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Chapter 29 You come and I go

 The cold wind blowing from the north is still howling.

The two rows of weeping willows planted by the school on Labor Day last year danced gently in the direction of the wind. When the wind gradually stopped, the tiny willow branches all fell vertically like straightened hairstyles.

After getting off work, Zhou Yu took his daughter's little hand and walked along the path paved with bluestones to the school's public carport built with colored steel tiles.

Pull out your own car from a row of battery cars.

She did not leave in a hurry, but squatted down, carefully zipped her daughter's coat to the top, and then stretched out her hand to wrap the scarf around her daughter's neck.

"Si Ning, have you sat down? Mom is leaving."

Zhou Yu sat on the car seat and said, "It's cold today, please hold mom's waist tighter"

"Got it"

The little girl who climbed into the car quickly replied.

After getting his daughter's answer, Zhou Yu started to ride towards home.

She rides very slowly.

Also very disciplined.

Every time you encounter a yellow light, you will stop and wait for dozens of seconds.

When the light turns green, she will look around at the vehicles and only when she finds that there are no vehicles going the wrong way will she take her daughter across the road.

The long hair that has not been permed or dyed is flying in the cold wind in the evening.

She decorated very simply today.

A light pink down jacket, a pair of jeans, and a pair of flat white shoes.

Even so, it still looks beautiful.

Zhou Yu did not go home directly, but went around an intersection and parked the car in front of a pastry shop.

"I want to eat this"

Across the window, Zhou Sining pointed at the egg yolk cake inside and said.


Zhou Yu nodded in agreement and then asked, "Si Ning, do you know what Li Ran likes to eat?"

My daughter had breakfast several times at neighbor Li Mu’s house.

Zhou Yu has always kept this in mind. A few days ago, because she helped her colleagues with Chinese lessons, she also had to prepare lessons herself. She had to rush back to work after get off work. Until today when her colleagues came back, her work pressure suddenly eased, so

Only then did I have time to turn around and visit this famous pastry shop.

As an adult, she knows very well that favors are consumables.

If you let others pay, the friendship between neighbors will one day become as thin as paper. When the wind blows, it will be torn apart with a "wow" sound.

Only by giving to each other can we maintain the initial thickness.

Seeing her daughter shaking her head.

Zhou Yu had no choice but to choose a few more items.

When he got downstairs, Zhou Yu pushed the battery car into the garage to charge.

Li Mu's family also has a small garage of a few square meters like this, but it didn't come with it when he bought the house. Instead, he spent tens of thousands of yuan to buy it separately after buying the house. He usually puts some children's bicycles or bicycles in it.

I heard that there were a few shrewd owners in the community who bought a dozen small garages when they bought a house. When house prices rose sharply and the garages also increased, they made more than 200,000 yuan in one fell swoop.

However, this kind of news is only gossip information circulated in the community, and its credibility is not high.

Because Ningyang City, after all, is not a Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou city that can be speculated after acquiring land.

"Li Ran"

Zhou Sining, who climbed up the stairs to the third floor, knocked on the door of room 301 before entering the house.


The door opened, and a small head poked out from inside. Li Ran tilted his head and looked at the little fairy with a puzzled expression.

"Look, what is this?"

The little fairy Zhou Sining shook the cake in her hand and said, "My mother bought it specially for you."

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Zhou Yu, who walked up behind his daughter, noticed at a glance that this usually lively little guy was a little different today, and asked curiously.


Li Ran whispered "Yeah" in a low voice, and then followed Zhou Yu into 302.

Zhou Yu's house is very clean. There is a shoe rack at the door. There are two pairs of slippers, one large and one small. There are also a few pairs of disposable slippers on the bottom floor. Li Ran changes into the ones he usually wears when he comes to 302 when he enters the door.

Sex slippers.

These shoes are obviously for adults.

Not to mention how awkward it is to wear it on Li Ran's little feet now. It's like playing allegro when he walks.

Zhou Yu told her that there was no need to change, but the little guy was very stubborn and insisted on changing, leaving her helpless. In the end, she thought about buying another pair of slippers for children when she went shopping next Sunday.
"Tell auntie, why are you unhappy?"

Zhou Yu patted the place next to him, motioned for Li Ran to sit down, and then asked softly.

"My dad had a fight with my mom today"

Li Ran lowered his head and whispered.

Probably in a child's mind, speaking loudly is equivalent to arguing, especially when his mother was very angry.

After a pause, the little guy continued, "My mother came to pick me up from the kindergarten today. My father was very unhappy. He only allowed my mother to visit me on Sundays."

After listening to Li Ran’s retelling,

Zhou Yu already had a rough outline in his mind.

Another divorced family,

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Yu comforted him softly and said, "This is your father and your mother's business, not something you can worry about now."

"I want to see more of my mother. I have never seen her before when I grow up."

Li Ran's voice is very thin and very small.

Completely different from the usual crisp laughter.

"Never seen her?"

Zhou Yu was stunned and asked in surprise, "Why haven't you seen her?"

"Grandma said that my mother ran away with a rich man and she didn't want my father and me anymore"

Li Ran took the pine nut milk-skin pastry from the little fairy, took a small bite, and replied while chewing.


Zhou Yu's jaw dropped for a moment.

She has met Li Mu across from her more than once. He has outstanding appearance and stable temperament. He wears a tough suit to go to work every morning. He is a typical example of a successful career. Especially when Zhou Yu once saw him driving a Lexus at the gate of the community.


This way your career will be successful.

A man who owns a house and a car is actually rejected by his wife for being poor!?

Zhou Yu really couldn't understand what Li Ran's mother was thinking.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yu realized that the neighbor across the street probably went through a trough period before his career was successful, and Li Ran's mother also left during that time.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but admire Li Mu opposite him. A man did not choose to give up on himself, but stood up with courage. This is such a rare thing.

I'm afraid very few people can do this.


At this time, Li Mu's voice came from outside the door, saying, "The rice will get cold if you don't eat it."

"My dad called me"

Li Ran lowered his head and said.

"Wait a minute"

Zhou Yu stood up and took out two pastries from the bag and stuffed them into Li Ran's hand and said, "Come and get them after you finish eating."

"Thank you Aunt Zhou"

Li Ran replied politely.


Zhou Yu waved his hand.

"Why are you still taking other people's things?"

Li Mu couldn't help but shake his head when he saw his son holding pastries in his hands, but he didn't dwell too much on this matter.

Favors come and go.

It’s just you coming and going.

Since his son has taken someone else’s cakes, it’s the same thing if he prepares something for his son to give to the little fairy.

After dinner.

Li Mu cut some fruits and made two beautiful fruit platters, and asked his son to take them to eat with the little fairy.

This chapter has been completed!
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