).]


【So, is there finally a reason not to waste time keeping a diary every day?】


[That’s it, I declare that the Black Sun Diary ends here - Year 573 of the Water Calendar.]

Turn to the end, and there is another sentence.

[Here, I record the secrets that I dare not reveal. Maybe I will be the only one reading this diary in this life, and there will never be a second person.

Unless, one day, I find that I really meet someone I can trust unconditionally and completely, someone I can confide all my secrets to, and someone I can entrust everything to, then there will be a second person.

Have you opened this diary?

However, how is that possible, hahaha, at such an old age, I still like to have daydreams...】

"Black Sun..."

Hongli lay on the bed in a daze, looking at the ceiling, chewing her boyfriend's name, and his voice sounded in her mind again...

Gently holding the diary to her chest and hugging her, Hongli closed her eyes and was speechless for a long time...

This chapter has been completed!
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